July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
July 20, 2012, 12:30 p.m.
Me and my brother are more than brothers. He's the best friend I've ever had. He was always there for me. Through everything he never so much as faltered away from me. When me and Lindsay my first 'love' broke up. Well she actually cheated on me. But although he was young and hadn't yet dated anybody he still came into my room when I stormed into the house that day.
"Coo?" He said sticking his curly mop head through the crack of the now open door.
"Go away?"
"What?'' I looked at him quizzically.
"No, you're sad. I'm not leaving."He looked at me earnestly. "What happened?"
"Your like five years old, why should I tell you?"
"I'm nine and a very mature nine year old. Mommy says I'm an old man in a kids body." He made me laugh.
"Lindsay umm… kissed Mike today."
"But she's your girlfriend."
"Yeah, I know."
"So she kissed another boy while she was going out with you?"
"Was he cute?"
"I mean was he more handsome than you?"
"Blaine, what kind of a question is that?"
"umm…" I laughed. He was too much.
"No he has crooked teeth and doesn't realize there are other items of clothing besides basketball shorts."
"hmm… She's stupid, I hope you broke up with her."
"I did."
"Good because Sarah Gardener told me her sister thinks you're cute."
"Wait… Gabby Gardeners sister?"
"Yep that's the one." He gave me a toothy smile.
"Damn, thanks for the head up kiddo."
"Cool well I'm going to go play now talk to you later Coop. Unless you want to play?"
"No, I'm good thanks though."