What Brothers Are For
Chapter 24- Telling Blaine Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.

What Brothers Are For: Chapter 24- Telling Blaine

M - Words: 639 - Last Updated: Jul 20, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 26/? - Created: Jun 04, 2012 - Updated: Jul 20, 2012
307 0 0 0 0

Chapter 24- Telling Blaine

"Cooper!" Amber yells. "Cooper wake up right now your phone is ringing!" I look up and see her in a light pink bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her hair. My phone is ringing loudly next to me and vibrating. How did I not wake up to it before?
"You will not believe what I just found out!"
"Dave tried to kill himself!"
"Now way! Are you kidding me? Why?"
"No, it's totally true, apparently he's been getting bullied horribly at his new school and well you know what happens when kids find out your gay in Ohio… I guess he couldn't handle it."
"Go figure though. He used to do the exact same thing to Kurt!"
"Maybe it's guilt too? I don't know I feel kind of bad for him though. I know what that's like and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy."
"No, you're to good of a guy."
"Well, Kurt feels like he's partially to blame for the suicide attempt."
"What? Why?"
"Because Dave has been like calling him non-stop and Kurt never picked up. I told him that it doesn't make it his fault… I mean how was he supposed to know that Dave was going to attempt to commit suicide. I would never have guessed in a million years!"
"Yeah, Kurt has no reason to feel guilty for this. I mean after all Kurt went through last year because of this guy, he can't expect Kurt to so easily pick up the phone."
"Exactly! Oh, and Sebastian apologized."
"Did he really?"
"Yeah, he feels guilty for the Karofsky thing also. He like insulted him at Scandals or something."
"Well you deserved an apology. That shit was not okay!"
"You're right it wasn't."
"Oh, Blaine we set the date of our wedding!"
"Oh my gosh when?"
"It's going to be on July 7th."
"That's so exciting Coop! I'm so happy for you and Amb!"
"Speaking of my lovely bride-to-be, she wants Kurt to help her with the wedding, including the dress and the center pieces and all that jazz."
"How you guys are in California."
"Well I wanted to tell you both a the same time on like Skype or something but I'm talking to you now so I'll just tell you and leave you to telling Kurt."
"Cooper stop rambling and tell me, I'm getting impatient!"
"Me and Amber are going to fly you and Kurt up for two weeks. We talked to Burt and mom and dad and they are all cool with it. You will be missing a week of school but they said that they would arrange something with the work and the teachers, as long as that's okay with you guys?"
"Okay with us?! Abso-frikiin-lutly! I'm so excited oh my god Coop! Does that mean I can take Kurt to the wedding?"
"Of course you can!"
"Oh my god!" I laugh at Blaines puppy-like excitement.
"Cooper can you help me zipper my dress!?" Amber called from the bathroom.
"Yeah, one second!" I yelled. "Listen Bee, I got to go help Amber, you call Kurt and tell him or surprise, doesn't matter but I will talk to you later, okay?"
"Sure, thanks so much Coop, you really are the best big brother anyone could ask for."
"Stop getting squishy squirt!"
"There you go again…"I laugh.
"Bye Bee."
"Bye Coop."
"What did he say?"
"He was telling me about a kid who attempted suicide and stuff but I told him about the wedding."
"Didi you tell him about how him and Kurt are coming?"
"I did!" She squealed.
"What did he say?"
"He was so excited. I'm so glad he's Blaine again, for a while there he was so depressed but I think Kurt was such a great thing to happen to him."
"Kurt definitely brought him to life. He's a great kid and they are a match made in heaven. Seriously, I don't think that couples that have been married forever go together as beautifully as Kurt and Blaine."
"Klaine!" I scream. We laugh. I'm lucky to have found Amber.

End Notes: yay new chapter! Tell me what you think!


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