What Brothers Are For
Chapter 4- Amber Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

What Brothers Are For: Chapter 4- Amber

M - Words: 651 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jul 20, 2012
420 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4- Amber

That summer I stayed in California, but Blaine and I talked through email every night. Not true conversations though. Simple stuff like how his glee club was doing and how I just had landed a commercial. We planned a trip for him to come to my place for a week. He was ecstatic.
I waited for him at the airport and when he saw me he bolted to me and gave me a hug. His mop had grown and he was looking more and more like a bum.
"You need a hair cut kiddo." He touched his curls.
"I like my hair…"
"It's funny." I said. I then took his suite case from him and showed him to the car.
When we got to the apartment he sat down on the couch with me.
"When does the commercial air?"
"I think August 5th or something?"
"That's so exciting. Hopefully you will get more roles when people recognize you."
"It's just one commercial Blaine people book those all the time."
"I know but, wishful thinking right?'
"Sure kid." I laughed.
"What did you do this summer?"
"I fixed a car with dad as a tactic to get me straight. I went to church a billion times and went on dates with every girl within our parents reach."
"Wow. Sounds excruciating."
"You're telling me."
"Sorry squirt."
"Don't call me that."
"Sorry hobbit."
"Hey!" He scolded.
We laughed and then went silent.
"How's Amber?" Amber is my girl friend we started dating about a month ago. I had asked Blaine his advise on what flowers to get her on our first actual date.
"For a gay guy you sure give good woman advise."
"So you two are still going strong."
"Yup, she actually wants to meet you while you're in."
"I would love to meet her!"
"Good because we are going to dinner with her tonight."
"Cool, where are we going?"
"I was thinking Cheesecake Factory or something?"
"That's good. I like their food."
Later that night we met up with Amber who was more than excited to meet the ever so mysterious little brother Blaine.
"Hey Blaine, it's good to finally meet you!" She goes to hug him.
"Cooper never told me you were this gorgeous, are those Marc Jacobs?" He says pointing to her shoes.
"They are, last seasons though I got them on sale."
"Doesn't matter those are the best kinds."
"I like him Coop." I laugh and we all sit down.
"What can I get you guys to eat?" The waitress asks. I order a bacon burger, Amber orders the salmon salad and Blaine get a chicken caesar salad.
"So Blaine tell me what you like to do."
"I'm in my schools glee club and I used to play soccer."
"Hold on used to?" I intervene.
"Well umm… the guys on the team, well Tommy Nelson is on the soccer team."
"Tommy Nelson, the kid who gives you problems?"
"One of them." Amber gives Blaine a sympathetic look. I had told her about his bullying problems prior when he called to vent about it with me.
"I'm sorry Blaine." She tells him.
"It's not a big deal. I'm used to it plus I really like my glee club so it makes up for no soccer."
"Any good looking boys in your life Blaine?" I ask him. This causes him to blush and look down. I look over to Amber who has a knowing smirk on her face.
"What's his name?" She asks thoughtfully.
"He um… h-his name is Drew."
"Is he also gay?" I ask.
"Yes he's the only other gay kid in my school."
"Are you two dating?"
"No." He says quickly. Then under his breath adds,"Not yet." Amber laughs.
"Is he in glee too?"
"Yes, he's the best singer there and the best dancer too, he can really move."
"He sounds great Blaine!"
"Yeah well."
"Let's make a toast to Blaineys first crush!"
"Actually that would have been Brad Pitt, but okay." He laughs.
We clink our glasses together and chat the rest of dinner. Amber and Blaine really hit it off, even if we break up I'm pretty sure they would still keep in touch.


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