Alternative Season 6
609: Child Star Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 609: Child Star

K - Words: 8,971 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
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AN: Sorry for the long hiatus. I started a new job and its taking up most of my time. But however long it takes, I will finish the 13 episodes.

Episode Summery:

Artie finally gets to intern with director Leo Zimmerman (special guest star Jason Bateman), but Casey Kansas (special guest star Elle Fanning) a former Disney channel child star trying to reboot her career is a living nightmare to work with. Meanwhile, Rachel gets an offer she shouldnt refuse, the New Directions head to Regionals and McKinley High sees some changes in the all new episode CHILD STAR

Episode 609: Child Star: March 2015

Heres what you missed on Glee: Rachel and Jesse St. James briefly dated in High School but since Nationals her senior year she hasnt seen or her heard from him. So why is he showing up all of a sudden? Blaines parents split up, but his mom promised nothing would change for him. Kitty and Unique devised a plan to take down Sue but they arent the first to try and so far nothing has hurt Sue. And Artie impressed his film school professor with his parody about his high school glee club and is going to shadow him during filming for an episode of Elementary. And thats what you missed on Glee.

New York City, Coffee Shop

"Im really sorry about Finn. I would have come to the funeral but I wasnt sure Id be welcome," Jesse tells her after getting refills for them.

After Jesse had shown up out of the blue outside of the theater, hed ask if he could take her out for coffee so they could catch up, and out of curiosity shed said yes. Theyd gone to a coffee shop a block away from the theater and Rachel had caught him up on her life while drinking her first cup.

"Thank you. I know you didnt like each other very much."

"I was just jealous that you chose him over me," Jesse admits. "But I understand. I wasnt the nicest guy back then, always putting my ambitions before personal relationships."

If shes being honest with herself, they arent too different. Sure, shed offered to defer her acceptance to NYADA for a year, but only because shed thought Finn would be in New York with her eventually.

"Theres nothing wrong with being ambitious," Rachel assures her ex-boyfriend, and herself.

"It certainly got you far," Jesse winks. "Im sorry I never got to see you in Funny Girl but I was on tour with Hairspray at the time, and well, I thought I had lots of time to see it."

"So it seems that youve done well for yourself as well?" Rachel asks, ignoring him pointing out how short her time with Funny Girl had been.

Theyre sharing a couch in the corner of the coffee shop, which is nearly empty at this time of night, with plenty of space between them though.

"I stayed in L.A for another year after I flunked out of UCLA," Jesse recounts. "Auditioned for TV shows mostly and got to play a dead body on four different shows. But nothing big ever happened. The only really cool gig was being in the ensemble of Rent at the Hollywood Bowl."

"Thats amazing. Id love to do one of those shows one day," Rachel gushes. "And it sounds like you were at least a bit more successful in L.A than I was."

Jesse winces. "Yeah, I heard about your pilot. Personally, I think it was promising, so Im sorry it didnt get a full season."

This is nice, Rachel thinks. Talking to someone who understands ambitions and doesnt criticize her for hers.

"So you left L.A after a year?" she continues.

"One of the producers of Rent got me an audition for the National tour of Jersey Boys which I did for about half a year and then I went straight on to performing Link with the National Tour of Hairspray. Last September I started workshopping a new musical in New Jersey and were about to move it to New York to start previewing it OFF Broadway."

"Wow. Im happy for you. Looks like you didnt need college either."

Knowing that Jesse has been getting work without a college degree makes her feel better about her own situation with NYADA.

"I guess I just wasnt college material," Jesse laughs. "I have to confess though, that theres a reason why I came to your play tonight."

Rachel furrows her brows immediately, and chastises herself for thinking he just wanted to catch up without ulterior motives.

"Its nothing bad though, I promise," Jesse adds quickly when he sees her expression. "The girl playing the female lead got pregnant, so we have to replace her. And when I heard you were going to be available again soon, I put in a good word for you with the director to get you an audition if you like. There are no guarantees that well end up on Broadway or that they wont replace the cast before the show moves to Broadway, but I think its really great and you would be an amazing addition to the cast."

"Um, who would I play?" Rachel asks, not that she should be picky at this point in her career.

"My love interest," Jesse admits. "The musical is a stage version of Pitch Perfect, so youd be playing Beca."

So, one kiss if they stick to the screen version, Rachel quickly calculates. Not that it should matter. If she wants to make it as an actress shell have to get used to kissing people she may have a history with or find truly unattractive. But would it be a smart idea to work closely with Jesse after their shared history, especially if hes playing her love interest?

"This sounds like a great opportunity, but can I have a day to think about it?" she settles on, because with a decision like this, she wants to take her time to think over the pros and cons.

Jesse smiles at her before handing her a card.

"Your audition would be Thursday at 2. If you dont want to audition, give Kevin, thats the director, a call, okay? Whatever you decide, Im sure youll be a big star in no time again."

Theyre the only costumers left in the coffee shop, so Rachel finishes her coffee quickly and exits it with Jesse.

"It was nice seeing you again, Jesse," she admits before they part ways and when he pulls her into a hug, she doesnt resist.

"You too, Rachel. I hope to see you at rehearsals."

Rachel watches him go, so much more mature and grown up than when shed last seen him, while she suddenly feels like shes back in high school again, with butterflies in her stomach because the star of a rival show choir flirted with her. Well, shit.

New York City, Bronx Zoo.

"Hey Wheels, get me another diet coke," Casey Kansas yells and Artie flinches. Its only his first day of work and the former child star trying to revive her career with a guest appearance on Elementary is already driving him crazy.

"Im sorry, Casey," Artie tells the sixteen year old as politely as possible, "but I need to check something with make up. Craft service is just behind your trailer though, and I know for a fact that you have some free time right now."

Casey just glares at Artie. "Youre the intern and heard Leo say that its your job to keep the talent happy."

Artie grits his teeth. "He also said I had to make sure the talent arrived on set on time and still I didnt just take away your cell phone when you were delaying us this morning. If youre filming and cant leave to get a drink, Ill gladly get you one, but when youre not even in the scene, you can get it yourself. I cant even get to the craft service truck because its parked in the woods, and no ones bringing me stuff either."

After mastering the New York subway system and life in New York in general, he hadnt thought that being on a film set would be this hard. It isnt even lunch break yet, and so far hes been yelled at countless time for being in someones way, rolling over cables and not properly using the walkie-talkie he was given the moment he arrived on set. Whats worse, theyre filming in the still snow-covered Bronx Zoo off the official pathways, which has caused his wheels to get stuck in the snow and nearly falling out of his chair when hed encountered a particularly thick root.

"Dont get why they hired a cripple in the first place," Casey mutters under her breath before she storms off, and Artie tries not to show how much her statement hurts him, because theyd attracted an audience during their argument.

Instead his rolls over to the make up trailer and stops a passing crew member to knock on the door for him.

"Yes?" the makeup artist sounds annoyed when she spots Artie and is forced to stay in the open door instead of inviting him inside.

"Um, Leo would like to change Lucys hairstyle back to the one she had earlier and wants to know how long it would take?"

"Half an hour," comes the reply and Artie fumbles with the radio to get the message back to Leos assistant director as Sheila watches him. "And send a PA to get Lucy when Im done. I dont want her to catch a cold because you take forever getting to the set."

Artie hangs his head and nods. On his way back to Leo and the filming, the wind picks up and he shivers in his chair as he wheels himself uphill over snow-covered cobbled stone. As he rolls up behind Leo, he misses a large tree branch and when he rolls over it, it breaks with a loud crunch.

"Cut!" Leo yells. "Silence on set when were filming."

Arties face flushes bright red when everyone turns and stares at him.

"Sorry," he mumbles feeling like a complete idiot because apparently thats what everyone on set thinks about him.

He never thought hed be so out of his depth on a real film set. After all, hed directed a Christmas show for a local television station back in high school and shot three films in film school so far. This, getting to shadow the director on a successful TV show, should be easy. Hed thought hed get a chance to talk to Leo about the set ups for the scenes, discuss his vision and get asked his opinion. He wouldnt even mind being nothing more than a glorified assistant, if the people on the crew would give him a chance instead of dismissing him out of hand because of his wheel chair.

"Artie, why dont you help Casey with her lines? I dont have anything to do for you right now. She should be in her trailer," Leo says loud enough for everyone to hear him, and Artie nods, because what else is he supposed to do? Clearly, he isnt welcome on set at the moment.

As he turns, the tree branch hed rolled over gets stuck in his wheel and he curses out loud. Jess, whos a camera intern on the shoot, rushes over to help but Arties done feeling helpless, so of course he snaps at the only person whos nice to him on set.

"I can take care of it myself. Leave me alone."

Jess looks hurt, but she still bends down and pulls the branch out and once hes free, Artie wheels away as fast as possible while some of the crew snicker behind him.

Lima, McKinley High School

"I cant believe our Sue videos have more than a million views already," Kitty tells Unique as they walk down the hallway together.

"I know its crazy," Unique agrees. "And coach Beiste said the superintendent saw them too and is coming to McKinley to investigate principal Sue.

They are so immersed in their conversation, that they dont notice the woman in question storming up to them until a seething Sue Sylvester is right in front of them.

"You two. Who do you think you are? Without me, youd be nothing and how do you repay me? By smearing my good name on the Internet. Well, if you think youre safe from my wrath because youve already been accepted into college, think again. One call from me and your college careers will be over before theyve even started. You messed with the wrong woman and now youre going to find out why you should never cross Sue Sylvester."

Kitty and Unique share an uneasy look because they wouldnt put it past Sue to find a way to mess up their college acceptances, when a voice booms from behind the principal and cheerleading coach.

"Principal Sylvester, a word in your office!"

Sue blushes when she spots the superintendent and smiles at him coyly.

"Give me a moment. Ill be right with you."

The superintendent glares at her however.

"Now. Unless you want to have this conversation in front of the whole student body?"

A crowd has formed in the hallway, watching the conversation like a particularly riveting tennis match.

"Fine," Sue agrees when her eyes find the crowd as well, and Kitty and Unique watch as she follows the superintendent down the hallway to her office.

Lima, McKinley, Sues office

"Weve let a lot of your behavior slide in the past, because youve yielded results, but attacking students verbally and physically is unacceptable."

Emma squirms uncomfortably in her chair, wondering why she has to witness this conversation. Apparently, Sue is wondering the same thing.

"What is she doing here?"

"Well, according to protocol we cant fire you until the allegations against you have been investigated but youre suspended effective immediately until the school board decides whether you are allowed back or banned from teaching in Ohio altogether. In the meantime, the school board has decided to make Mrs. Pillsbury interim principal because former principal Figgins is visiting family in Pakistan."

Emma looks at the superintendent in surprise. She knows shes popular with students and teachers alike, but she never thought shed be on the school boards radar for a job like this.

"As long as it doesnt conflict with my job as a guidance councilor Id be happy to step in," she tells the superintendent once shes past her initial surprise.

"Wonderful. Once the board has come to a decision, we will elect a new principal and vice principal. Clearly, it was a mistake to let you abolish the position," the superintendent turns to Sue whos openly glaring at her former crush.

Emma leaves Sues – now her office – in a daze and promptly collides with Shannon out in the hallway.

"Emma, are you okay? You look a bit pale."

"Theyre suspending Sue and made me interim principal of McKinley," Emma recounts, still trying to wrap her head around it.

"Thats amazing," Shannon gushes as they step into Emmas office for privacy. "You should put your name in when theyre looking for a new principal."

"Sue might come back," Emma reminds Shannon. "The school boards made a lot of questionable decisions before."

"Not this time. Not with all the videos the kids posted online," Shannon argues as Emma sinks into her chair. "And I think youd make a great principal because you really care about the kids in this school."

"I dont know," Emma admits. "Wills been hinting not too subtly that he wants us to have another kid and I dont want to take a job just to leave it soon after to have a baby."

"First of all, whether or not youre going to have another baby shouldnt make a difference unless you decide you want to be a stay at home mom. And I thought you arent ready for another baby?"

"Im not," Emma sighs. "Some days it feels like Will thinks that having a baby miraculously cured me of my OCD when on some days I can barely change Dannys diapers. I dont think I can do two kids who need diapers, as much as Id like another kid soon as well."

"Then you should tell Will that," Shannon advises her and Emma sighs again.

"I know, but hes going to be so disappointed when I tell him that I want to wait till Dannys older to have another kid. And with how badly things are going at Carmel right now, I dont want to add to it, by telling him how I feel about another baby."

"Just think how hed feel if he found out youre on the pill when you told him you arent. Better you tell him than he finds out by accident."

"I know," Emma hangs her head. "Im going to tell him tonight when Im telling him about the principal job."

Shannon hates seeing her friend looking so dejected but the best she can offer is a hug. So she opens her arms and lets Emma step into them.

New York City, The Loft

Kurt and Blaine are tying their ties in front of the living room mirror when they notice Rachels pacing.

"Whats going, Rach?" Kurt adjusts the knot and turns to face his best friend. "I thought you were going out for drinks with Brittany and Santana tonight?"

"Im facing a dilemma," Rachel states dramatically. Kurt raises an eyebrow in question.

"Spit it out if you want our input. Were meeting Blaines dad in an hour," Kurt reminds her.

"Jesse came to my show last night," Rachel recounts and Kurt gapes at her.

"Jesse St. Sucks? What is he doing here?" Rachel rolls her eyes.

"You cant still be mad at him for what he said to you our junior year. Youve forgiven people for far worse."

"Other people apologized," Kurt replies petulantly. "But whatever. What did he want?"

"He asked me to audition for a show hes doing," Rachel tells her best friend. "Its still in the workshop stage and doesnt have a Broadway contract yet, but I really like the idea of it," she admits.

"You cant seriously consider working with him, Rachel. Hes going to stab you in the back the moment he thinks youre stealing his spotlight. Back me up here, Blaine."

Blaine shrugs. "Ive heard the horror stories about Vocal Adrenaline back when Jesse was the lead singer, but Ive never actually met him. And even if he was a jerk in high school, shouldnt we give him the benefit of the doubt because hes probably changed since then."

"Youre supposed to be on my side and not be all rational," Kurt pouts.

"Sorry, love." Blaine kisses his cheek. "If you like the script you should audition, Rachel," he continues. "And Kurt, we have to go. I dont want to keep my dad waiting, especially when I have no clue why he wants to see me in the first place."

"I hope its nothing bad about the wedding," Kurt frowns. "Hes never invited me along to dinner before."

"Good luck," Rachel tells them, before she steps into the bathroom to get ready for her night out with Santana and Brittany.

New York City, A Restaurant in Midtown

His dad is already seated at a table in the back, when a waiter leads him and Kurt over.

"Blaine, Kurt," Richard holds out his hand and from the corner of his eye Blaine sees that Kurt tries not to wince when his dad squeezes his fiancés hand tightly. "Its good to see you again."

"You too, dad. What brings you to New York?"

"Business and little pleasure unfortunately," his dad chuckles. "I ordered a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, I hope thats okay."

Blaine refrains from reminding his dad yet again that no dad, Im still not 21 and nods along with Kurt. As his dad fills their glasses, Kurt takes his hand underneath the table and gives it a gentle squeeze.

"You said you wanted to talk to us?" he says after taking a small sip. The wines definitely better than the stuff Kurt usually brings home, but thats to be expected from a dinner with Richard Anderson. His dad clears his throat.

"Im sure your mother told you that our lawyers have finalized the divorce." Blaine nods, though his mom hadnt told him any details only that theyve come to an arrangement. "As you know Im paying your tuition for NYADA which isnt exactly cheap and Im paying your rent and other expenses." Blaine nods again, but he doesnt like the direction this conversation is going. "Well, unfortunately, Im going to have to pay your mother quite a lot in alimony, so in the future Ill only be paying for NYADA."

Blaine inhales sharply, but doesnt say anything because he knows he and Kurt are lucky their parents have been pitching in so much.

"But, I have some money saved for your wedding," his father continues, "which youre welcome to if you cant figure out another way to pay rent."

Before Blaine can say anything, theyre interrupted by a waiter delivering the hors doeuvre his dad must have ordered along with the wine.

"Um, how much are we talking about?" he asks after the waiter is gone. "I didnt know you were going to help us pay for the wedding."

With how long it had taken his dad to accept his relationship with Kurt, this is a truly surprising turn of events.

"About 10 grand."

Blaine gapes at his dad but its Kurt who replies.

"Oh, wow. Thats very generous Mr. Anderson."

"Call me Richard, Kurt. You boys are getting married after all."

"Well, thank you Richard," Kurt repeats, surprise etched into his face as well.

"And as I said, the money is yours. But if you use it now I wont pay for anything else concerning the wedding.

"Um. I think Kurt and I need to talk it over before we can give you an answer, but thank you Dad. I really appreciate it."

"Youre my son; of course Im going to help pay for your wedding. And who knows if your brother will ever have one. Whod have thought that out of the two of you, youd be the one getting married."

Blaine laughs awkwardly because he knows that one of the issues his dad had had with him being gay, had been his conviction that being gay meant Blaine would never get married or have a family. So he gets why it may be weird for his dad that his gay sons the one tying the knot and not his older girl magnet son.

"For what its worth, Im glad youre going to be there, Dad. It wouldnt be the same without you."

If he and his dad had the hugging kind of relationship like Kurt with Burt, hed hug his dad following his statement, but as it is, he settles on giving his dad an honest smile.

When the waiter returns to retrieve the empty plates, they order their main courses as Blaine keeps smiling, because he cant remember the last time when hed had such a good time at dinner with his dad.

New York City, Callbacks

"You told him yes, right? After moping around for months because no one wanted to hire you, youd be stupid not to take this chance, just because you have history with him. And seriously, Rachel, if I could change after high school, then he could as well," Santana lectures her after Rachel reveals why shes late.

"Which one was Jesse?" Brittany interjects and twirls the straw of her drink. "The one that never talked in Glee?"

Santana shakes her head fondly. "That was Matt. Jesse was the guy from Vocal Adrenaline who transferred to McKinley to spy on us."

"Oh, right. The hot one."

Judging by the blush on Rachels face, she agrees with Brittanys statement and if her friend hadnt been so down the last couple of months, shed tease her about it.

Also, Santana thinks its a testament to her growth that a comment like this doesnt bother her as much as it used to. Shes come to terms with the fact that Brittany will always be attracted to men as well, but she chose Santana. The reminder of this sits on both of their ring fingers.

"Yes," Rachel confirms but doesnt specify whose statement she agrees with. "And yes, Ive decided to give it a shot. Its too good of an opportunity to pass up."

On stage, a girl is murdering a Celine Dion song and all three of them wince.

"Actually, Brittany, I was hoping you could help me learn that one choreography from the movie for my audition," Rachel continues after she downs a shot with her two friends. "I want to show them that Im really committed to doing this."

"Id love to. Come by tomorrow afternoon and well get started."

"Awesome. Ah, it looks like its my turn, finally."

New York City, The Loft

"I still cant believe your dad is giving us so much money for our wedding," Kurt repeats as they step into the thankfully empty apartment.

"I know," Blaine agrees. "I was happy just knowing hed be there, but this is gonna help us a lot. Though Im not sure what to do about rent and all the other things I have to pay for."

"Why?" Kurt furrows his brows in confusion. "I have my job at the dinner and my dads sending me money for rent, Rachels helping out as well and you have the gigs with June."

"Yeah, but I dont get paid for those."

Kurt stops abruptly causing Blaine to run into him.

"Say what?" he turns slowly to face his fiancée.

"Im not getting paid for performing with June. Shes doing me a favor after all; introducing me to all those important people."

Kurt stares at Blaine in shock.

"Thats unacceptable Blaine. You spend a lot of time rehearsing for those shows and I gave up my shifts for quite a lot of them to support you when we could have needed that money."

Blaine shrugs helplessly. "What do you want me to do? I like those gigs."

Kurt just shakes his head. "But shes taking advantage of you. Those tickets cost quite a lot and even though you perform most of the songs, shes keeping all the money. From now on shes either going to have to pay you or you have to find a paying job like me. Were getting married next year and when we do, I dont want our parents to have to pay for our life together; not when were married."

Blaine sits down on the couch, his shoulders slumped.

"Youre right," he agrees. "Ill talk to June and tell her I cant perform for free anymore."

"Good," Kurt smiles at his fiancé. "And if she really values you as much as she says she does, shes going to pay you." After a moment he adds. "And maybe its time to find you an agent. Someone wholl make sure you arent being take advantage off."

"Hey," Blaine protests. "I can take care of myself."

"Im not saying you cant take care of yourself. But you have to admit that you like to please people, because you want to be liked. And thats not how you succeed in this business."

"Fine," Blaine agrees. "Ill talk to Santana and see if she can introduce me to her agent."

"Thank you," Kurt kisses his cheek. "So, I may or not have those bridal magazines. Do you want to look through them with me and check what we can get for your dads money?"

Blaine laughs. "Lead the way, but were still not feeding any birds glitter."

New York City, Brighton Beach

Unfortunately, his second day of work isnt any better and Artie wonders what hes done in a previous life to be involved in a shoot that happens in the woods and on a beach. Hes forced to remain on the boardwalk while the crew sets up down by the water. Of course, this is where Casey finds him.

"Hey Wheels. I left my charger in my hotel room, so go and buy me a new one."

Artie grits his teeth and balls his hands into fists in his pockets. Hed love nothing more than to rip her phone out of hand and hit her over the head with it but doesnt think it would go over well with Leo.

"What kind of phone do you have? I have a charger for an iPhone 5," he offers instead, because no way can he leave to go shopping for the spoilt former Disney channel star.

"Fine," Casey replies and snatches the offered charger out of Arties hand. Then her expression sours again. "What about my cigarettes though. I told you an hour ago to get me some."

The no you didnt is on the tip of his tongue, but Artie stops himself in time from taking the bait,

"Youre sixteen," he says instead and Casey crosses her arms in front of her chest.


"So, youre not old enough to smoke," he takes the bait after all.

Casey glares at him. "Who the fuck do you think you are? Youre just a stupid intern, not my dad. So go and get me my fucking cigarettes. And you better get me some weed too, or I tell Leo you touched my ass."

Artie flinches and rolls backwards. Even though he isnt getting paid much for this job and money isnt the reason hes doing it, he cant afford to get fired. Definitely not because a minor accused him of touching her inappropriately. It would mean the end of his career before it even has a chance to start.

"Fine, Ill get you some cigarettes but theres no way Im getting you drugs. I wouldnt even know who to ask," he agrees.

Casey bursts out laughing. "God, youre naïve. Just ask Leo or pretty much anyone on the crew."

With that she turns on the spot and heads back to her trailer while Artie stares after her gob smacked. Shes just messing with him, right? Because if she isnt, what did he get himself into?

New York City, The Lopez- Pierce Apartment

Rachel is sitting on the floor with Brittany and tries to copy her movements. The cups performance had looked difficult enough in the movie, but trying to do it herself, Rachel starts to doubt if shell ever be able to do it.

"Can you start from the beginning, please," Rachel sighs in frustration after she messes up again.

"Maybe try to sing along so you can connect the movements to parts of the song," Brittany suggests.

Ive got my ticket for the long way round

Two bottles of whiskey for the way

And I sure would like some sweet company

And Im leaving tomorrow. What dyou say?

Rachel sings softly as Brittany demonstrates the hand movements slowly again.

When Im gone, when Im gone

Youre gonna miss me when Im gone

Youre gonna miss me by my hair

Youre gonna miss me everywhere, oh

Youre gonna miss me when Im gone.

"Better," Brittany smiles at her when Rachel gets through a whole part without messing up before taking over the next lines while Rachel tries to keep up with her cups.

When Im gone, when Im gone

Youre gonna miss me when Im gone

Youre gonna miss me by my hair

Youre gonna miss me everywhere, oh

Youre gonna miss me when Im gone.

Ive got my tickets for the long way round

The one with the prettiest of views

Its got mountains, its got rivers

Its got sights to give you shivers

But it sure would be prettier with you

They take the next chorus together, and Rachel smiles brightly when she manages to keep up with Brittany for once.

When Im gone, when Im gone

Youre gonna miss me when Im gone

Youre gonna miss me by my hair

Youre gonna miss me everywhere, oh

Youre gonna miss me when Im gone.

"Youre such a good teacher," Rachel praises Brittany when theyve finished the song. Have you ever thought about teaching dance?"

Brittany shakes her head. "Maybe when Im old and cant dance anymore, but right now I just want to dance."

Rachel nods because she knows how Brittany feels. She could see herself teaching a class or two at NYADA after shes achieved all her goals on Broadway, but teaching instead of performing herself would never make her happy.

"Your audition for the Rockettes is in a few weeks right?" Brittany nods. "Well, Im sure youre going to do great."

"Thanks," Brittany replies. "But its okay if they dont take me this year. Right now Im really enjoying dancing in other peoples music videos."

Sometimes, Rachel envies Brittany for her sunny outlook on life. For her its usually all or nothing, but maybe shed be happier as well if she saw the good in every opportunity coming her way.

"Lets take it from the top," she suggests. Because while this show might not be Broadway, it still could make her very happy if she let it.

Lima, McKinley High Choir Room

5 pretty cheerleaders are butchering Rather Be.

Sam and Mercedes have been trying to teach them to sing back up for the past two hours and its frustrating to say the least, because apparently, the only ones that Kitty could convince to join them for Regionals are all tone deaf.

"Maybe we should just tell them to lip-sync and hope for the best," Mercedes whispers when the girls step outside to get a drink.

"We only have seven members," Sam reminds his girlfriend. "I think the judges will hear the difference if only seven of the twelve members we need actually sing."

Mercedes frowns. "Youre right. Do you think we could teach them a cool choreography in two days? Then they wouldnt have to sing and could just dance around the actual members."

"I think its our only shot. Because if we let those girls sing, weve already lost."

New York City, Coney Island, Leos Trailer

Artie rolls up the ramp to Leos trailer with enough force that he nearly slams into Leos desk.

His eyes sting after the scolding hed gotten from one of the producers visiting them on set only to witness Artie going off on one of the actors. In his defence, he really believed that someone had to tell Casey how awful she truly was and how unacceptably she behaved. Its not him whos the ungrateful one, its the stupid child star trying to make his life a living hell. Fortunately, before he could lose his temper with the producer as well, Leo sent him to his trailer under the pretense of needing Artie to check something in the script.

Artie eyes his backpack sitting in a corner of Leos trailer. Maybe he should just leave before he gets fired and escorted off set. This whole experience is already embarrassing and humiliating enough and to top it off, Artie now seriously doubts that hell ever be able to have a career in film. So, its unsurprising that the words come to him as easily as they do.


When your best isnt good enough

And day after day your life is rough

Why not just say Ive had enough?

Why not just give up?


To be seen, valued even

More did I never need

But when people look at me

They see failure as a given


So why fight back if the win cant be guaranteed?

Why tell them theyre wrong when you yourself dont believe?

Why not give up

When times get rough?


I never used to be so frail

Took charge, took over the reigns.

Was liked, respected even

Dont know when I became a freak instead


Im not some invalid, I can see things through

Stop worrying about me or we are through

Cripple you call me behind my back

Why did I think this was all in the past?


So why fight back if the win cant be guaranteed?

Why tell them theyre wrong when you yourself dont believe?

Why not give up

When times get rough?

"I hope you know I dont see you like that," Leo steps into his trailer and Artie snaps his mouth shut, his cheeks flushing in embarrassment. "I wouldnt have given you this job if I thought you couldnt do it."

"I bet youre regretting it now," Artie hears himself saying before he can stop himself.

Leo sighs. "Im not regretting giving you this job, Artie, but I think I underestimated how difficult an on location shoot would be for you. I think you could thrive in this industry, but until you are established enough to have your own assistant, youd probably be better off in L.A where most things are filmed on soundstages."

"But I keep messing things up that have nothing to do with me being in a wheel chair," Artie frowns, having a hard time believing hell ever be a successful director if he cant even handle a sixteen year old wannabe actress.

"Actors are strange creatures," Leo smiles, "and its a fine line we have to walk. We need them to respect us even when we cant cater to their every whim. Its okay if not everyone on set likes you, as long as you get them to respect you. And quite often, unprofessional behavior stems from an actors insecurities."

Artie scoffs. "Casey definitely isnt insecure. That girl is so full of herself."

"You sure?" Leo hands Artie a glass of water. "Shes a sixteen year old pushed into this business at a young age by a mother who never made it as actress herself. A sixteen year old trying to prove to everyone and herself that shes more that the cute blonde with the adorable catch phrase from the Mickey Mouse Club. Id thought you of all people could emphasize with what shes going through."

Artie briefly thinks back to his early high school days – trying to prove to everyone that his chair doesnt define him. He sighs.

"I guess Id better talk to her and apologize for calling her spoilt brat among other things."

"You should," Leo agrees. "I want you to be able to finish the shoot, and at this point, getting back into Caseys good graces is your only chance."

Artie swallows around the sudden lump in his throat. "Thanks Leo. Ill try not to let you down again."

He waits a few moments after Leo has left before he squares his shoulders and rolls back down the ramp. Time to clear the air with Casey.

Mansfield, OH, Benjamin Franklin High School

The yellow school bus, interim principal Pillsbury had hired to transport the Glee club to their Regionals performance stops in front a high school, that has seen better days as well. Mercedes, Sam, Shannon and Emma lead their seven glee club members and the five cheerios off the bus and into the building to sign them in.

In front of them is Will with the group from Carmel High.

"Good luck today," Emma tells her husband sincerely, because after their conversation the previous night, Will looks like he could use a pick me up.

"Luck," one of Wills students scoffs. "We dont need luck, especially against a group like you or the Garblers."

"We already beat you once, what makes you think we cant do it again," Kitty steps forward and goes toe to toe with the Vocal Adrenaline lead.

The coaches step in before the animosity gets out of hand.

"Come on guys, lets go and warm up," Will calls out and leads his group further into the building, while Emma and Shannon signs their kids in.

"They can not win," Kitty meanwhile turns to the rest of the New Directions. "They beat us my sophomore year, when winning would have meant so much to our group and Im not going to lose against them my senior year. So dont you dare screw up!"

"Kitty, thats enough," Mercedes steps in. "I want you guys to win, but more than that, I want you to go out there and have fun. This could be your last completion together, so make the most of it. Neither of us will blame you, if you dont win. When the New Directions were a new group like you are, we didnt even place at Regionals. So just go out there and have fun!"

When Emma and Shannon return with directions to the "green room", they find the New Directions in a massive group hug and when Unique tells them to join in, neither hesitates.

Mansfield, OH, Benjamin Franklin High School – Auditorium

Vocal Adrenaline performs a vocally flawless but rather boring Journey medley. Will watches his group with a nostalgic smile on his face.

Mansfield, OH, Benjamin Franklin High School – Auditorium

Next up are the Warblers, and while Kitty recognizes two of them from her sophomore year, the rest seem to be new like the twins, Roderick, Jane and Spencer.

The Warblers performance is highly energetic and so much fun to watch, that Kitty catches herself thinking that the boys in the navy blazers deserve to win. At least, if they werent competing against the New Directions.

"Theyre so good," Mercedes whispers to Sam. "Like when Blaine was still a Warbler good."

"I know," Sam agrees. "And if they werent competing against our kids Id totally root for them."

When the Warblers set ends, they both jump to their feet and cheer for their former competition, even if it earns them a glare from Unique.

Mansfield, OH, Benjamin Franklin High School – Auditorium

Behind the curtain, New Directions shares another hug before seniors Kitty, Unique and Roderick walk out on stage.


Were a thousand miles from comfort,

We have traveled land and sea


But as long as you are with me

Theres no place Id rather be


I would wait forever, exalted in the scene

As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat

The rest of the New Directions steps on stage as well and the cheerios start flipping and back flipping across the stage.


With every step we take, Kyoto to the Bay,

Strolling so casually


Were different and the same, get you another name

Switch up the batteries


If you gave me a chance I would take it

Its a shot in the dark, but Ill make it

Know with all of your heart, you cant shake me

When I am with you, theres no place Id rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place Id rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place Id rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place Id rather be


We staked out on a mission to find out inner peace

Make it everlasting so nothings incomplete


Its easy being with you, scared simplicity

As long as were together, theres no place Id rather be.


With every step we take, Kyoto to the Bay,

Strolling so casually


Were different and the same, get you another name

Switch up the batteries


If you gave me a chance I would take it

Its a shot in the dark, but Ill make it

Know with all of your heart, you cant shake me

When I am with you, theres no place Id rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place Id rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place Id rather be

N-n-n-no, no, no, no place Id rather be

New York City, Coney Island, Casey Kansass trailer

Artie takes a deep breath before he knocks on the trailer door.

"What?" Casey calls out and Artie winces because it sounds like shes been crying.

"Um its Artie Abrams. Can I talk to you?"

The trailer door flies open and Casey glares at him, her eyes red rimmed.

"Go away! Or I make sure you get fired!"

Artie sighs. "Look, I just want to talk to you, but if you dont want to I cant force you, obviously," he motions to his wheel chair. Even if he wanted to, theres no way he could get into her trailer.

Casey sniffs and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Fine. You can come with me when I get coffee."

Artie waits outside as Casey gets her jacket, mentally running through the things he wants to say to her. Once, shes outside, Casey lights a cigarette, and while he disapproves, Artie keeps his mouth shut, because Casey is right, he isnt her dad, hes only four years older than her.

"Look Casey, Im sorry. I shouldnt have said to you what I said," Artie breaks the silence as he rolls down the boardwalk next to her, the cold wind biting his skin.

"Did Leo tell you to apologize?" Casey stops in her tracks and whirls around.

Artie shakes his head. "No. I lost my temper and I lashed out. I dont actually think youre talentless, I was just angry because you kept treating me like dirt."

Tears well up in Caseys eyes again.

"Im sorry too, but do you know how hard it is to get taken seriously as an actress when all everyone thinks about you when they see you is the character you played when you were eight? I just wanted to distance myself from that girl, show everyone that I was grown up now. I think it backfired though."

Artie doesnt contradict her and Casey continues.

"I just dont know how else to do it. To shed this image."

"I think, if you want to be treated like a grown up, you have to act like one. Be professional and do a good job. You are a good actress and Im sure youll get more jobs if people think your easy to work with than if everyone thinks youre an unprofessional, troubled teen. Wouldnt you rather be a Emma Watson than a Lindsay Lohan?"

Casey barks out a laugh. "Are you sure youre only twenty? Youre references are so dated."

Artie cracks a smile as well.

"So you really think Ill manage the transition from child star to a serious actress?"

Artie nods his head. "This is a great first step. Im sure youll get more mature roles soon. And in the meantime, if youd be open to help out a poor film student with little to no budget, Id like to write you something for my senior project. Something mature, you could really shine in. Something Id give you a say in, because having your name attached to a project of mine, would be an amazing opportunity for me as well."

Casey considers Arties offer for a moment. "I did earn a lot of money when I was a kid, so its not like I cant afford to work for free. So how about this, you show me what you have in mind, and Ill tell you whether Im in or not."

Artie shakes the offered hand. "Deal."

"And if you have some time, could you help me run my lines? I may have stayed out a bit too long last night instead of preparing for today," Casey admits sheepishly.

"Ill have to check with Leo, but if he doesnt need me, Id love to."

Mansfield, OH, Benjamin Franklin High School – Auditorium

The nine Sectionals winners are crowed together on stage waiting for the MC to announce the winner. When Rod Remington steps on stage, Kitty grabs Uniques hand and holds on tightly.

"Well, there were some truly awful performances tonight, but three of them at least didnt make my ears bleed. So lets get this over with. Tied in third place are Vocal Adrenaline from Carmel High School and The New Directions from William McKinley High School. The New Directions seriously? I cant believe they still havent changed their name. There are children here."

Kittys face falls but the faces of the member of Vocal Adrenaline show pure rage as they turn to their coach.

"And in first place and moving on to Nationals are The Warblers from Dalton Academy. My fellow judges have informed me that boys in blazers are hot, so anyone over eighteen should drop by in the judges chambers when this is over."

While they are all deeply disappointed, the New Directions shake hands with the Warblers to congratulate them and promise to root for them at Nationals, because they dont want to be branded as sore losers.

"Its not the end of the world," Sam says as they walk back to their green room. "You can still perform. Mercedes and I will make sure of it."

Its little consolation for Kitty who really wanted to win Nationals at least once, but she smiles nonetheless when she sees how excited the new members are about placing at Regionals.

"You did great," she tells the newbies. "Im sure youll win it next year."

At least she hopes there will still be a Glee club next year, what with Sam and Mercedes moving to L.A. But she keeps this little information to herself, knowing shes just privy to it, because Sam is her friend more than he is her coach.

Akron, Carmel High, Principals Office

"Im sorry Will, but my hands are tied. We rely heavily on donations in this school, and Ive already been approached by alumni saying they wont donate unless Vocal Adrenaline gets a new coach."

Will sits slumped in a chair in front of the principal, even though he expected this to happen when he was summoned. Still it hurts, especially knowing how successful his wife is right now. Interim principal of a school that never took him seriously either, well liked by her Glee kids, while Wills kids pretty much despised him.

"I could teach another subject maybe? I used to teach Spanish and History at McKinley High," he reminds the principal.

"I was under the impression that you werent qualified to teach either subject," the principal frowns. "And even if you were, we dont need new teachers right now."

Will sighs and gets up from his chair.

"Ill clean out my office then."

The principal doesnt stop him and Will walks out. The only consolation is that hell now have a lot of time to spend with his son. Perfect time to add another child, but unfortunately Emma has other plans. And while he knows he could guilt her into having another baby, he doesnt want to be this person. He wants to be the kind of guy he used to be – when the kids looked up to him and respected him.

New York City, The Loft

Rachels in the middle of her vocal exercises, taking advantage of the empty lot, when her phone rings.

"Hello, Rachel Berry speaking."

"Rachel, hi, this is Kevin from Pitch Perfect – The Musical. I just wanted to let you know that the role is yours if you want it. Jesse wasnt lying, youre a truly amazing singer."

"Oh, wow, thank you so much. I dont want to sound ungrateful, but I can you give me till tomorrow to decide?"

"Sure, " Kevin replies. "Just know that wed love to have you on board.

Rachel barely manages to put her phone down when it rings again. This time its Jesse whos calling.

"I just heard the good news but whats this about you not saying yes immediately. Did you get another offer?"

Rachel shakes her head. "No, no other offer. But Im not sure its a good idea for us to work together, given our history," she admits, the voices in her head sounding suspiciously like Kurt.

"Listen Rachel, our past should be in the past. But I see you need a little more convincing. Meet me at Callbacks in an hour so I can remind you of our vocal chemistry and that it would be a crime to deprive people of it."

They had some truly great duets together, Rachel has to admit and so she agrees even though she still has some reservations.

Its still early when she gets to Callbacks, but the bar is already filled with the usual crowd of musical theater students. Jesse is waiting for her on stage and she doesnt want to know what he did to get them a spot this fast. When the music starts, Jesse takes the first line.


I know theres something in the wake of your smile.

I get a notion from the look in your eyes, yea.

Youve built a love but that love falls apart.

Your little piece of heaven turns too dark.

Listen to your heart

When hes calling for you

Listen to your hear

Theres nothing else you can do

I dont know where youre going

And I dont know why

But listen to your heart

Before you tell him goodbye


Sometimes you wonder if this fight is worthwhile

The precious moments are all lost in the tide, yea


Theyre swept away and nothing is what it seems

The feeling of belonging to your dreams


Listen to your heart

When hes calling for you

Listen to your hear

Theres nothing else you can do

I dont know where youre going

And I dont know why

But listen to your heart

Before you tell him goodbye


And there are voices that want to be heard

So much to mention but you cant find the words


The scent of magic, the beauty thats been

When love was wider that the wind


Listen to your heart

When hes calling for you

Listen to your hear

Theres nothing else you can do

I dont know where youre going

And I dont know why

But listen to your heart

Before you tell him goodbye

There are both panting and smiling widely when the song ends and the other patrons cheer them on.

"Youre right. That was exhilarating," Rachel admits, before she pulls out her phone and calls Kevin.

"Kevin, this is Rachel Berry. Im in."

Jesse pulls her into his arms, but when he leans in for a kiss, she pulls back.

"I cant Im sorry. Im sort of seeing someone."

Jesses face falls for a moment before he catches himself.

"Thats okay. We never had good timing so why should it be different this time around."

Jesses probably right, but then why does she feel like shes making a mistake in not giving them another chance?

Lima, A Rundown Bar

And in another part of the country, Will Schuester runs into Sue Sylvester whos drowning her sorrows.

"I heard you got suspended," he greets her after ordering a beer.

"I heard you got fired," Sue shoots back, her speech slightly slurred. "Too bad though. Those automatons could have used a softy like you."

Sue must be really drunk to say something nice about him, and so he refrains from mocking her about her suspension.

"For what its worth, I thought you were a great principal when all that Kurt – Karofsky stuff was happening. So what happened?"

Sue shrugs helplessly. "All I ever wanted to do was help those kids. Get them ready for the real world, because I know how cruel it can be."

"Maybe they wont fire you," Will tells her because the school board is unpredictable and has made rash decision before.

Sue shakes her head though. "No. Theyll get rid of me. I was only useful to them when my cheerios were featured on ESPN and earned the school a lot of money. Now Im nothing more than a liability."

Will orders two more shots and wonders what the world had turned into that two enemies ended up making nice while drowning their sorrows together.

Disclaimer: I dont know anyone working on Elementary so any similarities to real people are purely coincidental.

Songs featured in this episode:
Rachel: When Im gone – Pitch Perfects Cups performance
Artie: Lost - Original (its bad but I couldnt find a song that fit)
Vocal Adrenaline: Journey Medley - Journey
The Warblers: Sing - Ed Sheeran
The New Directions 3.0: Rather Be - Clean Bandit
Rachel and Jesse: Listen To Your Hear - Roxette


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