March To The Beat of Your Own Baritone
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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March To The Beat of Your Own Baritone: Chapter 7

T - Words: 1,954 - Last Updated: Sep 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 9/9 - Created: Jun 29, 2012 - Updated: Sep 29, 2012
627 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Here it is finally! Enjoy!


 The Hummel-Hudson house was filled with the sound of silverware scraping plates and light conversation between the four family members. The air smelled of chicken and mashed potatoes, Carole made this for them about once a week.

“So, boys. What's new at school?” Burt asked his son and step-son. Even though Kurt was gay and he had only known Finn for a few years he had a wonderful connection with both of them. Burt had supported Kurt when he came out and he treated Finn as if he was his own son.

Finn had sprung up at the question to talk about football. “Well, Beiste put in some new plays that are really working and we have a good chance at winning our next game. Well, that is if Karofsky pulls it together. Don't know what's going on with him, seems like he's losing it.” Kurt had a good suspicion of what the problem was.

“Hey, Finn. Speaking of Karofsky could you tell him not to torture Blaine so much?” He would have added himself to the list but ever since Finn became Kurt's step-brother he had stopped a lot of the bullying from the football team besides the occasional slushie. The three other heads in the room towards Kurt with surprise.

“What do you mean 'not torture Blaine'?” Burt asked.

“Yeah, Kurt. Karofsky's picking on Blaine?” Finn asked curiously.

Kurt was shocked that Finn didn't know. “Yes, Finn! Him and Azimio scare the crap out of him practically every other day! Blaine's scared half to death, he's always shaking and quite frankly I'm done waiting for someone besides me to notice and say something!” Kurt thew his fork down on the table and put his head in his hands.

“I'm sorry, Kurt. I didn't realize–”

“No, of course you didn't realize. No one besides me ever realizes that Blaine is in trouble at that school. My god, he come over here almost every day! Can't you guys see that he's scared to leave when he's done with his lesson or we're done watching a movie? No, no you don't. Because you don't open your eyes and see that he is pleading for help!”

“Kurt.” Burt tried to calm down his son.

“Blaine needs help and I can't be the only one there for him! I can't handle it! I couldn't handle it, I already know that! I was standing right around the corner when Karofsky forced Blaine to give him a blowjob and I was right around the corner just standing there doing nothing because I was too petrified to go and help him because I was scared of what Dave might do to me!” Kurt felt the tears running down his face as he put his head back in his hands, defeated.

Burt caught what his son said and got angry. “He did what to Blaine?”

Kurt paused his tears and slowly looked up from his hands. Oh my god. Did he just say that? He did. Blaine was going to murder him. That is if he didn't do it himself first.


Finn was next to pick up what Kurt had just said. “What! I can't believe him!” He pounded a fist into the table.

Carole spoke up for the first time in this whole ordeal. “Is Blaine okay?”

Kurt almost laughed at the question. “No, he isn't okay. He's walking around the school like a zombie and whenever someone who even resembles Karofsky he jumps two feet out of the way.”

They sat there in silence for a few minutes when Burt got up from his seat and went to get his coat. “Dad, where do you think you're going?”

“I'm going to talk to Blaine's parents.” Kurt jumped out of his chair and raced over to the door to block his dad from opening it.

“You can't do that!”

“Like hell I can't! I doubt Blaine has told them anything and you're right. Someone needs to stick up for him besides you. The school wont listen to me because I'm not a parent, but if his mom and dad know they can do something about it. Now move!” Kurt stayed put.

“I'm serious, Kurt! I swear to god–”

“I'm going with you.”

“Fine. Come on, get your coat.” They were halfway out the door when they heard a voice behind them.

“I wanna go with you!”

Kurt and Burt turned back to see Finn standing there with Carole.

Kurt shook his head. “Finn, you don't have to go, you're not Blaine's friend, I am. It's my responsibility, not yours.”

Finn got angry. “Like hell it isn't! He's in glee club! You should know by now that we'd do anything for each other.” Kurt looked at his dad, sighed and the motioned with his hand for Finn to come with them.

Before they left Burt called to his wife, “We'll be back!”



The car ride to the Anderson's was silent and tense. Kurt was in the passenger seat contemplating whether or not to send Blaine a head's-up on their arrival or to just let him be surprised. He decided against being surprised and sent him a text.


To Blaine:

Kurt: I'm so sorry for what is about to happen.


To Kurt:

Blaine: What's going to happen?


To Blaine:

Kurt: Just wait a few minutes, you'll see.


Kurt sighed and put his phone back into his pocket. He ignored it when it buzzed again; he knew he shouldn't have even sent the first text.

“Hey, Kurt?” Finn called from the backseat.


“When did it happen?”

Kurt felt his stomach drop. “Why does it matter?”

He could hear Finn turning in his seat towards him. “Well, for your information I did notice the way Blaine's been acting. Everyone has. And I just figured that earlier when you asked if some people could skip the assignment, it was for Blaine. Am I right?”

“Yes, you're right. It didn't happen very long ago and I didn't think that he could handle singing a song about heartbreak at the moment.” Kurt saw the Anderson's street come into view.

The car was silent for a few seconds when Finn broke it. “It was after he sang that song to you, wasn't it?” Kurt's eyes started to swell with tears.

“If I said something to him he wouldn't have run out of the room. He never would have run into Karofsky. He never would have to deal with this. It's all my fault.” He felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of his chest.

“Kurt that isn't true,” Finn said putting a hand on his shoulder.

“Or if I realized that he loved me before he wouldn't of had to sing that song to me it wouldn't have happened! I was so stupid!”

Burt raised an eyebrow. “Blaine loves you?”

Kurt flailed his arms in the air. “Apparently!”

The car was silent again until they reached their driveway. Just as Burt removed the key from the ignition Finn asked one more question.

“You love him don't you?”

Kurt took a deep breath and turned to face his brother. “Apparently.”



The Andersons were eating dinner when they got a knock on the door. Blaine took a deep breath, this is probably what Kurt was talking about. He never answered his last text so Blaine was scared at was on the other side of the door.

Robert Anderson grunted. “Who could be at the door at this hour?”

Eve Anderson looked at the clock. “Honey, it's only 7:00.”

“Exactly!” Robert said as he got up to answer the door.

Blaine heard three familiar voices. In unison Kurt, Finn, and Burt said, “Hello, Robert.”

Robert scowled at the two teenagers. “Boys, I've told you to call me Mr. Anderson.”

Kurt rolled his once tear-filled eyes at the middle-aged man in front of him. Robert ignored him and turned to Burt. “Can I help you boys?”

“We came here to talk about Blaine.” Blaine stiffened in his seat.

“Oh did you now?” Blaine's father retorted.

“Yes, Kurt brought something to my attention this evening and I think you should know.” Blaine got up and went to the door to see Kurt leaning against the door frame. Once he saw Blaine he got a look on his face as if to say I'm so sorry about this.

Robert turned to Blaine with a curious fury. “Well, if Blaine did something that we needed to know about I'm sure he would tell us. Thank you for stopping by.”

Burt put his hand against the door before it slammed in his face. “Woah, woah, woah! I wasn't finished. And no offense, Rob but I highly doubt you know everything that happens to your son.”

Robert scoffed. “Are you calling me a bad parent?”

Remembering the events when Blaine came out to Robert a few years ago made Burt cringe. He did think he was a bad father, but that wasn't going to get him to listen. “Not at the moment, no. But if it makes you feel any better I don't know everything that happens to Kurt! When he was getting bullied I needed Finn here to enlighten me on the situation. But you do not have a step-son like Finn, so I am here to tell you.”

Blaine was furious with fear. He turned to Kurt, “You told them!”

“I had to! I'm worried about you! You walk around like you're about to get punched or slushied all day and you're not even trying to hit the notes in band or our practices anymore! I'm scared for you!” Kurt pleaded.

Robert turned towards his son. “What did you do?”

“I, it's no big deal. I'm over it now.”

“Like hell you are!” Finn shouted. “I'm not as close to you as you are with Kurt but you're not even fighting for solos in glee club anymore. You love glee. Everyone's really worried about you.”

“Tell me what you did, son.” Blaine turned towards Burt. He knew it wasn't his fault. He was forced to do it. It was all Karofsky.

He took a deep breath to try and calm down the shakes he felt coming on. “Dad, there's this football player that beats me up all the time. The one responsible for all of my black eyes and bruises you never know about.” He turned back to Burt.

“Go on, son. I don't have all day!”

Blaine stammered. “Well, I was walking in an empty hallway and this guy was there leaning against the lockers. He slammed me against the lockers and then threw me into the empty bathroom and made me...made me...” He started shaking harder.

Robert's voice tensed even more if that was possible. “Made you what?”

“He made me give him a blowjob.” Blaine looked down at the ground as he heard his mother cry in the next room. She never did come to the door. He heard Burt let out a sigh, and Kurt hold one in. He had said it. And his father was silent.

“God dammit!” Mr. Anderson punched the wall next to him. “How could you do this! Look at me when I'm talking to you!” Blaine looked up to a fuming man with a red face. He recognized this man well.

“Excuse me?” Burt exclaimed, “It wasn't his fault! The kid made him do it!”

Robert turned towards him and yelled, “Like hell he did!” He turned back towards a cowering Blaine. “If you weren't a fag this never would've happened!” With that Robert Anderson slammed the door in front of the Hudson-Hummel's faces right before the three men heard a loud smack coming from the other side.



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