Alternative Season 6
610: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 610: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester

K - Words: 6,304 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
331 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

One more regular episode to go and then we have the two hour long finale.


When Sue Sylvester gets fired from McKinley, everyone is asking her one thing: Whyd she want to teach in the first place? This is her story. And as a bonus, Robins sperm donor will finally be revealed.

Songs used in this episode:
Brittany Dance Solo: What A Feeling - Flashdance
Rachel and Jesse: Maybe We Dont Mash Up – Pitch Perfect The Musical (Original)
The New Yorkers feat. Jesse: Rise - D. Criss and Friends
The ND 3.0 Girls: Bang Bang - Jessie J, Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande
Will: Jesus Christ Superstar – Andrew Lloyd Webber

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Episode 10: The Rise and Fall of Sue Sylvester: April 2015

Heres what you missed on Glee. Kitty and Unique uploaded videos of Sues misdeeds on the Internet and managed to get her suspended. Rachel joined a production featuring her former beau Jesse St. James as her romantic interest, which Kurt thinks St. sucks. Brittanys been dancing in music videos since moving to New York, but her real goals to join the Rockettes and Sam plans to move to L.A at the end of the school year to be with Mercedes, but doesnt know what hes going to do once he gets there. And thats what you missed on Glee.

Lima, School Board Meeting

Sue defies the boards expectations of dress code and arrives at her hearing in her favorite red tracksuit. Superintendent Bob Harris is seated behind a long table with the other members of the school board when Sue walks into the room. She vaguely recognizes some of them from when David Karofskys expulsion had been overturned, and now, those same idiots hold her fate in their hands. Its preposterous, and Sue tells them as much.

"Susan Sylvester, 48 years old, teaching in Ohio since 1991," Bob Harris reads from her file and Sue scowls because thats clearly not her real age. After all, shes the mother of a two and a half year old.

"After careful examination of the charges against you and the videos provided by your students," the superintendent continues, "we have ruled unanimously that your teaching license for the state of Ohio will be revoked effective immediately."

Although, she should have expected this outcome, Sue stares at the members of the school board in disbelief. But then rage takes over and she pushes back her chair and overturns the table in front of her.

"We cant stop you from petitioning a license in another state, but be advised that well be leaving a note in your record explaining the circumstances of your dismissal," Bob Harris continues unperturbed, which only angers her more.

So she kicks over a few more chairs on her way to the door, but the superintendents parting words make her stop in her tracks.

"Why did you even want to be a teacher in the first place when you clearly despise your students so much?"

Lima, William McKinley High School, 1975

A young Sue Sylvester watches as her crying older sister Jean is being soothed by a teacher.

"Dont listen to them honey. Theyre just kids, they dont know any better yet. But theyll grow up and theyll learn to be nicer."

"You promise?" Jean sobs.

"Im a teacher and teachers dont lie, right?"

Columbus, Ohio State Campus, 1985

Proud, recent high school graduate Sue is showing her older sister around campus. Shed just been accepted into Ohio State on a cheerleading scholarship and had been assured a promising future if she stuck with it.

Jeans looks around with wide eyes, happy to spend a day out with her adored, younger sister. A group of college Freshmen walk by, but they stop when they see Jean.

"Dont tell me theyre letting retards come here now," one asks, a disgusted look on his face.

"Like my dad said, OSU has really gone to the dogs," another one comments, while a third one turns to face Jean.

"Hey retard! Which mental hospital did you escape from?"

Throughout the altercation, Sue remains frozen, not being used to such treatment. Before she can put them in her place, however, the threesome walks on, cheering and high fiving one another, and Sue only stops shooting daggers at their retreating forms, when she hears Jeans sobs.

"Why are they so mean?" her sister asks. "Ms. Williams said, people are nicer when they dont go to school no more. She promised me."

"I guess she thought she was helping you," Sue pulls her sister into her arms, "when clearly she didnt," she adds under her breath.

Columbus, Ohio State, College Advisors Office, 1987

"You still havent declared a major Susan and Im sorry to tell you that majoring in cheerleading is not an option. One day youre going to be too old to be a cheerleader, and then what? Is there nothing else that interests you?" her advisor asks.

Sue chews on the ends of her long blond hair. If she knew what else shes good at, shed already have declared a major, but cheerleading is her life and she cant see herself doing anything else.

"I like to tell people what to do," she finally says. "And, I dont know, maybe help them or prepare them for life. Show them how to be prepared, you know?"

Her advisor studies her critically for a moment.

"Sounds like you could either be a life coach or," she pauses. "I think youd make a good teacher, actually."

A teacher, Sue muses. Its not the worst idea. She could really help prepare kids for the cruel real world, unlike what her and Jeans teachers had done.

New York City, Studio next to Radio City Music Hall

Brittany is standing in line with a group of other hopefuls; all tall and beautiful and even though she regularly gets praised for her dance skills, for the first time in her life the idea of having to dance in front of a group of strangers makes her nervous. Shed told Santana that she didnt have to tag along for support, but now she regrets not having her wife with her. Its still a bit strange to call Santana her wife, but at the same time its the best feeling in the world. Its confusing, like breakfast sometimes is.

Another girl exists the rehearsal space, her face pale and her eyes already red rimmed; clearly another hopeful who didnt make it past the first round.

"Brittany Lopez-Pierce," a young woman with a clipboard calls out and Brittany follows her into the next room.

And then she dances for her life – of course not literally – to What A Feeling, mixing the original choreography with a little something shed come up with on her own.

"Thank you. Come back tomorrow for round 2," a tall, bald man in his mid-sixties tells her once shes trying to catch her breath after her performance and Brittany smiles so brightly, her smile should be blinding everyone in the room.

Back on the streets, she takes out her cellphone and calls her wife.

"San," she shrieks. "Ive got a callback!"

Lima, Jones House,

"Mercedes," Sam walks past her into the house without giving her the usual kiss on the cheek. "Why did I get an email inviting me to audition for the voice of Tony in that new show Cartoon Network is doing?"

Mercedes closes the door behind her boyfriend quietly, mindful of her mother taking a nap on the living room couch, before taking Sams hand and leading him upstairs to her room. The door, as always, stays three quarters of the way open even though shes a grown up and her mom never reinstated the rule when she returned to Lima a few months ago. But old habits die hard.

"Remember when you uploaded that video of me singing Disco Inferno my senior year to help me get discovered?" she asks once hes seated beside her on the bed. Sam nods. "Well, I may have put together a showreel for you, showcasing your impressions and sent it to a few contacts in L.A. You seemed so lost about what you wanted to do once we move there and I thought this could be fun and something youre good at," Mercedes explains with a frown because shed expected a more enthusiastic response from her boyfriend.

Sam wrings his hands between his knees. "Dont laugh, but Ive been thinking about going to school to become a social worker – so I can help families in need."

Mercedes beams at Sam. "Thats amazing. Youre going to make an awesome social worker. The way you helped your family when you were barely seventeen."

"You really think I should apply to college, again?" Sam asks, clearly insecure about his previous attempts to go to college.

"I think, youll be doing great now that you know what you want and Ill be with you every step of the way. And in the meantime, why dont you audition? No one says you cant do both and you know those college loans are a bitch to pay back. A little extra money cant hurt."

Sams shoulders sag in relief. "Youre right. So tell me about this show. They didnt tell me much, only that I have to be in L.A on June 6 for my audition."

Mercedes puts her head on Sams strong, broad chest. "Its about a group of animal misfits who become reluctant superheroes. Unfortunately, they want someone famous for the lead characters, but my contact assured me that Tony plays an important part as well. It would be so cool if I could tell my friends that my boyfriend is the voice of a cartoon character."

Sam laughs and Mercedes feels it vibrating deep in his chest. "You think your friends are going to be impressed? Wait till Stevie and Stacey hear about this!"

New York City, Pitch Perfect – The Musical Rehearsal

Its their first rehearsal in front of the whole cast and when Rachel and Jesse finish Maybe We Dont Mash Up – the duet written specifically for the stage version of the movie – their fellow cast mates whoop and cheer.

"I know Beca and Jesse arent even together yet when they perform the song," Jim, who plays Ben, says, "but you can really feel the unresolved sexual tension between them."

"Please tell me you guys dated at some point," Chloe who plays Chloe adds, "because if that was just acting, Id better find a new career."

Rachel blushes, while Jesse replies for both of them.

"Yes, Rachel used to be the leading lady in my life once upon a time, but alas I wasnt worthy of her affections. Now Im atoning for my sins, one duet at a time."

The cast laughs while Rachel tries to decipher the meaning behind Jesses words. Sure hed tried to kiss her after their last performance, but after shed revealed to him that she was seeing someone, he hadnt flirted with her again. But atoning for his sins – did that mean he was maybe still interested in her? Right now she could really do with a lady chat with her best friend, but unfortunately Kurt was still firmly of the opinion that Jesse St. Sucked.

"Alright, take it from the top," the director interrupts her musings and Rachel gratefully steps behind the doors of the police station her character is about to be released from.

New York City, The Loft

Kurt is dragging his tired body up the three flights of stairs to the loft after a long day of classes, extracurricular classes to catch up to his classmate who started a semester early and a grueling shift at the Spotlight Diner. All he wants right now is a quiet evening with his fiancé, maybe even a relaxing bubble bath with Blaine, but when he shoulders the heavy sliding door open, hes greeted with Rachels excited babbling.

"…and everyone thinks we have this amazing chemistry and Jesse and I sounded so good together on the duet they wrote for the show. The cast could barely believe that we arent lovers in real life."

Kurt groans because the last thing he needs right now is listen to Rachel go on and on about how great Jesse St. James is. And he gets it; hes the dick because he wont jump on the Jesse appreciation bandwagon.

When Blaine spots Kurt, he rushes to the door and relieves his sore shoulders from their heavy load by taking his bags.

"Have you eaten? Rachel and I made vegetarian lasagna with eggplant," he quickly changes the subject.

"I got the recipe from Jesse," Rachel adds unhelpfully and Kurt glares at her. But he knows it would be childish to refuse to eat the lasagna, just because Jesse was involved in its creation. And also, hes starving, because after working at the diner for more than a year, he really cant eat there anymore.

Rachel, unfortunately, catches his glare and puts her hands on her hips.

"Oh my God, Kurt, its only a recipe. He didnt make it and then spit in it just to spite you. You really need to get over the grudge youre still holding against him. If I could forgive him, then so can you. Its not like he did anything really bad to you."

Kurt wants to protest, because Jesses hurt him plenty, but Blaine gently squeezes his hand and Kurt snaps his mouth shut.

"I think, maybe in order for you to be able to get over the past, you need to meet him again as hes now," Blaine suggests. "Its been a while since weve had a party; why dont we invite over a few friends and ask Jesse to join us as well. If he acts like a jerk, then Ill fully support you hating him."

Kurt knows that protesting would make him look like an immature jerk. "Fine," he huffs and pulls the hot plate out of the microwave nearly burning off his fingers in the process. "But he better behave."

"Awesome," Rachel claps excitedly. "Ill get started on the party menu."

"No!" Kurt and Blaine yell in unison, because even though its easier to eat with Rachel since shed changed her diet from vegan to vegetarian, most of her cooking is still pretty disgusting.

"Well make it a potluck party," Kurt decides. "Let the guests bring the food, Rachel and I will take care of the booze."

Lima, Schuester Home

When Emma returns home after a long day of trying to keep McKinley organized and assuring enraged parents that Sue wont return as an educator, she finds Will on the couch, Danny napping on his chest. Its become a familiar sight since Regionals, Will moping on the couch, often watching mindless reality shows while their son is playing with his blocks in front of the TV.

"I ordered Chinese. Leftovers are in the fridge," Will informs her without looking away from the screen and Emma sighs.

She knows he means well, but theres no way she can eat something god only knows how many hands have already touched.

"Ill make something in a bit. I need to work on my application first if I really want to become principal."

"You should, youd make a great principal," Will assures her, but Emma has her doubts; quite a few of them actually.

"I dont know, Will. I already have a hard time fitting my students in and Im only the interim principal."

"If anyone can make it work, its you," Will says, finally turning away from The Bachelor to face her.

Wills support means the world to her, especially after hed been so against her going back to work not too long ago. Hoping to cheer up her husband as well, she pulls a flyer out of her bag and hands it to Will.

"The Lima Community Theater presents Jesus Christ Superstar," Will reads, his brows furrowed.

"The director came in to see me about his daughter today and let it slip that they still havent found the right Judas. I think you should audition for it."

Will sighs. "That ship has sailed, Emma."

Emma takes the remote and switches off the TV. "Alright, thats it. As happy as I am that youre spending so much time with Danny, you cant stay on the couch forever. The roles in your range, youre talented and you have enough time to take on a leading role. So youre going to audition and youre going to show them that your students arent the only stars in this town. I dont care if I have to drag you there kicking and screaming, but you will get off this couch."

"But what if Im not even good enough for community theater?"

Emmas expression softens. "Youve already proven that you could make it on a big stage. And this time, there arent any kids to put first. Put yourself first for once, Will."

Will carefully lifts Danny off his chest and puts his sleeping son down on the couch before taking Emmas hands into his own.

"Have I told you lately how glad I am I married you?"

Emma shakes her head.

"Well, Im telling you now. Youre the best thing that ever happened to me, Emma Pillsbury – Schuester."

New York City, The Loft

When Kurt and Rachel return with their haul – wine, beer, vodka and an assortment of mixers – Blaine is pushing the rest of their furniture against the walls, leaving only their dining room table so they can all eat before the party really starts. Hes surprised to see though, that Jesse is trailing after Kurt and Rachel and his fiancé seems to be at least civil. Maybe its got something to do with Jesse clearly carrying the heaviest bag, Blaine muses.

"I wanted to come by earlier to help you set up and ran into those two around the corner," Jesse explains as Blaine takes his bag full of bottles and a surprisingly delicious looking quiche. Although, after the eggplant lasagna he shouldnt be surprised anymore that Jesse knows his way around the kitchen.

"If you want to help set the table – everything elses done for now," Blaine says as he puts the vodka into the freezer and the rest of the bottles into the fridge. Hopefully, none of the food their friends are bringing needs to be refrigerated, because theres not much space left after hes emptied the first bag.

"So, Kurt, Rachel tells me youre quite the star at NYADA," Jesse turns to Kurt.

"Shes exaggerating," Kurt replies modestly. "Blaines the more successful one out of the two of us."

Jesse turns to Blaine whos blushing furiously. "You were the lead of the Warblers. Youngest soloist in Ohio. You even beat me to that title. Too bad I never saw you guys compete."

"From what Ive heard, you would have wiped the floor with us," Blaine replies because if they couldnt beat the New Directions, they would have never stood a chance against Vocal Adrenaline.

Jesse waves him off. "Its still impressive."

Just then, the door slides open and Santana, a dejected looking Brittany in tow, struts through the door. Kurt pulls Brittany into a hug immediately.

"Im sorry, Britt. Santana told me."

Brittany shrugs. "Its okay. I can audition again next year. And I already have an audition lined up for Miley Cyrus summer tour."

As always, Kurt marbles at how fast Brittany can shake off auditions that havent gone her way. If only he could take rejections as well as his friend.

The newlyweds dump chili con carne and nachos on the table before Santana strides over to the freezer and pulls out the bottle of vodka.

"Im making Bloody Marys," she announces as Brittany takes a bottle of tomato juice out of her bag.

Kurt shudders, because it never ends well when Santana mixes drinks. But if hes supposed to get along with Jesse, maybe Santanas cocktails are the way to go.

Soon after, the door slides open again and Elliott, his newest boyfriend, Dani and her girlfriend walk in together. Kurt hasnt seen either of his former band mates since Brittany and Santanas wedding and hugs them enthusiastically.

"Now we definitely have to sing tonight," he announces happily. "Blaine, youre on piano duty as long as you can still hit the right notes."

When Artie calls to say that he and Jess are downstairs– as far as Kurt knows, shes forgiven him for being rude to her during the shoot – Elliott and Blaine go and get him, because of course, the elevator is broken again.

"Thats everyone, so lets eat before we get too drunk," Rachel decrees and Kurt frowns. Quickly, he pulls her out onto the fire escape.

"Bens not coming?" he asks once they are seated next to each other.

Rachel shrugs and adverts her eyes. "I didnt invite him," she admits. "I thought, maybe itd be weird with Jesse here."

Kurt sighs. "Rach, do you have feelings for Jesse?"

Rachel shrugs again. "I dont know, Kurt. I like how I feel when Im with him, but then I think about what Finn would say if he knew Im considering giving Jesse of all people a second chance."

Kurt puts his arm around her and pulls her closer. "Im pretty sure all Finn would want is to see you happy. And if Jesse makes you happy – and I cant believe Im saying this – then thats all that matters. But you need to figure out your feelings. You cant string Ben along and you cant let Jesse think hes got a chance unless you mean it. Otherwise, someones going to get hurt and it may just be you."

"I know," Rachel sighs. "Everything would be so much easier if Jesse and I didnt have the history we have."

"I get it, Rach, but only you can decide if his worth a second chance. And in the meantime, Ill try my best to keep an open mind and be nice to him. If hes going to be an important part of your life, then I want us to be friends."

Rachel wipes a tear from her eyes before they climb back into the loft, only to be greeted with cheering from the living room.

"Sorry, song choice emergency. What did we miss?" Kurt says.

"San didnt want to say anything because of my bad news, but shes got amazing news and we should celebrate," Brittany hands both of them a glass of champagne.

"My contract was renewed for another season," Santana smiles shyly, disbelief clear on her face. "Apparently, the Latina Queer community loves my character."

"I think this calls for a song," Jesse turns to Rachel. "Youre up for it?"

Rachel rolls her eyes in reply, because when has she not.


Have you ever felt like you woke up

On the wrong side of your heart

Has it ever felt like its broken

Like the world tore it apart


Have you ever felt so weak

You can hardly stand

Artie and Brittany

Like if you ever fell

You could never tell

If youd ever get back up again.

Kurt and Blaine

I know its hard to do,

But I think you can make it

Cause I know we can take it.


Baby we will….

Jesse, Dani, Elliott


We are young we are the dreamers we will


When the world will not believe us

We will rise above the ashes

Before the whole life passes us by

You and I, we will rise.

Santana and Kurt

Its difficult to try to stay awake

When you walk a tired path

And there are moments when its easier to take

The road that leads you back


Im not the first to say it

And I wont be the last

But I want to remind you

Im there its time to hold on

Youre stronger than that.


But when it gets too tough to

Find my way home

And Im stupid enough to

Try and find it alone,

Blaine and Artie

When it feels like there is nothing I can do

Theres nothing I can do

But give up

I look up, thank God I have you to tell me.

Brittany and Dani

I know its hard to do

But I think you can make it

Cause I know we can take it

Yeah Baby we will

The New Yorkers


We are young we are the dreamers we will


We will rise above the ashes

Before this whole life passes us by

You and I, we will rise


Oh we will…

We will rise!

Kurt and Blaine

We are young we are the dreamers we will fly

Brittany and Santana

When the world will not believe us

We will rise above the ashes

Rachel and Jesse

Before this whole life passes us by

You and I, we will rise.

Lima, McKinley High School

Emma looks through her application one more time, before putting it into an envelope. In the end, the decision had been easy. Being principal would mean giving up her career as a guidance councilor, and that was something she was not willing to do. So she decided to submit her name for the position of vice principal. It would allow her to keep an eye on whoever the school board picked as the new principal and she could still help the students at McKinley with their problems.

Its her lunch break so she decides to post the letter right away, but a loud crash coming from Sues office makes her stop in her tracks. It isnt just the noise though that makes her stop, its the smell of burned synthetic fiber emanating from Sues office.

"What are you doing?" she yells, before putting her hand over her mouth and nose.

Instead of replying, Sue throws another trophy into a barrel filled with burning pomp poms.

Emma watches helplessly as Sue destroys her McKinley legacy; trophies, track suits, pictures from competitions and newspaper clippings about her Cheerios. She looks crazed, her eyes wild and her face blackened from the smoke. When she starts coughing, inhaling even more smoke in the process, Emma finally unfreezes and pulls Sue from her former office with a strength she hadnt known she possessed.

Together with Shannon, whod also come to investigate the smell, she pulls Sue into the thankfully empty girls locker room and pushes her into the showers. While Sue cleans herself, Shannon hunts down a towel and some clean clothes, and Emma stands watch in front of the door, because she feels that no matter what Sue had done to the students, they didnt need to see her like that.

"So, whats next for you?" Shannon asks, once all three of them are off campus a short while later.

Sues reaction is surprising, because she smiles.

"Im gonna head out west. Get all those wannabe actors into shape. My baby daddy Michael Bolton called a few people for me."

Emma and Shannon frown. "Are you saying that Michael Bolton really is Robins father?"

"Well of course he is. Ive only been saying it for years."

Los Angeles, Michael Boltons Apartment, 2 Days Ago

He gets the call from his doorman in the middle of his morning workout routine.

"A Susan Sylvester to see you, sir. She says its urgent."

Michael sighs, but knows by now not to keep the crazy lady waiting.

"How can I help you today?" he asks through gritted teeth the moment Sue Sylvester steps into his apartment, and inexplicably back into his life.

"Im moving to L.A and you are going to help me meet celebrities in need of a fitness coach."

Michael takes a deep breath. "And why would I do that?"

Sue smiles, like only a crazy person can smile. "Because you dont want people to find out that you have a daughter you dont pay child support for and refuse to recognize."

He knows he shouldnt shout but he cant stop himself. "For the last time, shes not my daughter. And youre lucky I didnt get you arrested for what you did to me. But if this gets you off my back once and for all, Ill introduce you to whoever you want!"

Sue just keeps smiling, unperturbed by his outburst. "Excellent, I knew youd come to your senses. And by the way, I think its high time you met your daughter."

"But shes not," he mumbles defeatedly, but Sues already walking away. "Not really."

Los Angeles, Mount Sinai Hospital, 2011

Sue, wearing a nurses uniform, is talking to Michael Bolton whos being treated for dehydration.

"And now all I need is a sperm sample and then we can sign your release papers."

"Why do you need a sperm sample?" Bolton frowns.

"Its procedure to give every patient a full check up before we release them," Sue explains and thrusts a cup into Michael Boltons hand. "Ill be in the bathroom, let me know when you are done."

Fifteen minutes later, Sue, back in her trademark track suit, leaves the hospital, Michael Boltons genetic material and a turkey baster in her bag.

Lima, McKinley Parking Lot

"… but it became clear to us immediately that we couldnt be together because he was a famous singer and I only a famous cheerleading coach. But he was happy for me when I told him about Robin, and hes really looking forward to spending time with her as soon as we get to L.A. And on that note; ladies, knowing you was tolerable, Ive met worse. So long."

The moment Sue walks around the corner, and presumably out of their lives for good, Shannon turns to Emma.

"Are we really supposed to believe that Sue Sylvester had a drunk one night stand with Michael Bolton?"

Turning back to McKinley High, Emma shrugs. "You know what, stranger things have happened here. Were probably better off not questioning them."

Lima, McKinley Choir room


She got a body like an hour glass

But I can give it to you all the time

She got a booty like a Cadillac

But I can send you into overdrive

See anybody could be bad to you

You need a good girl to survive


Bang bang into the room

Band band all over you

Wait a minute lemme take there

Wait a minute till ya

Bang bang there goes your heart

Back, back seat of my car

Wait a minute lemme take you there

Wait a minute till ya


She mightve let you hold her hand in school

But I will show you how to graduate

No I don"t need to hear you talk the talk

Just come and show me wat your momma gave

See anybody could be bad to you

You need a bad girl to blow your mind.


Bang bang into the room

Band band all over you

Wait a minute lemme take there

Wait a minute till ya

Bang bang there goes your heart

Back, back seat of my car

Wait a minute lemme take you there

Wait a minute till ya

Kitty, Madison, Unique, Jane

Bang bang into the room

Band band all over you

Wait a minute lemme take there

Wait a minute till ya

Bang bang there goes your heart

Back, back seat of my car

Wait a minute lemme take you there

Wait a minute till ya

Mercedes is holding Sams hand as he watches the girls perform, knowing hell make the announcement at the end of the meeting, because theres no use postponing it now that theyve settled things. And although shes going to miss some of the new Glee kids, shes beyond ready to return to L.A for good. Its harder for Sam, because hed been ready to settle in Lima while for her, being back here was only ever temporary. Shed only come back to sort things out with Sam once and for all and now she gets to go home, while Sam has to leave his home again. But hes made his decision, so she has to believe that hell be happy with her, that he wont regret giving up his life here in Lima for her. The song ends and Sam steps in front of the Glee club with a nervous smile on his face.

"That was great but probably not the right performance for graduation. The Glee club at this school really cant afford to cause another riot," he tells the girls diplomatically.

"Why do you care? Youre leaving anyway, right?" Kitty challenges him and Sam wrings his hands nervously, thrown off guard because he wasnt aware that anyone else knew about his plans.

"What? Youre leaving us?" Madison cries. "I know we arent as good as you when you were in Glee, but we can work harder and well sing all the songs you like. Just dont give up on the Glee club. We need you if we want to survive next year with half the club gone."

Sam sighs. "Kittys right. Im moving to L.A at the end of the school year, but this has nothing to do with you guys. Im barely older than you, I cant just stay here and teach Glee club and coach football instead of getting an education," he explains, hoping for their understanding.

"So Glee wont be over?" Jane asks.

Sam looks at Mercedes who nods. "Well, we have an idea about how to keep the Glee club for a long time, but were going to need all your help. You up for it? Helping us make Glee an institution thats here to stay? Because Mercedes and I, we cant do it with you."

"If youre asking us to go out with a bang, Im in," Unique announces, quickly joined by Kitty.

Mercedes smiles. "Then let operation Save the Glee Club begin.

Lima, Post Office

Shannon is standing in front of the Lima post office, together with her boyfriend. Shes holding an envelope in her shaking hands, addressed to the Lima School Board.

"You sure I can do this? I wont be a laughing stock if people find out?" He nods.

"High school would have been so much easier for me, if Id had a teacher like you."

Bolstered by his support, she pushes the door open and gets in line behind a lady with a huge cardboard box. When its finally her turn, she hands over the envelope and pays for the postage. It helps with her nerves, knowing that its out of her hands now.

Back on the street, John kisses her sweetly. "No matter what happens, I think you are the best choice for principal," he assures.

Shannon just hopes he and Emma, whod suggested she submit her name, are right. Because now that she applied for the job, she really wants to get it.

New York City, The Loft

Its nearly two in the afternoon, when Kurt finally wakes up. He, Blaine, Santana, Brittany, Rachel and Jesse were the last to go to sleep, nearly two hours after their other guests left around 3 AM. Hes on the couch with Blaine, because Santana and Brittany stole their bed the previous night, and Rachel also refused to give up hers.

Its the smell of coffee, that has woken him. Jesse is handing a mug to Rachel who looks the way Kurt feels. Like shit. Theres a blanket on their second couch, so he assumes thats where Jesse has slept. He cant remember. Kurt slowly, removes the arm Blaine has flung over his stomach, but his fiancé only tightens his hold. Coffee right now, is more important though than snuggling with Blaine, so he turns in his embrace and shakes him. His fiancé wakes with a groan.

"God, my head hurts," he winces.

"Let go of me and Ill get us coffee," Kurt promises and presses a kiss to the corner of Blaines mouth, morning breath be damned.

In their kitchen, Rachel stares at Jesse like hes the messiah after hes handed her the mug of coffee.

"Have to make sure my leading lady feels better," he smiles at her. "Ill see you later."

Rachel nods dumbly and watches him leave. She also tries not to think about the fact that she has to be in rehearsal in two hours. Its Santanas fault. Once, shed started mixing cocktails, everyone got drunk so fast, that the party lasted the whole night. She hears someone stir on the couch. When she looks over, Kurt is disentangling himself from Blaine. When their eyes meet, he starts humming Make up your mind, you want clarity and Rachel gets the hint. But it really isnt as easy, as Kurt thinks it is. Because while her feelings for Jesse are stronger, Ben is the safer option, kid and all. With a sigh she retrieves her cellphone from the couch table under Kurts watchful eyes and sends a text to Ben inviting him to dinner.

Lima, Community Theater

Wills the last to audition and he takes it as a positive sign, when the directors eyes light up when he sees Will coming into the auditorium.

"Thank God youre here," he greets Will. "I couldnt even pick an understudy yet, because everyone was just so off key. But my daughter video taped a school assembly where you performed with your Glee Club, so unless you are a truly horrible actor, the roles yours."

"So no pressure then," Will laughs. Next to him is Emma, holding Danny in her arms. He knows shes here for moral support as much as making sure he really does audition. But theres no force necessary anymore. Hes really missed the stage, not just watching his kids perform on it, but taking center stage himself.

"Jesus Christ Superstar," he tells the pianist on stage.

Its only community theater, but Emmas right. Its a start. His life isnt over because he was fired from Carmel High. Hell find a new calling, and in the meantime, he can do something he loves - perform on stage.

When, he finishes the song, Wills met with applause from the director.

"Thank Judas," he jokes. "We start rehearsal next week."

"Looking forward to it," Will tells him earnestly.

The director studies him for a moment. "You got a little free time on your hands right?" he then asks and Will nods reluctantly. Its an open secret that hes currently unemployed. "Then let me tell you about an idea of mine."

Los Angeles, Dance Studio

And in an L.A dance studio, Sue Sylvester is standing in front of two rows of blond clones. Trying to whip them into shape, shes shouting orders at them through a megaphone. She should be happy, finally having a group of people who follow her every order without questioning it. But its not the same as drilling her students to prepare them for the harsh real world they would face after graduation. Jean never stood a chance in the real world, not after her teachers coddled her instead of showing her how to fight back, how to stand up for herself. And with Sue gone, who would show the Beckys at McKinley that they were more than their disability. Would Shannon and Emma? She really hoped so, because one day soon, Robin would start school and if she couldnt trust the two women she sort of considered her friends to do the right thing, shed have to homeschool Robin. Because no matter what anyone said, when it mattered, Sue Sylvester was a damn good teacher.



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