Finding Home
September - Part 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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How Kurt Hummel lost and found his family

Finding Home: September - Part 2

T - Words: 3,287 - Last Updated: Nov 02, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/25 - Created: Aug 24, 2012 - Updated: Nov 02, 2012
626 0 0 0 0

September - Part 2

Kurt did not have a good weekend after his dad's announcement and Blaine ignoring him when he needed him, so he was looking forward to going back to school even if it was without Blaine.

Classes were still ridiculously easy and he hadn't been slushied in months. On top of that a lot of his old tormentors had finally graduated as well so he was hoping that the incident with that kid the other week was just a one time off.

Of course, things seldom went Kurt's way and he suddenly found himself crashing into a locker in an empty hallway on his way to Glee. The same kid who had pushed him before was glaring at him and Kurt was waiting for him to start spewing some homophobic crap but it never came.

He honestly didn't understand what the guy's problem was. He didn't even know his name and if it wasn't the fact that he was gay that offended him, what was it? He was definitely smarter than his former bullies though because the only times he had accosted Kurt so far had been in an empty hallway where there hadn't been any witnesses apart from Finn.

Kurt squared his shoulders and glared back at the younger boy to show him he was done being intimidated by Neanderthals but there was something in the boy's smile that scared him.

He tried to brush it off and continued on his way to the choir room trying to hide that he had just collided with a locker.

Most of the club was already waiting and Rachel was telling their new members all about Nationals in New York. Kurt sat down carefully next to Mercedes who was playing Angry Birds on her phone, looking bored.

"Where's Ms Corcoran?" Kurt asked her because he hadn't been able to show up on time and the teacher still wasn't here. Mercedes shrugged and went back to playing a game on her phone. Apparently she and Sam were still fighting if she chose to focus on her phone instead of sitting with him.

"Sorry I'm late guys," Ms. Corcoran came into the room, followed by two college aged looking girls. "I have a surprise for you. These are Marley and Alexis from U Dayton and they are going to help me direct our … drum solo Finn … first Glee club musical for extra credit."

Rachel was jumping up and down in her chair on Kurt's other side while Kurt was clapping excitedly. He and Rachel both wanted to apply to music schools in New York for college and a role in a musical would definitely help him get in.

"What's it gonna be Ms C.?" Puck asked. "I ain't gonna but on some tutu or shit." Kurt had a few preferences as well, but for now he was content to have a chance to perform.

"Relax Noah, I think you're going to like this one. We will be doing Rent but I'm going to ask you to do one thing. Ignore the Broadway and movie version and audition for a role you wouldn't normally associate yourselves with. I want you to be challenged, okay."

Kurt's mind was reeling, because of course when he thought about Rent he thought he sort of had to play Angel because of his voice and his appearance, but if Ms Corcoran was looking past that he could go for who ever he wanted.

"Auditions will be held the first week of October so that should give you some time to prepare something. Use a song from the musical. If you don't know it get the sheet music and listen to it until you know it."

Rehearsal was pretty much over after that as most of the students who did know Rent were sitting together debating who they wanted to audition for while Ms Corcoran explained the plot to those who didn't.

Kurt had some idea who he wanted to go for and he pulled out his phone to text Blaine when he remembered that they had yet to talk since Blaine's dismissive text message.

He said goodbye to his friends and walked out to his car, but when he saw the state one of his tires was in, he broke into a run. One of his tires had been slashed and Kurt quickly circled his car to determine if something else was wrong as well.

He had really thought he had left the bullying behind him, but apparently he couldn't catch a break. He pulled out his phone and sent a quick text to Blaine. "Can you come see me? I really need you now." Blaine answered only a few seconds later.

"Still in Warbler's practice. I could be in Lima by 7." Kurt didn't want to wait another three hours and so he quickly sent another text. "It's fine. Talk to you tonight?" He hated the whole not talking thing and it was time to get over his pride and call his boyfriend. "Of course."

Kurt quickly changed into an old t-shirt and dragged his spare tire out of the trunk, glad for once that his dad made him work at the shop the previous summer.

Once he was done he took out his phone again and composed another message. "Coffee at the Lima Bean? I need to see a friendly face."

He quickly changed back into his normal clothes and drove over to Lima's only decent coffee shop to rant about all the ignorant people in Lima.

Blaine was getting ready to leave Friday afternoon so he wouldn't miss another Friday night dinner at the Hummel-Hudsons when there was a knock on the door.

Blaine opened, expecting it to be Trent or one of the other guys from the Warblers inviting him to play video games, but when he realized it was Sebastian standing in front of him, he scowled.

"What do you want, Sebastian?" he practically growled. "Just checking if you've seen this already," the other boy smirked and pushed his iPad in Blaine's hand.

Blaine was about to give it back, not wanting to know what Sebastian was up to now when the headline of a newspaper article Sebastian had open caught his attention.

"Is Senate Candidate Burt Hummel's son cheating on his boyfriend?" The article was accompanied by a picture of Kurt sitting with another boy at a table at the Lima Bean, a boy he recognized as Chandler from Kurt's camp pictures.

He quickly scanned the article not wanting to believe what the headline said.

"Sources have brought to our attention that Hummel, student at McKinley High, was spotted with male company that was not his boyfriend Blaine Anderson. Students are wondering if there is trouble in paradise, especially since Anderson hasn't shown up to school in weeks. Burt Hummel could not be reached for a comment about his son's questionable behavior."

Blaine was sure Kurt wasn't cheating on him, even though they had barely talked lately, especially after the party. Kurt had assured him he had just been busy helping out his dad when Blaine asked why he hadn't picked up the phone, when they talked on Monday but he still felt like something was off.

There definitely was trouble in paradise but he couldn't believe someone would go as far as to inform a newspaper about their issues. It took him an embarrassingly long time to figure out why people would be interested in them, but when he did he balled his hands into fists. Burt's opponent was using them for his smear campaign.

Sebastian must have misinterpreted his silence and clenched fists because he leaned in and ran a finger down Blaine's chest.

"Why don't you let me in and I'll make you forget all about gay face," he drawled, but Blaine was definitely not in the mod for Sebastian's advances.

"Stop it Sebastian. I told you I'm not interested." Sebastian smirked. "We both know that's not true. Otherwise you wouldn't keep running to me whenever your precious boyfriend isn't around. You can do so much better than him."

Sebastian's hand reached his belt buckle and Blaine lost it. Before he realized what he was doing Sebastian was sitting on the floor clutching his bloody nose and was glaring at him.

"I'm going to make you pay for that Anderson." Blaine shrugged. He needed to get to Lima to talk to Kurt. He would deal with Sebastian later.

Burt was pacing the living room while he waited for Kurt to come home. The coffee table was littered with various articles about his son and his phone wouldn't stop ringing with people calling to get a comment from him. But he wasn't going to say anything before he talked to Kurt.

Burt was furious but his anger wasn't directed at Kurt but at that kid from McKinley who had talked to the reporters. It was bad enough that Kurt and Blaine had been outed to the public like that but insinuating that his son was a cheater was just not acceptable.

The front door opened and Finn and Kurt came in, both looking a bit out of breath.

"Burt, what's going on? There was this reporter guy at school who wanted to talk to us," Finn exclaimed as soon as the two boys entered the living room.

Burt handed them both a newspaper article and watched as the boys read them.

"That's bullshit," Finn suddenly yelled while Kurt just paled. "Finn, why don't you go to your room for a bit so Kurt and I can talk," he told his stepson because he thought it would be better if Finn calmed down a bit before they talked about the articles.

"Kurt didn't do anything wrong," Finn glared at Burt remaining in the living room. "He would never tell someone a story like that just to get back at you."

Burt was taken aback. Did his kids really think he was blaming Kurt? "I know Finn. I just want to talk to Kurt."

Finn reluctantly left the living room and Burt motioned for Kurt to sit down opposite him.

"You okay?" he asked his son once they were both seated. Kurt shook his head. "Finn's right. I would never do that to Blaine just because I'm angry at you."

"I didn't think you did. Apparently you go to school with Richard Nelson's son and he told his dad about you and Blaine."

Kurt's eyes widened in recognition of the name. "Rick the Stick," he mumbled and Burt assumed that was Nelson's kid.

"Oh my god, what is Blaine going to say about that?" Kurt suddenly exclaimed. "He's going to freak if sees that I had coffee with Chandler."

Burt was confused. Why would Blaine be angry that Kurt had coffee with a friend? "Who's Chandler?" He didn't believe the accusations one bit, but he sensed that there was a back story he didn't know, if Kurt was afraid of Blaine's reaction.

"He was a counselor at camp as well. He had a crush on me and kissed me once because he didn't know I had a boyfriend. He immediately backed off when I told him and we're friends now. I needed someone to talk to on Monday because I had a bad day and Blaine couldn't make it, that's all."

Burt nodded, understanding why Blaine might misunderstand the situation.

"You'll be fine. He's coming over for dinner tonight and you just have to sit down together and talk it out," Burt assured his son, feeling guilty that he had caused problems in their relationship again.

Had he not told Kurt to hide his sexuality, Nelson probably wouldn't have felt the need to publicly out and humiliate his son.

"I'm sorry Kurt. I should have been upfront about you and should have made sure that everyone knows I don't have a problem with you being gay."

"Right. I told you everyone at school knew about Blaine and I. At some point someone would have talked even if Rick didn't go to school with me. But what's done is done so can I please go upstairs to do some damage control. I'm too angry right now to keep talking with you."

Burt knew he deserved his son's anger and he knew it would take a lot of groveling and apologizing to get back in Kurt's good graces. He had to apologize to a lot of people it seemed and he better got to it.

When Carole came home from the grocery store she found Burt sitting in the living room with his head in his hands. She had seen Kurt's car in the driveway and one look at the articles on the coffee table, told her immediately what was wrong.

"Kurt okay?" she asked her husband who she had been avoiding the past week. Burt shook his head. "No and that's my fault. I should have listened to you," he acknowledged and Carole sat down next to him and rubbed his shoulder.

"Yeah, you should have, but I know you're going to do everything to make this right, right?" Carole was ready to forgive her husband for the sake of their children who didn't need their parents fighting on top of everything else.

"I will and the first thing I'm doing is making you my campaign manager. This was your plan first, so I want to know your ideas so be can beat that bastard."

Carole was positively surprised. She had sat down and thought a bit about how she would handle a campaign should she run for office and she was happy that Burt wanted her help.

"You know how Nelson keeps telling people only one kind of family is the "right family"? I think we should show him how perfectly normal ours is. Invite some reporters over for a Friday night dinner that Blaine and Sarah are attending as well, if Sarah's parents allow it. Maybe we can ask the Berrys and some guys from the PFLAG meetings over as well so that we can show that we are supportive of all kinds of families."

Burt smiled at her as she rambled on until she trailed off. "I love you," he told her, "and I'm so honored you agreed to be my campaign manager."

Carole smiled as well and leaned in for a quick kiss to show she had forgiven him.

"Come on and help me with dinner," Carole stood up and went into the kitchen Burt obediently trailing behind her. She hadn't planned on making dessert but with things being as they were in their house she was sure they could all use some comfort food.

As soon as Kurt had gotten to his room he had pulled out his phone and sent a text to Blaine, telling him they had to talk and to please not bail on him. Blaine luckily had responded and assured him he would be there in time for dinner. Unfortunately he hadn't given Kurt any clues as to whether he already knew about the articles or not.

He tried to practice his audition song for Rent to pass the time, but he was too nervous and kept screwing up even simple notes. Working on homework wasn't going any better and so he ended up helping Carole bake cookies in the kitchen.

His dad was luckily gone by the time he went into the kitchen, because he really didn't want to talk to him right now. He was so angry that someone had publicly accused him of cheating, with Chandler of all people.

Rationally, he knew his dad wasn't directly responsible for the article but he had to blame someone and Rick the Stick wasn't around to experience Kurt's wrath and if he didn't want to cost his dad the election he couldn't really retaliate until after the election in November.

Five minutes before six the doorbell rang and Kurt looked up confusedly because Blaine never rang the bell. He wiped his hands on his apron and took it off before heading for the front door.

"Why didn't you just come in?" he asked his boyfriend who froze with his finger on the doorbell.

"I wasn't sure I was still welcome here," Blaine admitted, looking defeated. Kurt wanted to get angry for a moment because apparently Blaine believed he was a cheater but then he spotted Blaine's bloody and swollen knuckles.

"Oh my god, what happened? Are you okay?" He took Blaine's uninjured hand into his own and led him upstairs to his bathroom where he washed of the blood and put an ice pack on Blaine's hand.

"Sebastian happened," Blaine explained once Kurt was done tending to his injury. "He was taunting me with an article about you and then hit on me again, so I lost my cool and punched him in the face."

Kurt gasped. Violence was not accepted at Dalton and as much as he didn't like Blaine being away from him, he hoped he was going to be okay.

"You know it's not true what the article said, right?" he asked Blaine, dreading the answer.

Blaine moved closer to Kurt and took his hand into his own. "I do, but why were you having coffee with Chandler. Not that I don't trust you, but he does have a crush on you."

Kurt stared at their linked hands. He hadn't meant to bring up last Friday, but it was connected to Kurt meeting Chandler.

"When you told me Monday you couldn't see me for another three hours when I needed you I thought you were just going to blow me off again like you did when you were at that party, so asked Chandler to meet me because I needed to see a friendly face that afternoon. And he doesn't have a crush on me anymore. He met someone."

Blaine looked confused and Kurt wondered how much his boyfriend had to drink at the party. "But I didn't talk to you. I triple checked my phone when you wouldn't take my calls on Saturday."

"I know you didn't talk to me but you did text me you had something better to do than talk to me," Kurt reminded Blaine who suddenly looked furious.

"That fucking asshole. I knew something was off when he suddenly had my phone, but I checked and everything seemed okay. I didn't have any missed calls."

Kurt clenched Blaine's hand a little tighter than necessary when he realized who Blaine was referring to. He knew Blaine going to school with Sebastian wasn't a good idea.

"I'm sorry. I should have realized you'd never talk to me like that," Kurt apologized because if he hadn't refused to talk to Blaine on Saturday, they could have had their issues resolved days ago.

"And I should have known something was seriously wrong when you didn't try to see me on Sunday. I should have come here and just made you talk to me."

"So are we okay, now?" Kurt asked tentatively. Blaine cupped his jaw and captured his mouth in a sweet kiss. "So okay."

They hadn't kissed in nearly two weeks and Kurt was not content to stop after one little kiss. He locked his arms around Blaine's neck and started kissing him passionately and it didn't take long for Kurt to end up on top of Blaine.

Family forgotten, they started working on the buttons of both of their shirts and Kurt had just managed to pull Blaine's completely off when Blaine's phone rang in his bag.

"Ignore it," Blaine whispered still fighting with a button on Kurt's shirt, but Kurt finally remembered that his parents were downstairs and Finn was next door and moved off of Blaine to get his bag.

Blaine pouted but accepted his bag and took out his phone to take the call. Kurt was rebuttoning his shirt as he watched Blaine listening to what was being said on the phone.

His boyfriend suddenly became very pale and Kurt put his hand on his knee and squeezed it to show his support. Blaine didn't say much apart from yes and I understand and when he hung up his hands were shaking.

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked concerned.

"They are going to expel me."


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