Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
"Mr Anderson, I'd appreciate it if you could re-direct your focus to my teaching."
Blaine snapped back to reality, after getting lost so deep in thought. "Sorry, Mr Schue." His chemistry teacher resumed teaching the class, something about the test for hydrogen gas. Blaine wasn't really paying attention because Kurt had been absent from school for 4 days. The last he saw of him was when he had helped Kurt into the passenger seat in Kurt's dad's truck. He glanced to the empty seat beside him, wondering why Kurt had to take such a long absence.
Blaine had felt this strong attraction to Kurt since the day his eyes met with Kurt's baby blues. He could never forget how deep Kurt's gaze had bored into him. Like he was looking into Blaine's soul. He pictured Kurt's beautiful red lips, his strong jawline, his perfect coiffed hair that matched his perfectly shaped eyebrows. His memory wandered off to picture Kurt's long lashes, batting at him. But more than that, he saw something in Kurt's eyes. He saw pain. He could tell Kurt had a secret when he met those blue eyes. Something Kurt hid from the world.
He also noticed how reserved Kurt seemed. When Blaine had wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist for support, he could tell Kurt was uncomfortable. The way Kurt had hesitated when Blaine initiated a conversation. The way Kurt flinched when their skin made contact together. The way Kurt had leapt off his seat when Blaine had place his palm on a small part of Kurt's back.
Blaine dropped his head and stared into his textbook, not really focusing on any particular information. "Sorry," he breathed.
When the class ended, Blaine was about to dash out of the classroom when Mr Schuester caught his shoulder, "I'd like to speak to you for a moment." Blaine groaned as he went back to his seat & waited for the other students to depart from the classroom before it was only him & his chemistry teacher. Mr Schuester seemed to take his time, pulling out papers out of his briefcase before looking up at Blaine. "I noticed you were particularly distracted in class today. Is there anything bothering you you'd like to share?" Blaine can't help to think that Mr Schue was taking lessons from his girlfriend, Miss Pillsbury, the school's guidance counsellor. "I just..have a lot of my mind." Mr Schue nodded in response. "Well, if you don't feel comfortable talking to me you can always go talk to Miss Pillsbury." his teacher smiled. "Oh and here." He handed Blaine a stack of papers. "These are for your partner. He's been absent for a while now. Any idea what happened to him?" Mr Schue asked. "I think he's sick or something.."
He left the classroom, stuffed the papers into his backpack and walked down the hallway, making his way to his next class. His journey was then halted by a short, brunette girl. "Hi, Blaine. I know we don't normally talk because we live in opposite worlds, but I know you're lab partners with Kurt, right? I was wondering if you could pass this to him. He's missed so much from being absent I don't want him to be behind when he comes back. These are his homework I collected them for him since we're in the same literature class so-" Blaine cut her off because it seemed she was never going to stop talking. "Yeah sure, I'll give them to him when he comes back." The brunette smiled cheerfully before skipping pass Blaine after a short, "Thank you."
Blaine sat in class, thoughts again wandered over to Kurt. He needed to know how was Kurt doing. Whether he was okay. Kurt had no friends in this school, with the exception of Blaine, though he didn't know if Kurt considered him more than just lab partners. Nobody else had made any effort into getting to know Kurt so it was hard for him to find any source to contact Kurt. And then it struck him.
When the dismissal bell rang, Blaine dashed out of the classroom and ran all the way across the school compound to the AV club. He pushed the door open and scanned the room, looking for a specific someone, when his eyes dropped to a trademark brown afro, one that belong to the school's biggest & most reliable gossip source.
He walked on over and planted himself beside the boy's computer. "Hello, JBI."
Blaine walked up the tiled pathway after he had pulled up in front of Kurt's house. After forcing JBI into working up his magic to dig out Kurt's address. JBI had a special talent for things of that nature. He was capable of finding out any information about every student in McKinley High. Blaine had to bribe JBI into secrecy so he wouldn't go telling everyone that Blaine had asked him to find out Kurt's address though, but Blaine really needed to know whether Kurt was okay.
He stood at the front porch, suddenly realizing how awkward this would seem but before he could turn around, the front door pulled open & Kurt stood at the door frame, looking pale with eyes less captivating, but just as mesmerizing blue. He looked at Blaine with those adoring, tired eyes, titled his head & frowned. "Blaine? What are you--how did you even know where I live?"
He felt heat rising up his neck as his cheeks flushed scarlet under Kurt's stare. "I was-err--your homework!" Blaine jolted. Thankful he had come up with a reason. "Your homework! You've missed school a lot so I thought I'd come here and drop off the homework you've missed. And as for the ah- second question. I asked Ms Pillsbury," he lied.
"Thanks. I didn't know teachers were allowed to give out a student's address," Kurt said, staring down at Blaine expectantly. "Yeah but I told her it was for educational purposes & she allowed", Blaine lied again. "I was j-just wondering if you n-needed any help. With your homework. You've missed more than you think." Blaine prayed silently, hoping Kurt would agree to his offer. He saw the hesitation in Kurt's eyes again, the way his face tensed. He seemed to be contemplating it, which was hope enough for Blaine.
"urm..y-yeah, sure. When?" Kurt mumbled out.
Blaine exhaled the breath he'd been holding, "How 'bout today? I don't have anything on." Why did Kurt made him so nervous?
"O-okay. Sure. Come in." Kurt said, as he side stepped wobbly.
Blaine strolled into the house, trying to conceal his nervousness. He wasn't really sure what was making him so nervous. The fact that he was inside Kurt's house, or the fact that he was going to be spending some alone time with Kurt for the next couple of hours. "Do you want anything to drink?" Kurt said casually. "Yeah, water's fine." As Kurt busied himself in the kitchen, Blaine settled down on the couch, looking around the tidy living room. He found himself wondering whether Kurt's dad was at home, though he wasn't particularly sure on which answer he wanted. He didn't mind if Burt was home though, but he preferred it if it was only him & Kurt.
"Here", Kurt said, handing him the drink. "So what are we going to be learning today, hm?" Kurt smirked. "Mr Schue covered the entire of chapter 3 while you were absent. I've had to prepare like 3 different experiments without you! And yes, this is me complaining." Blaine chuckled. "Oh please it's not like you need my help. The last experiment you basically did yourself while I just stood there." Kurt laughed, "So chapter 3, tell me about it." He rested his palm on his chin & bat his lashes. Blaine had to battle the urge to jump his bones because Kurt looked stunning when he did that.
They spent the next 2 hours discussing the homework, Blaine helping Kurt with questions he didn't understand. "I need a break," Kurt said, tossing his pencil then leaning back into the couch. "Why have you been absent for so long anyway? I know you were sick for a while but don't fevers go away in like a day or two?" Kurt's sudden tension on his face did not go unnoticed. "Um. Yeah, I guess it's taking longer than it's usually duration." Kurt said timidly. "Anyway, are you & Quinn okay? She seemed pretty pissed at your outburst the other time." Kurt asked, changing the subject. "I don't know. She hasn't spoken to me since that day."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Blaine said, trying his best to hide his agitation.
"Why are you even with Quinn? Because to be honest, you look miserable every time you're with her, not to mention her character.." Blaine was taken aback at Kurt's honesty. He was at a lost for words, though his insides were telling him to be truthful, which he didn't understand because he had never come clean about his true self to anyone. "Sometimes even I don't know", Blaine said in a whisper. "That doesn't make any sense if you're with her you should know-" Blaine cut him off, "Can we just not talk about that, please, Kurt?" They stayed in silence, that seemed to drag on for hours, before it was broken by the opening & shutting of the front door.
Burt Hummel walked in and looked at Blaine curiously. "He came over to give me my homework, dad."
"Oh, okay. Are you staying over for dinner, Blaine?" Burt asked. "Oh no, no. I urm, I have to get going actually." He gathered his things slowly & shoved them into his backpack & stood. "You're always welcome here, Blaine" Burt smiled kindly. "Thank you, sir." Blaine said as he walked over to the front door, Kurt following behind him.
"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Blaine asked, looking straight into those dazzling blue eyes that had regained their beauty.
"Tomorrow's Saturday, Blaine." Kurt let out a soft giggle.
"Oh I know. I was hoping we could make this study sessions a daily thing." flashing Kurt a coy grin.
He saw Kurt's cheeks flush a little, those red lips turning into a shy smile. "Urm, yeah s-sure."
"Is 1pm-ish okay?"
Kurt simply nodded, his blue eyes seeming more cheery now.
He smiled again at Kurt, before turning around and walking back to his car.
I so can't see Schue yelling like that XD... anyway. really cute and can't wait till Blaine learns the truth T_T
I really like the last conversation :D How cute is Kurt :)