Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
AN: Sorry this is late, but I've been working non-stop since I got to Venice, getting ready for our movie premier. Today was my first day off and I spent a lot of time on the Vaporetti (Venice's public water transportation) where I finally wrote this chapter. If you want to see some pics from Venice - I put the link at the bottom.
Warning: I don't know if this warrants an M rating but just to be safe. Talk about sexual acts and Klaine gets a bit steamy but nothing graphic. I've never written something like this before, so please be gentle, but if it sucks you're welcome to tell me.
Burt was staring at his wife's positive pregnancy test not realizing his kids were spying on them.
"What now?" he asked because when Carole told him they needed to talk, this was the last thing he'd expected.
"Well obviously I need to see a doctor to be sure. I'll see if she can squeeze me in before our trip."
Burt pulled Carole into a tight embrace because she looked like she could need a hug. Truth be told, he needed one himself, because if he was quite honest, he was a bit shocked. He was nearly forty now and their kids would be off to college in a year. Did he really want to deal with a baby again?
It didn't really matter though what he thought. Whatever Carole decided they should do, he'd be a 100% behind her.
For a few moments they just held each other in silence until Carole jumped up and threw the test into the trash can.
"Why did this have to happen now?" she cried out. "I wanted to run against that Nelson jerk if no one else did."
Burt shouldn't have been surprised at all that Carole wanted to take on that ass. Not for the first time he wished he had her courage.
He took her hand into his and uncurled the fists she had made to lace their fingers together. Once he had her full attention, he spoke again.
"It's okay. You can still do that even if you are really pregnant. Okay? We'll make it work. If this is something you are passionate about, we'll find a way," he tried to assure his wife, who had started crying while he spoke.
After a brief moment where Burt could see Carole think things over she nodded and gave him a watery smile. They shared a brief kiss before Carole went into the bathroom to clean up, and Burt sat down on the bed, his shoulders slumped.
He thought about what their future would entail if they had another child, and after thinking about his past experiences he finally realized they could have it worse.
He'd dealt with an unplanned pregnancy before when he was still in school, and for the first few years they had managed to make it work. Now that he had the shop and a loving family, having another baby should be a piece of cake.
A week after they had discovered Carole's secret, his family left Lima early in the morning. As much as Kurt had been looking forward to the vacation, the trip to Grand Haven was a nightmare though. His father had insisted that they'd only take one car, so he, Blaine and Finn were squashed together in the backseat, Blaine taking the middle because he was the shortest.
His dad had also enforced a one suitcase per person rule, but after much complaining Finn and Blaine had offered him space in their suitcases. He knew the other boys didn't really understand, but he needed his clothes like he needed air.
The whole scene in the car was like something out of a Malcolm in the Middle episode. They constantly had to stop because Finn had to drink three slushies during the first twenty miles and Carole got "car sick" a lot. When they actually were on the road his dad was torturing them with country music and didn't let them switch to another station as long as he was driving.
Even Blaine was annoying because he insisted on playing car games with Finn instead of cuddling with Kurt. He did feel bad for snapping at Blaine later on though when his boyfriend told him it was the first time he ever got to do this.
Still, Kurt couldn't wait for the four and a half hour drive to be over, so he could take a nap with Blaine in a hopefully comfortable hotel bed. He might even be convinced to play some Frisbee at the beach, if he was asked extra nicely.
Close to Grand Haven, Burt was ready to kick the three boys in the backseat out of the car just so he wouldn't have to listen to their constant bickering and complaining any longer. But luckily Carole managed to keep the peace somehow.
When they finally arrived around noon, Burt quickly checked them in and grabbed the three room keys from the woman at the reception. Fortunately, his and Carole's was far away from the boys'. He handed Carole the first one before turning to Finn, Kurt and Blaine.
"Finn, this is the key for your and Kurt's room," he explained as he handed out the remaining keys.
When Carole, Finn and Blaine saw Kurt's expression the quickly excused themselves and Burt wished he could do the same thing, but he had to be the responsible parent here.
"I'm not rooming with Finn," Kurt told him once the others had left. Burt sighed. "I asked Finn to choose between you and Blaine and he chose you because he knows you longer. I'm sorry we couldn't get you all your own room, but the hotel didn't have any more vacancies," he explained, hoping Kurt would just accept it.
"We don't need another room. I'm staying with Blaine," Kurt glared at him when he announced his decision and Burt sighed again. They had already gotten into an argument when Burt told him Blaine had to stay in his old bedroom if he wanted to spend the night, and it had resulted in Kurt spending the night at Blaine's instead. He didn't know what Tala's rules were, but those were not his decisions anyway.
"I'm sorry but I'm not comfortable with that. Just because we are on a vacation doesn't mean the rules suddenly change," he informed his son, hoping to avoid an argument in the hotel lobby. Kurt seemed to have realized where they were as well because he quickly walked upstairs with Burt following behind him.
As soon as the reached they second floor, Kurt turned to face him. "If I'd known you'd be like that, we wouldn't have come and gone on our own vacation," he practically growled.
"Please Kurt, don't be like that. You know we want you here with us," Burt tried to placate his son, but it clearly wasn't working.
"You should know it's pointless to put me into another room when I'm going to spend the night with Blaine anyway. What are going to do about that – sit in front of my door all night? Blaine and I have been having sex since December. I think it's about time you'd get over it."
Burt knew it was the worst reaction possible, but he flinched. He ended up reading Kurt's pamphlets after all when the boys went to Columbus and he just didn't understand why someone would want to do stuff like that.
Unfortunately, Kurt seemed to have caught on to his train of thoughts and he took a step back, hurt evident in his eyes.
"I'm sorry that you think the way I have sex is gross," he whispered as he obviously was trying to fight back tears. Burt knew he had to do damage control and fast.
"It's not like that," he tried to convince his son but judging by Kurt's expression he wasn't very successful.
"It's just that assuming something and knowing something are not the same. No parent wants to know something like this about their child, no matter if they are gay or straight."
Oh how he wished that was true. He loved his son very much and now that he understood the gay thing better, he was willing to defend his son's right to love whoever he wanted tooth and nail, but that didn't mean his was completely comfortable with all aspects of Kurt's life.
There was only one way to avert a crisis and he was not happy that he had navigated himself into a corner and had to give in to his son's demand.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you, Kurt, because I swear I didn't mean to. So how about this? If Finn is okay with you and Blaine sharing a room you can, but you have to respect his decision," he told his son who was hugging himself a few steps away.
"What does Finn have to do with that? He'll be glad to have his own room," Kurt argued and Burt shook his head.
"Finn wasn't too happy you are allowed to bring your boyfriend when he wasn't even allowed to invite his girlfriend," he explained before asking Kurt if they had a deal.
Kurt mulled it over for a couple of seconds, before he finally nodded. Burt breathed out a sigh of relief. He knew, he and Kurt weren't really okay right now, but he would make it up to his son somehow.
They both parted after the decision had been reached and Burt couldn't wait to get back to Carole to tell her what had happened in the hallway. She would know how to make things better.
Finn was lounging on his bed when there was a knock on the door. He quickly got up and let Kurt in, who looked a bit distraught.
"Are you okay? I mean did you and Burt get into a fight?" Finn knew Kurt wasn't any happier about the house rules than he was and Burt not allowing Kurt to room with Blaine must surely have pissed him off.
Kurt shrugged and sat down on the second bed in the room. "He said it's your decision if I can stay with Blaine," he finally said after staring at the bedspread for a bit.
Great now he was the bad guy if he said no. He still didn't think it was fair that Kurt was allowed to do things he wasn't but he was trying to be more understanding now that his mom had talked to him about it all. And maybe she was right to be concerned, because for a few days she had thought she'd become a grandmother at thirty-four.
"I guess you are going to stay with him regardless of what I say, right?" he asked instead of giving Kurt an answer. Kurt nodded immediately because he probably figured Finn would find out anyway.
"Can I ask you something?" he asked and Kurt nodded again. "You and Blaine, you have sex, right?" His brother blushed and avoided his eyes but he still nodded.
"Okay, so if you promise to keep it down I'm going to say yes because this way you owe me a favor if I want to do something our parents won't allow, deal?" Finn offered and Kurt who was still tomato red, took his hand and shook it.
As soon as Finn released Kurt's hand, Kurt jumped up and walked over to the door, but Finn stopped him before he could leave, because he was curious all of a sudden.
"How does that even work? I mean you are both boys. Doesn't it get boring if blowjobs are all you can do?" He himself had only gotten a few from his ex-girlfriend and he didn't think he could ever not like them, but he also couldn't wait to have proper sex with a girl one day.
If Kurt was red before, he turned scarlet now. "I, I don't, I mean, what makes you think that?" Kurt stuttered out after he regained his composure.
Now it was Finn's turn to avert his eyes, but more out of guilt than embarrassment, because one of the insults his so-called friends in Texas had written on Kurt's locker had been cocksucker.
To avoid talking about that chapter of their lives he just shrugged instead of providing an answer.
When he finally looked up again, Kurt was watching him with a curious expression on his face but fortunately he didn't comment on Finn's behavior. Instead he brought the conversation back to Finn's question.
"Look, Finn. I really don't want to tell you details here, but if you really want to know I can give you the pamphlets my dad gave me once, if you agree to never talk to me about it again. Suffice it to say that Blaine and I are enjoying what we have, and that is all I'm going to say concerning the subject."
Finn nodded, because in the end it was probably better for their relationship if Kurt didn't tell him all the gory details.
"Can I go now? I really need to unpack before my clothes start to wrinkle," Kurt told him, hand already in the door knob.
Finn let him go and threw his own clothes in some drawers. He also wrote himself a note reminding him to buy earplugs because the last thing he wanted was overhear Kurt and Blaine do stuff, because curious or not, some things he just didn't want to hear.
Blaine had already unpacked and was nervously bouncing his knee up and down while he waited for Kurt to come by and tell him about the argument with Burt. It was probably only half an hour, but to him it felt more like hours had passed when Kurt finally knocked on the door.
To Blaine's surprise Kurt had his suitcase with him, which he promptly dropped in front of the wardrobe.
"Kurt, you heard what your dad said. I really don't want us to get into trouble with your dad after he was so nice and invited me to come along," he told his boyfriend who was determinately unpacking his suitcase.
"It's okay. I have permission to be here, but trust me it was hard earned."
Blaine took Kurt's hand into his hoping he would elaborate but Kurt shook his head and told him he would tell him another time. Blaine knew Kurt well enough by now to know not to push his boyfriend when he didn't want to talk about something that was bothering him and so he let it go for now.
"And you're sure it's okay with everyone?" he asked instead because he knew Finn got jealous the last time Kurt got to spend the night with him.
Apparently Finn had telepathic abilities because he knocked on the door before Kurt could answer. In his hands he had part of Kurt's clothes, which he dumped unceremoniously on the bed once he stepped inside.
"Hey Finn, Kurt just told me he can stay with me and I wanted to make sure that was okay with you," he told the giant teenager before he could leave the room as well. Finn just shrugged and told him he was cool with it before telling them to be downstairs in ten minutes so they could all get some lunch.
The door closed behind him and before he could register what was happening he was being pressed against the door by Kurt who immediately started to kiss him passionately. When they both drew back to catch their breaths, Kurt smile at him before leaning in close again and whispered into his ear.
"Finally alone. I've wanted to do that all day."
Blaine didn't get a chance to answer because Kurt's lips were back on his and his tongue was soon occupied with Kurt's. He was panting hard when Kurt released him again and Blaine wanted nothing more than tear Kurt's stupid layers off of him. He would probably never understand why his boyfriend needed that many layers during a hot summer.
Kurt didn't give him much time though for coherent thought as he pressed his whole body against Blaine's which pressed Blaine further against the door. He knew they had to stop what they were doing soon because they had to meet Kurt's parents for lunch, but in that moment he couldn't care less about food.
Kurt tasted like the coffee he had during one of their stops and that was the best taste right now. Unfortunately Kurt seemed to realize they were pressed for time as well, because he released Blaine after his tongue had thoroughly explored his mouth again.
They quickly fixed their hair and straightened out their clothes, but before Blaine could open the door, Kurt leaned in again to whisper seductively.
"Just a little taste of what's to come later."
Blaine couldn't wait for later to come, Burt and Finn be damned. He was a teenage boy with a very hot boyfriend after all.
Kurt usually loved spending time with Carole but when she asked him to join her on a shopping trip after a tense lunch where his dad had been overly polite to him, he was tempted to refuse and get back into his room with Blaine.
But even though they had a good relationship, that wasn't something you told your stepmom, liberal or not.
So he spend the afternoon with Carole helping her pick out a bathing suit while subtly trying to find out more information about the baby, but Carole either didn't understand what he was hinting at or she refused to talk about it with him. Either way, he gave up after a while and counted down the hours till he could get back to the hotel.
Unfortunately, his father insisted they'd go on a walk together after dinner, but once they got back to the hotel around nine they were finally allowed to go their own way. Kurt wanted nothing more than grab Blaine's hand and race back to the room with him, but Finn and his parents were on the same floor and so he walked up slowly with them before saying good night to his family outside of his and Blaine's room.
As soon as they were inside though all bets were off. They pretty much flew into each other's arms and before long Kurt was sucking on Blaine's neck until his boyfriend stopped him because he didn't want to go swimming with hickeys he couldn't hide.
Kurt just moves back to Blaine's lips and tangled their tongues in a heated dance while simultaneously trying to take Blaine's shirt off. They reluctantly parted for a few seconds to take off both of their shirts and once it was done, Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand and pulled him onto the bed with him.
"What's with you and hotel rooms?" Blaine gasped and Kurt smiled at him bashfully. He was not going to apologize for being turned on by his boyfriend. It didn't matter if his dad thought what they were doing was gross or wrong, what was important was that Blaine didn't think that way about Kurt and his was the only opinion that mattered.
Kurt pushed Blaine further up on the bed before straddling his hips and leaning down for another passion filled kiss. He could feel how much Blaine was enjoying what they were doing and pressed his own body even closer.
They quickly pulled off the rest of their clothes when they came apart from their kiss and Kurt had Blaine moaning his name in no time. He was a bit worried about breaking his promise to Finn but all thoughts about that left him when Blaine did something particularly spectacular with his tongue.
If he hadn't been so turned on he might have been a bit embarrassed about how quickly they both finished but all that didn't matter once he was cuddled up in Blaine's arms drifting off to sleep. All he knew was that he couldn't wait for the day when he got to share a bed with Blaine every night, because falling asleep and waking up next to him was the best feeling in the world.
The next morning the whole family went to the beach after breakfast and while Carole and Kurt set up under two huge beach umbrellas, Finn and Blaine stretched out next to them on some oversized towels.
After much coaxing Carole and Kurt agreed to join the rest of the family in a game of Frisbee and Carole thought that day was amazing, but also a little strange.
She had noticed the tense silence between Kurt and Burt during lunch the day before but Burt had explained what had happened in the hallway, so she wasn't surprised.
What was strange however, was the boys' behavior when it came to her. One of them was always around making sure she had something to drink or to fetch her some fruit during the day. Kurt even stopped the game of Frisbee after a while and told her to sit down in the shades because the sun wasn't good for her.
Additionally, Finn barely managed to look at Kurt and Blaine and when she asked her son about it he mumbles something that sounded like earplugs.
When she asked Burt if he noticed the boys' strange behavior he just shrugged and told her to not question it and enjoy being waited on.
Carole decided to take his advice then and stopped paying too much attention to the boys' actions. After all, a beautiful day like that didn't need her worries.
They decided to go on a little boat ride after lunch and Carole brought a paper back with her just in case because she knew car rides and boats made her sick from time to time.
The boys eyed the bag in her hand suspiciously, but luckily didn't comment on it for which Carole was grateful, because she was already embarrassed she had thrown up during the car ride to Grand Haven.
Luckily she managed the ride without making a fool out of herself again and they ended the day without further incidents, even though the boys were still acting weird.
Carole pushed it to the back of her mind and focused on the talk she still needed to have with Burt instead. They had avoided talking about the issue since they left the OB GYN's office but she knew it was important for them to talk about it.
After dinner, she promised herself before joining her family in a game of Marco Polo.
"We haven't really talked about what the doctor said yet. How do you feel about it?" Carole asked her husband as they were watching the sunset from their balcony. She herself had experienced a myriad of feelings when her OB GYN had told her the pregnancy test she had taken had probably been a false positive unless there had been some bleeding which could mean she lost the baby without noticing it; as was quite common in the first trimester according to her doctor.
"Relieved and sad mainly. It's not that I wouldn't want other child with you, but I just hadn't expected it, you know?" Carole nodded, because she had felt pretty much the same. It wouldn't be the end of the world because she was only thirty-five, the same age as many women who had their first child.
"So are you saying that is something you wanted?" Ever since she thought she was pregnant, she couldn't stop thinking about how empty their home would be next year when the boys went off to college. Maybe, scratch that, hopefully Burt was feeling the same.
"I don't know. Next year it's just going to be the two of us and that could be amazing, but I feel like I missed out on so much with Kurt that it would be nice to get another chance to do it right. Maybe we could have a little girl."
Carole took Burt's hand and looked him straight in the eye. "So are you saying what I think you're saying?" she asked because she had to make sure they were on the same page.
Burt kissed her softly before he replied, a huge smile on his face. "We're going to have a baby." Carole launched herself at Burt, because she hadn't wanted to admit, not even to herself, how much she wanted that until Burt said it too.
"But what about what we talked about? Maybe we should wait a couple more months?" she wondered out loud. Maybe right now wasn't the best time to start trying to get pregnant.
"We'll make it work. I promise." Carole knew that Burt had made a lot of empty promises in his life, but so far he had never broken the ones he made her. If he was sure that they would make it work, they would make it work.
So there might be a baby in this story, but nothing is set in stone.
I don't know when I have time to update next, because I'm busy with work right now and I don't just want to update for the sake of it. But I'll try to have par one of August up by Saturday.
If you want to see some of my Venice pictures, I put them up on my public facebook page under my pen name: facebook . com slash alexa . cardew (just remove the spaces and replace slash with the sign)
I like the story. You did really good.
Thank you :)