Sept. 29, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
Sept. 29, 2012, 7:14 p.m.
Two weeks later Kurt was watching Blaine pace outside of the band room, nervous and stressed to the maximum level.
“Jesus Christ, Blaine you are going to be fine.”
Blaine looked at Kurt in horror. “How can you say that! We've been practicing for weeks and I still can't–”
Kurt grabbed the shorter boy by the shoulder and looked him straight in the eyes. “Exactly. You have been practicing for weeks and trust me, you have grown into an amazing musician. I have never, ever been prouder of you. Now go in there and play until your heart gives out.”
Blaine smiled.
Kurt smiled back.
“I love you, Kurt.”
Kurt smiled even more as he replied, “I love you too, Blaine.”
They embraced in their first kiss. It was passionate and lustful and was filled with almost a decade of love, even if only half of the party knew it. As their souls connected more and more to each other, the kiss got deeper and who knows where it would've gone if the door hadn't have burst open in the middle of their old love, even though it felt so new.
“Hello, boys!” Mr. Everett said in a questioning manner.
The two teenage boys jumped away each other faster than a bolt of lightening.
“Um, you can go get set up Blaine. I'll be right in there,” the middle-aged man said with a smile.
As Blaine walked awkwardly into the room Kurt looked down at the floor with shame as the band director looked at him with a proud look.
“So, Kurt! I thought you two were 'just friends.' At least that's what you said the other day!”
Kurt met his eyes with a laugh. “Well it seems as if the facebook status has officially been changed.”
“Hm. Well I better get going then.” Just as Kurt was going to say something the door shut and the audition had officially begun.
Kurt was sitting outside of the band room when Blaine came out an hour later with his baritone and his sheet music in hand. Kurt stood up quickly and was nervous to how it went.
“So? What happened?”
“I, Blaine Anderson, am no longer last baritone.”
Kurt's heart sank. He had worked so hard to get to where he was and now it was just all gone just like that. Don't cry, Kurt. Don't cry–
“I am first baritone.”