Dec. 15, 2016, 6 p.m.
Dec. 15, 2016, 6 p.m.
AN: Sorry for the delay. I blame Netflix for releasing all episodes of House of Cards on the same day ;)
607: Transitioning: January 2015
Heres what you missed on Glee. Sam returned to Lima after getting his junk on a New York bus and coach Beiste made him assistant football coach. Too bad he has no clue what he wants to do with the rest of his life. Mercedes took some time off from L.A to work on her new album in Lima, hoping that being close to Sam will inspire her to write a great love song. Rachel behaved horribly when she was the star in Funny Girl and when she quit abruptly, her producer threatened to blacklist her on Broadway. And at McKinley, dictator Sue is terrorizing the students, but not all of them are ready to take it lying down. And thats what you missed on Glee.
Lima, Rhodes State College
Sam keeps a tight grip on the strap of his backpack as he walks across the Rhodes State College Campus to his first class. With Emmas help hed signed up for the Associate of Arts degree because it would fulfill most of his GE requirements in case he ever wanted to transfer to a four-year college. Sam doubts thats ever going to happen because with his dyslexia, high school had been hard enough, but he trusts Emmas advice.
Many of the people he crosses path with on the snow covered walkways seem to be quite a bit older than him and he hopes that at least in his first class he wont be the only relatively recent high school graduate who has no clue what he wants to do with the rest of his life. Unfortunately, he had to pick classes that fit into his McKinley schedule, so his very first college class is a Statistics class.
The classroom is the first to the right in the Sciences Building and when Sam steps into it, most seats are already taken. Hes relieved though when he spots an open seat in the back row behind a guy who most definitely was on his high school football team. Hes so big, Sam can easily hide behind him, which definitely helps him to relax. Hed had trouble falling asleep the previous night, tossing and turning as his brain came up with all kinds of horror scenarios about college.
When the lesson starts, Sam tries to pay attention, he really does, but he keeps messing up the numbers he copies from the blackboard and the subject matter just bores him to death. Knowing, hes hidden behind the hulk in front of him, he rests his head on his hands and dozes off only to wake up when someone clears their throat loudly.
Hes the only one left in the classroom and his face turns bright red when he realizes that he was woken by his professor.
"Mr.?" the professor asks.
"Um, Sam, Sam Evans," Sam stutters.
"Mr. Evans. I dont think it bodes well for your future, if youre already falling asleep in my first class. Why are you here, if the subject bores you so much?"
Sam winces. So much for being college material.
"I, um, was hoping that taking a few classes would help me figure out what I want to do," he admits. "And, ah, your class was the only Math Elective I could take this semester because I have a job."
The professor regards him for a moment and Sam tries not to squirm under the older mans scrutiny.
"If you havent yet, talk to the academic advisor. We want all our students to succeed here at Rhodes, whether that means preparing them for a four year college course or for the workforce. It would do you a lot of good if you figure out what you want to get out of your time here, before you waste your time and mine."
"Um, okay, Ill do that," Sam stammers, before he shoves his empty notebook into his backpack and hightails it out of the classroom.
Hey Sam, hope you had a great first class! Love Mercedes
Is the text message that greets him when he pulls his phone out of his pocket to google office hours and the location of the Arts and Sciences academic advisor.
On my way to the academic advisor. Statistics isnt for me. Xxx
He replies honestly, because he knows Mercedes wont think less of him, if it turns out that college isnt for him.
Im sorry. Youll find something else you like! See you later. Xxx
New York City, The Loft
Rachel takes her time grocery shopping for their first big potluck dinner of the year because its going to be the first time shell have to face all her friends after confessing her lie in a lengthy email. Shed celebrated New Years Eve with Kurt, Blaine, Elliot, Dani and Danis girlfriend and her roommates had been courteous enough not to spill her secret to her one time band mates, but the best part of the celebrations had been when Kurt and Blaine had told her that they werent angry just disappointed she lied to them in the first place.
Her dads had been disappointed as well – they didnt say it, but Rachel could tell – and so she was even more determined to make 2015 the year her friends and family would be proud of her again. She just had to make it through dinner with Santana, Brittany and Artie first.
Once she runs out of believable reasons why shes taking this long to pick up tofu and the French cheese she and Kurt like so much, she slowly walks back to the loft and drags her shopping back up the four flights of stairs. When she slides the steal door open, the sound of her friends laughter fills the loft and the abrupt silence following her entrance makes her want to cry. Instead she plasters on her best Rachel Berry smile and hands her shopping bag to Kurt.
"Sorry it took me so long. They were out at our usual place."
"Its okay, the others just got here as well," Kurt assures her and pulls her into the kitchen.
"They all hate me," she moans when theyre out of earshot, but Kurt shakes his head.
"No they dont. Santana was pretty angry at first because she nearly skipped her Christmas party to go to your play, but she and Brittany only have wedding planning on their mind right now."
When Rachel turns, Brittany smiles at her from her perch on the couch next to Santana and Santana waves her over after a moment.
"So we were thinking a dark violet for the bridesmaids – what do you think? Not that your opinion really matters but Ive been informed its only polite to consult the people who have to wear the dresses," Santana drawls and Rachels eyes widen in surprise.
"You want me to be in your wedding?"
"Weve both done stuff we werent proud of in the past, so lets put it behind us and forget about that awful year that was 2014, okay," Santana offers and Rachel nods enthusiastically.
"So who else do you want to be in your wedding party?"
"For the girls Quinn, Mercedes, Tina and you and for the guys, Kurt, Blaine, Artie, and Puck, to make things even. Brittany wanted to invite Sue and Mr. Schue as well, but weve been out of high school for more than two years and Id really like to leave high school in the past."
"Definitely," Rachel agrees, "I mean who knows if I would ever have gotten into NYADA without Mr. Schue, but I wouldnt want my high school teachers at my wedding either. It was strange enough that he invited all his current and former student to his wedding – with an open bar."
"Hey, at least we all had fun at his not wedding," Santana winks.
Rachel tries not to think about Mr. Schues first attempt of a wedding too often, because it was the last time she truly was with Finn and had she known back then what the future would bring, she wouldnt have snuck out of their room in the middle of the night. She would have treasured every second they had together. But, shell never regret it either.
Fortunately, Artie clears his throat then and distracts her from her sad thoughts.
"Thank you all for showing up tonight to dinner and the screening of my movie. Before we watch it, I want to share a piece of news I got this morning. My professor called the movie a truly hilarious satire and hell be taking me on as a directing trainee when hes directing an episode of Elementary next month."
A chorus of thats amazing Artie, great job breaks out and Rachel soon finds herself in the middle of one of those group hugs her group of friends is so fond of.
The new year is off to a good start for many of them and Rachel just hopes that her time will come soon as well.
Brown University, Tinas Dorm Room
Meanwhile further up north, Tina paces her tiny dorm room nervously as shes waiting for Jason to arrive. Over Christmas break, shed talked to her parents and friends about her relationship dilemma and though it breaks her heart just thinking about what shes about to do, she knows its the right thing for her and James.
When he shows up a few minutes later, she tells him to take a seat on her bed and to just listen.
How long can we wait here
To say goodbye?
The words once theyre spoken
Are words that we cant take
Back to where we were, before
Things got in the way
Life gets so confusing
When you know what youre losing
Why cant we see that theres
More to love than well ever know
Sometimes youre closer when youre
Letting go
I wish the best for you
I wish the best for you
Well both regret the hurting
That we will do
Youll learn to forget me
And Ill try
Ill try to forget...
Why cant we see that theres
More to love than well ever know
Sometimes youre closer when youre
Letting go
I wish the best for you
I wish the best
If you ever need a place that you can run to
Ill be here, Ill be here
Why cant we see that theres
More to love than well ever know
Sometimes youre closer when youre
Letting go
I wish the best for you
I wish the best for you
When the song ends, they both have tears in their eyes.
"I love you, I do, but we both want very different things out of our future and it wouldnt be fair to either of us to give up our dreams just to make the other happy. And it also wouldnt be fair to string you along now, when I know I cant give you what you want down the line," Tina confesses as she takes a seat next to James.
"I know. I kept hoping that you would change your mind, but youre right, I cant ask you to give up your dreams for mine," Jason agrees.
He doesnt look too happy with the decision, only resigned to it just like her.
"If we can, I want us to stay friends. Youre so smart and I love talking to you, and I dont want to lose one of the best friends I made here. But maybe, it will be too hard. I cant promise that I wont get jealous when you meet the perfect girl for you, but I want to try."
Jason looks at her sadly.
"I think Im going to need some time, Tina. Youre funny and smart but I never wanted to be just friends with you. So give me some time and Ill see if I can rewire my brain so its okay with just being friends."
Tina nods, though that more than anything breaks her heart. It reminds her too much of her breakup with Mike, where they also had ended things not because they fell out of love, but because of circumstances beyond their control and it had taken them a long time to rebuild their friendship.
"Can you go?" she asks, holding back her tears.
But once the door closes behind him, maybe for the very last time, she breaks down and sobs.
Lima – McKinley, Choir Room
"What times your class today?" Mercedes asks while Emma wipes down the piano as they wait for the students to arrive for their early morning practice.
"10 – 12. And tomorrow, Im meeting with the academic advisor," Sam replies and takes a stack of sheet music from Unique. "Thanks for making the copies!"
"I hope he or she can help you figure things out. Oh, by the way, Lenny called and he wants me in L.A on Friday to see how my new album is coming along. He booked me on a red-eye for Thursday night so I wont be able to make it to dinner with Shannon and John."
To be honest, Mercedes cant wait to spend the weekend in L.A because she misses the hustle and bustle of a big city and shed never meant to stay in Lima this long when shed first agreed to help Sam get the glee club off the ground. Its why she keeps pushing Sam to make decisions about his future, because if he doesnt know what he wants, theyre both stuck in limbo.
Sam squeezes her hand as the rest of the kids wander into the choir room, bleary eyed and yawning.
"Promise youll let me listen to something before you show your producers?"
"Of course, I…" she is interrupted by an announcement over the schools intercom system.
"Students, staff and other employees of McKinley. The new school year has started and because Im sure youve all stuffed your faces over the holidays there will be mandatory weighing this Thursday in the cafeteria followed by public shaming of those not adhering to the Sue Sylvester fitness standard. No excuses. You cant hide and you cant run."
Sue finishes her announcement and Mercedes hands shake in anger, because she cant do that to her students. Shes used to it now, being judged by her weight, because trying to succeed in the entertainment industry apparently means giving every producer, every media outlet and any fan carte blanche to discuss her weight instead of focusing on her music. But the students dont deserve this kind of treatment – not at school where theyre supposed to feel safe.
"Thats it," Unique hisses as well. "Roderick, you and I will be protesting this event by performing All about that bass in the cafeteria. And Mercedes, I would love it if you were part of the performance as well."
Mercedes isnt the biggest fan of the song, but unfortunately theyd already done Beautiful a few years ago during an assembly held for similar reasons. Shed been so sure back then, that principal Sue had learned her lesson about love and acceptance, but apparently theyd all been wrong, because Sue was on a warpath again.
"Yeah, Ill sing with you," she decides, because she and Unique had sounded amazing together when theyd performed at the homeless shelter, and also, because she wanted to take a stand against Sue.
Unique smiles before heading over to Kitty, where the two girls whisper conspiratorially, but Mercedes thinks its best if she doesnt know what theyre planning. You know, plausible deniability.
New York City, Bergdorf Goodman
The air is crisp and snow is falling lightly, when Kurt walks out onto Fifth Avenue with Santana and her mother Maribel. Maribel had come to New York to go wedding dress shopping with her daughter and Santana insisted he join them, because he always knows where to find the best bargains.
"I think first, we should try to find a style you like and then try to find a similar dress you can actually afford," Kurt informs Santana and Maribel as he leads them into Bergdorf Goodman, a high-end department store similar to Harrods in London.
"Hey, Im a soap opera star now. I should get married in style," Santana huffs.
"But if they dont renew youre contract, you only have six episodes left," Kurt reminds her. "Dont spend money you havent earned yet on a dress youre only going to wear once."
"Fine, I wont spend more than 2000 $ on my wedding dress," Santana concedes as Kurt leads them to the elevators taking them up to the bridal salon on the 7th floor.
Maribels eyes are wide as she takes in their surroundings and Kurt remembers the first time hed set foot into the store, declaring it his new favorite over Saks. At the bridal salon, Santana is whisked away to get measured, leaving Kurt with Santanas mom.
"So, I gotta ask. That ring around your neck that youre kinda bad at hiding, is that an engagement ring?"
Kurt fiddles with the chain for a moment, before he pulls out the ring and shows it to Maribel.
"Yeah, it is," he smiles softly.
"So, when are you getting married? Are you actually planning two weddings at the same time?" Kurt laughs.
"God no. Blaine and I, we havent set a date yet, but if you can keep a secret?" Maribel nods. "Im working on something right now and if it works out, well have a date soon."
Theyre interrupted by Santana walking out of the dressing room in a gorgeous Vera Wang gown thats hugging her body in all the right places.
"Let the fashion show begin," she announces before she proceeds to model all the available dresses.
New York City, Eugene ONeil Theater
Rachel wipes her sweaty palms on her pea coat before she knocks on the door to Sidneys office.
"Come in." his voice booms and Rachel takes a deep breath before stepping through the door.
"You arent Idina. What are you doing here, Rachel?" Sidneys sitting behind his desk and if looks could kill, well you know how the saying goes.
"Im sorry, Sidney, but I didnt think youd see me if you knew I was making the appointment," Rachel fidgets with her gloves, but makes sure to keep eye contact. Sidney sighs.
"Well, youre here now. What do you want? I heard L.A didnt work out so well for you, after all."
The worst thing is, he isnt even gloating, just making an observation like a disapproving father. Rachel swallows around the sudden lump in her throat.
"I wanted to apologize." Sidneys eyebrows shoot up in surprise.
"Go ahead."
"I behaved badly when we were working together. I thought that because I was the star of the show everything should revolve around me, including the rehearsal schedule. I acted unprofessional even before we premiered and I understand why you threatened to fire me when you did. So, I just wanted to say that Im really sorry. You gave me a chance even though you thought I was too green and I did nothing to change your initial assessment of me once you cast me. I did whatever I wanted, I didnt honor my commitments and I let you down when I left the way I did. So, Im sorry. I understand why youve been warning people not to work with me."
"You trying to get back on Broadway?" Sidney asks after offering her a tissue and Rachel nods.
"Its going about as well as you probably think. No ones willing to give me a chance because of Funny Girl. Ive watched it recently and your newest Fanny is really good by the way," Rachel admits.
"Thanks, Im sure Kerry will be happy to hear that after you told her shell never be more than a chorus girl."
Rachel lowers her eyes shamefully. Its not that she means to be mean most of the times, but sometimes she gets really bad tunnel vision and everyone who appears to come between her and her goals has to be destroyed. She can feel Sidneys eyes on her, studying her every move.
"You sure that going back on stage is what you really want?" Rachel nods.
"Maybe, one day, when the timing is right Id love to give TV and the movies another shot, but right now Im where Im supposed to me," she tells him with as much strength in her voice as possible.
"Okay." Rachel watches as Sidney scribbles something down on a piece of paper before handing it to her. "Thats my buddy Raymonds number. Hes producing Gypsy OFF Broadway and I have it on good authority that his June just had to quit because she couldnt hide her pregnancy anymore. I cant guarantee you anything, but dont you dare let him down if he takes you on."
Rachel quickly takes the piece of paper, afraid hes going to withdraw his offer any moment.
"Thank you so much Sidney. I promised Ill do better this time."
Sidney just makes shooing motions.
"You better. Goodbye Rachel."
Rachel wanders out of the theater in a daze and once shes back on the streets, being jostled by passers by and overzealous tourists, she types the number into her phone.
"Hello, this is Rachel Berry. Sidney gave me your number saying you may have a role for me. … Yes, I can audition for you today. …Yes Im familiar with the show. … No, Im definitely not pregnant. … Great, see you at three oclock."
After ending the call, Rachel throws her fist into the air, softly humming everythings coming up Rachel as she walks down the street to the next subway station.
Yale University, Quinns Dorm Room / Texas Air Force Base, Pucks Bunk
Quinn dumps her book bag on her bed and checks whether its time to Skype with Puck yet. They spent five glorious days together over the holidays, but it makes her miss him more now that hes back in Texas and she in Connecticut. Its a never ending cycle of missing each other so much and then only getting a few days together. Shes meant to bring it up when they were both in Lima, but shed been a coward, hadnt wanted to ruin their time together if it was the last time. As she waits for the clock to strike seven, she picks up her guide to the top US law schools and thumbs through it again. But no matter how many times shes read it already, there just arent any close to Puck and even if there were, there are no guarantees that Puck wont be transferred to a different base, so she really cant include him in her law school decision.
Finally, the familiar sound of a Skype call coming through interrupts her musings and Quinn quickly accepts the call. Pucks on his bed and Quinn tries not to get distracted by his arms in his tank top.
"We have to be quick, Im sorry, but I dont want my supervisors to find out that I have my iPad. Right now, Im down with a stomach ache," Puck winks, his eyes scanning over her form as well.
"Were not going to have sex, Noah. I need to talk to you about something else. Something I should have talked to you about when we were in Lima."
Pucks expression sobers immediately. "Sounds serious."
Quinn takes a deep breath. "You know that Im going to apply to law school next year and Im probably either staying out east or move west depending on what schools are willing to accept me." Puck nods. "And you signed a four year contract with the Air Force and keep talking about renewing it because you still dont know what you want to do after."
"What are you trying to say, Quinn?"
"That Im willing to wait till youve fulfilled your original contract, but after I need us to be in the same city. I cant waste my twenties on a long distance relationship that may never go anywhere," she admits, blinking back her tears.
"That sounds like an ultimatum," Puck remarks, after he clears his throat and Quinn shrugs helplessly.
"I dont want to break up with you or pressure you into giving things up for me on your side, but I really dont see a future for us if the status quo doesnt change. I know the Air Force has been good for you, giving you structure and all that, but youve been with them for nearly two years and dont know what career you really want to have there. If you havent figured it out by now, I doubt reenlisting will change that."
"So what? You just want me to drop everything, follow you to law school and become a househusband. Is that how you see us?" Puck asks through gritted teeth and Quinn shakes her head emphatically.
"I just want you to find something that will really make you happy. And that something, preferably, is something you can do in any city, so we can actually be together. Dont you want that?" Puck sighs.
"Of course, I do. But as you said, I signed a four-year contract so it doesnt really matter what I want. Im stuck here for another two years, but at least they pay me even though I have no clue."
Quinn hears a door open on Pucks side and blows him a quick kiss before the call ends abruptly. She wasnt lying when she said she wants them to be together in the future, but the longer this long distance thing goes on, the harder it gets and Quinns afraid shell reach her breaking point soon. Point in case - as she looks at a picture of Puck in his uniform, she imagines what they would sing to one another right now if they had the chance.
(Quinn and Puck)
Aint nothing like the real thing, baby
Aint nothing like the real thing
Aint nothing like the real thing, baby
Aint nothing like the real thing
I got your picture hangin on the wall
But it cant see or come to me when I call your name
I realize its just a picture in a frame
I read your letters when youre not here
But they dont move me and they dont groove me like when I hear
Your sweet voice whispering in my ear
(Quinn and Puck)
Aint nothing like the real thing, baby
Aint nothing like the real thing
I play the game, of fantasy
I pretend but I know in reality
I need the shelter of your arms to comfort me
(Quinn and Puck)
No other sound is quite the same as your name
No touch can do half as much to make me feel better
So lets stay together
I got some memories to look back on
And though they help me when you phone, Im well aware
Nothing can take your place of being there
(Quinn and Puck)
So let me get the real thing
So let me get the real thing
Aint nothing like the real thing, baby
Aint nothing like the real thing
Aint nothing like the real thing, baby
Aint nothing like the real thing
Lima, Hummel House
Sams toweling off his hair when his computer alerts him to an incoming Skype call. He accepts the call as he pulls a shirt over his head and smiles at Blaine when his view is unobstructed again.
"Hey dude."
"Hey Sam, how did it go today?" Blaine asks from the couch in the New York loft.
Sam takes a seat on his bed and arranges his laptop on his knees.
"Well, we talked about things Im good at like when I took care of my family, my impressions and being a good listener and then stuff Im not so go at, you know, everything with numbers, languages, reading and writing basically," Sam recounts his meeting with the academic advisor.
"Okay, what did she – he say?"
"She said that maybe a career in social services or public service could be for me but that I also shouldnt give up on exploring my creative interests. And she helped me drop a few classes and add those that would suit me more. It was a really good meeting. I mean nothing against Emma, but that woman really knew what she was talking about."
"So thats the plan then? Get a degree from Rhodes and find a suitable career?" Blaine asks, giving Sam an encouraging smile.
"I dont know," Sam admits. "Maybe with the right classes I could actually see myself enjoying being a college student but Im not sure if Rhodes is the right place for me. I mean, Mercedes isnt going to stick around forever and I dont want her to stay in Lima just for me when she can do great things in L.A."
"So, are you thinking about going to L.A. with her?" Blaine frowns. "I thought you hated the city."
Its true that he didnt like New York very much. It was noisy, crowed and dirty and he hated that he was literally just one in a million.
"I kinda liked L.A. when we went there for Nationals," Sam confesses, because Los Angeles is nothing like New York. "It seemed more laid back than New York and Mercedes apartment isnt too far from Santa Monica pier. I could learn how to surf and go hiking."
"Seems like you made up your mind," Blaine says, smiling gently.
"I dont know. I wouldnt mind moving to L.A with Mercedes but I dont just want to follow her there and have nothing to do when we get there. And I cant leave the Glee club until weve found a permanent solution."
"What about Mr. Schue? I heard he hates coaching Vocal Adrenaline." Sam shakes his head.
"According to Emma, Sue bad mouthed him to the school board pretty badly when she shut down the glee club after our graduation and convinced them that he was behaving inappropriately with his students. Even without Sue at McKinley, I doubt theyd reinstate him. Not after that scandal at North Lima High where the advisor to the chess club was sleeping with two of his students."
"No shit," Blaine gapes at Sam. "Mr. Schue wouldnt do that. I mean yes, he was a little closer to his students than seems normal for a teacher and its sad that he apparently has no adult friends, but I never worried about him hooking up with a student. But anyway, you should talk to Mercedes. Tell her that you wouldnt mind moving out west, but that you need to figure yourself out first. The school year isnt over for another couple of months, so that should give you plenty of time to find a permanent coach for the glee club and figure out what you want to do with your life."
Sam nods and absentmindedly thumbs the course catalogue the academic advisor had given him.
"I think Ill do that. Thanks man. Everything okay with you guys?" Blaine nods.
"Classes have only just started again, but Santana and Brittany are keeping us busy with wedding preparations. Youre coming, right?"
"What and miss my two ex-girlfriends getting married – two each other," Sam laughs, "no way."
"Sometimes I forget how incestuous the New Directions already were before I transferred. Im just glad Kurt and I never joined your game of musical chairs," Blaine barks out a laugh as well. "So, Ill see you in a few weeks and in the meantime, keep me updated."
"Will do, bro. Take care."
New York City, A Restaurant in Lower Manhattan
As Ben drones on about the Arthur Miller play hes just been cast in, Rachel tries not to look too bored. Because the truth is, Bens super attractive, they have great chemistry and he likes to hear her sing. But shes not going to fall in love with him. If they dont talk about their respective careers, they have a great time, but there isnt really a future for them and he probably should know in case hes looking for a stepmother for his daughter.
"… and thats when Arthur met Marilyn."
"I really like hanging out with you, but I dont things will ever be serious with us," Rachel blurts out, when Ben finally takes a breath.
And then she waits to get dumped, but its okay. At least this will be one break up that wont hurt too much.
"Can I be honest?" Ben says to her surprise and Rachel nods. "I feel a bit like a jerk because I didnt say it from the beginning but Im not really looking for a super serious relationship. I just got out of one and while I will never be able to act totally carefree like others my age, I kinda like just dating again. And I like you Rachel. So, if we both like each other and neither of us is actually looking for a serious relationship right now, why not enjoy it while it lasts."
Rachel looks at Ben in surprise, especially because shes oddly okay with the idea. After Brody, she never thought shed be okay again with a relationship that had an expiration date, but maybe its exactly what she needs to get back into the game. Something easy, something fun, someone to spend time with without having to second-guess her every action.
"Does that mean you want to see other people as well? Because if you do, I want to know. Bad past experience," Rachel tells him. Ben shakes his head.
"Im a one woman at a time kinda guy and Id hope that as long as youre dating me that youre not dating other guys as well. If you meet someone else and want out, just tell, but dont cheat on me. It want this to be a good experience for both of us."
Bens honesty is refreshing and Rachel smiles at him.
"Deal. And I hope this doesnt make it too serious, but do you want to be my plus one to my friends wedding if were still together then?"
"Yeah, I think that could be fun. Just one more thing though. I dont think you should meet my daughter unless this ends up as a serious relationship after all. Shes at that age right now, where she latches onto people pretty fast and I dont want to confuse her."
Rachel nods and if shes being honest, shes a bit relieved. She wasnt lying when she said that it didnt bother her that Ben had a kid, because it was only in the abstract. So, yeah, at this point in her life, the relationship they just agreed on, really seems to be the best fit for her.
"You still coming over to my place after dinner?" Ben asks when the waitress drops of dessert menus.
"Of course. I love your apartment."
Lima, McKinley Cafeteria
"Alright students, form a line. Fatties first, so everyone can hear their abysmal numbers," Sue yells through her megaphone, while her secretary pushes a large scale into the middle of the cafeteria.
Kitty takes her phone out and discreetly starts filming when Mercedes, Roderick and Unique approach Sue. Just when they reach the scale, Kitty turns on the music and the three of them start their performance, while Sue glares at them and tries to get the rest of the student body to stop singing and dancing along.
Because you know
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass
Yeah, its pretty clear, I aint no size two
But I can shake it, shake it
Like Im supposed to do
Cause I got that boom boom that all the boys chase
And all the right junk in all the right places
I see the magazine workin that Photoshop
We know that shit aint real
Cmon now, make it stop
If you got beauty, beauty, just raise em up
Cause every inch of you is perfect
From the bottom to the top
Yeah, my mama she told me dont worry about your size
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."
You know I wont be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll
So if thats what youre into then go ahead and move along
Because you know Im
All about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass
Im bringing booty back
Go ahead and tell them skinny bitches that
No, Im just playing. I know you think youre fat
But Im here to tell ya
Every inch of you is perfect from the bottom to the top
Yeah my mama she told me dont worry about your size
She says, "Boys like a little more booty to hold at night."
You know I wont be no stick figure silicone Barbie doll
So if thats what youre into then go ahead and move along
Because you know Im
All about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass
Because you know Im
All about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass
Because you know Im
All about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass, no treble
Im all about that bass
Bout that bass
Bout that bass, bout that bass
Hey, hey, ooh
You know you like this bass
"Youre all suspended," Sue yells through her megaphone when the music stops. "That was disgusting. Nobody wants to see I bunch of fatties shake their asses. This is a cafeteria, people are trying to eat here. Unless that was your point and you wanted to keep people from eating, because your performance made them nauseous."
As Sue rants on, getting worse and worse as she attacks the students in front of her, Kitty keeps her camera trained on her even though she wants to do nothing more than stop Sue.
Fortunately, coach Beiste storms into the cafeteria then.
"Thats enough! Kids go back to your classes!"
As the students flee the cafeteria and principal Sue and coach Beiste stare daggers at each other, Kitty sneaks into an empty bathroom and uploads the video to Youtube.
New York City, Lopez – Pierce Apartment
Brittany makes sure that Santana is still busy in the bathroom before she unlocks her fiancées cellphone and looks up her abuelas phone number. She quickly sends herself the number before deleting the text, because if she cant get Santanas abuela to their wedding, shed rather Santana doesnt find out she tried.
"Were out of milk, San. Im gonna run down to the store and get some," she then calls out to Santana, before she pockets her phone and keys and leaves the apartment.
Once outside the building she dials abuelas phone number.
"Hola señora Lopez. Soy Brittany Pierce. Oigo que amas Carlos Rodriguez. Si vienes a la boda de mi y de Santana presento usted a él," Brittany tells Alma Lopez in broken Spanish.
"Que? Who is this? What are you saying about Santana getting married?"
"This is Brittany. Im Santanas fiancée. I know you dont talk to her anymore since she told you she likes girls, but I also know she wants you to come to our wedding. Maribel told me you have a crush on Carlos Rodrigez from Santanas show. If you come to our wedding, I will introduce you to him," Brittany repeats in English, because her Spanish isnt good enough to hold a phone conversation.
"Santana is getting married? Why did no one tell me about this? Im her grandmother!" Santanas abuela sounds hurt and for a moment Brittany thinks she deserves it for hurting her Santana. But she shakes her head and focuses on whats important, namely getting Alma Lopez to their wedding.
"Everyone in your family knows how you feel about Santanas sexuality and Santana didnt want to ask you because she didnt want to get rejected again. We nearly eloped, just so you couldnt hurt her even more with your disapproval," Brittany explains.
"What? No, when people get married, their families have to be there. Theres nothing more important than family."
Brittany doesnt point out that this makes her a hypocrite because family didnt seem important to her when she kicked her granddaughter out of her house.
"So will you come? Were getting married on February, 13 in New York," she asks instead, trying to keep her expectations low, but hopeful nonetheless.
"Marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman. The bible taught us that everything else is a sin."
"But Santana is family and you said yourself that family is the most important thing," Brittany interrupts her.
"Yes, family is important. I cant give you my answer now. I will have to pray on it."
Its not a no and thats more than she expected out of this phone call.
"I hope you can find it in your heart to come and support us. One day, Santana and I will have children, but if you dont come to our wedding, I doubt Santana will let you be a part of your great grandchildrens lives and I will fully support her decision. So, I hope youll come."
Brittany ends the call without giving Alma Lopez a chance to reply, pockets her phone and quickly walks down the block to the corner store for the promised milk.
Lima, Jones House / L.A, Recording Studio
"While Im in L.A, I thought I could put my furniture on craigs list and tell my landlord he can rent out the apartment. I dont really need it anymore when Im only in town for a few days every other months," Mercedes tells Sam while she packs her suitcase for her trip to sunny and thankfully, warm California. Winters been a bitch so far in Ohio and she cant wait to spend a few days in a milder climate.
"What? No, you love your apartment. And I thought you love L.A," Sams eyes widen in surprise.
"But its pointless to keep paying rent when Im going to be in Lima for the foreseeable future," Mercedes argues.
Its not a money issue. She can afford to keep paying her apartment, especially because shes staying with her parents, but Sam hasnt given her any indication that he wants to leave Lima eventually, and if theyre going to be together, theyre not going to do it long distance.
"You should keep. Obviously, being back in Lima is only temporary as it should be. Youve outgrown this town and you should live in a place where people value and respect you, not humiliate you like Sue."
"But then what about us?" Mercedes puts one last dress into her suitcase and takes Sams hand. "I dont want to be in L.A if youre here."
"What if I told you that I wouldnt mind being in L.A with you," Sam mumbles and Mercedes hand tightens around his.
Having Sam in L.A with her would be a dream come true, but she doesnt want to get her hopes up.
"If thats what you really want, Id be happy to live in L.A with you," she tells him honestly.
"I want to," Sam admits. "But I need to figure out what Im going to do there first. And I need to find someone who can coach glee club next year. So my plan is to use the next few months to figure out what I want to do career wise, hopefully get the New Directions to Nationals and find a permanent replacement for us that the school board would accept. You could go back to L.A or stay here and then Id join you there this summer. So dont give up youre apartment just yet. Because Im going to need a place to live once I get there," he adds with a wink.
Mercedes puts her hands on his cheeks and kisses him deeply.
"If you can promise me that moving to L.A wont make you unhappy and that youre not just doing it for me then I love the plan. I may have to be in L.A a bit more in the next few months, but other than for meetings and recording I want to be here with you and help you with the Glee club."
"Speaking of recording, you promised to let me listen to something before I drive you to the airport," Sam reminds his girlfriend.
"Alright, here goes. I hope you like it."
Mercedes steps into the middle of her old bedroom and starts her song.
I know the nights so lonely babe
Theres so much rain, so far away yeah
Know Id rather be with you
But I gotta do what I gotta do
Every minute of the day gets longer
When youre not around baby Im going insane
All the distance makes us stronger
So baby leave a light on for me
When Im gone
Leave a light on for me
All night long
Leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
So baby leave a light on for me
Ill be back
Leave a light on for me
You know that
Leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
The scene changes and now Mercedes is performing for the executives of her record label.
Baby without you by my side
Its hard to sleep at night
Just isnt right, at all
But no matter where we are
Its the same stars
Shining in the dark, woah
Every minute of the day gets longer
When youre not around baby Im going insane
All the distance makes us stronger
And no matter what nothings ever gonna change
We just gotta keep on
Doing what we do like nobody else does it
With you is where I belong
So baby leave a light on for me
When Im gone
Leave a light on for me
All night long
Leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
So baby leave a light on for me
Ill be back
Leave a light on for me
You know that
Leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
Cause Im coming home
Leave a light on for me
Coming home
Cause Im coming home
I said baby wont you wait for me, Im coming
Cause Im coming home
Wont you leave that light in the window
Cause no matter where the wind blows, oh
Cause Im coming home
Cause the picture dont do it any justice
And no matter where I am you can trust this
You aint gotta worry cause you know youre all I need
To hear your voice on the phone isnt near enough
When I hear it I wanna be near your touch
In your arms soon thats where Ill be
So baby leave a light on for me
When Im gone
Leave a light on for me
All night long
Leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
So baby leave a light on for me
Ill be back
Leave a light on for me
You know that
Leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
Cause Im coming home
Cause Im coming home
So baby leave a light on for me
Cause Im coming home
Cause Im coming home
New York City, The Loft
"Thanks for helping me with my lines. Raymond only gave me the role because I assured him I could be off book in a week while also learning the choreography and the blocking," Rachel tells Blaine as she hands him a copy of the script. "Luckily, its not the lead role, because I dont think I could have gotten ready for that in a week.
Blaine sighs. "Sometimes, I really want to leave NYADA behind as well and just try to start my career. Working with June is great, but I know I could do so much more if I werent in school," he confesses to Rachel.
Nearly all his friends have jobs already and it seems like only he, Kurt and Artie are still stuck in performing arts schools instead of trying to start a career.
"Maybe Id take more risks if more was at stake."
"I wish I still had NYADA to fall back on," Rachel admits in return. "Now I cant really turn down a role I dont like because Im still in school anyway and if I fail its never because I was so busy with school. And everyone keeps telling me that I need to take dance classes and acting classes because Im too inexperienced, so I might as well be in school anyway, only at NYADA I wouldnt be so alone with it. Does that make sense?"
"Um, not really. But I think I get what youre trying to say. That theres less pressure to succeed professionally when youre still in school, right?" Blaine frowns and Rachel nods.
"Yes. So be glad that you have NYADA and get to perform with June and get to audition if a production sounds interesting, but you arent reliant on those other things yet. It forces you to grow up pretty quickly, and we all know thats not my forte. I mean, Im still living with you guys even though I know how happy you and Kurt were to have the loft to yourselves. But Im not ready to live on my own on top of everything else. So thanks for not kicking me out yet."
"Its okay. We dont mind. But once we get married, you really have to move out, okay."
"Deal," Rachel smiles. She knows Blaines only saying this because he doesnt think he and Kurt are getting married any time soon, but even if it means shes out on the streets, she really hopes theyre getting there soon.
New York City, NYADA
"Come in," Madam Tibideauxs calls out and Kurt steps into her office. "Mr. Hummel, take a seat."
Kurt hangs his bag over the chair and sits down quickly.
"Did you make a decision?" he asks her when Madam Tibideaux doesnt look up and keeps writing something he cant read.
"About you graduating with the class of 2016? Ive talked it through with youre teachers and if you take additional classes each term that will help you catch up with your peers, we will let you take your graduation exams the summer of 2016. Heres a list of coaches weve worked with before. They are familiar with the NYADA curriculum and their fees are not exorbitant. Well reassess after youve taking your exams this summer."
Kurt takes the piece of paper from the professor. Hell have to ask his dad for the extra money, but if he manages to graduate early, at least theyll have one semester less to pay tuition for.
"Thank you. I wont disappoint you," he promises Madam Tibideaux and puts the list of contacts into his messenger bag.
"You better not. I have high hopes for you Mr. Hummel."
Los Angeles, recording studio.
"A step in the right direction," the owner of Hollyvine Records tells Mercedes when they sit down for lunch after she finished presenting her new songs. "With a little bit of tweaking, I think we can put what youve worked on so far on the album, but we still need a chart topper. Something memorable that will get people to buy your album."
"And you dont think Leave A Light On could be a hit?" Mercedes frowns because she thought she finally wrote one.
Roy Donavan shakes his head. "Ive been in this business for more than twenty years – when you write a hit, Ill know. But if you have trouble writing it, maybe we should discuss a collaboration with a song writer I know again."
Mercedes shakes her head. "When people buy a Mercedes Jones album they expect to get Mercedes Jones songs. Im not going to change that now, just because the perfect song still eludes me."
"Alright," Roy concedes. "Weve booked the New York studio from April 27 for two weeks. You write me a hit till then and its your songs only, you dont, you collaborate with one of my people. Collaboration isnt a bad thing Mercedes, some of the best songs have resulted from a collaboration between artists."
Mercedes knows she cant say no to Roy. Since signing her, the studio had been incredibly accommodating. When she had wanted to spend time with her friends in New York, the studio had paid for her apartment and now they were paying for her flight tickets to and from L.A. So shed do what the studio demanded if she couldnt write a chart topper herself.
"I promise to let someone help me if I cant do it on my own, but why New York?"
"Well, you pretty much begged us to let you go there last year so we assumed you liked it there and youre already familiar with the people working there so thats a plus as well."
Mercedes nods. Shed liked her time in New York – sharing an apartment with Sam and Blaine, recording songs with Santana, and being able to see her friends all the time. Too bad that Sam hadnt liked the city because otherwise, she would have loved to return to New York after her tour. Not that she is complaining. The thought of living in L.A with Sam makes her so incredibly happy. Which reminds her.
"I have this, uh, friend and hes really good with impressions and doing weird voices. Do you think theres a job for him here in L.A.?"
"If you can show me what he can do, I know a few people I could forward it to," Roy muses. "If he doesnt have a showreel yet, just film him and send it to me."
Mercedes doesnt want to make decisions for Sam, but it wont hurt to show him what his options are when the school year ends and theyll have to decided whether theyll move to L.A or stay in Lima. Obviously, shes hoping for the former.
New York City, Jewelry Store
Kurts barely looked at the display when a salesman rushes up to him. He knows his outfits are often misleading; people assume hes wealthier than he is because of his designer clothes.
"Good morning, sir. What can I do for you today?"
"Im looking for an engagement ring," Kurt replies, keeping his eyes trained on the rings in front of him. The salesman takes another look at him.
"And who is the lucky, uh, person?" Kurt rolls his eyes and pulls his own ring out of his pocket.
"Im looking for a ring that is similar to the engagement ring my fiancé gave me. Weve decided that we both want to wear an engagement ring until we get married," he explains.
The salesman studies Kurts ring for a moment.
"Please, follow me. I think I know a ring that would be perfect for you."
With the glint in his eye, Kurt just hopes he can afford it too, should it be the one.
Coming up next is Brittanas wedding: What kind of songs would you like to have in their wedding episode?
Songs featured in this episode:
Unique, Roderick, Mercedes: All About That Bass – Maghan Trainor
Mercedes: Leave A Light On – The Saturdays (Amber Riley version)
Tina: I Wish The Best For You – Emerson Hart
Quinn & Puck: Aint Nothing Like The Real Thing - Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell