Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
The faint sound of snoring, that sounded more like an angelic hum, woke Blaine up. He stirred in Kurt's bed for a bit, taking in his surroundings. He had only been in Kurt's bedroom once before, this was his second time. The room hadn't changed much; the walls were still covered with pages ripped out of fashion magazines, excessive furniture littered around, the carpet was still a dull white that hauntingly reminded him of the floor in the hospital where Kurt was admitted.
Sighing, he turned to his side and smiled at the sight of Kurt's serene beauty as the boy slept. Blaine placed a hand on Kurt's hip, but retracted it as he winced at the heat. Kurt's body temperature was burning, his smooth porcelain skin on fire. He brushed Kurt's cheek with his thumb, and it was the same. His entire body was burning.
Kurt's eyelids flutter before revealing the blue orbs that were hidden behind the flesh, his eyes immediately sparkled- captivating Blaine in the usual way it did. "Hi," Kurt whispered, his breath was just as warm and hot as his body temperature. "Hey," Blaine reciprocated. Kurt shifted himself closer before placing a hand onto Blaine's neck, the heat was uncomfortable. "Are you okay? Your body is burning up."
"I'm fine- just a slight headache." Kurt lied. The boy shut his eyes for a second, trying to recede the throbbing pain in his brain, before opening them once again and greeting Blaine with a forceful grin. "Kurt, maybe you should go take an Aspirin or something. Maybe you'd feel better." Blaine suggested.
"I'm fine- well, I feel fine at least. Don't worry about it-"
"Kurt, you know I can't do that." Kurt leaned forward and pressed his lips onto Blaine's, cutting him off of his speech. "I'm fine, okay? Don't worry." He smiled reassuringly, but Blaine didn't buy it. "Mmm, what time is it?" Kurt hummed as he pulled himself closer to Blaine. "I think it's about six. Are you hungry? Because I'm starving."
"Yeah, come on," Kurt got off the bed slowly but groaned when he stood up as his head started to throb harder. He fell back down on the bed and held his head in his hands to try and cease the headache. "Baby are you okay?" Blaine asked, panicking as he knelt in front of Kurt, grasping on the boy's arms comfortingly. "My head- fuck it hurts." Kurt grunted and dug his fingers into his hair, trying to massage his scalp.
"What do you want me to do, baby? What do you need?" Blaine stammered through.
Kurt was silent, the only sound the boy produced was the faint grunting as he tried to fight back the tears that threatened to fall as he squeezed his eyes shut at the agony of the throbbing. "Lie back down, Kurt. Maybe it'll help." Blaine whispered as he stroke Kurt's forearms. He followed Blaine's suggestion, slowly falling back down onto the mattress and allowed himself to take huge breaths.
"I'll go get you a glass of water, okay?" Blaine said as he pulled the covers over Kurt's naked body, before pulling on his boxer briefs and running up the stairs to the kitchen. When Blaine descended down the stairs, a mug of warm water in his hands, Kurt was seated on the edge of the bed. His face was buried in his palms and the sound of soft sobbing echoed in the silent bedroom. "Hey what's wrong?" Blaine settled the cup on the night stand and ran to kneel in front of Kurt again, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist hoping it would act as a form of comfort.
"What's wrong, baby?" Blaine asked comfortingly, trying to conceal the mountain of worry that was building up in his stomach.
"I- I don't know. Something's wrong. I can feel it. I feel like how I felt the before I went into a coma. The same sensation. My head is spinning, I feel like throwing up, my body feels cold and sensitive and-"
"We should go to the emergency room. I'll call your dad." Blaine got up and started to pull on his clothes. A look of horror fell on his face as he tried to stable his breathing. Once he helped Kurt to stand, he ran into Kurt's closet and pulled out sweatpants, a light t shirt and a jacket that was hanging lazily behind the door. Kurt's headache was so severe he had trouble simply putting clothes on himself, in which Blaine had to help him.
"Where's your phone? I'll call your dad and tell him to meet us at the emergency room."
"No, it's fine. I'll do it," Kurt fetched his phone from the jeans laying on the carpet and scrolled through his contacts until he found the one he was looking for. Blaine waited impatiently, tapping his foot as he waited for Kurt to get off the phone so they could head for the hospital. His heart was thumping fast- what if Kurt goes into a coma again or worse.., he thought to himself.
"What did he say?" Blaine asked once Kurt pulled the phone away from his ear and stuffed it in the pockets of his jacket. "He's frantic. He's on his way there right now," Kurt mumbled incoherently. He looked weak, the colours in his cheeks that made him look alive this morning was gone. "Come on then," Blaine said as he wrapped his arm around Kurt's waist and helped him climb up the stairs. Kurt could barely lift his feet. He leaned on Blaine a lot as he stammered up the stairs and the both of them walked through the house, out to the car.
Kurt laid faint and weak on the passenger seat, his face buried deep in his palms as he sobbed quietly. Blaine drove the car at an unsafe speed, desperately wanting to get to the hospital as quickly as possible.
"Kurt, we'll be there in awhile okay. Just- just relax okay," Blaine said as he rubbed his hand comfortingly on Kurt's back, while trying to keep his eyes on the road. Kurt's sobs were like trains constantly running over his heart- it hurt him to hear Kurt in pain.
"I-I'm scared Blaine.." Kurt breathed out in between sobs. "What if I go into a coma again- I can feel something's wrong my whole body feels weird." By that point, Kurt was crying he made no effort to conceal it with tiny sobs, instead they were muffled wails of pain.
"Hey, look at me," Blaine brushed the sides of Kurt's cheek, leaving the ghostly feeling of where his thumb used to be as he gently stroke the boy's soft skin. "'I'm right here, okay? I'm right here, for you I'm not leaving your side I'll be right here. Please-" A lump formed in his throat as he forced his tears back. He couldn't cry. He needed to be strong for Kurt. He had to be strong. Always.
The familiar sight of the hospital sent shivers down Blaine's spine as he was once again reminded of those times he came here after school to sit next to a lifeless, comatose Kurt- and now they were entering the foundation with possibly the same fate.
"I've got you," Blaine whispered as he helped Kurt into the emergency room by grasping for dear life on the boy's slender waist. There was barely anyone in the emergency room when they entered. Kurt had gone so weak Blaine had to basically carry him inside before placing him one of the plastic blue chairs. "Is your dad here yet? Give me your phone I'll call him-"
Before Kurt could even dig inside his pocket for his cell, a man in a baseball hat with eyes burning with worry came barrelling towards them. "Kurt- Kurt are you alright? What happened?" Burt turned to ask Blaine. "I- I feel like how I felt before I went into a coma the other time, dad," Kurt responded, his breathing accelerated as his hands began to tremble.
"Stay here with him I'll go sign his name for the doctor," Burt said to Blaine before charging off to the desk where a woman sat, her face giving no indication that she remotely enjoyed her job.
Kurt began shivering in his seat, his hand trembling, his teeth clattering softly. Instinctively, Blaine wrapped his arms around the boy's frame and rubbed his arms in an attempt to keep him warm. "I- I'm afraid, Blaine.." Kurt cried out softly.
"I know baby, I know. But the doctor will be here soon, okay? Concentrate on me. Breathe- I'm right here."
Kurt did just that. He took sharp intakes of breath as leaned into Blaine's embrace. "Blaine, what if I go into a coma again and I don't wake up and-"
"Stop it, Kurt. Don't think like that. I love you, please-" Blaine pled. Truthfully he wanted to cry along with Kurt, but he couldn't, not when the love of his life was in fear and pain. He had to be Kurt's rock. He had to keep things grounded and calm for Kurt.
"Mr Hummel? I need you to get on this chair so I can wheel you. We need to take you to a CT scan right now." The small petite voice of a nurse came through. She was pushing a wheelchair in front of her as she smiled brightly for Kurt- no doubt in an attempt give Kurt some semblance of reassurance and solace.
Blaine helped Kurt onto the chair and was about to follow with when the nurse placed her hand on his chest and asked him to wait here. "I have to be with him!" Blaine exasperated as he smacked the woman's hand away. "I know that, but he'll only be in there for a half hour. We will notify you when he's out." She rolled her eyes apprehensively before wheeling Kurt into a room beside the desk, but before the doors swung shut Kurt spun around in his chair and smiled at Blaine sadly. The dazzling beauty set on his face was enough to trigger the tears to flow down Blaine's cheeks as the doors swung shut.
The emergency room was quiet, the only sound was of a mother humming quietly to her infant baby. Blaine sat there with Burt impatiently, tapping his foot on the white tile floors. Kurt had been inside for almost an hour and the wait had been excruciating for both men. Blaine had carefully painted the picture of what had happened when Burt asked him, though he carefully left out the part about Kurt and his intimacy.
Finally, for what felt like forever, the familiar face of doctor Sanders emerged out of the swinging doors, clipboard in hand- the man looked intimidatingly professional than anyone else in the hospital. He scanned the room for awhile before his eyes carefully rested on Burt and Blaine.
The grim on his face was eerie.
"Mr Hummel, how are you tonight?" Doctor Sanders greeted them, his face was drained of any light, and by the slight twitch on his left eye, Blaine could tell that nothing good was coming their way. "Fine. How is Kurt?" Burt stammered through, his eyes flickering back and forth to the clipboard and the doctor.
"I'm afraid I bear bad news," He said as he took his glasses off his face and folded them carefully before slipping them into his pocket.
"When we took Kurt into the CT scan, we expected to find a relapse of his initial brain haemorrhage, but he doesn't have that. His brain is functioning normally, but this time it's his cancer. The cancer cells have stimulated quicker then what was anticipated. I- I'm afraid he doesn't have much time left before he passes."
The words were like colossal asteroids entering the atmosphere and destroying everything that was in Blaine's world. His knees actually buckled this time and he fell back onto the chair. The walls felt like the were closing in on him, flattening his entire physical body, crushing his insides.
"Is there nothing you can do to prologue his time?" Burt asked shakily. The man was trying to compose himself and not fall into an emotional wreck like Blaine already was. He knew this was coming, he knew Kurt wasn't going to live as long as normal kids would - but the thought of having to say goodbye to his son, forever, made shivers spread around his body.
"I'm afraid there isn't, sir. In his medical record, it read that he doesn't respond to any form of treatment, like chemotherapy. To be frank with you, sir, Kurt should've have passed about 3 months ago. How he's been fighting back terminal cancer, is a real wonder." Doctor Sanders explained.
"He's strong, that's why-" Blaine mumbled under soft sobbing.
"How long does he have until.." Burt trailed off, unable to even utter the words. "A month? Maybe a few weeks." The doctor sadly confessed. Though he knew this was inevitable, now that they're actually given the length of time Kurt has left, Blaine was finally brought back down to earth- he thought about how not 5 hours ago he had been kissing Kurt, caressing his skin, embracing the boy in his arms. He couldn't absorb the information, couldn't grasp the fact that in a matter of weeks, he'd have to let go of the love of his life.
"Does he- does he know?" Burt asked timidly to doctor Sanders. The heartache and misery was swimming in his green orbs. "Not yet, sir. I'm going to leave that to you as to whether you want to tell him or not. He's inside the same ward as before, you can go in and see him." The suggestion was directed to both Burt and Blaine. "Thank you doctor," Burt said as politely as he could while he was on the verge of throwing himself on the ground, screaming in heartache and agony.
Blaine was on his feet, ready to dash to the ward, when Burt grasp on his arm and nudge him to sit back down. The confusion was written all over Blaine's features, his brows furrowed. "Mr Hummel, what-"
"I don't know if we should tell him." Mr Hummel said in a tone so soft it almost sounded like a whisper that made the hairs on the back of Blaine's neck stand. "What do you mean, sir? He should know that he's going to- to die soon." Blaine retorted, choking on the last bit of his sentence.
"I'm not so sure, Blaine. He'll be more afraid than he already is if we tell him. I want him to go peacefully. I don't want him scared and fearing every day might be his last."
Blaine stared at the man for a while, contemplating and digesting what Kurt's father just said. He wasn't confident that he could keep that from Kurt. He deserved to know. But on the other hand, Burt was right. If they were to tell Kurt, he'd be scared, more so than he already is.
"But don't you feel like Kurt deserves to know? What are we even going to tell him when we enter the ward later? He'll know something's wrong. He'll know we're not telling him something." Blaine pointed out. He was playing with his fingers at the intense conversation with Kurt's father. The whole thing made his head spin.
"We can't tell him. I need him to live his life, the rest of it anyway. I want him to not fear that his end is that near. Can you do that for me, Blaine? I know it's a lot to ask, but please- I need him happy. I don't want him to be miserable awaiting his time." Burt choked on his words, stammering at his speech. It was definitely a sight Blaine hadn't seen since Kurt's coma.
"Sure, Mr Hummel," Blaine muttered. It definitely was a lot to ask. He didn't know how he was to face Kurt, and hold such a big secret about the boy's life. The simple thought scared him, but he had to respect Burt's wishes, and truthfully he partially agreed with the man. He wanted Kurt happy, on the final days of his life.
After the agreement on both sides, Burt and Blaine walked unhurriedly to the ward Kurt was in. Neither was keen or confident to face the boy, with the information they had been told by the doctor. It was Burt who inhaled sharply, before sighing heavily and turning the door knob of the ward.
Kurt's smile was bright at the sight of the two important people in his life, though his cheeks were pale, his eyes were weary and his hands were laid on both sides of the bed, clearly worn out.
"Hi," Burt said timidly, a hint of the guilt audible to Blaine. "How are you feeling?" Burt asked as he settled himself down on the familiar plastic chair that accompanied the bed. "I feel light headed and weak, not to mention cold." Kurt said depressingly. His eyes flickered to Blaine and for awhile, Blaine felt his insides tighten at the captivating ocean eyes.
He smiled in response, trying his best to swallow the guilt vomit threatening to stain the clean, bed sheets. "What did the doctor say?" Kurt asked in a tone so innocent Blaine had to look away in order not to start bawling. "The doctor said it was one of the side affects from having brain surgery the other time. You- you're fine." Burt lied.
Blaine's insides threatened to explode with guilt. He hated this- hated the fact that Kurt's smile was so relieved like a ton of weight was lifted off his shoulders when in actuality his demise was closer than he thought.
"Oh thank god. Does that mean I can go home tonight?" Kurt asked, strangely resembling the tone of a child being told he gets chocolate after dinner. Doctor Sanders walked in seconds later, but before he merely opened his mouth, Burt interrupted his silence. "Doctor, may I speak to you outside?" Burt asked quickly. Doctor Sanders looked questioningly at the man before shrugging his shoulders and walking out of the ward, Burt in his footsteps.
"Do you feel better at least?" Blaine forced the words out of his mouth. Silence would've been too awkward, and Kurt could read his facial expressions better than anyone- he would know Blaine was keeping something from him. "I do, now that you're here," Kurt smiled shyly as he took Blaine's fingers into his own.
The sadness fell upon Blaine's eyes, but he kept forcing himself to keep the truth hidden. "Hey, you alright?" Kurt asked, tilting his head in curiosity, his blue eyes piercing into Blaine's soul.
"I - fine. I was just scared that's all."
"Well, don't be. I'm fine, apparently." Blaine smiled as genuinely as he could in response to Kurt. He tighten the lace of their fingers, stroking the back of Kurt's palm. Kurt closed his eyes, smiling at the feel of having Blaine's fingers warm his hand.
"You know I love you, right?" Blaine asked quietly, barely audible with the sound of a crying baby echoing through the corridor outside. Kurt opened his eyes in startled, gazing at his boyfriend. "Yes, of course I do. And I love you too." He flashed the dazzling smile as best as he could, his moist red lips shining from his pale skin.
"Come here," Kurt said as he scooted closer to the edge of the bed, leaving space for Blaine to nicely plant himself there. He did just that, resting his head on Kurt's hair, inhaling the scent of brown locks and draping an arm under Kurt's neck. "I hope I can go home after this. I hate the smell of hospitals it's depressing. It reminds me of death." Kurt mumbled.
Blaine's insides tighten again at the mention of the word death. He dug his nose deeper into Kurt's hair trying to be as close to the boy as he possibly could. "I hope so too." Blaine breathed out. Burt entered the ward momentarily, his eyes immediately resting on the two boys snuggled up to each other. He seemed to be in discomfort for awhile before sighing. "You get to go home tonight, Kurt. I talked to the doctor," The man smiled, though it didn't look fully believable- or even the slightest bit less tensed.
"Really? Thank god." Kurt rose from the bed slowly into a sitting position, his eyes flooding with delight. "You get dress I need to sign some release forms or whatever- then we can go home." Burt walked over and planted a kiss on his son's forehead, though Kurt frowned when he felt a tear stream down his father's cheek. Before he could ask, Burt left the ward in a hurry.
"You heard him! I get to leave!" Kurt said excitedly as he fell back onto the mattress. "What do you want to have for dinner? I'm starving." Blaine smiled at the contentment surrounding Kurt's aura. He bore his eyes into those captivating blue, his insides twirl in fear when he realized he would never see them ever again - in a month.
Arriving at the the Hummels, Burt had allowed Blaine to stay over since it was late. Blaine, in return, promised Kurt's father that he would keep it PG when he slept inside Kurt's bedroom. Kurt was more than pleased. He was basically jumping on his tired toes when he got the green card for Blaine to sleep over.
"Do you want to take a shower?" Kurt asked once he got out of the bathroom. Blaine was dragged out of his string of thoughts, he almost jumped when he realized Kurt had only a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair was soaked, drops of water lingered down his porcelain skin glistening in the fluorescent ceiling light. He looked positively- exceptional alluring.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked again.
"Wh-what?" Blaine picked his jaw up, still a little dazed in admiration at his picturesque boyfriend. "Do you want to take a shower?" Kurt had a smile on his face, trying to hold back his bubbling giggle when he noticed the shade of red on Blaine's cheeks.
"Y-yeah," Blaine stammered. "Why do you look so shocked? You've seen me naked before. Hell, we had sex this afternoon," Kurt said matter-of-factly.
"I know, but your beauty never cease to captivate me. You always take my breath away when I look at you," Blaine stride to Kurt and pressed his lips onto the boy before walking past him and into the bathroom. He had to mentally compose himself as it donned on him, that in a month or so, he'll never be able to gaze at Kurt's beauty anymore. He'll never see him anymore. Kurt's physical presence will never set foot on this earth, ever again. The thought made his tears stream, and as he stood under the shower- he was glad the flowing water concealed his salty tears.
Kurt was curled up on one side of the bed, tapping away with his phone when Blaine emerged from the bathroom. He settled on only wearing his boxer briefs, despite Kurt's offer to let him wear some of his clothes. He slid into under the covers and immediately drape an arm around Kurt, kissing the boy's neck once he snuggled close.
"Next time, don't take a shower. I want to smell you, not soap," Blaine mumbled on Kurt's skin. Kurt let out a small laugh before leaning back to rest under Blaine's chin. "I'm glad my dad allowed you to stay over. I feel so exhausted." Kurt sighed.
"I know, baby. Go to sleep, okay?" Blaine whispered into the boy's ears. Blaine's voice washed shivers around Kurt's body. "Can I ask you something? I've been meaning to ask you this since the Christmas dinner." Kurt said abruptly, taking the night into a whole different direction. He shifted from Blaine's embrace to turn around so he was facing the boy.
"Shoot," Blaine breathed onto Kurt's face, pulling him closer with the palm he had on Kurt's back. "When my dad asked you about college, you looked unsure. When your mother answered for you- I don't know I could tell you didn't fully agree with her. Do you not want to go to the colleges your mother mentioned?"
Blaine looked like he was in distress. His eyes looking anywhere but at Kurt's, which was a first. He started playing with his fingers, tickling Kurt's back. "I sort-of actually planned on applying somewhere else. Somewhere where the Anderson name isn't well-know, somewhere where I don't have to live up to a certain expectation." Blaine confessed.
"Where?" Kurt asked nervously.
"I- urm- I've actually always had this passion for music. I've always wanted to apply to Julliard, in New York. A school centric on musical arts, you know? That's what I've dreamed of anyway."
"That's amazing! You should apply, Blaine! You're an amazing singer." Kurt exclaimed. Blaine sighed, closing his eyes as he buried his face in between Kurt's cheek and the pillow. "If only it was that easy, Kurt. My father, my grandfather- heck even my great grandfathers Stamford."
"Maybe- I don't know maybe if you told them that's not your dream maybe they won't force it on you. They're only assuming because of the generations. Just try to talk to them- your dad's pretty understanding maybe he'll hear you out."
Another sigh escaped Blaine's lips, Kurt could feel the warmth on his cheek. "Maybe. I don't know. I'll try." Blaine said lazily. "You can't just let them decide your life for you. It's your life, Blaine. If enrolling into Stamford or Yale isn't your dream, then voice it out. Besides, you're crazy talented and incredibly dashing. I'm sure Julliard will be charmed, like I was when you sang to me."
Blaine laughed softly, tightening his grip on Kurt as he was reminded of the time he sang to Kurt- the time he was fearing of Kurt's cancer taking him away soon. Now it really was happening. "I love you, Kurt. But I need to talk to my parents first though," Blaine mumbled, before planting his lips onto Kurt's. "Sleep. You're exhausted," Blaine cooed.
A weary yawn left Kurt's mouth and he nuzzled himself into Blaine's neck. "Will you sing for me?" Kurt asked under his breath.
"Sure, baby. What do you wanna hear?"
"Anything, really. I just want to fall asleep to your beautiful voice."
"Okay," Blaine kissed the top of Kurt's head, before clearing his throat.
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are grey
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
So please don't take
My sunshine away
"Was that good for you?" Blaine asked once he finished with the simple song. "I want to record that and set it as my ringtone. Thank you," Kurt mumbled incoherently. "Goodnight, Blaine." He immediately began snoring softly, his chest heaving slightly as his head lightly fell to rest on Blaine's biceps.
"Goodnight, Kurt," Blaine sighed, as he looked down on the boy he would never hold, never kiss, never laugh with in the not so distant future. A tear fell from his eye before he slowly drifted into slumber, tightening his hold on Kurt in hopes that maybe if he held the boy close enough, he'd never ever leave his world.
I didn't cry. Nope. Not at all. Ok maybe a little but that was a great chapter.
I've been following this story for a while now. I hate seeing Kurt like this but I love reading these kinds of stories. This is going to be a bit a long review because I want to say something that might inspire you. :)Have you ever heard of a movie called "Miracle of the Cards"? It's a movie based on a true story about a young boy in England suffering from brain cancer. His mother would not give up him and his story went to the media. People all over the world started praying for him and sending in thousands and thousands of cards. His hospital room was full of them. Eventually there came hope in the form of a doctor in the US that agreed to attempt to remove the brain tumor from the boy's head. It was very risky and the boy could very well did on the operating table. Miraculously, due to all the prayers from around the world when the doctor went to operate, he found that roughly 75% of the tumor had turned into a pearl. The boy survived the surgery and is now cancer free and happy. This is a true story.The moral, miracles really can happen. :) So take from that what you will. I hope it inspires you in some way and I love your writing so as sad as this story is, I'm looking forward to more.
That truly is inspiring, and maybe I might incorporate that somehow- I don't know(?) but thank you for reading, and thank you for the suggestion!(: