Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 9

K - Words: 1,596 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,448 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Wow this chapter was a real flow I don't know why. Felt easier to write than all the previous ones. A little tip; caffeine helps! As usual, enjoy everyone!:D

Blaine's jaw hung low at Kurt's inquisition. He couldn't move. All he could do was gape at Kurt in disbelief. The arms crossed over his chest started to feel numb but he couldn't untangle it. Kurt held his gaze, looking at Blaine with those soul-reading eyes. He felt intimidated by his stare. He couldn't even form words, like he lost his sense of articulation. His upper eyelids started to hurt as his eyes stayed open, unable to blink even for a millisecond. He felt as though even the slightest form of movement would give him away. His knees were close to buckling when he finally spoke.


"You heard me." Kurt said assertively. "Are.You.A.Closet.Gay." Kurt said, emphasizing each word.

Blaine paused for another second, trying to regain his senses. "I'm with Quinn, Kurt." Blaine stated. "That doesn't answer my question now, does it?" Kurt asked. "Besides, if you're with her you should've been able to answer the most fundamental question of a relationship. 'Why are you with her'." Kurt said. "I asked you that yesterday and you avoided it almost right after I asked. Now answer me this question, Blaine, are you or are you not, gay?"

"You know what?" Blaine said, starting to get aggravated. "I don't have to justify myself to you." He walked back to the living room, grabbed his bag & walked to the front door. "The fact that you can't answer speaks volumes, Blaine." He heard Kurt say, before he slammed the front door shut behind him and ran to his car. He got in and stepped onto the gas paddle, speeding away from the Hummel's.

He couldn't believe how insensitive Kurt had been. He of all people should know that coming out of the closet isn't easy. It's not something you casually answer in a Q&A about your life. Blaine punched the dashboard on his car so many times his knuckles started to redden. He hated now Kurt had made him feel like a coward.

Pulling up into his driveway, Blaine felt his spirit lift when both his parent's car were parked in the garage. It was Saturday so that meant his parents were home, though they would no doubt be engrossed in their devices, Blaine was happy they would be home for more than their usual 2 hours at least. Not being able to see his parents at his leisure made Blaine really miserable sometimes. He slotted his key into the keyhole & opened the door with very minimum force. He walked over to the living room expecting to see his mother on the couch, head deep inside her laptop, but no one sat there. It seemed no one had even touched the couch at all because it was really neat. He walked around the entire first level, but hadn't seen his mother nor his father.

He mounted up the stairs, destination set on his parents bedroom, when he saw his bedroom door open wide. Blaine never left his door open when he went out. It always stayed closed. Curious, he went inside & felt a dread in his heart when he saw a note lying on his night stand, the same kind of paper he would see every morning when he went to the kitchen for breakfast alone. 

Hi sweetie. Your dad and I had to fly off to Seattle for an urgent business meeting. We'll be back on Monday. See you then. 

Love,Mom & Dad.

A warm tear formed on the corner of Blaine's eyes as he tore the piece of disappointment into a million pieces. He felt this profound rage building up inside him until he finally exploded.

Blaine picked up the lamp on his night stand and threw it across the room. The lamp, that was a birthday gift, shattered as it hit the wall. Blaine continued picking up anything that he could reach, flinging it everywhere in his room. He sunk to the floor and looked around. The aftermath was atrocious. It was like someone had broken in and ransacked his entire bedroom. He didn't know what had possessed him to do what he did next. He scroll through his contacts and stopped at the name Quinn Fabray.

He left her 7 calls but Quinn never picked up one.

He needed someone to talk to. Someone to listen to his cries. Someone to actually give a damn about him. Quinn was narcissistic, but he just needed to be around someone right now. He called Puck, but he never picked up his phone either. Puck was always busy these days. He couldn't take being in the isolation of his bedroom any more, so he picked up his car keys & dashed out the front door & drove. He couldn't care less of his destination. He just drove, with warm tears streaming down his cheeks.

Blaine found himself driving the route to Quinn's house. As much as he hated Quinn, she was still after all his girlfriend. Or a pretend one at least. As he approached Quinn's house, he noticed a familiar mustang parked at Quinn's driveway. He knew that car. He knew the person it belonged to. It was Puck's car. But why the hell was it here? Blaine thought. He looked at the mustang, then back at the house. Piecing two and two together, he felt again another surge of anger rising up in his system. Blaine parked his car and walked briskly straight up to the front porch, then banging on the front door so loud he could feel people on the streets looking at him. Quinn opened the door, and her face grew with horror. Her hair was a mess & she looked flushed. 

"Where is he." Blaine said heatedly.

"Where's who? What are you talking about?" Quinn said, her sands trembling at Blaine's tone.

"Don't play stupid with me, Quinn." He pushed pass the girl, entering her home without invite. "PUCK WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU." Blaine shouted into the house, an echo audible. "HE'S NOT HERE BLAINE!" Quinn shirked at him. "ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? HIS CAR IS RIGHT OUTSIDE & YOU LOOKED LIKE YOU JUST GOT A HARD POUNDING." Quinn smacked him across his left cheek & it took him all the power in his body to not return the gesture. Just then, Puck came down the stairs with his bravado & confidence still intact. All he did was gape at Blaine, as if he did nothing wrong.

Blaine couldn't stand this. Everything today was shit and now he found out his own best friend was sleeping with his girlfriend? This is messed up, Blaine thought.He glared at Quinn in disgust as she hung her head down. Blaine wasn't even sure whether she was even guilty of her infidelity.

"What are you doing here Anderson." Puck said, sounding irritable at Blaine's presence. Blaine was shocked to his roots at Puck.
"ARE YOU SERIOUS? You're the one at my girlfriend's house Puckerman!" Blaine growled at Puck.

"Funny how you're calling her your girlfriend now when all week you've neglected her!" Blaine took a step towards Puck, his hands clenched in fists.

"You're gonna hit me Anderson? Do it. I dare you." Puck was towering over him, glaring down at him.

"Don't push me Noah." Blaine didn't even care that Puck was taller than him, or that Puck had bigger biceps than him. He wanted to hurt Puck. He felt betrayed. The hurt he had to deal with had amounted so immensely he just wanted to start pounding his fists at Puck's face. He wanted to let out his frustration and vent it out on Puck.

Blaine heaved a huge breath & turned on his heel about to walk away, when Puck uttered something that triggered Blaine. "Why don't you go crying to that fag you helped the other day." And that was the last straw. Blaine turned around & in one swift, movement, punched Puck right in the jaw so hard there was a crack sound where the impact was. Puck fell to the ground & groaned in pain before turning back at Quinn.

"We're over, if that wasn't obvious", and with that, he left the girl's home. With a last cry of agony from Puck, the door was shut.

Blaine sat in his car, processing the event that happened an hour ago. It was 8pm now & everything around him was tranquil except for a dog barking away in a vast distance. He'd been crying for over an hour. He couldn't stop his tears because it was very rare that Blaine ever cried, but when he did, he would always find it hard to stop. He looked at his eyes through the rear-view mirror. The boy staring back at him had red, swollen, puffy eyes. His face losing all his light. He had no one else to turn to. He sat in his car and continuously sobbed.

There was a tap on his side window that made him jolt in surprise. An angry old woman stood outside his car with her hands on her hips, glaring down at Blaine. "Can you get off my driveway?" The woman said assertively. "Sorry." Blaine drove off, now not even sure where he was heading. He didn't want to go home because just being there made him upset again over his parents. He contemplated sleeping in his car for the night, and then something took over his control. He found himself driving back to where he was earlier today. He parked, walked up the tiled pathway and knocked on the door. 

Kurt stood at the door frame, looking as captivating as ever. He studied Blaine for a while, and before Blaine could even say 'Hi'', Kurt pulled him into a tight, comforting hug. It was so overwhelming Blaine just crumbled into Kurt's tight hold, sobbing profusely into the boy's shoulder.    


End Notes: There you go! Chapter 10 will be up tomorrow, probably.Leave reviews!


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Gee I didn't see that coming. >.> XD Poor Blaine. Least Kurt's there for him. =^-^=