Alternative Season 6
603: Jagged Little Tapestry Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 603: Jagged Little Tapestry

K - Words: 6,494 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
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AN: mentions Finn

603: Jagged Little Tapestry: October 2014

Previously on Glee: The gang returned to Lima to help Sam and by extension Mercedes recruit students for the newly rebooted glee club. Brittana worked temp jobs to save money for their move to New York and Kurt got some advice about his relationship from Ohios best dad. Oh, and Sue tried to humiliate Rachel over her failed TV show, but the New Directions old and new banded together to remind her that she has all those friends to rely on. And thats what you missed on Glee.

New York City – NYADA Round Room

"Kurt Hummel"

Kurt walks into the round room and hands his headshot to the directors of the fall musical – his Acting 201 teacher, a new dance teacher, and a graduate level vocal coach.

"Hi Im Kurt Hummel. Im a fourth semester musical theater student and Ill be auditioning for the role of Gabe with Theres a world."

"Whenever youre ready."

Kurt hands his sheet music to the piano player – having decided on the song that would show case his higher register – and takes his place in front of the directors again.

Theres a world…
Theres a world I know A place we can go Where the pain will go away Theres a world…
Where the sun shines Each day

Theres a world…
Theres a world out there Ill show you just where And in time I know youll see Theres a world where We can be free Come with me Come with me Theres a world where We can be free…
Come with me.

His mind keeps straying to the problems he and Blaine are still dealing with, and so it isnt hard to put all his emotions into the song. Judging by the smiles on the teachers faces when Kurt ends the song, it paid off and by the time they tell him what scene to read from, hes a lot less nervous than only minutes before.


Ohio - Breadstixx

Theyre having dinner at Breadstixx again - their fifth date since meeting at an Ohio State game - but Shannon wont complain because she and John both know there arent many other options in Lima and at least the breadsticks are free. Though somethings different tonight. John seems to be on edge, pushing his pasta al arabbiata around on his plate, instead of digging in as usual. Shannon hopes hes not going to break up with her already because she hasnt dated anyone since Cooter and she really likes the accountant. She lets it go until John declares that he doesnt care about what theyre ordering for dessert, because John always orders Panacotta.

"Is something wrong?" she finally asks after ordering Tiramisu for her and Panacotta for John.

John finishes his glass of red wine in one go.

"I havent been completely honest with you," John confesses after a beat and Shannon looks to his ring finger immediately. But as far as she can tell, her date isnt trying to hide a wedding ring.

"Okay. About what?"

For a minute John doesnt say anything. Then.

"I had plans to tell you on our first date, but then I liked you so much and was afraid you wouldnt want to go out again if you knew the truth. But I know I have to tell you, because Id rather you hear it from me, than find out by accident. So here goes ... Im trans."

Shannon stares at John blankly for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"So, you want to be a woman?" she asks then, because she doesnt understand. John seems so comfortable in his body. But John shakes his head.

"It means that I was born female, but I never felt right until I finally found a therapist who helped me understand why I felt so wrong in my body."

"Oh," Shannon says because John looks like a normal man and she never would have guessed that was the secret. To be fair, the only trans person she knows is Unique, and at first shed thought Unique was a boy who liked to dress in drag.

Johns shoulders slump. "I understand if you dont want to see me again, but I also hope youll still give us a chance, regardless of my biological sex."

Shannon wants to be the person, who says yes of course, it doesnt matter, but she cant because it is a big deal and she needs time to think about it and get some advice.

She tells John as much.

"I understand," John repeats, and from how weary he sounds, she assumes hes had this conversation many times before and maybe not with the best outcomes.

Neither of them is very hungry anymore when dessert arrives and they take it to go. At her car, Shannon promises to call, once she knows what to say and kisses Johns cheek. Only when hes driven off does she allow herself to cry in her car, because why cant she have a relationship for once in her life thats just easy?

New York City, Brooklyn/ Manhattan

After dropping off their luggage at the loft – Kurt and Blaine had agreed to let her and Brittany stay on their couch until they found their own place – they head to the first apartment on their list. Its close to the loft, but the neighborhood has already been invaded by yuppies, so the tiny shoebox apartment is the opposite of affordable.

Four hours later, Santanas ready to give up because there are only two more apartments left on her list and so far none of the apartments had looked like they had online.

"Whats left?" Brittany asks as she accepts her change from a hot dog seller in Central Park.

"One in East Harlem and one in the Bronx. But I only put them on the list because we could afford them, not because I want to move there with you," Santana replies before taking a large bite.

This is not how she had imagined her glorious return to New York, but if the 101st street apartment doesnt turn out to be a complete dump, then at least theyll still be in Manhattan.

Brittany just smiles at her and links their pinkies together.

"I dont care where were going to live, San, as long as were together!"

Brittany nearly drops her hot dog when Santana pulls her close and kisses her passionately right in the middle of Central Park. Gone is the girl who would have rather dated every guy in school then have anyone find out how she really felt, and Brittanys so happy that shes been part of Santanas journey to become this confident young woman whos now looking for a one bedroom apartment to share with her girlfriend, not giving a fuck about what anyone thinks about it.

They finish their hot dogs before taking the subway uptown, barely making their appointment when they get turned around when exiting the station. In front of the building a woman in her late forties is waiting for them.

"Hola. ¿Eres Santana y Brittany?" she greets them and Brittany tries to keep up, but, well, the two years she had Spanish in school it was taught by Mr. Schue, who barely spoke it himself. And anyway, Santana would tell her if the woman is saying something important, right?

"Tiene un dormitorio, una pequeña cocina y un baño. 750 dólares al mes, y que voy a necesitar dos meses de antelación."

Santana keeps nodding, and while Brittanys never been interested in learning Spanish before, now she wishes she could participate in the conversation and not just stand next to Santana like a clueless idiot.

"¿Hay una sala de lavandería?" Santana asks.

"En el sótano. Y si desea que el apartamento, lo que necesito saber hoy. Mucha gente está interesada en él."

The woman unlocks the front door and Brittany takes that as her cue to follow her and Santana inside.

"She said we have to decide today whether we want it or not," Santana recounts as they climb the stairs – the elevator being out of order.

The woman ahead of them turns around and narrows her eyes at Brittany.

"¿Ella no habla español?"

Brittany shakes her head and blushes under the intense stare of the woman.

"Then good luck moving into El Barrio."

Definitely time to learn Spanish, Brittany decides when they continue their climb, because even if they dont move into this neighborhood, she and Santana may want to have kids someday which theyll probably raise bilingual.

New York City - Brooklyn Film School

After three weeks of reworking his script with a friend from his editing class, Arties finally ready to hit print again.

"Its good, dont worry. And once well pass it around the acting department, Im sure youll find girls willing to audition for you," Jason assures him, and Artie just hopes hes right, because hes already wastes three weeks while the rest of his class is out filming already.

"Hey, by the way, what did you think of the film I gave you?" Jason asks, while the printer spits out page after page.

"It was great. I was really impressed with the camera work as well. Who was your DOP?"

"Thanks, man. And I got this friend from back home to help me out. She actually just started here, studying camera."

"You think you could point her out to me. I could use someone like her on my project," Artie replies, because all the other camera students he knows have already partnered up with the directing students in his class.

"Gimme a second, Ill show you a picture." Jason pulls out his phone and clicks through his photo gallery before handing it over to Artie.

Shit, Artie thinks when he sees the picture, because he remembers her; remembers the way he hit on her and how she called him a misogynist pig in return.

Ohio – McKinley, Emmas office

"… so if we keep going out, does that make me a lesbian?"

Emma watches helplessly as her friend paces in front of her desk, her eyes scanning the pamphlet rack in the corner, but she knows there isnt one that tells you what to do or say when your date tells you theyre transsexual. Maybe creating one of those pamphlets should be her goal, Emma muses as she wrecks her brain for something to say to Shannon.

"I dont think so. I mean you said he looks like a man and you find him attractive because you like men. But honestly, I dont think Im the right person to ask. I dont know enough about all that," Emma admits, her fingers itching to wipe the part of the desk Shannon just leaned against, slightly sweaty from taking out her frustrations on a punching bag.

"I dont have anyone else I can talk to about this," Shannon confesses, because her friends from her time as college football coach would probably make derogatory comments about John.

Emma considers their options. She definitely wants to educate herself about the topic, but Shannon needs someone who understands now. Only one person comes to her mind however, and although she doesnt believe that students should be the ones educating their teachers about LGBT issues, sadly it mostly works this way at McKinley and she doesnt have other ideas either.

"Can you come to Glee club rehearsal tonight? Maybe you and Unique can have a talk."

Shannon nods. "Ill be there."

New York City – The Loft

Rachel slams the door to the loft shut a little harder than strictly necessary.

"For someone who got a call back, youre in a foul mood," Kurt remarks, not even looking up from a script for his acting class.

"Its childrens theater, Kurt, and its not even a singing part," Rachel whines and takes a seat next to Kurt. "Wheres your better half?" she adds after looking around the loft, because even when they arent speaking to one another, Kurt and Blaine are usually never far from each other.

"NYADA fall musical auditions," Kurt reminds her.

"Cool, are you going to audition as well?" Rachel steals a cracker from Kurts bowl and after a moments deliberation puts a piece of cheese on it. Since changing her diet from vegan to vegetarian, her lifes so much easier.

"I did, yesterday. I told you about it."

The worst thing is that Kurt doesnt even sound angry, more like he expected her not to remember a conversation that didnt revolve around her and Rachel blushes, because she had been so caught up in going through her own audition, she hadnt really listened to what Kurt was saying.

"Im sorry. Tell me about it, please."

Kurt puts his script down and tells Rachel what he told her the previous day.

"Theyre doing Next to Normal this fall, which is kind of ridiculous because theyre only six parts and only three of them are for young people. Because we didnt want to audition for either of the male grown ups, Blaine and I are both auditioning for Gabe and with my track record, Im sure theyre going to pick him over me again. And Ill try not to resent him for it or yell at him for audition for the same role when he knows how much getting the part would mean for me." "At least you would be singing," Rachel huffs, still not over the fact that theyre calling her back for the part that doesnt require singing.

"Come on, Rachel. You already have your Equity card so can audition for pretty much anything. All I can audition for are school productions and open calls where they take one look at me and decide Im not what theyre looking for before theyve even heard me sing. So stop your whining. Youre talking about a two months engagement with twelve shows over Christmas. Its gonna make you some money, give you more experience and theres nothing shameful about doing childrens theater. And if you really think its beneath you, well, you keep auditioning until you find a production you actually want to be part of and hope your daddies will support you till then."

Rachel doesnt understand why Kurts being so harsh, but she knows better than to accuse him of jealousy when he and Blaine have let her back into their home, when, clearly, theyre having problems in their relationship.

"Im going for a walk," she announces, because maybe a trip to her old theater will help her decide if childrens theater is really something she wants to waste her time on.

New York City – NYADA Round Room

Blaine really feels Kurts absence as he waits to be called in for his audition, because Kurts always been by his side before, had supported him even when Blaine had auditioned for the role Kurt wanted to play. When his name is finally called, his hands are shaking and he feels like hes going to throw up. Swallowing down the bile, he hands over his headshot and introduces himself.

"My name is Blaine Anderson, Im a musical theater student in my second year here at NYADA and Ill be auditioning for Gabe with Im Alive.

Im what you want me to be And Im your worst fear Youll find it in me Come closer Come closer

I am more than memory

I am what might be

I am mystery

You know me

So show me

When I appear its

Not so clear if

Im a simple spirit Or

Im flesh and blood

But Im alive

Im alive

I am so alive

And I feed on the fear

Thats behind your eyes

And I need you

To need me

Its no surprise

Im alive

So alive

Im alive

No surprise indeed, Blaine thinks, and an issue he and Kurt have talked to death since their move to New York.

I am flame and I am fire

I am destruction Decay and Desire

Ill hurt you Ill hurt you

Im your wish

Your dream come true

And Im your darkest nightmare too

Ive shown you, I own you.

And though you made me

You cant change me

Im the perfect stranger

Who knows you too well.

"Thank you, Blaine," an unfamiliar teacher interrupts him. "Very nicely done. Could you please turn to page 32 of the script now."

He knows its going to hurt Kurt if he doesnt get this role, but they had agreed that they would both give it their best, and so Blaine at least tries to be happy about his audition as he heads to his acting class afterward.

New York City – Spotlight Diner

Santana looks up when the doorbell announces a new customer, but again it isnt her girlfriend whos supposed to pick her up after her shift. With a sigh, she goes back to counting her earnings and hands them over to Gunther once shes done; her tips fortunately as high as the first time she worked at the Spotlight Diner.

After changing back into her street clothes, she takes a seat at the counter and pulls a half finished college essay out of her bag, along with an application for NYU.

"Youre applying for college?" Dani puts a cup of coffee in front of her, and Santana gives her a weak smile, surprised Dani is even talking to her, after Santana broke up with her via text message after she and Brittany got back together.

When meeting with Gunther, she had made sure that she and Dani wouldnt be working together, but because of Brittanys tardiness, theyre having their first interaction in a year and Dani is about to meet the girl, Santana promised she wouldnt leave her for.

"Nothing else has worked out so far, so I figured I give it another shot," she replies, her eyes on her cup of coffee. "I heard about your roller derby championship, congrats," she adds, because she liked Dani a lot and if Brittany hadnt decided she wanted to get back together, maybe theyd still be dating.

"So did you come back to New York with her?" Dani asks as she refills the saltshakers and Santana looks to the door again, willing Brittany to appear.

"Yeah. She was supposed to pick me up after my shift, but shes late."

"Well, Id like to meet the girl who makes Santana Lopez smiles like this just thinking about her," Dani remarks and Santana looks up in surprise.

"You dont hate me for what I did?"

"I wont tell you that it didnt hurt, because it did. But its been more than a year and Im seeing someone who doesnt have an ex she still has feelings for. In fact, it was my only requirement for potential dates – that they hate their exes," Dani teases and Santanas shoulders slump in relief because shes felt awful about the way she broke up with Dani.

"Youre still going to Kurt and Blaines potlucks, right?" Santana asks, after reading a text from Brittany that says shell be there in five.

"Yeah, but its not happening this Monday," Dani replies, turning her attention to the ketchup.

"Actually, it is, but Brittany and I are hosting it in our new apartment. Its small, but you should come. It wouldnt be fair to exclude you now, just because Im back in the city. And you should bring your girlfriend. Maybe we could all be friends."

The thing is, she actually means it. Because, sure they have Kurt and Blaine, but it would be great to be friends with another lesbian couple.

Brittany finally enters then and bounces over.

"I love your hair," she tells Dani after giving Santana a brief kiss.

Santana wraps an arm around her girlfriend.

"Brittany, this is Dani. Ive told you about her. Dani, Brittany. Dani and her girlfriend are going to join us for our Monday potluck."

"Cool," Brittany says, because Dani had been good for Santana while she was still stuck in high school and she had the best highlights. "Maybe you could give Lady Tubbington some hot pink locks when you come over."

With San ready to go, Brittany links their pinkies, waves at Dani and pulls her girlfriend out of the diner.

"I like her," she degrees. "We should be friends."

Ohio – McKinley, Choir room

When Shannon steps into choir room after the last band member has left, her hands are sweaty and her hearts beating fast. Shes nervous, because getting more information means shell know everything to make an informed decision and she isnt ready for that; wishes John hadnt told her and she would be looking forward to another date with this great guy she met.

Unique is the only one still in the choir room and from the way she smiles at Shannon, she assumes Emma has already told her whats going on.

"How can I help you?" Unique asks the football coach.

She thinks its great that coach Beiste is taking the time to educate herself and really think about whats important instead of just dismissing her date out of hand for his trans-ness.

"Honestly, Im confused. I like John a lot, but if hes technically a girl and I decide that we should give it a go then how am I not a lesbian? And what if I tell him that Im totally fine with everything, our relationship becomes more serious, but then we hit an impasse, because Im not a lesbian."

Unique isnt surprised that the coach main issue seems to be sex; too used to being told by guys she likes that they dont want her because that would make them gay.

"You know what I hate," Unique tells the coach. "When people call me the cross-dressing, gay Mercedes, because Im neither and dont even get me started on how racist it is to lump us together just because were both curvy women of color. Im not gay because I dont identify as male and neither is John for liking you, because he does identify as male. He may have been born as female, but hes not a girl. Hes someone who was unfortunate enough to be born into a body where his outsides didnt match who he felt like on the insides. So, though it shouldnt matter, neither of you would be gay if you continue the relationship."

She gives the coach a moment to digest what Unique told her, before moving on to the second point coach Beiste brought up.

"For the other things, I guess ideally what your genitals look like should matter less in a relationship than your feelings about the other person, but from my limited experience with dating I know thats not always true. I cant tell you that its not a big deal when it is for most people. So, my advice would be to really consider what would hurt you more – giving up on somebody you really like and could possibly have a future with or entering a relationship with someone whos different than you expected."

Coach Beiste gives her a weak smile.

"Ill keep that in mind. Thanks for talking to me, Unique. If theres something I could do for you, let me know."

There are plenty of things she wants – being allowed to use the girls bathroom and the girls locker room or seeing every douche bag who makes derogatory comments about her expelled – but if being on the Cheerios didnt even help much, she doubts the football coach will be of much help.

Still, she puts a smile on her face. "Thanks."

New York – Lopez – Pierce apartment

"You never told me why you were late," Santana remembers as she and Brittany settle down on the couch, Lady purring loudly next to Brittany.

"Oh, my class got out late and then I got on the wrong subway," Brittany puts her head on Santanas shoulder and snuggles closer.

"What class? I though you had a meeting with Dan about getting you dancing gigs till your Rockettes audition in April?"

Santana hadnt been surprised when Brittany decided upon their return to New York that she wanted to dance professionally and put college on hold until dancing as a career wasnt an option anymore. Luckily, Dan from Mercedes New York record studio, had been happy to help Brittany get gigs after viewing some of the tour videos.

"I cant tell you yet; its a secret," Brittany smiles and Santana doesnt badger her about it; certain shell find a way to make her girlfriend spill the beans before the weeks over.

"Alright. And what did Dan say?"

"Oh," Brittany perks up visibly. "He got me an audition for a music video. Its for a band they just signed and theyre looking for five female back up dancers."

"Thats great," Santana replies. "Im sure youll get it."

A short kiss turns into making out on the couch, which earns Santana a few scratches when she accidentally lies down on Ladys tail, but its her phone ringing on the coffee table that halts their make out session.

"Yes?" Santana snarls into the phone.

"Santana, this is Estelle, you signed with me two years ago."

"Ah, hi. I remember, but I also havent heard from you in nearly two years," Santana replies, because she never expected to here from her slightly crazy agent again.

"You didnt want to do more commercials and thats all you were in demand for, but todays your lucky day because Mujeres Desesperadas called and they want you to audition for a new role theyre creating for the show. Apparently, one of the directors saw you performing in a mall and remembered you from a Midol commercial."

"Estelle, can I get back to you about this tomorrow? Because Im actually planning to go to college in the spring and Im kind of done with the entertainment industry," Santana cuts her agent off, because she needs time to think this through before she commits to anything.

"Ive e-mailed you all the details. Just let me know if youre going to audition or not."

"What was that about?" Brittany asks, her brows furrowed in concern.

"Estelle. She wants me to audition for Mujeres Desesperadas."

"Your abuelas favorite telenovela," Brittany remembers. "But wouldnt that be great then. If you are on her TV everyday, she cant ignore you any longer."

"I wish it were that easy," Santana sighs. "But what if I audition, they say yes and then kick me off the show after one episode because I have no talent for TV either."

"But youve done TV before," Brittany argues. "You filmed three commercials and they kept offering you more."

Santana pulls her knees up and wraps her arms around them.

"What if it works out and theres actually a career in TV for me. Rachel and I barely made up after our last fight and now that were all back in New York I want us to get along. But you know how jealous she gets when things dont go her way, but work out for someone else for once. And we both know who Kurt and Blaine would side with, if we stopped talking again."

Brittany wraps her arm around Santana and pulls her closer.

"You cant make decisions about your future based on Rachels feelings. You stopped doing commercials to keep the peace in the loft and you gave up your understudy role to salvage your friendship with her. I say that if your friends cant support you and celebrate your successes with you, they arent really your friends."

Santana sinks into Brittanys embrace.

"Youre so smart. Dont ever let someone tell you otherwise."

"So youre going to audition?"

"I think I am."

New York City – Studio

Shes just going to go in and tell them that shes not auditioning again and then shell find a workshop or OFF Broadway musical with Broadway potential, Rachel tells herself as she enters the studio in the Meatpacking District and promptly runs into the director.

"Rachel, good to see you again. I let my eight-year-old daughter watch the first round of auditions and she loved you. Decided she wanted to be just like you when shes older," Susan laughs, and Rachel, well, she kinda has to audition after a story like this.

Because who knows how many girls will be inspired by her performance? Maybe in twenty years time, some girl will dedicate her Tony to Rachel Berry, because it was her performance in The Princess in the Woods that inspired her to pursue a career in the arts.

"Well, if shes watching again. I hope shell also like my second audition," Rachel smiles at Susan, decision to give her best made.

New York City – Outside Studio

"Excuse me. Youre Rachel Berry, right?"

Rachel turns around, her best show smile in place and comes face to face with a tall, handsome man in his mid to late twenties.

"Yes, hi. Im sorry, do I know you?" The stranger shakes his head.

"No. I saw you in a Funny Girl preview and Im also auditioning for the play. Im Ben by the way," the cute stranger introduces himself.

"Nice to meet you, Ben," Rachel smiles at him, because its been a while since shes been recognized – positively recognized – for Funny Girl. Do you do a lot of childrens theater?"

Because apparently some actors do. Ben laughs however.

"Ah, no. I was involved with Shakespeare in the Park the last three years, and Ive done Beckett, Pinter, Strindberg or pretty much any 20th century playwright you can name since gradating from Tisch seven years ago. But the book the play is based on, is my three year olds favorite and she begged me to be in it when I told her about the play."

"Thats nice," Rachel says, considering for a moment whether she shouldnt invent a niece or nephew shes doing the show for. "So, Ill maybe see you in rehearsals."

Ben shakes his head. "You wont, thats why I ran after you. I heard back from another audition, so I already told Susan I wont be able to commit to this."

Rachel stares at Ben, hoping hell get to the point fast, because she has a dance class in half an hour.

"So you do you want an autograph?"

"No, actually I wanted to ask you out. For dinner, coffee, lunch; whatever youd prefer."

Rachel freezes. Of course, this isnt the first time shes been asked out since Finns passing, but its the first time, she nearly forgot why she usually says no. Ben misunderstands her silence however.

"Ill understand if you dont want to date a man with a kid. My ex and I, we have joint custody so I spend a lot of time with my daughter and you wouldnt be the first woman I asked out who wasnt interested in that kind of commitment from the start."

Strangely, the kid part doesnt bother her too much. But her life has moved on without Finn and the only thing that had remained at a stand still was her dating life. And if she moved forward with that as well, did that mean she no longer cared about him like she did before?

"Can I think about it? If you give me your number, Ill call you when Ive made up my mind," she tells Ben, because he seems like a nice guy and she doesnt want him to think shes saying no because he has a daughter.

After exchanging phone numbers, they part ways – Ben with a smile on his face and Rachel in deep thought.

New York City – Brooklyn Film School

Artie rolls up to a petite red head, his new script in his lap.

"Um, Jess, right?"

Jess turns around and when she sees him, she frowns.

"What do you want? I already told you Im not interested."

Artie takes a deep breath. He needs her if he wants to finish his project on time and if groveling is the only way to go, so be it.

"Actually, I want to apologize – for the way I talked to you. That wasnt cool and I definitely shouldnt have called you a stuck up bitch just because you turned me down."

"Thank you," Jess replies. When Artie doesnt leave she adds. "Anything else?"

"Well, um, Jason showed me the film you worked on and I really like your visual style, so I was hoping, if you havent committed to another project yet, that youll be my DOP for my fall project. Ill promise to not act like a pig again."

Theyve already attracted an audience and Artie spies a few girls in the group that he gave an STD and have hated him ever since.

"Please, Id really like to tell you more about my film in private and if you dont want to work on it because you think it sucks, Ill understand, but please dont say no just because I behaved badly when we first met."

Jess follows him down the hallway and accepts the script from Artie.

"Fine, Ill give it a read and if its not horrible, Im in, but only because Ive heard that your teacher hires students for his films and I want to get some paid work experience as soon as possible."

Artie watches her go and tries not to stare at her ass, because he likes Jess already and doesnt want to mess up their potential partnership. And if somehow it will turn into more, hes very okay with that too. Maybe even long term, and he hasnt been interested in a relationship with a girl since he broke up with Kitty. And with the way that ended, it was probably a very good idea, that he steered clear of McKinley during Homecoming.

New York City – The Loft

When Kurt walks into the apartment after another counseling session with Blaine, he finds Rachel hunched over a photo album of her and Finn, tears streaming down her face as she sings softly.

You used to call me your angel, said I was sent straight down from heaven.
Youd hold me close in your arms.

I loved the way you felt so strong, I never wanted you to leave.
I wanted you to stay here holding me.

I miss you. I miss your smile. And I still shed a tear every once in a while.
And even though its different now, youre still here somehow.
My heart wont let you go and I need you to know, I miss you.

Trying not to startle her, Kurt sits down next to his friend and pulls her into his arms.

You used to call me your dreamer and now Im living out my dream.
Oh how I wish you could see, everything thats happening for me.
Im thinking back on the past, its true that time is flying by too fast.

I miss you. I miss your smile. And I still shed a tear every once in a while.
And even though its different now, youre still here somehow.
My heart wont let you go and I need you to know, I miss you.

"What brought this on?" Kurt asks when Rachel finishes the song, wipes the remaining tears from her cheek, and closes the album.

Rachel smiles at him through red-rimmed eyes.

"I got asked out by a really cute guy today and I wanted to say yes."

She hopes Kurt will understand, wont be mad at her for trying to move on from Finn.

"Finn had his issues and like all of us, he made a lot of mistakes, but he wasnt vindictive and I dont think he would get any pleasure out of knowing youre putting your life on hold out of loyalty to him. Im sure hed want you to be happy, to find someone who loves you as much as he loved you," Kurt swallows around the sudden lump in his throat as he tries to comfort Rachel.

"And you dont think people would call me a heartless bitch if I find a new boyfriend already?" Rachel sniffles and Kurt shakes his head vehemently.

"Its been a year and a half since his passing and more than two years since the two of you were a couple. No decent person would call you anything other than brave. Because I understand how hard it must be for you to let someone into your heart again, when there are no guarantees that you wont get hurt once more."

"So you think I should give this guy a call?"

Kurt presses a kiss to Rachels temple.

"I cant tell you that, Rachel. But if Finns the only reason you didnt say yes right away, maybe you should at least give this cute guy a shot."

His phone vibrates in his pocket. Its a text from Blaine.

Theyre announcing the cast at six. Meet up at school?

"Ive got to head back into the city. Let me know what you decide."

Rachel nods and once the door slides shut after Kurt, she pulls her phone from her pocket. She drops a kiss on the photo album before opening her text app.

Ben, coffee sounds nice. Let me know when youre available. Rachel.

New York City – NYADA Hallway

Its twenty past six by the time Kurt arrives back at NYADA and theres already a large crowd forming around the announcement board. Before he has to elbow people out of the way, a large bouquet or red and yellow roses blocks his view however.

"Congratulations, you deserve this," Blaine appears behind the bouquet and presses a quick kiss to the corner of Kurts mouth.

"I got it?" Kurt asks in a daze, because all the way back into Manhattan hed been preparing himself mentally for losing out to Blaine or some other student again.

"I got here right when they were putting up the cast list and when I saw your name I went to the flower shop around the corner. Sorry, they arent the freshest, but they were all they had left."

"I love you," Kurt sighs, because this right there, Blaine getting him flowers because hes happy for Kurts success, makes him feel even better than knowing he finally got a role.

"I love you too. How about we head back home and properly celebrate? Ill get rid of Rachel," Blaine whispers and Kurt nods immediately.

The ring against his chest reminds him that he isnt ready to continue where they left of, but theyre in love, theyre not giving up and thats more important than any role in the universe.

And finally, the following Saturday - New York City – Lopez-Pierce apartment

Brittany opens the door with a smile and steps aside to let the rest of the New York gang in, who are carrying even more paint and paint rollers.

Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and Artie dump their paint utensils on the floor before they dutifully follow Brittany on a tour of her and Santanas apartment, which ends back in the living room only moments later.

"Thanks for helping us with this," Brittany tells her friends before Santana takes over and gives out instructions for everyone.

After changing into an outfit he wont mind getting ruined, Kurt plugs his iPod into Brittanys iPod dock and selects his oldies playlist before hitting shuffle.
The first song that comes up is J. Los Jenny from the Block and before long the former members of the New Directions are singing along loudly, Kurt and Rachel using their paintbrushes as microphones until Santana tells them off for getting the floor dirty. By the end of the song, theyre painting one another more than the walls, and Kurt has paint in his hair from when Brittany attacked him from behind, but he cant stop smiling regardless.

"Im so happy you are all back in New York," he confesses. "It just wasnt the same with just me, Blaine and Artie here."

After a colorful group hug, they get back to actually painting Santanas apartment, loudly singing along to the next song on Kurts playlist – Destinys Childs Survivor.

Kurts just happy that after some detours his friends have finally found their way back to New York and it didnt even take them six months.

I hope I didnt mess up the Unique/Coach Beiste conversation...


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