Alternative Season 6
606: What The World Needs Now Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 606: What The World Needs Now

K - Words: 8,303 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
288 0 0 0 0

AN: Im happy that the Brittana fandom got such a beautiful wedding storyline after the crap the show but them through. My condolences to the Tike fandom. And as for Klaine, I guess we can all agree that the boys deserved so much better than this lousy season 6 storyline that culminated in Fridays episode. I went into this episode with extremely low expectations and Glee still managed to surpass them. When it comes to Glee theres always a lot of suspension of disbelief, but the hole Andy Dwyer fell into on Parks and Recreation was tiny compared to the plotholes in a Wedding. Thank God for fan fiction…

606: What The World Needs Now – December 2014

Heres what you missed on Glee: Remember when Kurt flooded the auditorium with candles rehearsing for his NYADA audition? Ever wonder what happened to all those candles? No? Well, I do. Also, Rachel told all her friends she got cast in a play for children when she didn t actually get the part. Kurt and Blaine s relationship is still on the rocks, but there s trouble in Wemma paradise as well, yikes. Brittany started taking Spanish lessons, but still hasn t told Santana about it, who s starring in her abuela s favorite telenovela now. Remember when she kicked Santana out of her house? No me gusta. And that s what you missed on Glee.

New York City - Callbacks

Kurt runs into Santana in front of Callbacks and together they step into the NYADA hang out.

"What did Artie tell you?" he asks her.

"Just that he wants to film us singing a song for his movie," Santana replies, rubbing her cold hands together. "Im surprised though he asked me and not Rachel."

"Weve never had a Kurtana duet and I think its about time," Artie wheels in front of them. "Also, you are just the background noise for the scene Im filming, and we all know that Rachel always makes everything about herself."

"Fine, by me," Santana shrugs. "Im already done with filming for this year and Britts shoot is running over."

Artie sighs. "Is Blaine coming at least?" he turns to Kurt. "I need extras to fill the tables in the front."

"I texted him to let him know where Im going and to join me there. He hasnt said hes not coming yet, but hes working on his set list with June," Kurt replies.

"Alright, follow me. Ill show you what I have planned."

Kurt and Santana follow Artie to the front of the club.

"So, in the story its karaoke night at Kelly and Seans favorite club and Seans trying to get Kelly to sing with him, because he can only tell her in song that he likes her."

Kurt snorts. "So, basically youre making a movie about the New Directions."

"I may have been inspired by all the love triangles, break ups and dramatic declarations of love," Artie concedes, "but thats not that point here. Sean has finally convinced Kelly to sing with him, only then you and Santana enter the stage and well, after youre done, no one wants to follow that. To make things worse, Samantha shows up and because she has a crush on Sean as well, asks him to sing with her. Kelly doesnt get why singing with someone is so important so she tells him to sing with Samantha, only Samantha views singing like Sean, so she believes hes asking her out."

Next to Kurt, Santana has her hand pressed over her mouth and is laughing silently.

"What?" Artie asks.

"Now, I know why you didnt ask Rachel to sing. Youre basically filming her love triangle with Finn and Quinn her junior year," Santana wheezes.

"Am not," Artie protests, before quickly changing the subject. "Heres the music. I think we should run through the song a few times before we start filming."

Kurt and Santana nod and enter the stage from opposite ends per Arties direction. Kurt steps into the light when the music starts.


Say something, Im giving up on you

Ill be the one, if you want me to

Anywhere I wouldve followed you

Say something, Im giving up on you

Blaine enters Callback just as music starts inside and he recognizes it instantly. The club is dark, but there are two spotlights on Kurt and Santana, and Kurt, well, if someone would show him a picture of his Teenage Dream performance at Callbacks hes certain he looked the same way Kurt looks in this moment. In his chest, his heart beats faster, and behind his eyes, tears prickle. Still, he stays through the rest of the song, only slipping out unnoticed when Kurts final plea fills the air.


And I am feeling so small

It was over my head

I know nothing at all


And I will stumble and fall

Im still learning to love

Just starting to crawl

(Kurt and Santana)

Say something, Im giving up on you

Im sorry that I couldnt get to you

Anywhere I wouldve followed you

Say something, Im giving up on you


And I will swallow my pride

Youre the one that I love

And Im saying goodbye

(Kurt and Santana)

Say something, Im giving up on you

Im sorry that I couldnt get to you

And anywhere I wouldve followed you

Say something, Im giving up on you


Say something, Im giving up on you


Say something...

"That was amazing guys," Artie gushes. "I only have a few notes. And Kurt, can you text Blaine again? Id love to have him in the audience for this."

Kurt nods and sends Blaine another text. The reply is almost instant.

Can t make it. Still with June. Sorry.

Theres no heart, no love Blaine, but Kurt shrugs it off as Blaine just being stressed about the concert. After all, theyre doing so much better now.

Lima – Schuester – Pillsbury Home

Emmas changing Daniels diaper, when Will walks into the nursery. Or better, trying to, cause no mater how much she loves her son, she always feels like she needs a chemical shower after cleaning him up.

"Hey, let me do it," Will tells her and Emma steps aside gratefully.

Since the Columbus debacle, theyd tiptoed around each other, and Emmas ready to put it all behind her for the sake of their marriage and for Daniel.

"Thanks. So, I wanted to tell you that the glee kids, Shannon, Sam, Mercedes and whoever of the graduates is back in Lima are going to volunteer and sing at the homeless shelter again this year on the 24th. Id be happy if you join me and if any of your kids would wanna help out, theyd be welcome as well. This is bigger than some Glee club rivalry."

"You sure theyd want me there? After what happened in Columbus?" Will asks, as he puts his son into fresh pants. Emma smiles at him.

"I think winning Sectionals made them forget all about it. Sue was furious of course that Kitty and Unique convinced a few cheerleaders to sing back up," she laughs. "And with your kids winning your Sectionals we at least dont have to worry about any competition till March."

"I hope we dont end up in the same competition," Will confesses and when Emma raises an eyebrow in consternation, he quickly adds, "because Carmel made it pretty clear that if Vocal Adrenaline doesnt win Regionals Ill probably wont have a job there anymore."

"Well cross that bridge when we get there, but were going to be fine regardless. Because we both know teaching VA is only a temporary thing. Your teaching style and their ambitions dont really mesh. What I can tell you right now, is that the New Directions wont go easy on you, should it come to this, because my kids deserve a win as much as yours, especially Kitty and Unique."

"Not even if it would mean losing my job?" Will asks incredulously. Emma sighs.

"Come on, Will, if you cant beat the New Directions on your own at Regionals, your kids wont win Nationals either, and I doubt Carmel would accept you losing Nationals twice in a row."

No they wouldnt, but unfortunately he hasnt found a school in the area yet thats looking to hire a teacher with no real knack for teaching traditional subjects, so he has to cling to Carmel for as long as possible. Some days he really hates himself for not staying in New York and doing the Broadway show with April, but then he looks at his son and remembers what he wouldnt have had he quit coaching glee club back in 2011.

"Lets not worry about this tonight," Emma says, as if she can read his mind. "We can pop in Singing in the Rain and forget all about our glee clubs at least for now."

"I love you, Emma."

"Love you too."

New York City - Lopez – Pierce Apartment

Brittanys nervously pacing through the living room, waiting for Santana to come back from Callbacks. Her own video shoot had actually finished on time, but when Santana told her about Callbacks, shed lied and rushed home to get the apartment ready.

In her hand she has her cue cards, because no matter how many times shes run through what shes trying to say, shes too afraid to mess them up when the time comes. Lady, looks through the bedroom door, but when Brittany lights another candle, she pulls her head back inside.

Finally, Santana unlocks the door, but when she sees the sea of candles she freezes.

"Britt, whats all that?" she asks nervously, because some of the candles are a little close to the curtains.

"Can you sit?" Brittany asks, pointing at the sofa. "I want to tell you something."

Santana walks through the candles carefully.

"Whered you get all those?"

"Remember when Kurt wanted to do Phantom of the Opera for his NYADA audition? He kept all the candles he didnt use in his basement and Sams staying at the Hummels so I asked if he could send them to me," Brittany explains a big smile on her face, so Santana doesnt point out that just buying candles in New York probably would have been cheaper than getting them shipped from Ohio.

When Santana is finally seated, Brittany gets on one knee in front of her, and Santanas eyes widen in surprise.

"Okay, here goes. Santana. Te amo muchísimo. Amo que me hayas dejado traer a Lady, cuando sé que odias los gatos. Amo ser la única que sabe que lloras cada vez que vemos una comedia romántica. Amo que siempre bailes conmigo aunque insistas en que no estás de ánimo. Amo que puedas ser la chica más dulce cuando estás conmigo. Amo como me proteges y me defiendes. Amo que siempre te disculpes conmigo, aun cuando no eres la única que esta equivocada. Amo tu apoyo. Saber que eres la primera y la última persona que veo cada día, siempre me hace sonreír. Porque sé cuánto me amas, quiero que seas mi delfín para siempre. Entonces, Santana Lopez, ¿te casarías conmigo?"

„You learned Spanish for me?" Santana asks with tears in her eyes.

„I learned Spanish for us, but you didnt answer my question."

„Yes! Of course its yes. How could I ever say no to you." Santana falls to her knees and pulls Brittany into her arms, before she leans in for a passionate kiss.

„Wait!" Brittany stops her.„I have rings for both of us. Lady!"

When Lady doesnt come out of the bedroom, Brittany rises to her feet and runs into the room. Moments later, shes back with her cat and holds her out to Santana, who quickly pulls a tiny pouch from Ladys collar. Lady bolts out of the living room, as soon as Brittany puts her down, but Brittany only has eyes for Santana when they exchange rings.

„This is the happiest day of my life," Santana smiles through tears in her eyes, and Brittany has to agree. Shes never been happier.

New York City – The Loft

Rachel smiles when another outfit that she got as a present from the Funny Girl producers sells on eBay. When she hears the door to the loft slide open, she quickly closes her laptop though, because the last thing she wants it Kurt finding out that shes selling some of her more out there clothes so she can help with the rent.

"Oh, hey. I didnt know youd be home so soon. I can go to my room," she tells him, because theyve walked around each other on eggshells since their argument.

"I forgot my phone," Kurt replies. "Ill be heading back out in a bit to drop by at Blaines rehearsal, because I think hes still struggling with his set list. At least I hope thats the reason why he faked being asleep last night and was gone when I woke up this morning."

"Everything okay?" Rachel asks, because if even Kurt and Blaine cant make it, then she probably should resign herself to single life right now.

"I honestly dont know. It feels like everything right now is one step forward, two steps back. Thanks for the rent money, by the way. Did the theater already pay you?"

Rachel shakes her head. "Uh, no. I asked my dads to help me out this month. And you were right. Ive been living here for three months now. I should pay rent."

"Im sorry, too," Kurt replies and sits down next to her on the couch.

Because for what its worth, Rachels still one of his best friends and he missed her when she lived in L.A.

"Dont. You were right. I messed up and it was easier to blame everyone else but myself. If the studio really wanted to do a TV series based on my life, they would have waited until I fulfilled my contract. But TV was this shiny new thing and I didnt want to wait. I dont know why I was so surprised that no Broadway show wants to hire me, and so I think I will talk to Sidney. He took a big risk when he hired me and I let him down. So, you were right about pretty much everything, and I really hate to admit it," Rachel confesses.

"I shouldnt have said it the way I said it. It think deep down Im still a bit jealous that youve already been on Broadway when Im only now getting my first role in student theater, and I took my frustrations out on you," Kurt admits, because subconsciously he wanted to hurt her with truth time.

"You could have been nicer about it, but Im glad you told me what most of my friends were too afraid to tell me. And Im sure youre going to be fabulous in the show. Ive already got my ticket," Rachel smiles at Kurt. "Can I hug you now?"

Kurt lets her pull him into her arms for a moment, before his mind catches up.

"Wait, you can make it to my show? I thought youd be performing yourself on the 21st."

Rachel curses herself inwardly for telling Kurt what days the show is on.

"Yeah, I mixed up the dates and weve got our first performance on the 22nd. So I can make it to your show but not to Blaines concert unfortunately."

"Hell understand and June has hired a videographer for it. Will watch the DVD together when its done. Oh, and, Blaine and I will probably come to your show on the 24th."

Rachels eyes widen.

"Why are you still in New York on Christmas Eve?" Kurt sighs.

"With my dad and Carole coming up from Washington for my show and Blaines concert, we thought wed stay in New York this year to focus on our relationship. And I think Blaines also dreading to go home, because itll be the first Christmas without his dad."

"Even more reason to fly to Ohio. He cant leave his mom alone for Christmas. Or is she going to spend it with Cooper?"

Kurt and Blaine in New York over Christmas means she has to come clean about the role and after all her failures this year already, she doesnt want them to know about this.

"Coopers coming to Ohio. But Blaine and I also think its a waste of money to go home for Christmas when we both have to be back here on the 28th for work."

"Okay," Rachel puts on her best show smile. "Let me know what day you want to come to the show and Ill get you tickets."

"Youre the best. I gotta run now before Blaine slips through my fingers again."

Rachel waits until the door closes behind Kurt before she unlocks her phone and brings up Burts contact.

"Burt, hi. Its Rachel. I wanted to let you know that I just spoke to Kurt and he told me that he and Blaine arent going back to Lima with you on the 24th because they cant afford it. Theyre really sad that they wont be with family over Christmas, but please dont tell them that I told you, because they dont want you to know that moneys tight. See you when youre in New York."

New York City – Lopez – Pierce Apartment

"Would you hate me if I said that I think we should elope instead of planning an elaborate wedding?" Santana asks Brittany the next day. Her fiancée! shakes her head.

"I just want to be married to you, but why dont you want a big wedding?"

"I dont want us to end up like Kurt and Blaine. They were fine until the wedding planning started and last night, Blaine didnt even show up to hear Kurt sing for Arties movie. I dont want that for us. Lets just fly to Indiana before Christmas, tell your parents and my mom to meet us there, and get married in the courthouse. We can tell everyone that were engaged tonight and that wed be happy to have a big party when we get back from our honeymoon. But lets get married now. If we apply for a marriage license right now, we can get married in a few days."

"Okay," Brittany agrees. "All I ever wanted was for you to be at my wedding and now that Im actually marrying you, my lifes complete, with or without a big wedding."

New York City – NYADA practice room

Kurt can hear the sound of the piano as he approaches the practice room Blaines using to rehearse Junes concert, but whatever his better half is singing doesnt sound very Christmas-y. Only when he reaches the open door, does he recognize the song and he suddenly feels very nauseous. Because if theres one thing he knows about Blaine, its that he uses music to express what hes feeling. And what he seems to be feeling, is bound to break both their hearts, though Kurt wishes with all that he has, that Blaine doesnt actually mean it.

Over, Im so over you
The way that you look in a three-piece suit
Over, Im so over you
The way that you held me when nobody else would

Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I do
Ill get over you
Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I do
Ill get all over you, you
All over you, you

Over, Im so over you
The way that you laugh at everything that I do
Over, Im so over you
The way that you said that youd always be true

And maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I do
Ill get over you
Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I do
Ill get all over you, you, you
Over you, you, over you

Im falling around you
Im falling around you
Im falling around you
Im falling around you

Maybe if I tell myself enough
Im falling around you
Maybe if I do
Im falling around you
Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I tell myself enough
Im falling around you
Maybe if I do
Im falling around you

Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I tell myself enough...
Im falling around you

Maybe if I tell myself enough
Maybe if I do

Kurt waits till Blaine has finished, before he steps into his room with tears in his eyes.

"Please tell me you didnt mean that."

Lima – Kitty s Bedroom

"I just dont know how were going to do this. I mean principal Sue has done some truly horrendous things and no one has fired her yet," Unique moans, her face covered in an avocado-cucumber facial mask just like Kittys."I mean she accidentally lost my transfer papers and now Im still stuck here instead of graduating with Jake and Ryder last May."

Theyd debated inviting the newbies to their monthly sleepover, but had decided not to because they didnt want them involved in anything Sue related in case their plan backfired. She and Kitty, theyd already gotten their college acceptance letters and no matter how Sue retaliated if they failed, they would be leaving McKinley in a few had made sure that all her papers were in order this time and she had her own copies of everything - on paper and digitally. Jane and Madison would be stuck at a school whos principal hated them however.

"Its because people only see the end results and not the way she treats people. The school district is happy because grades are up and students seem to be healthier but they dont realize thats only happening because Sue managed to transfer most of the undesirables out of McKinley."

"Whats our plan then?" Unique removes the cucumber slices from her eyes and looks at her best friend since Marley moved to L.A.

"Show the world what shes really like. From now on, we try to film every bad thing she does and when we have enough material we post it online and hope it goes viral. Im sure a lot of parents would have an issue with her if they saw haw their kids are treated," Kitty suggests.

"I like it," Unique smiles. "Should we ask the others for help?"

Kitty thinks it over for a moment.

"Lets keep it between us for the time being. If we dont get enough material on our own, we can ask the others for help."

"Alright. Want me to paint your nails next?"

Kitty pulls out her box of nail polishes and together the girls root through it trying to find the perfect colors for them.

New York City – NYADA practice room

Blaine looks up in surprise when Kurt walks in on his pity party. Last night, when Kurt had come home from Callbacks hed faked being asleep and this morning hed make sure he left before Kurt woke up because he wasnt ready to face him yet. This song was his attempt to try to convince himself that he could get over Kurt no matter what.

"I just dont get what more you want me to say? I thought we were communicating better, were more honest with each other, so why are you giving up on me. What more than I love you, I want to be with you always, Ill do my best not to screw up again do you want me to say," Blaine says, his eyes fixed on the keys in front of him.

"What?" Kurt says, utterly confused.

"Say something, Im giving up on you," Blaine repeats. "So what more do I need to say?"

Suddenly, theres another person with him on the piano bench and Kurt wraps his arms around him.

"Oh, Blaine. I didnt know you came to Callbacks after all last night, but if youd stayed you would have seen that Artie was filming me and Santana sing for his movie. I didnt pick the song, Santana and I, we were just doing Artie a favor."

"Then why didnt you say that when you texted," Blaine whispers, his throat dry and his heart beating fast.

"Oh, I thought I did. Im sorry. And I barely knew what Artie wanted from me when I got there, so I couldnt have told you much anyway."

"I got there early," Blaine says. "And when I walked inside, the place was dark and it seemed like you were singing right at me. I barely noticed Santana was with you. And I got scared. I thought this was your way of letting me know its over and so I thought if I could convince myself that I was over you as well, Id be fine. But I wouldnt. Because I cant imagine my life without you."

Kurt sighs. Hed hoped theyd have this conversation when they were done with finals and their individual performances, but he realizes now that they should have had this particular one some time ago.

"Truth time. It scares me when you get clingy, because sometimes you need me so much, but what if I cant give you what you need, what if you need more then I can give you? And you always cling to me the strongest when I need space, because you cant trust that me pulling back doesnt mean Im abandoning you. Ive come to realize that we never should have gotten back together without honestly talking about what lead to your cheating. I know you tried to tell me but I wouldnt hear it, because I needed to put all the blame on you. But I messed up as well. For the better part of my senior year you tried to tell me how scared you were of me leaving, but I didnt listen, because I never thought of moving to New York as leaving you behind. I thought that if we didnt talk about the hard stuff it couldnt become an issue. And when I got to New York, I was overwhelmed with all those new possibilities. Living on my own, getting the Vogue internship, having my uniqueness celebrated instead of mocked. I was caught up in my new life and I kept ignoring you; I took you for granted. I never meant to make you feel like Id given up on us, but I know now that thats how it felt to you. I abandoned you at a school where you thought people only talked to you because you were my boyfriend, not because they wanted to be your friends, and your high school problems seemed trivial compared to the real world issues I was dealing with. I was a bad long distance boyfriend, and I take responsibility for that, just like you took responsibility for cheating on me. So I really need you to listen to me Blaine. I never stopped loving you while I was gone, Ill always love you, even when I need my space and me asking for space doesnt mean Im abandoning you or want to break up with you, okay? And I dont want you to think that you cant be without me, Id rather think of it as us choosing not to be without the other. I choose to be with you Blaine Anderson and I promise, as soon as Ive found the perfect date for us, I will set a wedding date. And I hope that you still want to marry me when you learn even more of my flaws. My therapist seems to think so, and I so hope shes right."

"I choose you too, Kurt. I dont want to spend my life with anyone else, and Im willing to wait for you. You know Im already there and Id marry you today if I could and was sure your dad wouldnt kill me, and once you get there as well, youre going to make me the happiest man alive."

"So, were okay?" Kurt asks through tears. Theyll have to talk more when they get home and in private, but this is a start.

"This time, I think we really are," Blaine smiles through his own tears, before he pulls Kurt into a bone crushing hug.

New York City – The loft

"Can I have everyones attention," Santana calls out after their potluck dinner, and slips her engagement ring on behind her back, while Brittany does the same next to her. "Britt and I, wed like to sing the first song tonight, because we have announcement."

Brittany had convinced her to do a mash up of their favorite songs because she thought she and Santana were the best mash up ever, and who was Santana to say no to that.

Everyones cheering them on when they perform their mash up of One hand in my pocket and I feel the earth move and when the song ends, both she and Brittany throw their left hands in the air together, showing off their engagement rings.

"Brittany proposed and I said yes!"

After a moment of stunned silence, Santana and Brittany find themselves in the midst of the most enthusiastic group hug ever.

"Thats amazing," Blaine smiles. "Congratulations."

"What a nice surprise," Rachel adds, before tentatively offering another hug to Santana.

"Kurt?" Santana turns to her friend.

Kurts first instinct is to say that he cant believe that she and Brittany are probably getting their first, but a voice inside his head that sounds suspiciously like his dad tells him that marriage is not a race and it doesnt matter who gets married first.

"Im really happy for you two and I wish you all the best," he settles on instead and means it.

"We have one more news though," Brittany announces and Artie frowns.

"One of you is pregnant?" The girls shake their heads.

"Weve decided that were going to elope. We dont want to wait to get married, so Britt and I have applied for a marriage license for Indiana and were going to get married there before Christmas with hopefully our families."

"What? No, you cant do that. We want to come to your wedding. You cant tease us with a wedding and then not invite us," Blaine protests.

"Yeah, you cant deny me going dress shopping with you," Kurt pouts.

"And wholl make your wedding video if Im not there?"

Rachel doesnt want to miss the wedding either, but if the girls elope they wont be in New York and potentially bust her charade.

"I think its romantic that they dont want to wait and they should get married for themselves, not for us. You have my support," Rachel tells the girls, keeping her show smile in place, because she doesnt want to let them know how hard knowing all her friends are getting married to their true loves is for her.

"If you really think elopings whats best for you, we wont stand in your way," Kurt concedes, "but please think about it again before you fly home. Wed all love to come to your wedding and Im sure that Quinn, Mercedes, Tina, Mike and Sam would love to be there as well."

Santana and Brittany share a look and Santana can tell that her fiancée is warming up to the idea of a big wedding with all their friends in attendance.

"Alright, well think about it."

New York City – The Loft

Rachel can hear Burt and Carole catching up with Kurt and Blaine through the curtain separating her room from the living room as she applies another layer of makeup to make her look paler than usual. Shed hoped that none of her friends would RSVP to her opening night, but all her friends had gone to Kurts first show the previous evening and were now free to do the same for her. That meant for her, there was only one thing to do, fake being sick and tell them she has to miss her own opening night.

"He was so good, Burt, I had tears in my eyes," Blaine gushes, curled up next to Kurt on the couch opposite Kurts parents. "I cant wait to see the show again with you guys tonight."

"I thought you were going to Rachels show tonight," Kurt turns to Blaine. Blaine shrugs.

"I thought about it, but we have plenty more times to see her perform together and you only get those two shows. Brittany, Santana and Artie are going, so Im sure shell be okay with me not coming tonight."

Behind the curtain, Rachels phone pings twice in quick succession.

I m really sorry Rachel, but I can t make it tonight. Santana s going to the Mujeres Desesperadas Christmas party tonight and she really wants me to be there with her. Break a leg and will try to see it another time - Brittany.

Rachel. Jess and I need to do some last minute editing before out deadline tomorrow. Really sorry I have to miss your show, I m sure you ll be great – Artie

As Rachel wipes the make up off her face – no sense in pretending shes sick when no ones coming to her show anyway – she feels awful. Because here she is, lying to all her friends, making them feel bad they cant make it to a performance that doesnt exist. Pulling out her notebook, she adds no more lying to friends to her New Years resolutions, right under apologize to Sidney and swallow your pride and audition for OFF Broadway shows.

Back in the living room, Burt hands Kurt and Blaine two plane tickets.

"I hope you havent booked your flights yet, but you never said when youd be coming to Lima, so Carole and I booked you on our flight."

"Also, we invited your mom and Cooper over for Christmas, because with the two of you getting married we thought it was time to officially welcome them to the family," Carole adds with a smile on her face.

Kurt and Blaine share a look. Sure theyd talked about staying in New York to work on their relationship, but how can they say no to a joint Hummel – Anderson Christmas, hopefully the first of many.

"Thanks, Dad. Were looking forward to it," Kurt finally replies after Blaine nods subtly. "I gotta go into Manhattan now, so enjoy your day and Ill see you later at NYADA."

He says goodbye to Blaine with a quick kiss – even after so many years its still a bit strange to kiss a boy in front of his dad – before he calls out to Rachel.

"Break a leg tonight. Youre gonna be great."

"Thanks Kurt, I appreciate it," Rachel calls back, before burying her head beneath her pillow. Worst friend ever, she thinks.

New York City – NYADA Auditorium

Its different tonight, knowing his dad and Carole are in the audience. He really wants to impress them, show them that theyre not wasting their money on his NYADA tuition and that this dream of his, isnt just a pipe dream. His fears dissipate immediately however, when Blaine brings his parents backstage during intermission, and both his dad and Carole pull him into teary hugs.

"That was so sad," Carole cries and Kurt isnt surprised the story is hitting her hard. "But youre so good."

"Thanks Carole," he whispers into her shoulder, when she refuses to let go of him.

"Youre doing great kiddo," his dad nods. "I dont know much about this musical stuff, but if you hadnt forbidden it, Id tell everyone that thats my kid on stage."

"Dont you dare," Kurt mock threatens, "you can do that when the show is over."

"In fact, hed very much like that," Blaine teases and Kurt elbows him in the ribs.

"Hey," he protests causing his whole family to start laughing.

Unfortunately, the break ends soon and everyone has to return to their seats.

When its time for his first solo in the second act, Kurt looks out into the audience and tries to imagine what it would be like if this wasnt just a school production. He nearly screws up his entrance when a smile threatens to overtake his face.

Theyve managed to get rid of me,
Returned me to the grave
ECT, electric chair, we shock who we cant save.
Theyve cleared you of my memory and many more as well.
You may have wanted some of them but who can ever tell?
Your brainwaves are more regular, the chemistry more pure.
The headaches and the nausea will pass and youll endure.
You son is gone forever though, of that the doctors sure.
The memories will wane,
The aftershocks remain.
You wonder which is worse, the symptom or the cure.

Theyve managed to get rid of me, Im gone without a trace,
But sear the soul and leave scar no treatment can erase.
Theyve cut away the cancer but forgot to fill the hole.
They moved me from your memory, Im still there in your soul.
Your life goes back to normal now, or so they all believe.
Your heart is in your chest again, not hanging from your sleeve.
Theyve driven out the demons and theyve earned you this reprieve.
The memories are gone.
The aftershocks live on.
But with nothing to remember,
I. S there nothing left to grieve?

When the song ends, Kurt hears his dad yell thats my boy and you know what, he doesnt mind at all.

New York City – Lopez – Pierce Apartment

When Brittany wakes up in the middle of the night, in need of a glass of water after a night of too much drinking at the studios Christmas party, Santana isnt in bed with her. Instead, shes hunched over a photo album on the couch, her eyes red-rimmed. When Brittany gets closer, she sees that her fiancée is looking at pictures of her and her abuela.

"Babe, are you okay?" she asks and wraps her arms around Santanas shoulders from behind. Santana shakes her head, her eyes fixed on a picture of her and her abuela playing wedding when she was a kid. Brittany sees it too and it makes something click in her head.

"You dont just want to elope to avoid the wedding planning."

For a long while, Santana doesnt say anything, but Brittany waits her out patiently.

"What if we have a big wedding, invite all our friends and family and she refuses to come. I thought if we elope I dont have to ask her and then she cant reject me."

"I really hoped she would talk to you again when she saw you on Mujeres Desesperadas," Brittany admits, cursing herself for her naïveté.

Santana laughs dryly. "I asked my mom what she thought of it and abuela basically said Im ruining her favorite show with my sin. So no, it hasnt changed her mind about me."

"Maybe she just needs more time, and if its important to you to have her at our wedding we can wait," Brittany offers, knowing how much Santana wants her grandmother at her wedding. Her fiancée shakes her head though.

"If we wait for her to come around, we may never get married. No, lets have a wedding with the family that counts. Your parents, my parents and all our friends right here in New York."

"Yes," Brittany smiles brightly. "Id love that."

They make a list right then and there: When? Brittany argues for Valentines Day but Santana vetoes immediately, so they settle on Friday, February 13th, because nothing will stand in the way of them getting married. And as to the where? One of Santanas co-stars has been inviting her and Brittany to her house on Long Island and shes certain that she can convince Sophia to let her have the wedding there. Because when has she ever not gotten what she wanted. Okay, forget that. Bad example.

"So when are we going to tell everyone?" Brittany asks excitedly. Its clear that her fiancée wants to shout it from the rooftops and post their engagement on Facebook, but in this case, Santana believes that they should tell their families first.

"Well tell our parents when we get to Lima and then you can tell everyone else we want to invite."

Brittany nods and yawns.

"Lets go back to bed," Santana pulls Brittany up from the couch and together they walk back into their bedroom.

New York City – La Guardia Airport

Rachel accompanies her friends to the airport the day before Christmas as Brittany, Artie and Santana had discovered that they were all booked on the same flight as the Hummel – Hudson – Andersons.

"Im really sorry that were leaving you all alone in New York for Christmas," Kurt pulls her aside. "But at least youll have your dads, right."

Rachel nods and feels awful.

"And Blaine and I will be back on the 28th so we can at least celebrate New Years Eve together. Oh, and dont forget to save us tickets for the 29th."

Luckily, their flight is called then and Rachel takes turn hugging each of her friends. Instead of going back to the loft however, she collects her own suitcase from a storage locker and waits at a Starbucks till the flight to Columbus is boarding. Only then, does she go through security as well, handing over her ticket to San Francisco and her ID.

It only hits her when the plane is in the air that she has no sense of what home is anymore. Shes not going back to Ohio with the rest of her friends and even New York doesnt really feel like home anymore. Not like it had when she first moved there. But neither did L.A and she doubts that her dads new place will ever really feel like home.

And so she sings softly.

Im a long way from home and so all alone

Homesick like I never thought Id be

Im a long way from home, everything is wrong

Someone please watch over me.

Im not accustomed to this feeling

Loneliness is burning my soul

Sometimes the mind is so mistreating

I wish I stayed at home like I was told.

I wish I knew the force within me

That keeps my mind out of control

What makes me reach for things that I cant see

I wish Id stayed at home like I was told

Im a long way from home and so all alone

Homesick like I never thought Id be

Im a long way from home, everything is wrong

Someone please watch over me…

Rachel realizes then, that she cant fly back to New York so soon after Christmas just to keep up appearances. She needs to spend some time with her family, regroup and figure out her game plane for the next year. Even if that means coming clean to her friends. Something, she should have done a long time ago.

Lima, Pierce House

Santana and Brittany are standing in front of both sets of parents, their hands linked to hide how much theyre shaking. When Santana doesnt say anything, Brittany makes the announcement.

"Mom, Dad, Maribel, Javier, Santana and I got news. Were getting married on February 13 in New York and it would mean the world to us if you would come."

Her mom and dad jump up and clap excitedly. "Thats amazing. Youre going to make such beautiful brides," her mom gushes and pulls her and Santana into her arms.

"The prettiest," Pierce agrees. "All the other girls will be so jealous."

After being released from the Pierces hug, Santana turns to her parents who havent said anything yet.

"If thats what you really want, though I want to go on the record and say that I think you are too young for this kind of commitment," her dad finally says, but theres a small smile on his face.

Her mom, taking her cue from Javier, finally smiles as well.

"Well, I always hoped it would be Brittany because she brings out the best in you and if youre sure Im not going to stand in the way either. As long as I can go dress shopping with you."

Santana steps into her parents open arms and tries not to cry. After what happened with her abuela, her parents support means so much to her, especially because she knows that it hasnt been easy for her dad as well. After all, he was raised by her grandmother.

"Thank you," she whispers. "Thank you so much."

"Are you going to invite your abuela?" her dad asks and Santana shrugs.

"Do you think shed come if I invited her?"

Because if her dad thinks his mother can put her believes behind her for her granddaughters wedding, shes definitely going to try as well. Her dad sighs though.

"I dont know. I honestly dont know. But I wouldnt get your hopes up too much. We all know how stubborn my mother can be when she thinks shes in the right."

Lima – Hummel – Hudson House

Kurts the first at the door when the bell rings and though he only said goodbye to Blaine ta few hours ago, he pulls him into his arms as soon as the door is open. Thats why it takes him a moment to realize that its just Blaine and Pam.

"No Cooper?" he asks, disappointed, because Blaines brother is hilarious.

Pam shakes her head. "He missed his flight so he may not come after all. But, hey, at least that gives me an excuse to fly out to California soon."

Behind Kurt, his dad and Carole appear.

"Pam, Blaine, please come in. Its so nice to see you again," Carole says.

"Its been too long, Carole. We should really go for drinks again more often," Pam replies with a smile and Blaine groans because hes seen pictures of his mom when she drank too much. Lets just say that he isnt the only lightweight in the family, only now that his mom is single, she always seems to attract guys that are barely older than him.

In the living room, Carole hands everyone but Burt a glass of wine and announces that dinner will be ready in fifteen minutes.

"Carole doesnt even let you drink on Christmas Eve," Pam teases Burt who shakes his head.

"I drew the shortest straw so I have to drive everyone to the homeless shelter after dinner," he grumbles. "Dont understand why we cant make Blaine drive us though, hes the only one under 21 here."

"The straws have spoken," Blaine reminds Burt who laughs good naturedly.

Dinner is a pleasant affair and Kurts happy that his parents and Blaines mom get along so well. Granted, his dad had gotten along with Blaines dad surprisingly well as well, bonding over college football and fly fishing.

Blaine pulls his mom aside, while the Hudmels clear the table, insisting that Pam and Blaine are guests.

"Hey Mom, Dad called and wanted to know if wed already set a date for the wedding because hell be out of the country a lot this year. Would you mind if he came to the wedding? We dont have a date yet and I dont think its going to be anytime soon, but is it okay if Dad comes?"

Pam sighs, takes her sons hand and gives it a brief squeeze.

"Of course its okay, sweetie. Do you know how happy it makes me that your dad even wants to come to your wedding. Your sexuality had nothing to do with us splitting up, okay, and you deserve to have both of your parents at your wedding."

Blaine kisses his moms cheeks. "Thanks Mom. And if you want, I can tell him that he cant bring a plus one."

His mom laughs. "Lets talk about that when youve set a date and I know if Im going to have a plus one.

Lima – Jones House

"Thanks so much for having me over for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Jones," Sam tells Mercedes parents as theyre getting ready to leave for the homeless shelter.

"It was nice seeing you again, Sam," Mercedes mom replies. "You know youre always welcome here while Mercedes is in Lima."

Mercedes kisses both her parents goodbye before she links her hand with Sam and together they walk out to her car.

"So, your parents really arent together anymore?" he asks incredulously and Mercedes nods. "Wow, I couldnt tell. Theyre seriously good actors."

"Tell me about it," Mercedes moans, because its been hard to see her parents in the same light since her mom had dropped the bomb on her. "I wish I could talk to my dad about it but Mom doesnt want him to know that she told me."

"For what its worth, Im sorry. I know youve always looked up to your parents relationship."

Mercedes shrugs. "It is what it is. So lets forget about my family drama for now and go help those that are worse off.

Lima – Homeless Shelter

When Santana and Brittany walk into the homeless shelter, arms full with presents for the kids, the rest of the former Glee club is already there, plus the newbies shed briefly met during homecoming and Mr. Schue and Mrs. Pillsbury with their adorable son.

As the group spreads out, some playing with the kids, Carole and Kurt mending clothes and others giving out food, Mercedes and Unique take the stage.


Said the night wind to the little lamb,

do you see what I see
Way up in the sky, little lamb,
do you see what I see
A star, a star, dancing in the night
With a tail as big as a kite
With a tail as big as a kite

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy,
do you hear what I hear
A song, a song, high above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king,
do you know what I know

In your palace warm, mighty king,
do you know what I know

(Mercedes and Unique)
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold
Let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold

Let us bring Him silver and gold


Do you know what I know


Do you see what I see

(Mercedes and Unique)

Do you hear what I hear

"Happy holidays everyone. We hope you can all celebrate them with the people you love."

Brittanys proposal: Santana. I love you so much. I love that you let me bring Lady, when I know you hate cats. I love that Im the only one who knows you cry every time we watch a romantic comedy. I love that you always dance with me even if you insist youre not in the mood. I love that you can be the sweetest girl when youre with me. I love how you protect and defend me. I love that you always apologize to me, even when youre not the only one in the wrong. I love your support. Knowing that youre the first and last person I see every day, always makes me smile. Because I know how much you love me, I want you to be my dolphin forever. So, Santana Lopez, will you marry me? - Thanks Elbereth3 for the translation!

Songs used in this episode:
Kurt & Santana: Say Something – A Great Big World feat. Christina Aguilera
Blaine: Over You – Ingrid Michaelson feat. A Great Big World)
Santana and Brittany: Hand In My Pocket / I Feel The Earth Move – Alanis Morissette / Carole King
Kurt: Aftershocks – Next To Normal
Rachel: Im A Long Way From Home – Waylon Jennings
Unique & Mercedes: Do You Hear What I Hear – Christmas Carol


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