Finding Home
November - Part 2 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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How Kurt Hummel lost and found his family

Finding Home: November - Part 2

T - Words: 3,957 - Last Updated: Nov 02, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 25/25 - Created: Aug 24, 2012 - Updated: Nov 02, 2012
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AN: Klaine fluff because bam – 2 year anniversary. Take that Glee!

November - Part 2

As soon as school let out Friday afternoon, Kurt and Blaine raced back to Kurt's house to load his remaining bags into his Navigator. The had already put in Blaine's bags the previous day, but Kurt hadn't managed to finalize his packing until the last moment.

Kurt was beyond excited to get back to New York, even though the purpose of this trip was primarily to check out colleges. Still they would have a lot more time to explore the city than they had had during Nationals and Kurt was hoping they could get affordable tickets to a least one show or two.

They would be driving all the way to New York because plane tickets were expensive around the holidays and Kurt would rather spend the money they saved for shopping. It was just too bad they wouldn't be in the city for black Friday because of Thanksgiving dinner. Because Carole was worried about them, they had however agreed to spend the night some place in Pennsylvania instead of driving straight through the night.

The stop turned out to be a good idea though, because after spending all day in school and another musical rehearsal before the holidays, they were both tired and by the time they reached a motel they were ready to drop.

Kurt told Blaine to wait by the car while he got a room for them because he didn't have the energy to deal with a possibly homophobic jerk, but as soon as he had gotten the keys they went inside their room, and Kurt fell asleep as soon as he had removed his shoes, some time around two o'clock.

Blaine was still snoring lightly next to him when Kurt woke up the next morning and shot his boyfriend a grateful smile when he saw that his vest and shirt were neatly hung over a chair. Blaine must have even managed to get him into a pajama top without him waking up, he realized when he looked down on him.

He did an extended version of his moisturizing routing to make up for not doing it the previous night, and when Blaine was still asleep after he was done, Kurt went out to find a coffee shop to get some coffee and breakfast for them.

Blaine was up when Kurt returned, already repacking their things and his face lit up when he saw the cup of coffee in Kurt's hand.

"I love you," Blaine mumbled before bounding over and taking the cup that said Blaine. "I hope you meant me and not the coffee," Kurt joked, because usually he was the one making declarations of love to coffee first thing in the morning.

"Thanks for getting me out of my clothes last night, by the way," Kurt remarked and then turned a nice shade of pink as Blaine waggled his eyebrows suggestively. "Always a pleasure."

Kurt grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Blaine as soon as his boyfriend had put down his coffee and before they knew it they started a pillow fight that segued into a tickle fight, which ended with Kurt pinning Blaine to the mattress, holding his hands above his head. They were both panting but just as Kurt wanted to lean in and take advantage of their position his alarm went off and Kurt groaned.

"Stupid phone," Blaine mumbled underneath him, and Kurt gave him a quick kiss before rolling off him and hurrying into the bathroom.

"We need to check out in half an hour, so if we want to leave on time, you probably have to join me in the shower," he called over his shoulder.

Kurt heard a bang behind him as he turned on the water and smirked because sure enough two seconds later, Blaine was behind him, eagerly taking off his clothes.

Meanwhile outside of Columbus…

To celebrate Burt's win, Carole had convinced her husband to go away with her for a few days during the boys' thanksgiving break. Kurt and Blaine had plans of their own and after a lot of convincing from Kurt they had decided that Finn really was old enough to be left home alone. After all, he hadn't burnt down the house when he was on his own in Austin.

She had found a cute little B&B just outside of Columbus, were they could relax for a bit after the stressful weeks they had had. And then there was something she really needed to talk to Burt about, because she'd been postponing it for months.

After months of avoiding it she had finally consulted a doctor and Tala was right, it was time to tell her husband about the results.

Before she did that however, they spent a few days in blissful ignorance, enjoying each other's company away from their kids.

It was on the last night, before they had to head back to Lima for Thanksgiving dinner with friends and family, that Carole asked Burt to join her for a walk. It had started snowing lightly and they were both bundled up in their coats to evade the cold.

"You gonna tell me what's on your mind?" Burt asked after they'd walked in silence for a while. Carole looked at her husband in surprise.

"I know you, Carole and something is bothering you. I've noticed the way you keep staring at me."

Carole didn't know what to say to that, because she didn't think she had been that obvious. It was nice to know though that Burt knew her so well.

"I went to see Dr. Marcus a few weeks back, because I'm still not pregnant," she explained. Burt immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around to face her.

"Carole, I told you it didn't matter and to stop worrying. If it's supposed to happen, it's going to happen."

"But what if it won't happen at all?" Now that they had agreed to have another child she really wanted one.

"Did Dr. Marcus say anything was wrong?" Burt asked and Carole shook her head. "I'm not sick or anything but she still recommended hormone treatment because if I haven't managed to conceive yet, it's very likely we won't in the near future."

"I'm sorry." Burt pulled her into a tight embrace and Carole finally managed to relax again. "And I love you. I've told you before but I think you need to hear it again. It doesn't matter if we have another baby or not; I love you just as much without one."

They held each other for what seemed like forever, but when Burt finally let go, Carole felt better than she had in months. She had started to believe she was a failure because she couldn't do the simplest thing – get pregnant – but now she was reminded how wrong she was.

She had already been blessed with her wonderful boys and she was grateful for what she had. If another baby wasn't in the cards for her, so be it. She would just have to make sure her sons knew they were loved very much, so they would come back all the time even after they moved out.

They barely managed to check out on time, but Blaine wouldn't have cared less if they had been late because sharing a shower with his hot boyfriend was totally worth getting into trouble over.

The rest of the drive was uneventful and they passed through New Jersey early in the afternoon. Blaine had booked a room for them in a small hotel in Chelsea, close to a number of colleges (for him) and clothing stores (for Kurt).

They ditched Kurt's car in an overprized parking garage but that seemed the best option because neither of them was willing to be constantly on the look out for a parking space. Blaine knew that Kurt had plans to sell his car before they moved to New York for good and he fully supported that decision because driving in Manhattan was hell and the subway was a lot more convenient even though there were a lot of weird people on it.

The rest of the afternoon was spent exploring the neighborhood, finding a coffee shop and scoping out the restaurants in the area. Blaine couldn't wait to come back the following year so he and Kurt could do all that for real. He just needed to get into school here first.

They only had four days before they had to drive back for Thanksgiving dinner and Blaine had plans to get as much college information as he could during that time. Additionally he also had to make sure everything worked out with Kurt's surprise because after some rough months they deserved all the happiness they could get.

Kurt was in heaven. He had managed to score two tickets for Wicked, Avenue Q and the Book of Mormon, so they would be busy every night apart from their last because Blaine had told him not to make plans for that.

Much of Saturday and Sunday was spent acting all touristy with Kurt following Blaine around because he had visited the city a lot when he was younger. Sunday afternoon they went ice skating in Central Park, before using Blaine's fake ID – that he luckily had never tossed – to buy a cheap bottle of red wine which they drank while watching 'Breakfast a Tiffany's' on Kurt's laptop in their hotel room.

Monday morning, they first took a trip to Julliard and the Manhattan school of music before catching a train uptown to Columbia, where Blaine had arranged a meeting with someone from admissions.

Kurt had to admit that he liked the campus even though he would never want to study there himself, but in his opinion Blaine would fit in very well. While he waited for Blaine to come back out, it started snowing lightly and Kurt really wished he would be invited to auditions in January so he could see the city covered in snow.

Blaine had a smile on his face when he join him a little later, a stack of pamphlets under his arm.

"Good talk?" Kurt asked as Blaine took his gloved hand into his and together the walked back to the next subway station.

Blaine nodded enthusiastically. "If everything works out, my trust fund is going to pay for college and I still get to major in music. They told me I have to put down Barnard College of Music on my application and should I get accepted, there is a joint degree program with Julliard. Wouldn't it be great if you were at Julliard and I at Columbia and we would still have classes together," Blaine enthused.

Kurt could see it in his mind. After class they would get some coffee, go grocery shopping and cook dinner in their apartment where their kitten McQueen would already be waiting for them. He wanted that future for them and some way he was going to make it happen.

The Broadway shows were fantastic but Blaine had to admit that he liked 'Avenue Q' best – not in front of Kurt of course. It was just too bad that he had missed Daniel Radcliffe in 'How to succeed' because as a huge Harry Potter fan that would have been a dream come true.

Tuesday was their last full day in New York because they had to drive back Wednesday afternoon. In the morning Blaine took Kurt to Tiffany's and they shared some coffee and bagels in front of it for their own version of breakfast at Tiffany's.

The rest of the day was spent running up and down fifth avenue with a short lunch break in Central Park because Blaine insisted Kurt had to at least try a hot dog sold from a street vendor, but as the day drew to a close Blaine was getting nervous. He was just not good at grand romantic gestures and hoped Kurt would at least not hate it or thought it was stupid.

While Kurt was in the bathroom he quickly got dressed and left a note for Kurt telling him to meet him at Columbus Circle in an hour and then quickly left their hotel to pick up a bouquet of roses before heading to Central Park.

Once everything was arranged he grabbed coffee at a corner store and then just waited. Kurt stepped out of a cab forty-five minutes later, looking fabulous in the new coat he had bought this morning.

Blaine went over to him and when they were merely a few steps apart he pulled the bouquet of red roses from behind his back and presented them to Kurt.

"They are beautiful, Blaine," his boyfriend gushed and drew him in for a kiss that left him breathless. Luckily no one around them seemed to care about the two boys kissing in public and Blaine focused his attention back on Kurt.

"Not as beautiful as you," Blaine answered and immediately cringed because he couldn't come up with something less cliché, could he?

Kurt just gave him a dopey smile though and Blaine took his hand and led him over to where a horse carriage was waiting for them.

"What's going on?" Kurt asked, a puzzled look on his face. Blaine motioned for the driver to open the door for them and Blaine help Kurt inside.

"I know how much you love Disney and so I thought I gave you a ride in a horse-drawn carriage as long as you don't leave me at midnight," Blaine whispered as he and Kurt cuddled up to each other under the blankets provided for them.

Kurt still had a questioning look in his eyes, but Blaine told him he'd explain later because right now they should enjoy their ride through Central Park on the freshly fallen snow.

They were quiet for most of the ride, basking in each other's presence and trading the occasional kiss while the carriage glided through he park as if straight out of a fairytale.

"Can I ask now?" Kurt whispered when they neared the south end of the park again. Blaine nodded and turned so he was facing Kurt.

"I just wanted to remind you that I love you very much and that I can't wait to start the rest of my life with you. I know I'm a few days early, but I had to do something while we were here. Happy two-year anniversary, Kurt. Hopefully just the first of many we'll be celebrating in New York."

Kurt's eyes widened and it finally seemed to dawn on him what he'd been missing. "I swear I didn't forget, but I didn't know we'd be doing something before our anniversary. I do have something for you, but it's in Lima, and it isn't wrapped yet because I thought I had some more time. But I love what you did for me, best surprise ever by the way, I love you so much," Kurt rambled on and the only way Blaine could silence him was by cutting him off with a kiss, Kurt soon relaxed into.

"Hey, having you here with me is enough. We've had a rough year and more than once I thought I would lose you. So the best present for me is still having you with me. That's all I need."

Blaine knew there were tears in his eyes but it didn't matter. They had made it through separations and fights and had come out stronger. That was all that matter and he would continue to do his best to make Kurt happy. Because Kurt was the love of his life. He was sure of that.

He must have said that last part out loud because Kurt suddenly clashed their lips together in a passion filled kissed, only breaking apart when there was a knock on the carriage door because the ride was over.

"You're the love of my life too," Kurt whispered as Blaine helped him get out of the carriage. Blaine knew the must have been quiet the sight because they both had tears streaming down their faces while they were smiling like crazy.

The good thing about New York? No one called them out on it. Because their Ohio crazy probably didn't even register on New York's radar.

Finn was beyond grateful that Kurt had intervened on his behalf and he had been allowed to spend Thanksgiving break alone at home. Well not completely alone, because Sarah's parents conveniently had to travel to a conference that same week and Finn had to admit he had liked playing house quite a bit.

Unfortunately he wasn't good at cleaning up evidence that he wasn't the sole inhabitant of the house while his parents were gone – it was Sarah's fault for forgetting her stuff though – and now Finn owed Kurt big time for covering for him and telling his parents he had a girl's sleepover as soon as he and Blaine came back from New York.

His mom and Burt were thankfully still in that weird honeymoon bubble and just smiled benevolently at them, and Finn wasn't even sure if they would have care if they had found out the truth.

Later that morning, when his mom was out to get more cranberries, Finn went into the kitchen to offer up his help, but was quickly told he was allowed to stay as long as he didn't touch anything.

"So, I guess Sarah stayed here while we were gone," Kurt remarked as soon as the parents were gone, aiming for nonchalantly but failing. Finn was sure he was blushing something he didn't do often.

"Her parents were gone longer than we thought, so yeah I invited her to stay." Finn picked up some wooden spoons and started playing with them on the kitchen counter. He wanted to talk to Kurt about this but he didn't know how to start, because in the past those conversations hadn't gone too well and it was even more embarrassing now because he had walked in on Blaine and Kurt.

"Spit it out Finn, and drop the spoons. You're getting on my nerves," Kurt glared at him and Finn immediately dropped the utensils because yeah, angry Kurt was scary Kurt.

"Sarah and I had sex," he blurted out, because there was no better way to say it. Kurt raised an eyebrow and Finn hoped that was an invitation to continue.

"You were right, talking about what we both wanted totally helped and so she let me do it with her." His brother rolled his eyes and turned back to the turkey he was stuffing at the moment.

"Congrats Finn. Hope you didn't get her pregnant and no, I definitely do not want to hear the details. That's what Puck's for." Kurt sounded cool and aloof but there was a small smile on his face, like always when they had a bro conversation.

The thing was, he didn't want to talk to Puck about it, because Puck would only make crude jokes and probably tease him for still having been a virgin.

"That's cool du … Kurt. I'd rather talk to you." This time the smile couldn't be missed.

"Fine. Talk to me, but spare me the details," Kurt agreed after putting the turkey in the oven, and not for the first time Finn thanked Grilled Jesus for giving him a brother.

This years Thanksgiving was a lot different than last year's. For one, the had more people crammed around their dinning room table as Tala, Blaine, Santana and Brittany as well as the Berrys and Rachel's boyfriend Jesse had accepted the invitation. Carole's mother was with them again and Burt made sure to keep her away from Carole who looked murderous when she caught her mom sneak into the backyard with the group of teenagers.

Last Christmas it had felt like something was missing, with his parents not being present, but he didn't feel that way this year. Actually, he had been relieved, when his father had called and told him he wouldn't even come if Burt begged him to, not after that horrendous campaign, were Burt sided with the sinners.

He was surrounded with people who cared for each other and accepted one another regardless of race, sexuality or gender and like he had said in his campaign speech – family is more than a blood connection. In their case water was definitely thicker than blood.

When Carole finally deemed dinner ready, everyone sat down at the long table they had built out of two dinning room tables and Burt took Carole's hand when he caught her staring at the giggling teens next to her mom.

"I know we didn't get to do this last year, because, let's just call it how it is, last Thanksgiving sucked and ended in fights and tears. This time is different though, and I'd like everyone to say what they are thankful for. If it's all right with you I start."

When nobody protested, Burt sat down again and spoke up. "I'm thankful for my family who has supported me through so much these past couple of months and dealt with crazy reporters or even crazier classmates. And I'm beyond thankful that my son has given me second chance to be part of his life."

Burt cleared his throat, tearing up a bit. It didn't matter how many times he had screwed up, Kurt was still here and it gave him the motivation to keep trying.

Next to him his wife squeezed his hand before she spoke next.

"I'm thankful for my family as well. I've gained so much these past two years and I'm thankful for that."

The Berry's were next, repeating Carole's sentiments about family and Tala added a bit about being thankful she finally got divorced. Carole's mom thanked Carole for the chocolate cake she couldn't wait to taste and than it was Finn's turn.

"I'm thankful that Kurt's my bro now because he's pretty cool. And Blaine as well. He's kinda like my bro too. I'm thankful for being back on the football team and my awesome girlfriend." Burt saw Kurt turn a little pink when Finn said that but that was something he could investigate later.

"I'm thankful for the Hummel-Hudsons for taking me in last year and helping me get my mother back. And Kurt, the most important person in my life," Blaine continued.

Whenever he caught the two boys looking at each other the way they were now, Burt hoped they would make it somehow, because there was heartbreak he didn't want his son to experience.

Kurt was the last one to go and Burt hoped Kurt would go easy on him, even if he didn't deserve it all the time.

"I'm thankful to have a father who's trying. Trying to understand me better, trying to make my life easier even though his attempts are often misguided. A father who learned to accept me instead of removing me from his presence. I'm thankful I got a chance to find a new kind of family."

While Burt had managed to keep the tears at bay before, there was no stopping them now and he stood up and pulled his son into a hug forgetting about all the other people in the room who were probably staring at them.

It didn't matter. After all it wouldn't be a Hudson-Hummel holiday if no one was in tears.

AN: So last night's Glee. Thought the music was horrible and I was kind of glad I only knew two songs. And why was Kurt even in that episode? Give him a proper story line, otherwise I'd rather he isn't in an episode at all. (I mean I know what his function was – but I don't want to spoil anyone)

We reached half time and it might be a while till I update next because I haven't really outlined chapters beyond this point and I want to do that first so you don't have to wait too long for updates between chapters. I know how it ends because that was the first thing I knew, I just have to figure out how to get there now.


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