Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
Nov. 2, 2012, 9:51 a.m.
March - Part 2
Finn had been surprised when he had gotten a text from Blaine asking the New Directions for help to make sure Brittany was graduating with them. Out of everyone in their year he was sure that he and Puck had been the ones most in danger of not making it, but not Brittany, because wasn't she like part of the Brainiacs?
He wasn't sure how much he would be able to help because he would still be struggling himself if Sarah wasn't still helping him, but he had to at least show up for moral support.
The group had decided to meet in the choir room a few days later to come up with a game plan. Finn was proud that he was the one that suggested a plan that would actually work because he knew he wasn't the brightest tool in the shed himself.
"Why doesn't each of you help her with a subject you are really good in?" he had suggested before he had added. "And maybe anyone else who needs help in that subject could join as well – you know like a study group."
A few days had passed since, and Finn was happy that everything seemed to be working so far. Monday afternoons, Sarah, Brittany, Puck, Finn and Mercedes met to study Math together, Tuesdays were reserved for Spanish led by Santana, a group Finn joined as well, Wednesday Kurt took over for French, Thursday's English group was led by Quinn and Blaine and on Friday's Mike helped anyone who needed help with Chemistry and Physics.
With their new plan in motion, even with Glee practice and other after school activities everyone only had to invest an hour or two every day to get everyone in ND to graduate High School.
Not for the first time, Finn wondered if his old friends would have done something like this for him or anyone else in their group of friends. Finn also had to admit, that as much as he didn't like school, studying together was fun, and he got more done than in his one – on – one sessions with Sarah – but probably because they didn't make out when other people were around.
Later that night, when his mom sunk down on the living room couch, after instructing Burt and Ethan to get semi-healthy take out, Finn sat down next to her.
"I don't know if I've ever said it before, but thank you for making me move here," he told her. His mom looked at him in surprise but there was a smile on her face.
"I don't want to say I told you so, but I did tell you I change would be good for you." Finn had no reason to argue.
"You're right, mom. Now, I have friends because they like me for who I am, I'm finishing high school with decent grades and I'm even going to college even though I didn't get a football scholarship," Finn listed his accomplishments.
His mom's smile grew even bigger and at first Finn wasn't sure what had cause it.
"You are?" his mom exclaimed happily. Finn looked confused before he realized he had just spilled the beans about his new plans.
"Yeah, Puck convinced me to go to U Dayton with him," Finn explained before finding himself with an armful of his mom.
"I'm so happy to hear you say that Finn. College will be good for you and you can always come home if you want to, okay?" There were tears trickling down his mom's face and Finn hugged her tight.
There was no better feeling in the world than making his mom proud after all.
"I can't believe we're actually going to see her live," Blaine exclaimed, bouncing up and down on the couch in Burt's Columbus apartment where he and Kurt were going to spend the night after the Katy Perry concert, Burt, Carole and his mom had gotten him and Kurt tickets for.
"And if you break your neck falling off the couch you will never," Kurt answered dryly and Blaine immediately stilled. "Don't even joke about that. And it would totally be your fault because you were taking so long getting ready for dinner. There wasn't anything else I could do," Blaine defended himself.
His boyfriend just rolled his eyes but he had a fond smile on his face. "Well, I'm ready now, so lead the way kind sir."
Blaine immediately jumped off the couch and put on his jacket before grabbing Kurt's hand and basically dragging him out of the apartment. He had found a restaurant close to the venue the concert was being held at and he hoped people there would be as tolerant of him and Kurt as the other restaurants they had visited before in Columbus, had been.
When they reached the restaurant and approached a waiter, Kurt tried to let go of his hand, but Blaine only gripped it tighter.
"I have a reservation for Anderson," he told the first waiter he came across. The waiter told them to wait by the bar for a moment while he checked their reservation and Kurt and Blaine both looked around the restaurant.
It was clearly a date restaurant, most tables occupied by couples who were fortunately too busy focusing on their partners to give them any attention.
"There's seems to be a slight mix up," the waiter told them when he came back. "There seem to be two reservations under Anderson, but if you follow me, I'm sure we can sort something out."
Blaine nodded. Anderson was a common last name so it wasn't surprising that the restaurant had more than one reservation under that name.
He and Kurt followed the waiter who approached a small table in a corner where a man and a woman were seated. Blaine couldn't see the man yet, other than his graying hair, but his companion looked like the poster child for plastic surgery even though she couldn't have been older than twenty-five.
"Excuse me, sir," the waiter approached the table. "It's seems like my colleague might have given you the wrong table. If you could follow me, a round of drinks is on the house of course."
Blaine was to far away to hear what the man was saying to the waiter, but judging by the look on the waiter's face it hadn't been very nice.
"Let's just take their table," Kurt whispered into his ear but Blaine shook his head. He had specially requested a table in the back, so he and Kurt could have a romantic dinner without anyone bothering them.
In front of them, the couple stood up and suddenly Blaine found himself face to face with a man, he had hoped to never see again if it could be avoided.
"Blaine," his father's voice showed that he was surprised as well to see him there. "Father," Blaine answered trying for polite. The blond Barbie suddenly perked up next to his father and hit him lightly on the arm.
"Jarred," she drawled. You didn't tell me you had two so handsome sons." His father glared at him. "He's not my son."
A year ago, Blaine probably would have flinched if his father had said those words, but now he wasn't even faced. "That's just well enough, because I don't consider you my father. I'm so much better off without you," he answered calmly which seemed to enrage his father further, apparently forgetting that they were not alone.
"You ungrateful little shit. I can't wait for the day you graduate high school so I'll never have to give you a cent ever again. And don't you come crawling back, when you find your useless ass out on the street."
Blaine could feel Kurt tug on his hand and his father's date looked uncomfortable as well, but Blaine just chuckled.
"Don't worry father," he said, making sure father came out as sarcastically as possible. "Grandfather made sure I won't ever depend on you for college."
That wiped the smile right off his father's face. "Don't tell me one of those schools was stupid enough to admit you," his father's voice rose and Blaine was sure all eyes in the restaurant were on them, but he couldn't care less. Not with Kurt by his side and him finally standing up for himself.
"Oh not just one. In fact, I'm going to attend Brown this fall," Blaine announced proudly. His father looked like he was going to be sick and Blaine gave him a triumphant smile because he knew how much his father valued Brown. It had been his grandfather's alma mater and Blaine knew how pissed his father had been when he hadn't been able to get in when he was young.
"Now if you excuse me, Kurt and I are on a date, so if you could please move, so we can have our table," Blaine said trying to calm his rapidly beating heart. His father finally seemed to realize that Blaine was not alone because he was suddenly shooting daggers at Kurt.
"You are still with him? Seriously Blaine, why don't you get it over with and date a real girl? You are already half way there." His father's date looked shocked before she grabbed her coat and announced she would wait for him outside. Blaine balled his hands into fists, forgetting he was still holding Kurt's for a moment.
"Let it go," Kurt told him as he rubbed his thumb over Blaine's knuckle in an attempt to calm him. "He is not worth it, okay? Let's just eat, watch the concert and than head back to my dad's empty apartment." Kurt said the last part loud enough for his father to hear but not for everyone else and his father took a step forward, balling his own hands into fist.
"You little faggot. If it weren't for you, Blaine would still be…" His father never got to finish his sentence though, which Blaine thought was good for his father's face because he had come close to wanting to hit himself, because suddenly the manager showed up.
"I'm sorry sir, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave. We do not tolerate this kind of language in our establishment."
If his father had been a cartoon character, smoke would be coming out of his ears by now, Blaine realized. His father's face was red and he was looking murderous when he realized that the manager meant him.
His father shoved threw him and Kurt, disconnecting their hands for a moment and exited the restaurant without another word.
"I'm so sorry for that. I'd offer you drinks on the house, but you seem to be underage, so please order any dessert you want free of cost."
By the time they were seated Blaine was exhausted. Kurt was fiddling with his napkin as well and Blaine could only guess what was wrong but apparently he was wrong.
"So, Brown, huh?" Kurt finally spit out what was on his mind. Blaine looked puzzled for a moment before he remembered telling his father about Brown – before he had had a chance to tell Kurt. They had planned to reveal their final choices during their weekend in Columbus but he had hoped it would be under better circumstances.
"Can we not right now? I promise we'll talk about it, but after the concert. Right now I just want to enjoy this meal with you and get ready for Katy."
Kurt didn't look like he wanted to wait any longer but agreed nevertheless.
"Thank you. Now, how about that dessert?"
The concert had been better than Kurt had thought because as he readily admitted he was more of a Lady Gaga person. But he still couldn't enjoy watching Blaine bounce excitedly up and down while mouthing the words to the songs as much as he wanted because his mind kept bringing him back to Blaine's college decision.
Still he couldn't stop himself from smiling widely when Blaine turned to him during 'Teenage Dream' and sang right at him. He had to enjoy the time he had with Blaine while it lasted.
Later that night, the two of them were snuggled up together on his father's couch, Kurt playing with the curls that had sprung free during the concert.
"So Brown?" he asked again and Blaine nodded. "I got waitlisted for Columbia and though NYU accepted me they didn't offer me a scholarship or anything so I can't really afford to go there unless I want to be in debt until I'm like forty," his boyfriend explained.
Kurt didn't know what to say. At least he wasn't the only one who got waitlisted for their dream school. "How about you? Will you wait for me in New York until I can join you?" Blaine's question brought his focus back to the present and Kurt shook his head. He quickly explained though when he saw Blaine's face fall.
"Hey, none of that. You know I'd wait for you forever. It's just, I didn't get into school in New York either. I got waitlisted for the Manhattan School of Music and Julliard and AMDA was a no. I can either wait till January to start at Julliard if I don't get in now or go somewhere else."
Blaine looked genuinely surprised to hear that which made Kurt feel better, knowing that his boyfriend believed in him that much.
"Where would somewhere else be?" "Boston. I got offered a full ride to Berklee," Kurt told Blaine who immediately seemed to mentally calculate the distance between Boston and Brown before pulling out his phone and googling it.
"You know, that's not even that bad," Blaine announced once he had the answer. Providence and Boston are only like an hour apart. If we both go to schools outside of New York at first we would be closer than if you had gotten into Julliard and I only into Brown."
"So what are we going to do if New York isn't going to happen this fall? Stay home for another few months or just go to New York anyway and get jobs?" Kurt asked running through all the possible scenarios.
"I think we should both go to college as soon as we graduate and try to transfer to New York schools as soon as we can, if this is still what we want when the time comes, because the sooner we finish college the sooner our lives are really going to start, don't you think."
Kurt snuggled up even closer to Blaine and kissed him softly. "I think you are right. And if I bring my car we will be closer to each other than we were when you were still living at Dalton and I went home for the weekends. I'm sure we'll be able to make it work," he promised his boyfriend in between kisses.
"And this way we totally get the whole college experience for a bit – you know living in dorms and stuff," Blaine suddenly sounded a lot more excited than he had before. Kurt just rolled his eyes.
"Two years of living in the Dalton dorms and this is what you are looking forward to?" he teased but Blaine nodded enthusiastically.
"Yeah, but at Dalton we were somewhat supervised. In college I could let you sleep over and no one could say anything apart from my roommate. And think about the parties. We'd just have to alternate spending one weekend at your school and one at mine."
Blaine's excitement must have been contagious because soon Kurt could see it as well. They'd spend the week focusing on school before spending all their time together on the weekends. And one hour really wasn't the end of the world.
"You promise, we are going to be okay?" he asked again nevertheless. Blaine pulled him close, his hand cradling his jaw as he whispered, "I promise."
The rest of the night passed in laughter instead of tears, careful touches instead of arguments. Kurt had dreaded the conversation but now that they had had it, he knew it had been stupid to assume something like college and distance might break them. They were a team, and Kurt had no intentions of ever letting Blaine go.
Burt was back in Columbus for a full week this time, because there was a lot of work to do and it made more sense to just stay there. The apartment had been like he left it fortunately, but he hadn't really expected Kurt and Blaine would host some wild party anyway.
Luckily, Carole had already had all her midterms and could stay home during Ethan's spring break, which unfortunately wasn't the same week as the boys. So Burt didn't feel too guilty when he sat down on the couch after a long day of arguing over some bills, with a meatlover's pizza and few beers. It was great being able to eat and drink whatever he wanted again, even if it was just for a small amount of time.
His secretary – and he still couldn't believe he had one of them – greeted him with a cup of coffee and a bagel the next morning like she always did and Burt quickly took both of them into his office to have his second breakfast there.
He hadn't been able to catch much sleep the night before, his body apparently unwilling to settle down, so by the time lunch break came around, Burt was on his fifth coffee. He declined the invitation of a colleague to check out a new vegetarian restaurant and crossed the street to a dinner where he was a regular by now.
"Double cheeseburger with extra majo and chili fries?" Martha his favorite waitress asked and Burt nodded before telling her to throw in a slice of cake as well. He finished his meal and a few cokes quickly before heading back to his office.
Suddenly it felt very hot in there and Burt struggled to open one of the windows. But even though the cold March air soon flooded the room, Burt still felt his chest tighten and he struggled to breathe.
Before he could do anything else, everything went black.
When he opened his eyes again, he was on his office floor, his secretary frantically trying to shake him awake.
"Thank god, Mr. Hummel. I was about to call an ambulance."
"What happened?" Burt asked groggily. "I don't know. I heard a noise and when I checked you were on the floor," his secretary answered.
Burt took the offered hand and sat down on the chair reserved for visitors.
"Can I leave you alone for a few minutes so I can call you a doctor?" the kind woman asked and Burt shook his head. "That won't be necessary. I feel a lot better already." That was a lie, but Burt had enough of doctors trying to tell him what he could and couldn't do. Unfortunately, his secretary didn't listen to him and thirty minutes later a young looking doctor entered his office.
After having his blood pressure, blood sugar and cholesterol levels checked and answering all the doctor's questions, Burt rolled down his sleeves and waited for the verdict.
"It's probably just stress," he tried to brush it off. "We recently became foster parents, so I've been really busy lately."
The doctor gave him a sympathetic smile before looking at him seriously.
"Mr. Hummel. I'm quite worried about your blood pressure and your cholesterol levels. You see, there is HDL and LDL when it comes to cholesterol. The first one is good and the second bad and you have way to much of the second one. If you don't start watching your diet, you might be well on your way to a cardiovascular disease. In laymen's terms. You might suffer from a heart attack if you keep going the way you are now."
Burt looked at the doctor in doubt. He was only thirty-nine years old. Thirty-nine year olds didn't have heart attacks. That was for old people.
"Thanks for your concern. I'll try to do better," he told the doctor, not being very sincere however. He was not about to give up everything he liked just because he might have a heart attack one day.
He had been gaining a little weight though since he got his apartment in Columbus, so maybe it was time to stop eating fast food more than once a day.
He wasn't too worried about his health, but didn't want to come back to his wife totally out of shape once his term in office was over.
It might take a while till I get the last two chapters up but I'll do my best. I'm not sure yet if there will be a super long epilogue or some one shots about the Hudmelderson's future because I'm not ready to completely give up this verse. Too much head canon, I'm afraid. ;) The list of possible ideas gets longer and covers at least most of the college years...