Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
The church bells rang- how it always would whenever a funeral service was held. The town would hear it, and they would take a moment of silence for the deceased, lying in that coffin. Most would mourn the death from wherever they stood, and heard the bell. Most, though, would mourn, not for the dead, but it served as a reminder for them that they would soon join the dead as well.
People donned in black slowly began pouring into the local church, the Trinity Church. Amongst the sea of living, a girl with brown locks walked in, her heels slowly echoing around the nave. Her eyes stained with tears, swollen and red were her optics. Her heart, broken at the loss of her best friend.
Behind her, a girl with golden waves, with her arm securely entwined with a boy with a Mohawk, walked nervously up the aisle way to find a seat. Her heart thumping, carrying the sin that was in her stomach. She stared ahead, where a casket laid open. Her lips quivered and a tear streamed down her face.
A man, seated alone at the very front row, had his eyes staring absently at the ground beneath his feet. His tears fell from his green eyes as they stained and drenched the pants he was wearing. First his wife, now his son. It was as if God was against him. He couldn't look up. Couldn't look up, because he had seen his late wife lying in a casket, and it wrenched his heart right out of his chest once upon a time. Seeing his son in the same scenario, might kill him.
A boy with curls, and eyes full of sorrow, and pain, sat in solitude at the far corner of the church. He pulled and tugged on his fingers to try to keep his tears back, but he couldn't. Every time he tried to, they just came pouring down more violently. His brain gradually wandered back to the recollection of finding his husband, simply just lying there with no trace of life in his flawless face.
"Kurt?" Blaine called out shakily again. His throat was dry at the sight of the boy in the state that he was. The glass of milk in his clasp shook violently as he straddled across the floor, to where his husband laid.
He settled the glass on the night sand carefully, not wanting to drop even a single sip- because it was for Kurt. Kurt asked for it. He had to get up, to drink his milk, right? He had to.
"Kurt, baby?" Blaine whispered, his hand was just about to stroke the smooth pale cheeks, but he flinched and he backed away to the corner of the wall. Kurt's skin was cold, icy cold. His skin was always feverishly warm, but this time- it was cold. As if there was no human warmth in his system, like he had never blushed before.
Tears began streaming down Blaine's cheeks. His entire body began quivering, his eyes still watching Kurt with some semblance of hope that he would wake up, but he didn't. He still laid there, cold and lifeless. Blaine crawled slowly back to the soft edge of the bed, and took Kurt's cold hand into his own warm flesh.
"Kurt, please..no.." Blaine whimpered.
The boy remained lifeless, unconscious- unresponsive.
"Mr Hummel! Burt!" Blaine yelled out. It took only a few seconds before Kurt's father came barrelling down the stairs, two steps at a time. His eyes went straight to Blaine, knelt down at the side of the bed, his hand tightly clasped with Kurt, before his eyes then shifted to the boy- laying there.
He stumbled back and fell on his feet. His eyes widened in horror as he watched the scene upon him. Burt knew in his gut what he was staring at, but he couldn't grasp the reality of it. It all felt too surreal for Burt to accept. He hastily fished out his phone from his denims and and scrolled through his contacts quickly, until settling on the one he was looking for.
"Hello?" the man greeted.
"D-doctor Sanders? It's Burt Hummel. Kurt- something's happened I don't know what's happening-" Burt stuttered through, but the doctor understand perfectly.
"I am on my way," he informed, before the line went dead.
Burt remained on the staircase landing, not because he didn't want to move- to go over there to his son- but he couldn't. He couldn't look his son in the face, and know that the boy was gone. Gone from this world.
"I love you, I love you so much, Kurt please.. please wake up Kurt.." Blaine cried.
A few minutes passed, then the sound of a door knocking got both their attention. Blaine looked over at Burt, but the man was in a state of shock. His eyes were round and they looked astray. Blaine got to his feet and dashed up the stairs to the door. The whole time, his mind felt like it was going to seep out of his ears. Every limb seemed to want to crumble.
The doctor walked right pass Burt, stumbling slightly at the last few steps of the stairs before he halted at the side of the bed. He knelt down and took Kurt's wrist into his hands. He pressed his fingers to Kurt's pulse, and then to his neck just below the earlobe section.
His eyes seemed to grow a shade of sorrow as he stood up to face both Burt and Blaine.
"I- I'm sorry," he mouthed.
This time, Blaine really felt as though the ground had swallowed him whole and dragged him down to the chasm of despair, where all the good things in the world had been dumped into. His knees gave in and he crumbled to the ground, his tears began streaming down his cheeks, and he did not have even the slightest energy to wipe them away.
His stomach twirled where it laid. His heart raced. His throat closed up, because the person who mattered most to him, the person who brought him happiness, who showed him love in times of darkness, he wrapped him into a bear hug when the world threw daggers at the mere mention of his name, was gone. Kurt, was gone.
"We need to take him to the hospital! There must be something you can do!" Burt urged as he got to his feet. His eyes still swam with denial, with a tear of reality lingering at the corner.
"I'm very sorry Mr Hummel, but there is nothing I can do. His life span was predicted to last about this long. He does not have any pulse, I've checked. I- I'm terribly sorry, Mr Hummel." The doctor said sadly.
"No!" Blaine yelled. He got to his feet and ran to the edge of the bed, grasping Kurt's lifeless hand into his own. "No! Kurt, no! Please, please please! Please Kurt you cannot be gone. No, please!" he begged. He kissed the boy furiously on his knuckles, the skin cold against his lips. "Please! Kurt! Please don't die on me yet. Please Kurt! Not yet, Kurt please!"
"Blaine.." Mr Hummel grasp on Blaine's shoulder lightly, and attempted to pull him away, but Blaine shrugged it off. "No! Please! Kurt!" he yelled again. Burt grasp again on Blaine's shoulders and pulled him away from Kurt, before he wrapped his big fatherly arms around the whimpering boy.
Blaine cried in agony into the man's shoulder. He looked up, and a tidal wave of pain washed over him as he realized, that he would never, ever gaze upon the captivating blue eyes that took his breath away almost immediately- that now had died, along with it's owner.
A gentle female voice brought him back from his recollection. He looked up to meet a broken girl, her brown hair falling at both sides of her face. She looked at Blaine in worry, before she took a seat next to him. She remained quiet, but she slid her hand over Blaine's comfortingly.
She stifled her sobs as her thumb stroke gently on Blaine's knuckles, but Blaine wanted her to go away. Wanted her to leave him alone, leave him to mourn over the death of his husband. Nobody understood how he felt- nobody.
"I know it's hard-"
"Rachel, don't. Please just- just please leave me alone." Blaine mouthed.
The girl did not look offended. Instead, she leaned over and wrapped Blaine lightly into a hug, before she stood up and walked up to the front rows.
People from the walks of Lima all settled down at the stretch of benches, all had their heads hanging as they mourn the death of the blue eyed boy that laid silent in his casket. The sun was out, but the atmosphere was cold.
Burt slowly began to gather himself as he stood and walk up to the altar. His eyes did not meet the sea of people who had all come to pay their respect for his son. He wiped his tears away, inhaled sharply and began to talk.
"Standing up here in front of all of you to bid goodbye to my son, is probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I don't think I can ever say goodbye to him, but I will try.
My son, was the kindest, most sincerest human being that has ever walked this planet. He never used his illness as an excuse to stop him from doing something he wanted. He never used it as a reason to get people to pity him. He hated it, in fact. He never felt sorry for himself, nor did he let anyone else feel sorry for him.
He was what every father would have wished for in a son.
When someone you love passes away, you often remember them perhaps a little too well. All of their misdeeds are forgotten, and what makes it to the version that we've kept with us are the glowing characteristics of the deceased. My son's only flaw, was leaving behind people who loved him- so much.
Kurt developed a mature mindset at a very young age. I remember when he was ten and it was his first day of school. I held his little hand and walked with him into the building- I think I was more nervous than he was. Mostly because I knew society would not accept him with willing arms, I was scared that some bully would torment him in school, but Kurt was calm. He looked up at me and said 'dad, relax it's just school. And you're crushing my hand.' When I let his hand go, I watched him walk into the school, and I knew right then that I didn't have to be scared, because I knew he was a strong person and he would not let a couple of bullies get him down. And he never did.
Kurt was, very unique. Most little boys would have preferred to be out playing soccer or baseball or whatever, at the age of 10. But Kurt was different. He liked to play- tea time. He would assemble all of his soft toys around a table and he would pour for them cups of tea and I watched him, not because I thought it was weird, because I didn't. It was because he had a smile on his face, so pure, so innocent, so genuine. A smile that still plays in my mind every time I think of him, because that smile was when Kurt was genuinely happy, and he had no sorrows or worries in his life.
When Kurt's mother passed away, it was when things in Kurt's life began to take a downward spiral. When she died, I thought I had loss Kurt as well- because that was what it was like. He pushed me away, and he kept to himself- something he never did before his mother's passing. I would hear him cry at night, but I could only watch as a helpless father, because he needed the one thing I could not give him- his mother.
Things gradually got better after a few years of us mourning Elizabeth's death, but then it changed again. Our world was rocked, with the diagnostic of Kurt's cancer. He became more quiet, more depressed and sad. I came to him one night, and I begged him to please let me in. Please let me be there for him, and then he hugged me, and he said one thing- 'dad I don't want to die and leave you like mum,' was what he cried to me.
Even with being told he was not going to live very long, Kurt's first worry, was that he did not want to leave his father alone in this world.
But Kurt did not stay depressed very long. His sorrow was short lived, because he did come to find happiness, in the form of a person. His husband, Blaine. When Kurt met Blaine, I could see that his life changed, for the better. He had more life in his face, more hope. Happiness. I wouldn't hear him cry as much. I would even hear him laugh, and his eyes did not swim with the traumatic events his life went through. Most of all, he had a smile on his face- so pure, so innocent, and so genuine.
I am glad, that the last few weeks of his life, my son spend with happiness in his life.
My son lived a very brief life, and I will always miss him. How he would pretend to want to watch football just to spend time with me, because he hated anything sports related. How he would pretend to like the food I cook, because he did not want to make me feel like I was doing a bad job of being a single parent. How he would scold me if I ate unhealthy food, because he wanted to keep me healthy.
I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to those in this room right now, for coming to this service and pay your respects to my son. Knowing Kurt, I know he wouldn't want us to grief his death for too long, because in his nature, he is selfless that way.
Kiddo, you will always be alive in my heart. I love you, and I will always miss you."
Slowly, Burt descended from the altar and he stood by the casket. This time, it held another one of his family. He watched his son, who looked peaceful. His eyes closed, lashes pointing downwards. His month in a slit line. His skin- pale and colourless.
He leaned forward and pressed a light kiss on the boy's forehead, a tear trickled down his cheek as the familiar grasp around his beating heart tighten at the loss of his very young, very pure son. "I love you, kiddo," Burt whispered hoarsely, before he dreadful walked back to his seat and hung his head, because it felt to him like he could never look forward to anything anymore.
With the final word of Burt's eulogy, Blaine inhaled and tried to compose himself before he had to get up there and speak to the crowd of people who were there to mourn the death of his husband. Blaine got to his feet shakily. His brain throbbed and his eyes red and swollen. He could feel every pair of eyes staring at him as he walked up the altar.
"Kurt was.. in every way..perfect," Blaine started as he stood in front of crowd of sorrow-filled faces.
"His best strength, was being able to just..to make me feel comforted in my time of despair, or sadness. He never once turned me away, or told me to suck it up because his condition was worse. No, he never once compared his life battle, to my significantly smaller problems. He would always make me feel like..like my problems mattered even though, looking back now, they were irrelevant compared to his illness.
I remember..the first time I met Kurt. He had me at his first glance. His blue eyes looked at me in the purest, most kindest way possible. It was as if he looked into my soul, like he could read me. I remained captivated by his eyes..until his very last moment of living, because they were truly one of a kind. Much like Kurt himself.
Before I met Kurt, I was hiding from the world. Hiding, my true self because I was afraid of..of coming out. Then I met Kurt, this strong, confident, unapologetic boy who was so comfortable with himself. He inspired me, and I was in awe of him, and his strength.
Kurt taught me to be courageous. To be confident about myself. To come out, and be proud. To be strong- and I fell in love with him in the process.
When I professed to Kurt that I was in love with him..it was as if he didn't believe me. It was painful..because it was as if he didn't feel like he deserved my love, which in actual fact I didn't believe that I deserved him. Kurt deserved every bit of good this world had to offer, and it hurt me that he didn't think so.
The brightest memory of Kurt that I will remember, was when he said he would marry me. The look on his face.. his smile..the way his eyes lit up. Nothing made me more happier, than when I knew it was me who brought that happiness onto his face.
In our time together, Kurt loved going to the beach. He loved how the sea would stretch out far over the world and there was nothing you could see, besides open ocean. He loved the soft sand under his feet, even though he would stumble in his boots whenever he walked. For me, I mostly loved it because it was always deserted, and I would always be in his presence alone. In his warmth..
I know how everyone thinks relationships in high school never really last, and it'll only come to know as a 'high school sweetheart', but Kurt was not only that for me. He was..the love of my life, and he was taken away from me, before we even got to explore the world together.
Kurt loved it when I sang to him, he would even request song choices. So, because these words are not enough to express my devastation at his- his death. I am going to sing, for him."
Blaine descended from the altar, his eyes stung with warm tears and his lips were quivering. In all honestly, Blaine was not sure if he could even get through the song, but he needed to. Needed to tell how utterly broken he is.
He slid onto the bench of the piano that was already there, and his fingers slowly traced the surface of the ivory keys, before he pressed on them gently. A tear rolled down his cheeks as he began singing, in a voice so hoarse and crushed. His mind swirled with the image of Kurt- the boy's smile, his blue eyes..
Na na, na na na, na na
I miss you, miss you so bad
I don't forget you, oh it's so sad
I hope you can hear me, I remember it clearly
Tears began streaming down his cheeks violently, as the images of Kurt flashed through his brain. When they first met. When their hands first claps with each other. How Kurt had gazed at him, the way his cheeks blushed. His red lips..
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
Kurt gracefully seated on the desk in school, his head buried in a book. The way his lashes fluttered. The way his hair, perfectly coiffed. The way his fingers flipped through the pages. The way his shoulders slumped. The way he glared at Blaine, but relaxed immediately. The way he jumped at the mere skin contact..
Na na, na na na, na na
I didn't get around to kiss you goodbye on the hand
I wish that I could see you again, I know that I can't
I hope you can hear me, 'cause I remember it clearly
How Kurt had cried, his beautiful blue eyes filled with tears. His lips quivering as he hugged Blaine on the front porch, and told him how he was afraid of losing him. The tone of fear as he articulated his feelings. How the words 'I love you' rolled out of his tongue- the first time he ever said them to Blaine.
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
Blaine's voice was immersed with the pieces of his broken heart. His stomach clenched at the constant ringing reminder that Kurt is gone- that Kurt is dead.
I've had my wake up, won't you wake up
I keep asking why?
And I can't take it, it wasn't fake it
It happened you passed by
How Kurt stood on the opposite side of Blaine. Dressed in meticulously tailered white tux. His blue eyes piercing through his pale skin. How his vows had left his lips. 'I vow to love you, until my heart stops beating.'
Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere I can't bring you back
Now you're gone, now you're gone
There you go, there you go
Somewhere you're not coming back
Kurt laying still on his king sized bed. His eyes shut, his lips in a slit. His face pale, with no color of warmth or human blood. His body lifeless, his hand lazily hanging off the bed. His entire warmth, sucked away. His face- no trace of life.
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
The day you slipped away
Was the day I found it won't be the same
Na na, na na na, na na
I miss you
Blaine's heart tighten in his chest, and for a split second he looked up and hoped to find his husband, Kurt, standing by watching him with a smile- like he always would whenever Blaine sang something. But nobody stood there. No smile was presented to him. What laid, not far from the piano, was the casket of his deceased husband.
He got up from the bench, and walked shakily to the opened casket, where Kurt laid silent, peaceful. His skin was pale white. His lips, dry and purple. His eyes- the blue eyes- that were hidden behind the flesh of his eyelids. Where it would stay hidden.
Blaine leaned forward, and pressed his lips onto Kurt's. The unusual cold lips on his almost made him flinch, because it was unfamiliar. What was suppose to kiss him back, did not. He pulled himself up and looked down at his husband again.
The ring was still intact around Kurt's fingers, with the words "You are my sunshine," still engraved on it.
Blaine stroked the a lock of hair hanging on Kurt's forehead, and place it nicely on back to it's group, where it looked perfectly coiffed again- like how it always was.
"I love you, Kurt," Blaine whispered sadly, stroking gently on the pale skin of Kurt's cheeks, before he walked away, out of the church- because it was too painful. Too painful to be in the same room, with someone who mattered the world to him, someone who took his breath away, someone who came into his life and showed him true love. But, just sudden as he entered Blaine's life- was as sudden as his death.
The church bells rang again, as Blaine left with his heart heavy, and a void in his life that could never be filled.
"Blaine, have you packed your things yet?" the authoritative motherly tone of Mrs Anderson bellowed from the kitchen.
"No," Blaine groaned. He was still in his boxer shorts, unshowered, undressed. He rubbed his tired eyes, because he hadn't been sleeping for awhile.
The bedroom door creaked open and Mrs Anderson popped her head in to frown at her son who was still lazily in bed. "Well you should. I don't want you to miss your train because you're too lazy to pack now," she ordered.
"Yeah, okay," Blaine mumbled. He turned on his side and stared out the window, to nothingness. Blaine had zero excitement to leave for Julliard. his heart was tethered to Lima- and he knew why, because the tombstone of the love of his life, his husband was here. Blaine hadn't been to the burial site of Kurt yet, he could not even watch Kurt be lowered down to the ground. It was too painful, too painful to face the reality that stood bluntly in front of him.
It had been three weeks since Kurt's death, and the reality of it has sunken deep inside his soul.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Mrs Anderson asked timidly, picking up on the vacancy in her son's facial expression.
"No," Blaine groaned.
Mrs Anderson did not repeat her question. As much as she believed in the importance of breakfast, she knew her son was in too much emotional pain to down anything. It had been that way for weeks, and as much as she wanted her son to be okay, to be happy- she knew he couldn't..he probably could never be again.
Blaine grabbed the new luggages his mother had went through the trouble of buying for him, and threw basically his entire closet in it. He closed them shut and sat on the floor, tugging on his fingers. He knew he couldn't leave without saying goodbye to Mr Hummel, whom he hadn't gone to see since the funeral.
He also knew, that he couldn't leave Lima- without going to Kurt's grave.
Blaine jumped into the showers, and in a glaciers speed, cleaned his stinky bed smell off his body. Blaine didn't feel right leaving. He felt it was more right to stay here, in Lima. Leaving the town, felt like he would be leaving Kurt behind- something he promised the boy he would never do.
"Where are you going, kid? Your train leaves at three." Mr Anderson called from the living room.
"I know, I just- I need to go somewhere," he mouthed.
"Do you want me to come with?"
"No. I just- I have to do this by myself," Blaine mouthed.
Mr Anderson seemed to understand, so he simply smiled at his son before returning to the highlights section of the newspaper in his hands.
Blaine walked out the front door. He could feel his nervousness starting to act up. What if Burt didn't want to see him? What if Burt was angry that he hasn't stopped by lately? The questions rung in his head, and he had to swallow his breath as he made his way to The Hummels.
He parked in the driveway, and sat in his car for a few minutes trying to gather his wits. The place reminded him so much of Kurt it was almost impossible to be around such memories. Blaine emerged out of his car and walked up the stony pathway- where he had proposed to Kurt. He ascended up the steps to the front porch, and felt his stomach clench at the sight of the neatly arranged furniture. The couch, the coffee table, the wind chimes- all of which done solely by Kurt.
He tapped on the door gently, and before he could even inhale another breath, the door pulled open and Burt stood in the middle of the frame. His sorrowful green eyes lit up slightly at the sight of Blaine.
"Blaine, it's good to see you," the man said before he pulled Blaine into a mildly spine crushing squeeze.
"It's good to see you too, Mr Hummel," Blaine managed. "I- I'm sorry I haven't stopped by. I just-"
"Blaine, it's okay." the man reassured. "Come on in," he said before he side stepped to the left and allowed Blaine entry into the house.
The house was still more or less the same. Everything was still in it's place; the dining table, the television, Burt's single sofa. Everything was the same, except there was something different about feel of the house.
"So, how have you been?" Burt asked as he slumped into his usual single seater sofa in front of the television.
"I've been- okay I guess. Mr Hummel, I really am sorry for not coming here. I should have stayed here, with you. But I couldn't- I don't think I could have been surrounded with so many memories of Kurt. I'm really sorry I shouldn't have left you alone. Kurt wouldn't have wanted that-"
"Kid, it's okay I said. I understand, besides, I wasn't alone. Carole's been staying here since- since the funeral. I know it wouldn't have been easy for you, especially to sleep in that bedroom." Burt said, his index finger pointing to the direction of the bedroom he once shared with Kurt.
"Have you been coping well..with Kurt's passing?" Burt asked, his eyes gazing worryingly in a fatherly sense it made Blaine feel like he was shrunk to the size of an ant.
"It's been- it's been rough. But I'm trying.."
"Your dad told me you haven't been sleeping, or eating," Burt told.
"When did you talk to my dad?" Blaine frowned curiously.
"He came over here yesterday. He also told me, that you're leaving for college later today."
Blaine sighed heavily, and somehow he knew he could confide in Burt. "I don't- I'm not really sure I wanna go."
"What? Are you kidding me? Why the hell not?" Burt glared.
"Because- because I don't feel like it's time for me to leave yet. Not when Kurt had only just passed away a few weeks ago. Leaving Lima would be leaving Kurt behind and I can't- I can't do that," Blaine admitted as tears began rolling down his cheeks.
"Blaine, you cannot do that. It's your life, it's your future- your dreams. You cannot forgo it because someone you love passed away. I know you loved Kurt, and I know he meant a lot to you, but he wouldn't want this. He would want you to go to Julliard, graduate and be the successful person we all know you're going to be."
"But- But I don't want to leave him. I promised him I wouldn't-"
"And I'm sure he'll force you to break that promise if he heard what you're saying right now. You have to go, Blaine. You have to. And Kurt- well his body maybe in that casket. But he, is wherever you take him."
Another stream of tears flowed down Blaine's cheeks as he tried with all his might to avoid the man's eye contact.
"Kurt would have have wanted the best for you. Kurt would have wanted you to go." Burt consoled.
Blaine stifled up a sob, and slowly raise his head to meet Burt's eyes.
"I know that he would.." Blaine mumbled sadly, as his lips quivered trying to hold back his tears. "But- I don't know if I can do that. To just..to just leave."
"You're not leaving, Blaine. You're pursuing your dreams, something I'm sure Kurt would encourage."
Blaine stifled his sobs again as his mind wandered back to how Kurt had went out of his way to get Blaine accepted into Julliard. It was true, he could feel it in his heart that Kurt would have wanted him to go, to leave for Julliard.
"Go, Blaine. Lima holds nothing for you anymore. If you stay, it's only going to make you suffer at the constant reminders of Kurt. You need a change. A change of surrounding. You know that. And besides, you can always come back for Christmas, or Thanksgiving. You're not really leaving, kid."
"What about you, Mr Hummel?"
"Me? Blaine, I'm old. The time for me to need a change has gone." the man chuckled as he slumped back into his sofa.
The short silence followed as Blaine tried to wrap the fact that he was about to leave Lima in a few hours. Leave behind his parents, Burt, his friends, his life- and most of all the bed of rest where his husband laid.
"I have to get going," Blaine said as he got to his feet. Burt followed suit and they walked out onto the front porch.
"Blaine," Burt said as they stood opposite from each other from on the front porch. "I wanna thank you. Because if it wasn't for you, I think Kurt would have passed not experiencing even a small modicum of what happiness is. You brought light into his life, and I am eternally grateful."
"And for the record, I kinda knew from the start that you liked him- since the day you carried him back to my truck."
"Thank you, Mr Hummel," Blaine whimpered as he threw his arms around the man's neck and sobbed quietly into his shoulder.
"I'mma miss ya, kid. Don't be a stranger, alright?" Burt uttered, his throat dry and cracked as if he was fighting back tears.
"I won't, I promise."
They pulled away from each other's embrace, before Blaine descended down the few steps- the steps he and Kurt first shared their first kissed. He walked down the pathway, where Kurt had done him the extraordinary honor of being saying yes to his marriage proposal.
He walked to the driveway, where he had told Kurt about his sexuality, and they shared the blissful night of making out under the stars. Blaine pulled his car door open and slid into the driver seat. He looked back to where Burt stood at the front porch. He bid a goodbye wave, and Blaine smiled.
The house of The Hummels held so much memories for him- both bitter and sweet. It was where he professed to Kurt of his love. It was where they shared their first kiss. It was where he proved to Kurt that he was not going to leave him because he was ill.
It was where the love between two boys- both sheltered in their own insecurities, fighting battles of life alone- grew.
With a final goodbye smile, Blaine drove off with a clear destination.
The slow rustling sound of dried out leaves was the only melody in the local cemetery. It held all the lost lives of Lima, Ohio. The place was deserted, except a young man who walked careful in between gravestones- his hand clutching a few stalks of flowers.
The sun was at it's peak, though it was not particularly scorching. The wind blew across the bed of graves, and Blaine had to take small steps in order to not rip on any twigs or rocks. He took awhile to find the one he was looking for, until his eyes settled upon a familiar name engraved carefully one a white marbled gravestone, with gold cursive engravings. Blaine crotched down to his knees and trailed his fingers along the words written on it.
In Loving Memory Of
Kurt Elizabeth Hummel-Anderson
A Darling Son,
A Dearly Loved Husband,
A Beloved Best Friend
May 27th,1994 - February,10th 2013
"Love is like the wind. You can't see it, but you can feel it."- Nicholas Sparks
It was hard for Blaine to open his lips and say something. Just the sight of Kurt's name being written onto a gravestone, stung his heart. The reality, despite how he had accepted it, still hurt him to come face-to-face with.
"Hi, baby," Blaine whispered, his fingers still tracing the outline of Kurt's name.
"I miss you, Kurt. I miss you- so much," his tears began snaking down his cheeks to fall onto the ground, where his decomposed husband laid. "It's been rough without you with me. I miss your smile, I miss the way you would blush whenever I told you you're beautiful. I miss looking into your eyes- god I miss you so much.
I miss waking up next to you. I miss kissing you. I miss hugging you. I miss having you tell me if my outfit sucked or not. I miss kissing your cheeks in between interval breaks when we're watching TV. I miss everything we did together. I miss having you with me..
I'm going off to Julliard today, Kurt. The school of my dreams...that you made come true. I don't know how am I ever going to survive in New York without you, even now I'm barely breathing.
Kurt, no amount of words can describe how much you mean to me. You came into my life, but just as quickly did you leave. My life was miserable before you. My life was this big facade, and you came in and altered it- to make it the life I was proud to live...but my life now will never be the same, because you were a huge part of it- if not the entire part of it.
I love you, so much..but I know you wouldn't want to see me like this. I know you, and your heart, and how you're always thinking about other people before yourself..so I'll try..with all my mightiest, to smile again, because I know you would want that. I know that is what you would want to see, when you look down at me from the heaven I'm sure you're in.
No matter how far I go, how successful I become..you're always going to be the one thing that I yearn for, Kurt. The one thing I can never get back."
The boy with warm brown eyes, and a broken soul knelt by his husband's tombstone as he stroke the golden cursive wordings. His hands shivered in the cold wind that now brushed against his skin, making the tiny hairs on his arms stand. His eyes, flooded with salty tears.
"Because you love cliché gestures, Kurt..I brought you some flowers, and- like first time I brought you flowers, each one has a different meaning, and they all apply to you. I added a few new flowers, though."
Blaine pulled the first one- a short flower, with white petals stretching into a blossom form, with a drop of yellow in the center.
"A daisy, to symbolize loyalty, because the love I have for you, will never leave."
He gently laid the flower down at the foot of Kurt's tombstone, before proceeding to get another flower, this time a purple one.
"A lilac flower, because nobody will ever measure up to your breathtaking beauty. Nobody. And you're always going to be irresistible to me."
Blaine laid it down beside the daisy flower, before he pulled 3 stalks of flowers, all tied together at the bottom, all with different coloured petals.
"Tulips, because I will continue to protect you. I will continue to protect your honour, the people that you love, the things that you stood for. I promise to protect your father, Kurt, at your absence, from any harm that might come his way. That I promise you."
Blaine laid them down with the small group of flowers no forming at the foot of Kurt's tombstone, before he grabbed the bouquet of white and pink flowers.
"Orchids, and carnations.. because nobody will ever entice me the way you did, and nobody will ever captivate me the way you did. These flowers, represent how you will be the only person, that I will ever be allured, or captivated by."
He carefully laid the bouquet down, before he pulled out a purple, delicate flower with white petals sticking out from underneath the beautiful, balled up pivotal petals.
"This is is a fuchsia..it's represents that your love, and your charms, will always be engraved in my heart."
A tear slowly rolled down the boy's cheeks as he laid down the row of flowers, all laid neatly in respect and love for his husband. They were almost as beautiful as the person all those flowers were intended for.
Blaine pulled out the tall, green stalk flower with yellow petals branching out like sun rays. "I got this..because you're my sunshine," Blaine said, as another tear slid down his cheeks. He twirled around with the last flower- the epitome flower that concluded all his feelings.
"This one, is a rose, because a rose symbolizes love..and Kurt..I'm going to love you, forever. I'm still going to love you when I leave Lima. I'm still going to love you when I'm in Julliard. I'm still going to love twenty years down the road when I'm working, and busy with deadlines or whatever. I'm still going to love you when I have grey hair. I'm going to love you forever, right till my heart stops beating..and I get to meet you in the after world. My love for you, Kurt, will never die." Blaine cried.
He laid the final rose onto the foot of the tombstone, along with the group of other flowers that each held a signifact emotion of how much Kurt meant to him. He stroked the 'K' alphabet on the engravings with his thumb, and slowly leaned over to press a light kiss on the cold marble.
"I'll always remember you, Kurt.." Blaine whispered.
I thought the chapter was written really well and it was a great ending.
Thank you!! ^^
I think I'm gonna die.
Awe I'm sorry, but considering that was my main goal for the chapter. THANK YOU!
I think I just filled a swimming pool with my tears
Wow that's a lot of water you must be dehydrated now!