Nov. 3, 2012, 5:05 a.m.
Nov. 3, 2012, 5:05 a.m.
Their faces and bodies were directed to each other. Both still weren’t wearing any clothes, but neither of them minded. They were comfortable like this. Naked, they both were vulnerable. Everything was out and in the open.
“Thank you. After a long time, I can finally be who I want to be and not who I’m made to be.” Blaine said, breathing at a faster pace than normal.
Kurt couldn’t do anything other than smile. Still, there was one thing on his mind that he had to tell Blaine.
“Just promise me one thing. Whatever happens, whoever dies and whoever lives, promise me you will set yourself free. Free from guilt, from anger, from the past. Start over. Do it not only for me, for Sebastian, but also for yourself. You deserve so much more than you have given yourself. Give yourself what you deserved so many years ago.”
Only a soft, insecure nod came from Blaine.
“Say you promise.”
“Okay, I promise.” Escaped from Blaine, in a soft whisper.
In the morning, everything was snapped back. Their focus was on Rivali. Soon, he’ll find out that his men were killed and come for them here. Wanting the element of surprise, Blaine decided to attack him before Rivali had a chance.
Blaine seemed the same since last night, yet so different. His business and serious kind of look on what they had to do was the same, but he was so much more open to Kurt. He’d explain the plan, part by part to him and would look up for an understanding nod from his direction. Right after Kurt would nod, a smile appeared. Not a fake one; a real, caring, loving and happy smile. Those little smiles and the fact that he explained the plan over twenty times to make sure that Kurt understood everything, were a sign of more than caring for Kurt.
“So, one more time. We go up until here.” Blaine said, pointing on the map that lies before them. “Then, you take this entrance and take your second left. Barely anyone ever comes there, but if they do, hide. Do not shoot. It might blow our cover. In that room you’ll find the power supplies.” Swiftly his hand moved over to anther blueprint, this one giving the generator. “Switch this lever. It should turn off the power in one part of the building, the part I’m going to. I’ll shoot three warning signals, luring everyone in that part. There is a secret passage no one knows about and I’ll use that to escape, before everyone comes. If you hear the shots, you run towards this exit. No looking back. I gave you the address of a computer genius, he can give you a new identity to start over.”
“And what will happen with you?”
Blaine looked up at Kurt in surprise. He took a big breath and said: “Rivali will stay where he is, possibly in this room. Two men will stay by his side. I sneak in and shoot them. Rivali thinks I’m dead, so hopefully he’ll be in shock and that will give me time to kill him.”
“And if he won’t be shocked?” Kurt asked, scared for the answer he already thinks he knows.
“I’ll die.” He simply says. “All I have to do is shoot him first.”
Tears want to break the face Kurt has been making for the entire time, but he won’t let them.
They had ten minutes of preparation. Ten minutes to pack their bags and let faith change everything. The gun Kurt got, just in case, was similar to the one he used to protect Blaine. It felt strange in his hands, knowing that he took someone’s life with something equal to the one he holds. That thought is shaken quickly away, since there is more to do.
After they’d packed, everything in belts attached to their outfits or in pockets, Blaine stops and stands in front of Kurt. He doesn’t speak, he only smiles. Kurt grabs his hands and squeezes tightly in them. The simple gesture makes Blaine smile even more. Slowly, his smile fades away and he pulls his hands away. It is time.
Silently, they move, out of the safety and straight into danger. Kurt’s heart is pounding in his neck, fear filling his veins. He was ready for this. Ready to end this, after it has lasted far too long. It was nothing political, this was not about killing a mass-murderer. It was about ending the pain in Blaine. This was all for him. To at least try to help him find his heart.
For a second, just a second, Kurt imagines himself in a few years; a nice suite on, family surrounding him, his father smiling at him, a tear in the corner of his eye, rose peddles covering the path to him, and Blaine walking towards him, also in a suite. He grabs his hands and does the same as they did a few minutes ago. This time, with a different meaning. Quickly, the thought is thrown away. There is no time for that. And even if there were, it can never happen.
As planned, they arrive at Kurt’s entry. Knowing where all the security cameras are, they dodged all of them. Blaine gives Kurt a nod and Kurt knows what he has to do. He faces towards the door, but before opening he turns back to Blaine, looks him in the eye, and plants a kiss on him. Fast, hasted and messy, the kiss is, but it might be the last time he’d ever see him. Again, Blaine smiles, but it chances fast into something much more sad. He puts his hand on Kurt’s cheek, already drenched in sweat, and just looks into his eyes. His hand falls slowly back in position and he runs away, not looking back.
Kurt opens the door slowly and walks in. The hall is dark, only with a flickering light in the distance to light it. Luckily, this is just enough for Kurt. All he has to do is find the second room to his right without anyone seeing him. He walks as slow as he can, trying not to make any sound with his feet. His heart is pounding even harder, making him worry that it might be so loud it would blow his cover. He finds the room and leaves the door ajar, just to make sure he’ll know if someone comes along.
Just like Blaine told him, he appears to be in the room with the power supplies. He grabs his flashlight attached to his belt and kneels in front of the generator. Accidentally he clashes in the generator with his gun, making a cling sound. Everything in his body stops and his head goes through all the worst case scenarios. He listens, and no other sound than the generator is made. No one has heard him. Carefully, he proceeds. He finds the lever, however just before he has his hand on it, voices appear from the hall.
Did they hear me? Do they know I’m here? Is all that crosses his mind. Again, he stops moving. As he hears the voices taking normally to each other, he wonders. Would they know he’s there? They’re talking, so not sneaking up on him. By the sound of their footsteps, they’re walking slowly.
Quietly, he adjusts himself a bit towards the door. He wants to know what they’re saying. Kurt doesn’t know why, but he wants to know.
“And he’s coming tonight the boss said?” He hears a low voice say.
“Yeah. He said it suits him. He’ll come tonight. Said we ain’t have to move if there is a gunshot. Just a smart distraction of him. All the boss gotta do is shoot that little bastard. Simple is that.” Another voice says.
The voices fade. Kurt sits there, motionless.
No, no. It can’t. They think Blaine is dead. Rivali doesn’t know. Passes Kurt’s mind. Somehow, a sentence repeats itself, something Rivali said to him: You are a pawn. Nothing more and nothing less. He is a pawn. But who is the king? What did Rivali want from him? Money wasn’t it. my goal is to get the king of the opponent. The king.
Then, it all comes in place. Rivali has been playing this game all along. Sacrificing his pawns to lure his opponent. Kurt was a pawn, but not of Blaine’s. He was Rivali’s pawn. He still was. That is why he wasn’t killed. He was needed to lure the king out, to make him vulnerable. To take the king and win this game.
Blaine is the king. He has to be captured to win this. Blaine has to be killed. And how it looks now, Rivali is in chess.
Not for long. Kurt was a just a pawn, but now it’s time to turn the game.
uh oh. =S So that's why they got him... but why him specifically? It sounded like he was specifically the one they wanted. =S