Remember Me
Chapter 23 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Remember Me: Chapter 23

K - Words: 3,861 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,085 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello guys! This chapter is in spirit of Christmas. I hope you guys enjoy it because I spent about 2 days and nights writing it. ENJOY.


"Merry Christmas Blaine!"

 The sound of a female voice made him jump, and Blaine grumbled at the pain when his hand smacked hard on the corner of his locker door. He spun around to see a cheery Rachel Berry standing there with her hands held up, holding a small rectangular box with a little red bow tied on top. She was jumping on her toes excitedly with a creepy, wide, toothy grin plastered on her face.

"Merry Christmas Rachel, is that for me?"

"Yes, it is. Here," she said, holding out the box for him. "Thank you," Blaine said as he picked the box up from her hands. "Do I open it now or-"

"Oh it's up to you." Blaine smiled and was about to store the box into his locker, when Rachel stopped him, "What are you doing? Open it now!" She smiled again. She was bouncing on her toes, her brunette hair doing he same as she did. "Okay."

Blaine began to unwrap the gift, slowly pulling off a piece of tape at every corner of the box. The bow was the last touch until he came face to face with a dull brown box. He examined the object for awhile before looking up at Rachel. "Go ahead, open it." Hooking his fingers at the small crack section of the solid box, he pulled it apart and in it lay two train tickets, both to the destination New York City.

"What is-"

"Well I'll be attending NYADA next year when we graduate, so my gift to you is two train tickets to the great city so when I have my grand debut in a Broadway musical, you and Kurt will be able to come and see it!" Her face quickly grew horrific and nervous. She shifted her feet around for a few seconds before saying something. "I- I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Rachel. I love it, thank you. And you didn't have to get me a ticket to New York to invite me when you get on Broadway, I'd be there for sure." Rachel lunged herself onto Blaine off guard, knocking Blaine back a few steps. "Thank you. And about Kurt, I know it's been a few weeks since he-- but I still have faith that he'll wake up one day."

"I know, me too." Blaine said sadly. Kurt had been in a coma for 2 weeks, and during the time span, word had gotten out in school and it's anything everyone ever talks about. Everyone has been walking on egg shells around Blaine ever since. None of the football jocks even dared say anything to him. Nobody made any snarky comments about it, they would just walk past Blaine and smile at him in hopes that it would be comforting. The only people who would come up and talk to him were Rachel, Finn Hudson, and Quinn.

They pulled away from the hug and Rachel wiped her tears. "Hey come on, don't cry. It's Christmas, a time to be joyful. Thank you for the gift Rachel, I'm sorry I didn't get you anything though."

"Oh, it's okay. I have to go find Finn. His Christmas gift from me is-"

"Oh god you really don't need to tell me that you're finally going to sleep with him."

"No of course not! His gift is a song!" Rachel laughed, "I really do have to go. I'll see you after the holidays, Blaine." She gave him a final wave before skipping towards the school auditorium. Blaine was glad he had a friend like Rachel. She had been there for him ever since she found out about Kurt, and Blaine was thankful.

Gradually, all the students started to pour out of the school building and into the snowy outside. He made foot prints as Blaine walked to his car, keeping his head down and admiring the prints he left. Just as he was about to pull the car door open, a familiar voice bellowed his name. He turned around again and was surprised to see Puck heading his way. He walked with his casual bravado, his hands tucked into his pockets.

Puck halted a few steps away from Blaine and stood there awkwardly for awhile. "I just- uh- wanted to see how you're doing."

"Why would you care?" Blaine frowned.

"Look, I realize our brotherhood went south pretty quick, but I heard about Kurt and I've been wanting to ask you if you're okay. That's all, alright."

"My boyfriend's been in a coma for 2 weeks, Puck. No I'm not okay, but thanks for asking though."

"Did the doctors say anything about him recovering any time soon?"

"I don't know. His condition has been the same. Breathing, everything looks normal but he just won't come out of that state," Blaine's voice began to crack. He hated talking about Kurt's condition. All he wanted to do was jump in the car and head to the hospital, like what he's been doing for the past 2 weeks after school.

"Well I hope he wakes up soon. Kinda sucks to not have him to mess with to get a heat out of you," Puck joked. 

"Yeah, I hope that everyday, Puck. How's Quinn doing?"

"She's- she's fine I guess. She doesn't ever wanna bone any more though, and she gets me for every little thing that I do it's crazy. The other day I brought her apple juice with aloe vera in them, she screamed at me saying she doesn't like aloe vera, then she threw the damn cup at me. Almost cracked my skull."

"She's pregnant, Puck. What did you expect," Blaine laughed.

"Yeah, I guess."

"Are you excited for the baby?"

Puck took a second to contemplate this. He dug his hands deeper into his pockets. "Oddly, yeah. Other than the fact that chicks really dig babies, I really wanna- you know - really be there for my kid. Be a good father and all that crap."

"That's not odd, Puck. What about Quinn?"

"What about me?" A sweet, angelic voice suddenly came from behind Blaine. Quinn walked slowly towards them, stumbling at every step, her hands on her round belly. "Hey Blaine," the girl said as she joined the two boys. "What were you saying about me?" She asked curiously.

"Just, - are you excited for your baby?"

"Yeah, my mum said she'll help me with everything until I get a PHD at least."

"Her?!" Blaine asked excitedly. "It's a girl?!"

"Yes." Quinn confirmed.

"Oh my god!," Blaine yelled, pulling Puck and Quinn by their necks and into a group hug. "I'm so happy for you two! See Quinn I told you'd figure this out. I'm so glad and happy for you two."

"Thanks Anderson," Puck said as Blaine dropped his arms to his sides. Quinn beamed at him, rubbing her belly to emphasize the roundness. "Blaine, I'm really praying every night for Kurt to recover. I really hope he does one day. Don't lose faith, okay? We're always going to be here for you."

"Thanks Quinn, I'm trying- really trying to be optimistic, but-"

"Hey," Quinn said comfortingly, "he's the love of your life. Don't give up that easily."

Blaine simply smiled, unwilling to utter anything any more. "I have to go, but I'm really happy for you both. I can't wait to see her," Blaine said, pointing to Quinn's round stomach. "If you need to talk to either of us, just give us a call alright buddy," Puck said, leaving a gentle punch on Blaine's arm. He smiled at the both of them one last time before climbing into his car and driving off to the hospital.

Leaving his car in a parking spot, Blaine made his way into the hospital, shivering at the cold. He'd been coming here every day after school and just sat there with Kurt, telling him of his day. On weekends he'd even spend the night here, but every time the day ended and Kurt still remained in a coma, Blaine would cry himself to sleep.

He hated seeing Kurt so lifeless.

The school had closed for winter break and today was the eve of Christmas. He wished Kurt wasn't in the state that he was for their first Christmas together, but Blaine wasn't going to leave Kurt's bedside. He promised to be there every day until Kurt wakes up, and he planned on fulfilling that promise.

The room still looked the same. Washed out white coloured floors, dull blue walls, everything still remained the same, much like the patient. Kurt laid there, his chest heaving on a regular pace, eyes closed, lips sealed- lifeless.

Blaine leaned over the bed and planted a kiss on Kurt's forehead, what he always did whenever he came here. "It's Christmas tomorrow, Kurt." Blaine whispered as he sat himself on the plastic chair and clasping his hand with Kurt's. "It's all white and snowy outside now. I wish you were awake," he said timidly. "I wish you were awake so we make snow angels at your front yard, or go ice skating. I wish you were awake so I could kiss you in the snow.

"I'm not giving up, Kurt. I'm not losing faith. You're going to wake up. You're going to wake up and I'm going to see that beautiful smile of yours and be captivated by your eyes. I'm going to be here until you wake up." A tear formed in his eyes, and it trickled slowly down his cheek and fell silently onto his jeans then completely disappeared, leaving a circular wet patch on the denim.

He rested his head on the edge of the mattress and slowly, he drifted into slumber, his hand still tightly grasping on Kurt's hand.

"Blaine?" A gentle hand shook his shoulder and he jolted up. For a sheer second he hoped it was Kurt, but as he looked at the boy, he still laid there. He spun around to face the person who woke him up. "Hi dad."

"Blaine maybe you should go home, you look exhausted-"

"No, dad. It's fine. Why are you here?"

"Well it's Christmas eve, and since I know you don't want to go home and have dinner with your mum and I, I thought I might as well come here and accompany you. I brought food." He said, holding up a bag of containers filled with steamy delights.

He smiled at his father. When his parents had come home from China a week ago, Blaine had decided to tell his father about Kurt's illness. He could still remembered that night.

One week ago.

Mr and Mrs Anderson entered their home, both drained from the extremely long flight. "I'm going to bed," Mrs Anderson said as she ascended up the stairs into the bedroom. Mr Anderson was about to enter the kitchen when he heard soft sobs coming from the living room. He followed the sound and swtiched the light on, only to be startled to see his son quickly jump into a sitting position and wiping his heavy flow of tears away.

"Blaine? What's wrong?" He asked as he quickly approached his son.

"N-nothing, dad."

"Blaine, come on now. I wanna be here for you, but in order to do that you have to feel comfortable talking to me- about anything."

Blaine sighed. He appreciated how his dad was trying to be closer to him, but Kurt he didn't know what his father would say about him being with someone who has an expiration date to his life. "It's- it's just complicated, dad."

"Is it gir- I mean boy troubles?"

He laughed a little at the sheer awkwardness of the way his father said it. "I guess it's under that category." He really didn't want to tell his father anything, but really Blaine needed somebody to talk to. "It's about the guy I'm in love with, dad. His name is Kurt."

"Okay, what about him? Did he cheat on you?" Mr Anderson asked. "Because if he did, Blaine, don't be upset. There's going to be plenty more gu-"

"No, dad. He didn't cheat on me. He has terminal cancer, and right now he's in a coma- and the doctor says he might never wake up, ever."

Mr Anderson's eyes widen in horror. He stared at his son, unable to comprehend the abrupt confession. "He- he what?"

"Dad please don't make me say it again." Blaine said as he dropped his face into his palms. "But Blaine- a coma? What happened?"

"He fell in the bathroom and hit his head. They brought him to the hospital when he was unconscious and after the CT scan they saw that he had brain haemorrhage- or something- and after the surgery, he just- he didn't wake up. He remained unconscious. He's alive, just- just he's just not taking up," Blaine said shakily, his voice cracked through.

"Does he know whether he'll ever wake up or-?"

"No, the doctor said there are no guarantees."

"Blaine, I'm so sorry." Mr Anderson said as he pulled his son into a hug. Blaine began sobbing when he dug his face into his father's shoulder, drenching the linen shirt. "I- I'm scared, dad. He can't be g-gone yet. Not now."

"I know, Blaine. But these are the facts of life. It's unfair, it sucks, I know- but there's nothing you, or anyone can do about it. The only thing you can do is to keep the people you love close to you, for as long as possible."

Blaine continued sobbing at the comfort of his father. The warmth, the contentment he felt from the love of his father at that point of time- Blaine had never experienced anything like it. Ever since he met Burt, he had always wished his father would turn out to be like him, and Blaine was glad that eventually, he did.

"Which hospital is he in?" Mr Anderson asked as they pulled away from each other. "The Lima medical centre." Blaine muttered. "Can we go and see him?"

Blaine was taken aback at the question. It was late, his father was probably tired coming back from across the world, and frankly, even though his father did once said he'd like to meet Kurt one day, he found it to be surreal. "Y-you want to see him?"

"Yes, Blaine. If you're okay with it, or if his parents are okay with it."

"It's just his father, but I think he'll be okay with it. I think he's over there right now. I was there, but I just- I needed to get away for awhile."

"Perfect then. I'd love to meet as well. Come on, I'll drive."

"Dad, are you sure about this? I only just told you I'm gay about a week ago, now you're going to meet the boy I love, who's in a coma, not to mention meeting his dad too? Are you sure?"

"Yes, Blaine. What did I tell you? Unconditional love is what I said. Come on."

Arriving at the hospital, Blaine walked nervous, following the usual route up to the ward. His father followed closely behind him, but oddly enough Mr Anderson looked more at ease than Blaine was, but that was normal. Mr Anderson always carried himself with confidence.

"I'm sorry sir, but only family members of the patient are allowed in." The nurse said to Blaine's father when they came upon the two peach coloured doors. The nurse had recognize Blaine by now, with the false knowledge that him and Kurt were cousins. "He's my father, Kurt's- uh- uncle."

The nurse eyed him suspicious for a second, before allowing them into the doors. Walking towards Kurt's ward door, his insides started to twirl with nervousness. What if Burt isn't okay with this, Blaine thought. "Dad? Maybe you could wait out here for a while? I think I should ask Kurt's father first before allowing you in."

"Sure," Mr Anderson smiled. Turning the knob, Blaine entered and scanned the room. Burt was asleep on the chair on Kurt's bedside. His arms crossed, his rose and deflated. He looked peaceful, which was why Blaine felt guilty waking the man up. "Mr Hummel?" He whispered, shaking the man gently by his shoulder. Glancing to the left, Blaine felt a tear forming at the sight of Kurt. "Huh, what?" Burt said as he stirred to wake. "Blaine? What are you doing here? What time is it?"

"It's- uh- 10pm. Mr Hummel, my- my father is outside, and he was wondering if he could come in to see Kurt. If it's okay with you of course."

"Your father? Okay." Burt wasn't surprised. Blaine had told him about coming out to his parents and how his father accepted him. He wasn't surprised because it was inevitable. "Thank you, sir." Blaine disappeared out the door, and came back in followed by a man who basically looked like an older version of Blaine.

"Mr Hummel, this is my dad. Dad, Mr Hummel," Blaine said, introducing the two adults to each other. "Richard. Pleasure to meet you Mr Hummel."

"Burt." Kurt's father smiled politely. 

"I'm very sorry to hear about your son. From the bit Blaine has told me, I can tell he's an amazing person. I hope he recovers very soon."

"Yeah, I think we're all hoping that. Thank you, Richard." Burt responded.

The three of them stood there awkwardly in a triangular form for awhile, Blaine shifting his feet. He then left to sit on the edge of Kurt's bed, staring at the boy, playing with Kurt's fingers, like an infant with it's mother. "Blaine, you have to be strong, alright? Remember what I told you earlier."

Blaine smiled to his father, glad his dad has met Kurt. "He's a handsome chap, Blaine. I'm going to go home, are you going to stay here all night?" Mr Anderson smiled.

"If that's okay with you."

"It is of course. Burt," Mr Anderson said as he spun around to face Kurt's father, "I'll be going now. It was nice to meet you, and I hope I'll be seeing you again- in a different circumstance. I hope Kurt recovers soon I'd love to get to know the boy that's been giving my son a great deal of happiness." Mr Anderson said as he shook Burt's hand. "Thank you for coming, Blaine's is a really great kid. I think you have it wrong though, he's the one that has made Kurt the happiest I've ever seen him."

Mr Anderson smiled at Burt, glad he made the decision to come here and meet Burt and Kurt. "Dad, I'll walk you out." He nodded and made his way out of the ward, Blaine following closely. "What did you mean by he could tell he's an amazing person by the bit I told you?"

"Remember when I asked you if the person you were in love with is a good guy?"

"Yeah," Blaine said, confused.

"When you said he's the best, I saw a sparkle in your eye. The same sparkle I saw when you were 10 and your mum and I bought you that new bicycle you wanted. Sheer happiness. Anyone who's able to put that same sparkle in my son's eyes, is amazing to me." Mr Anderson said.

"I'm glad you've met him, dad." Blaine said as he threw his arms around his father's neck and pulled him into a hug.

"You didn't have to come here, dad. You should've stayed home and ate with mum. It's freaking out. What time is it anyway?" Blaine asked. 

"It's past 11. I saw Burt outside, he's getting coffee. Now come on, you must be starving."

"It's past 11? I slept here all day. Oh god." Mr Anderson began unloading the many containers, placing them on the small table with tiny wheels. "It's okay. You've been looking really tired lately. Come on, eat."

Scanning the feast that laid upon him; a container of cut up turkey, mashed potatoes, garlic bread and a whole lot of pudding. "Did mum cook this?" Blaine asked, because normally they would buy takeout, even for Christmas.

"Yes, I think she was secretly hoping you'd be home. She didn't say anything though, but I can tell just by looking at her face."

"I wish mum would talk to me already. Every time I try to initiate a conversation she'd find some excuse to leave the room."

"Give it time, alright son? Now eat because I swear I think I just heard your stomach growl."

Laying a hand on his stomach, Blaine felt his insides shiver and vibrate. A grabbed the utensils and began attacking the feast laid out in front of him, devouring everything barely chewing before he swallowed anything.

Mr Anderson simply stood there and watched his son downing every last bit of dish. Just then, Burt walked into the ward and smiled when he saw Blaine eating. "Whoa there kid. slow down you're gonna swallow the plastic too?" He joked.

"Oh god," Blaine said with his mouth full of turkey. "I'm so sorry Mr Hummel I should've saved you some."

"Nah s'okay. I already ate. Go ahead." Burt smiled.

Everyone was quiet, the only sound was of Blaine eating. "So, it's Christmas. It was always Kurt's favorite holiday. He always said it's because he gets to dress in many many layers and nobody would frown at him or something- but I think it was more than that."

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked as he swallowed a spoonful of mashed potato.

"Christmas was the last holiday he spent with his mother. Before she passed, they had a tradition. He'd always sit in our room and and critic Elizabeth's outfit choices when she has to go to her office Christmas party. They did that every year."

"He's such a fashion mogul," Blaine said, replying to the throwback story and swallowing his last piece of turkey. "What's your favourite part of the holiday, Blaine?"

"Me? I don't know. I think it has to be the snow. I always loved just walking on it. I know that's odd but, yeah I think that's my favourite part of it."

"The snow? You're not really a deep person are you?" Burt laughed. "Well I think I'm gonna get something to eat at the vending machine outside."

"I'll join you," Mr Anderson said to Burt.

Both of the men left the ward, leaving Blaine around with Kurt. Putting away the plastic containers, he sat himself on the edge of the bed and checked his watch. It was 11.47pm. "It's going to officially be Christmas, Kurt. In about 10 minutes." Smiling at an unconscious Kurt, even though Kurt wasn't awake, Blaine was at least glad he was still breathing.

"You know, one of my all time favourite Christmas songs is the one from Mariah Carey, I'm gonna sing for you, okay? My gift to you," Planting his lips on Kurt's temple, he left a small chaste kiss on the boy. A tear trickled down his cheek as he felt the warmth on his lips from Kurt's skin. He cleared his throat, and calmly began singing, his hands grasping tightly onto Kurt's.

I don't want a lot for Christmas

There is just one thing I need

I don't care about the presents

Underneath the Christmas tree

I just want you for my own

More than you could ever know

Make my wish come true

All I want for you

Tears streamed down his face as he came to the end of the first verse. With a quick glance at his clock, he smiled. "Merry Christmas, Kurt. I love y-"

Blaine stopped mid-sentence. His eyes widen in shock. He stared at the entwining fingers on his  and Kurt's, his breathing suddenly heavy. Kurt's index finger bent, then straighten again, before bending again.Then his middle finger did the same thing, gradually then his thumb- all doing the same snake like motion.

Then a beautiful, angelic, melody broke the silence of the room.



End Notes: So what did you guys think? I don't know when will the next chapter be out but I promise to write as fast as I can. Please leave reviews. I really love reading reviews because you people are so kind and nice and i love you all for reading. Happy Holidays everyone!


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Oh my god :D! I have tears in my eyes. Can you please, please, please write again, soon?! :) I would totally love you for a new update before Christmas.I love this story and this chapter was just *waaaah*! :D

You are too sweet! Thank you so much! I'll write again as soon as possible, before Christmas I'll try my best. Thank you again you're seriously just amazing for this review you made my night(:

I really enjoyed this chapter because it showed how much Kurt effected the people around him. It was nice to see Puck grow up a little and actually reach out to Blaine and offer his support. I also found the Rachel and Blaine interaction to be really sweet and thoughtful. I was so happy to see Kurt wake up to Blaine after he finished his song. I can't wait to see what happens next. Happy Holidays!