Alternative Season 6
602: Homecoming Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Alternative Season 6: 602: Homecoming

K - Words: 6,030 - Last Updated: Dec 15, 2016
Story: Complete - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Jan 20, 2015 - Updated: Jan 20, 2015
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602: Homecoming: October 2014

Previously on Glee: Rachel got fired from her TV show and after a run in with Mercedes decided to head back to New York to start over. Kurt and Blaine are clearly not okay, when even out of town visitor Elliott suggests the couple goes to counseling and Artie struggles in film school when the female student body refuses to work with him on a short film. Sams got no idea what to do with his life and when Emma and Shannon help him get glee club back, he calls Mercedes for back-up. And thats what you missed on Glee.

Lima, McKinley Choir Room

Its a sad sight that greets Mercedes when she steps into the McKinley choir room two and a half weeks after getting Sams call, because of the five people in it, only two are students.

After sharing hugs with Kitty, Unique and Sam, and shaking hands with coach Beiste and Mrs. Pillsbury, she just has to ask.

"So wheres everyone else?"

Its been over a year since Sam, Blaine, Artie, Tina and Brittany had graduated but even though the glee club was shut down at this point, she remembers that it wasnt unpopular.

"Jake and Ryder graduated in May, and Marley moved to California after Sue fired her mom because she didnt fit with the schools new healthy lifestyle program," Kitty explains and Mercedes comes this close to marching into Sues office and giving her a piece of her mind. If only she could be certain that it would help.

"And no one new has signed up since you rebooted the club?"

This is even worse than sophomore year when they had at least five people when the club started.

"No one wants to go against principal Sue," Kitty shrugs. "Im only doing it because this is my senior year and Im sick of letting other people dictate my life."

"So what do we do?" Mercedes asks, because she didnt come all this way to help coach a team of two students.

"Homecomings next weekend, so I figured we try to get the old gang together and show everyone at McKinley how awesome Glee club can be," Sam suggests because nothing else he, Emma and coach Beiste have tried so far had been successful.

"Worth a shot," Mercedes agrees, because even if it doesnt help glee club, its been too long since shes seen most of her friends.

New York City – The Loft

Kurts sitting on the couch typing away on his laptop, while Blaines doing the same at the desk the boys put in after Rachel moved to L.A, when she slams the door shut behind her.

"How was your talk with Madam Tibideaux?" Kurt looks up from his homework and pats the seat next to him.

"Ugh, she agreed to let me re-audition for a chance to finish my second year come spring," Rachel moans, because she had hoped that she would at least be allowed to start as a third year after completing most of her second year requirements before she dropped out of school.

"Will you?" Blaine turns around to face her as well.

Though shes curious to know whats up with her boys, she again refrains from asking why he and Kurt arent sharing the couch like they used to when they were doing homework together. They are nice enough to let her stay, so she wont badger them as long as they dont want to talk about it. See, shes learning.

"I dont know," Rachel admits. "I went to an audition for an ensemble role in an off Broadway musical afterward and they told me my dancing was shit. You know like, great voice girl, but my four year old niece has more grace."

"Its only been two weeks," Kurt reminds her. "So dont give up. And maybe in the meantime, you could take some dancing lessons if thats the only thing thats standing between you and roles."

Kurt wishes it were that easy for him, but once again, whats standing between him and a role is Blaine and with their relationship on thin ice, its not like he can ask Blaine to throw the audition. And he doesnt want to either, because he wants to beat his boyfriend fair and square.

Boyfriend, not fiancé. The engagement isnt off officially, but the student counselor they had spoken to at NYADA had suggested to put everything on pause until they both were ready to unpause. It hadnt felt right to keep wearing his engagement ring on his finger after the hour he had spent telling Blaine and a complete stranger all the reasons why he thought getting married any time soon was a horrible idea. Now the ring hung on a silver chain, the metal cool against his chest, when they were in private and only moved to his finger when they went to school or work because they wanted to avoid being questioned about their private lives.

Excusing himself to the bathroom, he quickly takes the ring off its chain and slips it back onto his finger before Rachel can notice he wasnt wearing it when she came in. When he steps out again, Rachel and Blaine are huddled over a phone.

"Whats going on?"

"Mercedes just texted. She wants us all to fly to Lima for Homecoming and help her and Sam recruit members for the glee club."

When Blaine looks at him, Kurt shrugs. Neither of them had been home in months, because money was tighter with only the two of them paying for the loft, but maybe a weekend staying with their respective parents would be good for them. As long as their parents didnt find out about the problems, because he really didnt need to hear their I told you sos.

"Lets do it," he agrees with a smile on his face before joining the Rachel, Blaine group hug.

Lima, Santanas bedroom

Santana walks into her bedroom, unbuttoning her blouse while trying to wiggle out of her pencil skirt.

"How was work?" Brittany greets her, sitting cross-legged on her bed and no matter how much her day had sucked, the sight of her girlfriend waiting for her in just a tank top and boy shorts brings a smile to her face. Living at both their parents houses isnt ideal, but at least she still gets to come home to Brittany every night.

They really wanted to leave for New York immediately, but then Santana had looked through their finances and after blowing through most of the money her mom had given her for New York during her Eurotrip with Brittany, the little money they had earned as Mercedes backup singers and dancers just wasnt enough. Maybe, if they could have moved in with gay and gayer but Berry just had to get there faster and now they were stuck in Lima for the time being. Brittany had found a part time job working in a childrens clothing store, while Santana tempted for a local law firm.

"Awful. One of the clients grabbed my butt on the way out. I threatened to sue him."

"You should find a new job. No one but me gets to touch you," Brittany tells Santana as she watches her girlfriend strip out of the rest of the offending garments. Santana shakes her head though.

"Theyre paying me good money and in another week or two will have enough to get out of here. Gunther promised to give me my job back and youll find something as well. I just know it."

Santana crawls onto bed in her underwear and presses her lips against Brittanys only to be disturbed by an incoming text message on Brittanys phone. When she sees who its from she frowns.

"What is it with Sam and always trying to come between us?"

"Dont be jealous, San. You know I would always chose you as long as you want me," Brittany assures her before opening the text. "Oh, Sam, wants us to come to McKinley and help out with glee club. Can we?"

Does she want to set foot in that building again? No, definitely not. But there arent a lot of things she wouldnt do for Brittany.

Lima, McKinley Hallway

Sam and Mercedes are walking through an empty hallway. Its after school, and Sam has to head to football practice soon, but when Mercedes had texted asking if they could meet up to discuss their friends replies, hed agreed immediately.

"Rachel, Kurt and Blaine are in. Tina and Quinn as well, but Puck cant leave the base," Mercedes tells Sam, hyperaware of how close their hands are as they walk toward the choir room to discuss songs they could perform in front of the school.

"Brittany and Santana are in as well. Apparently, theyve been in Lima all along, but didnt tell anyone. Mike has a dance recital and Artie said something about having to rework his script, but thats still more people than I expected."

"So we need a song."

They are just about to step into the empty choir room, when Mercedes hears it. A faint voice singing Mustang Sally. Without thinking about the implications, she takes Sams hand and pulls him down the hallway in search of the student behind the voice. They find him in an empty English classroom, wearing big headphones and singing along to the music only he can hear. Unfortunately, as soon as he spots Mercedes and Sam, he stops singing immediately.

"Dont," Mercedes tells him. "That was really good."

The boy in front of them just stares at them.

"Uh, thanks, but who are you?"

"Were Sam and Mercedes, former members of the national champion New Directions. And wed like to invite you to audition for glee club."

Their smiles may be a bit manic, but Mercedes doesnt think it warrants the strangers reaction.

"No thanks. Im not one for group activities," he says before he pulls his head phones back over his ears and though shes sure he can hear her when she tries to tell him how awesome glee club is, the boy keeps ignoring her.

"I need to head out to the field," Sam tells her apologetically and its only then that Mercedes realizes that they are still holding hands. "Sorry that didnt work out."

She wants to say, why are you sorry, its your glee club, but he held her hand this whole time and now its her time to be brave.

"Well find someone else. But, uhm, maybe after football practice, would like to get dinner with me. We could talk more about the songs youd like to do once you have enough kids."

With the way he smiles back at her, shes pretty sure he knows thats not the only reason she asked.

"Id love to."

A few miles outside Lima, Rental Car

"Thanks for dropping me off first, guys. Its been so long since Ive seen my dads," Rachel says as theyre getting closer to Lima.

Truth is, Kurt and Blaine are acting very strange and one and a half hours in a car with them is enough; especially if they refuse to tell her whats wrong. Yesterday, she asked whether theyd set a date for the wedding yet, and Kurt had nearly bitten her head off.

Once Rachel is safely in the arms of her dads, Kurt turns the rental in the direction of Blaines parents house.

"Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow, or are you taking youre moms car?"

"I can take my moms car," Blaine replies, looking out of the window.

"But wont people find it weird if were not arriving together," Kurt counters, because theyre known to be inseparable.

"If the only reason you want to drive with me is that you dont want people talking, I probably should take my moms car."

Kurt doesnt know why its suddenly so hard for them to talk outside of the meetings theyd set up with NYADA student counseling.

"I want to pick you up because I miss singing with you in the car."

Blaine deflates visibly. "Then Id love it if you drove us to school. And maybe tonight, we could do something fun, head over to Scandals. Ill drive so you dont have to worry about me getting drunk and acting like an ass."

The weekend was supposed to give them space, but now that theyre about to be separated for the first night in months, it seems that neither of them wants to let go of the other. And maybe, after two weeks of mostly not speaking, a night out dancing is a good idea. Especially, when neither can get drunk because they have to head over to McKinley the next morning.

"Pick me up at eight," he tells Blaine when he pulls into the Andersons driveway.

They share a brief kiss in the car, because having problems in their relationship doesnt mean they dont love each other, and Kurt gets out briefly so Pam can give him a hug.

Its a short drive to his dads house and at a red light, he quickly takes his ring off the chain and puts it back where it belongs. If only it felt that way all the time.

Lima, Berry Home

"Dads, why is there a for sale sign in our front yard?"

Shes waited until they sat down for dinner, because so far neither of her dads her said anything about it, but now Rachel needed to know whats going on.

LeRoy and Hiram share a look and Rachel notices that they are holding hands on the table like a pair of love struck teenagers.

"Actually, Rachella, weve decided to move to San Francisco. Weve always wanted to, but then your grandmother got sick shortly after you were born and needed someone to care for her. You know we never meant to raise you in Ohio, but when your grandma died you were already a junior in high school and you had all your friends here so we decided to wait until you went to college. Obviously, it took us some time to settle everything anyway, but as soon as the house sells, well be making the move," Hiram explains. Rachel gapes at him.

"So when were you going to tell me?"

"We wanted to tell you when we drove down to Los Angeles three weeks ago, only to get a text from our daughter telling us shes moved back to New York. Not a I will move back text but an I moved back text. Hiram wanted to tell you then and there but I thought you deserved more than hearing about something this big on the phone," her other day, LeRoy says and Rachel winces, because maybe she should have called her dads when she left L.A two days after getting fired. After all, her dads still contributed to her rent and therefore deserved to know beforehand where she planned to live.

"Im sorry. I just needed to get out of L.A and I didnt tell anyone where I was going until I got there. And so far only a few friends know about the show and that Im not in L.A anymore."

"Youre going to tell them while youre here?" Hiram asks. Rachel shrugs.

"I dont know. I always had big dreams about coming back to McKinley and none of them featured me as a failed Broadway and TV star. If I dont tell people, at least I can pretend nothing happened."

She lets her dads wrap her up in a hug, because shes really missed them. Just too bad that shes old enough to know that they cant fix everything.

Lima, Breadstixx

"We should go with something modern; something the kids can relate to," Mercedes suggests as she slides into a booth at Breadstixx.

"How about Take on me from A-ha, I loved the music video when I saw it on MTV," Sam suggests and Mercedes stifles a laugh.

"Sam, honey, that songs from the eighties. Dont get me wrong, I like it, but its not exactly modern and if my parents hadnt listened to it well into the late nineties I wouldnt even know it."

Mercedes takes a breadstick and after reminding himself that food is not the enemy, Sam takes one as well. Unfortunately, the breadsticks taste just as stale as he remembered them.

"So should we just google top forty hits or try to do a mash up?" he asks after swallowing his breadstick. Mercedes shrugs.

"I dont know. Maybe we could just google mash ups?" Mercedes replies, suddenly distracted by Sams foot pressing against hers.

They havent talked about their feelings yet, but Mercedes is determined to get somewhere soon. But you know, baby steps. With a deep breath, she puts her hand on top of his, and gives it a squeeze.

"Well figure something out and three years with Mr. Schue have proven that we dont need much time to learn a new song."

Shes about to pull her hand back, when Sam turns his around and links their hands together. Her heart skipping a beat, she gives him her brightest smile.

"Im really glad youre back, Mercedes," Sam tells her. "Ive missed you."

He just hopes that theyre actually on the same page this time, because theyd already broken up three times and Sam knows that if they cant make it work this time, they probably never will.

"Ive missed you too," Mercedes is quick to assure him, because she wouldnt have come to Lima just for glee club. Not for a club that routinely put her into the back for three years and made her believe she was less special than the pretty, skinny white girls.

Theyre on their way out, still holding hands, when Mercedes spots a familiar face.

"Hey isnt that coach Beiste?"

Sam looks to a booth in the corner where his sort of boss is holding hands with a middle-aged man.

"Huh, I didnt know she was seeing someone new," Sam observes.

Not that its any of his business but after the coach came clean about her abusive relationship, everyone kinda made her relationships their business.

"I hope she has better luck this time," Mercedes replies, thinking the same.

When coach Beiste waves at them, Mercedes discreetly gives her a thumbs up, because the man shes with is pretty cute, you know for an older man.

"So see you tomorrow morning?" Sam asks her once they reach her dads car and Mercedes nods.

Before she can lose her nerve, she kisses him on the cheek quickly, before sliding into the front seat.

"Bright and early."

Lima, Scandals

"Will you wear your ring when we go in?" Blaine asks him out in the parking lot and for some reason it pisses him off.

"Why? Youre not wearing one either, so why is it okay that you appear to be available and Im not?"

"You never gave me a ring," Blaine counters and it makes Kurt stop in his tracks, because Blaines right and whats worse, it never even crossed his mind to get Blaine an engagement ring as well.

"Do you want me to buy you a ring?" Kurt asks with trepidation, because who knows if Blaine still wants to get married after everything Kurt told him in therapy.

Blaine wants to scream, yes, but refrains because it wouldnt really change anything unless Kurt actually got him a ring because he wanted to get married.

"When youre ready to plan our wedding, Id love my own engagement ring," he settles on as they approach the bouncer who gives Blaines fake ID a cursory glance and congratulates Kurt on becoming legal when he scans Kurts ID.

Scandals is just like Kurt remembers it; dark, depressing and populated by middle aged guys trying rather unsuccessfully to hide their wedding rings. Kurt doesnt tan enough for his own ring to have left a tan line, but for a moment he considers sneaking off to the bathroom to put his ring back on his finger, to show that hes not ashamed of it. But after their near argument in the parking lot, he decides to leave it where it is as he follows Blaine to the bar.

After ordering two virgin cocktails, they hit the dance floor together, shaking their asses to a mix of obscure eighties songs and nineties top forty hits, when they bump into him.

Blaine pulls Kurt to his side and wraps his arm around him, because he knows that even after talks about forgiveness, his boyfriend will never be totally comfortable being in the same room as Dave Karofsky.

Kurts taken by surprise, because he did not expect to run into a familiar face here tonight and now that he has, he doesnt know what to say, especially since the last time they had spoken was in Daves hospital room.

"I heard about your engagement; congratulations," Daves the first to break the ice and Kurt pushes his ring free hand into his pants pocket.

"Thank you," he replies cautiously. "What brings you here?"

"Homecoming," Dave replies, before he pulls the guy he was dancing with next to him and Kurt notices their clasped hands immediately.

"Im going to introduce my boyfriend to my dad and tomorrow were going to homecoming together. So thank you - if it hadnt been for the two of you, I dont think I would be confortable bringing a boy to a McKinley event. Some day I hope to have what you two have."

Well, isnt that awkward, Kurt thinks, because what he and Blaine have at the moment are a weekly standing date with NYADA student counseling to figure out what went wrong in their relationship.

"Thanks. Hope everything goes well with your dad and you have a good time tomorrow. Well probably see you there," Blaine replies, his arm still around Kurts waist, and they remain standing like this, until Dave and his boyfriend go off dancing.

"I want us to be that couple again – the one others looked up to, because weve been together for years and are still committed," Kurt confesses, when the music changes and they come together for a slow dance.

"Then dont give up on us," Blaine states simply, and Kurt hopes that its really that easy.

Lima, McKinley, Football field

The early morning air is crisp when Santana, Brittany and Quinn strut onto the football field in their old cheerios uniforms, followed by Tina, also wearing a cheerleading uniform. When Kitty and Unique spot them, they break away from the McKinley cheerleaders practicing their performance for the homecoming game later tonight and join Tina and the unholy trinity. Once shes certain, that every single eye on the field is on them – cheerleaders, football players and the track team – Santana nods at the AV geek she paid to handle the sound system.

The six of them give McKinley a smoking hot performance of Problem and when it ends, Santana has to concede that Sue probably has a tighter grip on her cheerios than she thought, because only two dare to step forward.

"That was amazing," the boy gushes, while the girl nods along.

"Thanks," Santana replies, before handing them the sign up sheet. "If you want to see more, the former New Directions will perform during the half time show tonight."

She doesnt ask them to sing for her, because if one thing can be said about Sue Sylvester, its that she only lets talented people on her cheerios.

Lima, Hummel Home

Kurt wakes to a text from Blaine telling him that his boyfriends not going to need a ride after all, because he decided to visit Dalton before meeting up with the New Directions. Though he has no clue why Blaines going there – everyone they know has graduated by now – Kurt shrugs it off and starts getting ready for a day back at his old high school.

Caroles already left when he comes downstairs half an hour later, but his dad is sitting at the kitchen counter and reading the newspaper.

"Blaine still asleep?" he lowers the paper and hands Kurt the art section. Kurt shakes his head.

"Blaines staying with his parents this weekend," he explains as he pours himself a cup of coffee, not noticing the frown on Burts face.

"Kiddo, be honest. Is everything okay with the two of you? You didnt break up, did you?"

Kurt nearly drops his mug and when he looks up, he sees that his dad is staring at his ring-less hand. He shakes his head with a sigh, before sitting down next to his dad.

"No we didnt, but weve been fighting constantly lately – about the stupidest things – and some days I think the only reason we havent thrown in the towel, is because were both too proud to admit its not working anymore," Kurt confesses and doesnt resist when his dad wraps his strong arms around him.

"You think it was always easy for your mom and me when we first got married? It was a lot of hard work, but in the end it was worth it, because we loved each other, and we both knew wed be unhappier apart than we would ever be together. I really believe that if love isnt the issue and youre both committed to each other, then youll work through your issues. Youll argue, youll be mad at each other, you may want your space for a bit, but in the end, it will all be worth it. Not giving up when things got hard, was so worth it with your mom and it will be the same for you and Blaine. And if even after all the work you put into your relationship it still doesnt work out, then at least youll know you did all you could and didnt run the second things got hard."

As always, Kurts grateful for his dads advice and of course hes right; if love were the issue, they wouldnt have this conversation. But he loves Blaine and Blaine loves him. He just hopes that his dads right and the work theyre putting into their relationship will really be worth it in the end.

Westerville, Dalton Academy

After their night at Scandals, Blaine decides to drive to Dalton to clear his head and go back to the start. Maybe, Dalton will tell him where things went wrong, because it cant all come down to Kurt not being ready to get married. After all, Kurt hadnt been a fan of long engagements until Blaine moved to New York.

Once inside his former school, he walks toward the senior commons without a conscious thought, but when he gets there he stops in his tracks, because theres a girl singing in the Warblers rehearsal room. Her performance of Tightrope is amazing and Blaine barely refrains from applauding when she finishes the song, not wanting to be detected by the Warblers.

"A very energetic performance, Jane," an unfamiliar voice says, "but the council has talked it over and decided to keep the Warblers a male a capella group. Im sorry."

"I understand," the girl replies before stepping out of the room and nearly colliding with Blaine.

"Do you have a second?" Blaine asks her, because though he hadnt planned to try and recruit students, that girl was too talented to pass up.

"Do you even go here?" the girl, Jane, replies, eyeing his non - blazer outfit.

"I have pictures to prove that I went here," he assures her, but thats not why I want to talk to you. If you let me buy you a coffee, I may have a proposition that may interest you."

Lima, Football Field

"Alright, bitches, show time," Santana yells before she struts out onto the field once more, the New Directions old and new following behind, for their surprise half time show.

"I hope principal Sue wont kick us off the Cheerios for this," Unique whispers to Kitty as they follow the unholy trinity.

"Shes all bark and no bite. Never did anything to Brittany and Santana either," Kitty assures her friend before she falls into step next to Brittany and Santana, who pull out a microphone when the music starts.

I stay up too late (Santana)

Got nothing in my brain (Brittany)

Thats what people say, Thats what people say (Santana, Brittany)

Spying the twins from earlier today, Santana and Brittany drag them into the group.

"Sing along if you know the lyrics," Brittany tells the boy after handing off her microphone.

I go on too many dates (Kitty)

But I cant make them stay (Quinn)

At least thats what people say, Thats what people say (Kitty, Quinn)

But I keep cruising (Tina)

Cant stop, wont stop moving (Sam)

Its like I got this music (Mercedes)

In my mind, saying its gonna be alright (Kurt)

Cause the players gonna play, play, play (Blaine)

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate (Rachel)

Baby Im just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake it off (New Directions)


Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break (Tina)

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake (Rachel)

Baby Im just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake it off, shake it off (New Directions)

On the bottom of the bleachers, Blaine spots Jane, watching their performance with a smile on her face. Handing off his microphone, he runs over and grabs her hand.

"Come on, sing with us."


I never miss a beat (Unique)

Im lighting up my feet (Mercedes)

And thats what they dont see, Thats what they dont see (Unique, Mercedes)

"Ill be right back," Mercedes tells Unique when she spies the boy with the large headphones dancing and mouthing along to the lyrics.

"Why dont you join us? I promise it will be fun and everyone needs a few good friends in high school," she cozies up to him and after rolling his eyes and removing his headphones – which arent even connected to any device – he lets her drag him onto the field.

Im dancing on my own (Rachel)

I make the moves as I go (Tina)

And thats what they dont know, Thats what they dont know (Rachel, Tina)

But I keep cruising (Kurt)

Cant stop, wont stop grooving (Santana)

Its like I got this music (Blaine)

In my mind, saying its gonna be alright (Quinn)

Cause the players gonna play, play, play (Sam)

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate (Unique)

Baby Im just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake it off (New Directions)


Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break (Kitty)

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake (Brittany)

Baby Im just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake it off, shake it off (New Directions)


Hey, hey, hey, just think while you been getting down and out about the liars.
And the dirty dirty cheats of the worldyou could have been getting down to this sick beat (Santana)

Everyone: "Join Glee Club!"

The former New Directions and their possible new recruits bow when the people on the stands start clapping and cheering before they turn to one another for a massive group hug.

Then, suddenly, a sound like nails on a chalkboard comes through the sound systems.

"Thank you McKinley alumni for this demonstration. Unfortunately, dear parents and current students, McKinleys former glee club is trying to mislead you. They are trying to convince your sons and daughters that this school needs a glee club so they can go on and be successful performers. Well, performers maybe, successful, definitely not! You are all invited to the auditorium for a free screening of Thats so Rachel, a television show so bad it got cancelled after its first episode, featuring McKinleys own Rachel Berry."

A spot light appears and shines right down on Rachel, who looks close to tears.

"Shes down there with the group of misfits. Why dont you give her another round of applause, before you come watch and see what the arts have done for those kids," Sues voice rings over the football field and after a moments hesitation, every none football player rushes into the school.

Quinn, whos standing closest to Rachel, pulls her former enemy into her arms, and together, the rest of the Glee club forms a protective barrier around Rachel. Tonight, it doesnt matter whether they usually get along or not. By going after Rachel, Sue had attacked all of them, had gone out of her way to ridicule glee club, and even if didnt mean the same thing for every member, Glee had improved the lives of every single one in the group.

"Lets go to the choir room," Kitty suggests, "it should be empty right now."

When they reach the choir room, Mercedes and Sam are missing, having run after Sue, but Kitty is pleased to notice that her fellow cheerios Mason and Madison have followed them into the choir room. Theres also a girl she hasnt seen before and the guy who sits behind her in English.

"I cant believe she would do this to me," Rachel sobs. "How did she even know about it? My producers said barely any one watched the pilot."

"Excuse me," Jane approaches Rachel. "I dont know you and after that stunt your principal just pulled Im not sure I want to go here, but I think its really cool that you had your own TV show. Gives me hope that I can do whatever I want with my life even though I live in Ohio."

"Yeah," Mason and Madison agree in unison. "I think your whole group totally is an inspiration. I mean nearly everyone went on to an Ivy League school, performing arts school or has like an album out. Coach Sue probably is just jealous."

Kurt wraps his arms around his once again roommate.

"See, it doesnt matter how Sue sees it. Who cares about someone who isnt part of our lives anymore? Whats important is that when youre down and troubled and you need a helping hand, and nothing, nothing is going right."

Close your eyes and think of me and soon I will be there to brighten up even your darkest nights. (Blaine)

You just call out my name, and you know where ever I am, Ill come running to see you again. (Brittany, Santana, Quinn)

Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call and Ill be there, yeah, yeah, youve got a friend. (Tina, Kitty, Unique)

If the sky above you should turn dark and full of clouds and that old north wind should begin to blow, (Brittany)

Keep your head together and call my name out loud, soon I will be knocking upon your door. (Santana)

You just call out my name, and you know where ever I am, Ill come running to see you again. (Kurt, Blaine)

Winter, spring, summer, or fall, all you have to do is call and Ill be there. (Quinn, Tina)

Hey, aint it good to know that youve got a friend? People can be so cold. Theyll hurt you and desert you. Well, theyll take your soul if you let them, oh yeah, but dont you let them. (Rachel)

You just call out my name, and you know where ever I am, Ill come running to see you again. Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call, Lord, Ill be there, yeah, youve got a friend. Youve got a friend. (New Directions + Newbies)

Aint it good to know youve got a friend. Aint it good to know youve got a friend. Oh, yeah, yeah, youve got a friend. (Santana, Kurt)

And back outside…

"Thanks for stopping me from actually going after principal Sue. I kinda need this job," Sam tells Mercedes and spreads an abandoned picnic blanket on the bleachers behind coach Beiste, just in case she needs him during the second half of the game.

Before he can doubt himself and talk himself out of it, Sam pulls Mercedes closer and leans in for a kiss, giving her plenty of time to pull back. She doesnt and their lips meet in a sweet kiss, only interrupted by some freshman wolf whistling behind them.

With a smile on his face, he pulls her down next to him and wraps his arms around her shoulders.

"Could you see yourself moving to L.A one day?" Mercedes asks after theyve cuddled for a while, neither of them paying attention to the game still going on a few feet away.

She can feel him shrugging from where her head is resting on his shoulders.

"I really dont know what I want to do with my life and until I figure it out I dont think I should just aimlessly move from city to city. Even if it means we wont be together."

Its not the answer she wanted to hear, but the one she expected.

"Theres no rush," Mercedes assures him. "I really want to make things work this time, and if that means putting L.A on hold for a bit, L.A can wait. Who says I cant write a few hit songs in Ohio."

The Titians lose 16 to 27, but McKinleys assistant football coach couldnt care less.


Next up: We check up on Artie, Brittana moves to New York, and Coach Beiste needs some advice. Oh, and Kurt and Blaine are once again auditioning for the same role. But will roses be enough to comfort the loser?


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