Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
The ground felt like it slowly crumbled into dust around Blaine's feet. His world felt like it has met it's perish and every possible catastrophic event was transpiring. The oxygen in Blaine's lungs suddenly felt insufficient. His brain throbbed and compressed like it was about to explode, but worst of all, the horrifying image of Kurt in a coffin lying there lifeless kept forming in his brain. He didn't know what happened to Kurt, all Burt said on the phone was that something had happened to him and that he was in the hospital.
Blaine sped through every single red light. His feet pressed hard on the gas pedal. He found the need to rush because a part of him felt like Kurt was on his last few breaths and the thought of Kurt dying before Blaine could see him made him for the last time made him feel sick to his stomach. Every time he drove through a red light, a driver would honk him from every side of the road. Everything in his world didn't matter right now, all that mattered was to get to the hospital, as fast as possible.
He didn't even bother to find a parking spot when he arrived. Blaine left his car and ran straight into the emergency room, and when he entered, all he could hear were screams and cries of pain. His eyes darted everywhere, looking at all the injured patients. A man who had a deep cut on his left eye brow was screaming as the nurse tried to stop the blood from gushing out. A toddler was crying his eyes out, tears pouring down his cheeks like rainfall as the nurses pushed the gurney quickly past everyone.
Every scream and cry rang loud in his ears. His brain throbbed at the noise and all he wanted to do was to look for the boy with the blue eyes. He ran past a girl, who was holding the hand of a slightly older woman as the doctor injected some form of liquid into her forearm. Halting in front of a stubby looking woman who was seated behind a desk, his brain tried to gather it's composure to utter Kurt's name.
"I-I'm looking for Ku-Kurt Hummel," Blaine rushed through.
The woman picked up on Blaine's urgency. She quickly tapped on her keyboard and scrolled through the screen with her computer mouse as she tried to look for the name in question.
"Kurt Hummel is in a CT scan right now, you have to wait over at the lobby, son. Go up to the second storey-"
"Thank you," Blaine said, cutting off the woman before she could finish. He ran to the elevator and waited anxiously for what news that awaited for him when he would arrive on the landing of level 2. Ding, the elevator doors slid open and Blaine jumped into it, pressing the number 2 button. The elevator felt like it took forever. It rose at an exceptionally glaciers speed Blaine started to jog on the spot as he waited. Ding, the elevator went again and the doors slid open once more, this time to a gloomy room with multiple conjoined plastic blue chairs scattered around the small square.
A couple of people were sitting everywhere, some were pacing the floor, some were standing by corners holding takeaway cups of coffee. There were a couple of doors on either side of the room and right in the middle were two big, peach coloured doors that opened automatically. A woman with light auburn hair sat behind a desk placed guarding the peach doors. She seemed to be busy with something on her computer.
Stepping into the landing, Blaine could feel this was not a place where good news would often come.
He scanned the worrying faces of the people seated, until he came to a familiar one. Burt Hummel sat rigid on one of the blue chairs, his face drained of his usual light, his eyes doleful, puffy and worrying. Everything about the man radiated depression.
"Burt?" Blaine said, getting the attention of the man. Burt stood up immediately at the sight of Blaine and pulled him into a hug.
"I'm sorry I called you. I don't know who else and I can't wait for whatever news they have for me about Kurt alone and-"
"It's okay sir, I'm glad you called." Blaine patted the man on the back. He was being truthful. He was glad he was here, apart from the obvious reason of Kurt, he also wanted to be here for Burt. He knew his world was crumbling at the still unknown condition of Kurt, but Blaine knew Burt was having a harder time.
"What happened to him?" Blaine asked as they pulled out of the hug and went to settle on the chairs. Burt seemed to go blank for awhile, his eyes stared at nothing in particular. "I heard him scream from his bedroom, so I went down to check on him. When I knocked on the bathroom door for a couple of times and called for him, he never responded. So I went in and- and found him lying there- on the ground, unconscious."
Burt's voice was morose, like going to that recollection was the most darkest thing he has ever had to do. Blaine felt vomit threatening to rise in his throat. Just the thought of Kurt, lying anywhere on the ground, unconscious- Blaine never truly knew what was his worst fear but today he found out.
"I called the ambulance and they came, and brought us here. Now he's in a CT scan, whatever that is, and I'm just- I'm waiting here," Burt's voice cracked at the end. The wait was excruciating for Burt. He needed to know of his son's condition. He needed to know at least something- something so he wouldn't jump into the worst conclusions.
"And di-did he wake up in the ambulance? Or when he got here?"
"No. He was unconscious the entire time."
"H-how long has he been inside?"
"I don't- I don't know," Burt said breathlessly, "I called you and you came here and-"
"Okay sir, we'll just- we'll wait then." Blaine said comfortingly. He wanted to crumble, to cry, to scream in utter agony, much like the patients he saw when he first entered the hospital. The pain and fear in his stomach felt just as agonizingly aching as the cuts and brusies he had the displeasure of looking at, but he couldn't. He had to be strong, for Kurt's father. Kurt would've wanted him to.
The hours seemed to drag on. No doctors or nurses came out to inform them of the progression of Kurt's state...or the regression. Burt and Blaine sat in silence, neither wanting or able to speak to each other. Every time a nurse walked by, Burt would jump up and ask her whether or not he could go in to see Kurt, but the nurse would always give him the same reply, "I don't know yet, sir. You have to wait for the doctor to grant you that permission."
Blaine was anxious. He couldn't even think think comprehensively or sensibly. All he wanted was some form of information about Kurt. Something to maybe give him some sheer hope. Anything.
It was 6.37pm and still there was no news given to them. Finally, Blaine grew impatient. A male nurse walked out of the two doors and Blaine shot up to his feet. "Excuse me but we need to know something about what's going on in there-"
"You have to wait for the doctor-" The nurse replied uninterestedly.
Blaine didn't know what came over him. He grabbed the man by his scrub top and pushed him back up against a wall. "You cannot just leave us absolutely clueless like this! You cannot leave a FATHER waiting a whole afternoon without telling him anything about the condition of his son! What the fuck is wrong with you people here!"
"Blaine- Blaine calm down," Burt said, leaving a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. "No, Burt! This is ridiculous we've been waiting out here for a whole day and they haven't told us anything-"
"Mr Hummel?" A man in similar blue scrubs bellowed, his eyes resting on the small altercation between Blaine and the nurse. Blaine dropped his arms and walked to the doctor together with Burt. Every step he took echoed in his ears. This was it.
"Mr Hummel," The doctor said, as he looked at Kurt, "My name is doctor Sanders. I'm sorry it took so long for us to get to you- both."
"It's fine just- just tell me where's my son." Burt said.
"When we took Kurt into the CT scanner, we found out he had brain haemorrhage- bleeding in his brain. We had to act quickly because the bleeding was excessive. We took him into surgery, and we stopped the bleeding in time, but-"
"Oh god, no- please no," Blaine cried. Tears pooled in his eyes. Every part of his body wanted to just sink to the ground. Blaine didn't know if he could handle knowing if Kurt had died. He couldn't. The tears in his eyes fell, drop by drop to the ground.
"He has gone into a comatose state. He's breathing, he's alive, but he's not responsive. We don't know if his brain is going to function normally until- or if- he wakes up."
"Wh-what do you mean if?" Blaine asked. Burt was too much in shock to even utter anything in response. He simply stood there, his eyes looking at the doctor, but they were hollow. "When a person goes into a comatose state, there's never a gurantee that he or she will wake up. Often times they do, but there are cases whereby the person doesn't wake up at all-"
"You mean forever? You mean Kurt could- he could be in a coma- forever?" The words were devastating to hear, let alone say. Blaine could not believe the words of the doctor. Kurt is alive, but he might never wake up again. Everything just felt like it got ten times worse, to Blaine. His tears were now falling violently down his cheeks.
"What are the chances of him waking up again?" Burt asked, finally regaining his senses to ask some questions to the doctor.
"There are no gurantees, Mr Hummel, these things they don't have a specific chance percentage-"
"Just tell us, doctor, please. We need to know."
Doctor Sanders looked down to his clipboard for awhile. He looked uncomfortable, like he didn't want to be breaking bad news to Blaine and Burt. "The chances- the chances are slim especially since he has cancer as well. But miracles do happen. Miracles happen here every day. I'm very sorry to be the one telling you this Mr Hummel-"
"Thank you doctor. May I go in and see my son now?"
"Yes, but for the time being I'm only allowing family members in. I'm sorry-"
"He's my nephew." Burt said quickly. He wanted Blaine to be there, not because Burt didn't know how he'd react to see an unresponsive Kurt, but he knew Blaine would've fought tooth and nail to be let inside. Doctor Sanders eyed them suspiciously for awhile before letting out a surrendering sigh. "Okay then, follow me I'll take you to him," he said to the both of them as he pushed the door open.
The hallway looked like it stretched on for an eternity. There were soft, distant cries of pain every time they walked pass a room, but all Blaine could think of was the dreadful moment he would come to sight with a comatose Kurt. Doctor Sanders halted in front of a glass door, with blinders on the other side. Blaine's heart was beating at an irregularly fast pace. He didn't know how he was going to react at the sight.
"He's in here," the doctor said to Burt. He shifted away from the door frame allowing Burt to enter first, but Burt stood there. His eyes glassy, his hand on the knob. He simply stood there, motionless. Blaine knew Burt was not yet ready, neither was Blaine, so he kept quiet as he waited for Burt to finally turn the knob and enter the room.
Finally, for what felt like long, dreadful hours, Burt turned the knob and pushed the door open.
The walls were coated with blue paint, the floor was a dusty white that looked like it hadn't been thoroughly wiped for about a week. Everything about the room screamed depressing. There were a couple of medical machines about everywhere, but Blaine only knew of one; a heart monitor. At the centre of the left wall, pushed up against the wall, was a hospital bed and there laid Kurt, beautiful and stunning as ever, but there was something different about him. He looked- lifeless.
Burt ran to the bed side and dropped his head on the edge of the matress and just began sobbing. Blaine stayed rooted in his spot at the door frame. His eyes couldn't comprehend or believe the horrific sight. His Kurt was simply lying there, unresponsive, unaware, unconscious.
Burt's sobs became louder and it echoed around the room. Every sob felt like a heartache.
"I'm sorry Kurt. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything, Kurt, but you can't be gone yet. You can't, Kurt please wake up-" Burt cried. Every word pierced deep into Blaine's heart. Every word full of emotional depth. He had never seen this side of Burt.
"Mr Hummel, I'm so sorry, but I need you to come with me. You need to sign a few forms and I need to fully explain to you about his condition."
Burt looked up and nodded at doctor Sanders, his eyes stained with tears. "Kurt, I will be right back, okay?" He planted his lips onto Kurt's forehead and stayed there for a moment, soaking up the warmth of his son.
"Blaine, can you stay here for-"
"Y-yes," Blaine said, regaining his senses.
The door shut behind Blaine and he was left alone in the room, with Kurt- a comatose Kurt. For awhile, Blaine stood there, not knowing what should he do. Kurt looked so distant. His eyes were closed with his lashes pointing downwards, his lips tightly sealed, his chest rose and fell in a slow pace. Just seeing Kurt in the state that he was, Blaine couldn't digest it.
Step by step, he approached the bed. Each step, Blaine wished Kurt would just open his eyes, flutter those beautiful lashes and utter his name with those moist lips, but as he got closer, Kurt still laid there, unconscious.
Seating himself on the only chair placed next to the bed, tears formed as Blaine slowly laced his fingers with Kurt's, grasping on the lifeless hand. There was a white cast wrapped around Kurt's head, he guessed it's because of the surgery they performed on him. Just thinking about Kurt in surgery made him all the more sick.
Everything felt like it happened too quickly. Just yesterday Blaine watched Kurt leave the school, but not before smiling at him. That smile, he'd give anything to see that right now. His captivating blue eyes, the blush in his cheeks- Blaine would trade anything just to see them. He hated himself for simply taking Kurt's word yesterday that he was fine. He should've done something, tell Burt or something, that Kurt was feeling unwell. Now it's too late and all Blaine wanted to do was turn back time, or wish Kurt would just wake up.
"I'm sorry Kurt. I'm so sorry I should've done something yesterday. I should've taken you home myself. I should've made sure you were okay. I should've done something. Please- please wake up, Kurt. Please don't be gone yet- I love you so much please-" Blaine begged, crying to Kurt, his hand grasping tight on the boy's weak hand.
His tears flowed violently down his cheeks. All he wanted was to see that beautiful smile. All he wanted was to hear Kurt's voice, his signature beautiful high pitched voice. All he wanted was to kiss those lips, to hold Kurt by his slender waist, to feel Kurt lacing his own fingers together, to feel Kurt's warmth, to pull Kurt into his arms. All he wanted was Kurt.
"Do you remember," Blaine said shakily, his tears still falling from his optics, "the first time we met? You bumped into me and you fell to the ground and your papers flew everywhere. When I looked at you..you literally took my breath away- just with your eyes, Kurt. I-uh - I even came up with a nickname for you the first time I saw you," Blaine said, smiling at the recollection. "In my mind, I called you the blue-eyed beauty, because I have never met someone as beautiful as you. Your lips were so red I had to restrain myself from kissing you right there and then, though we didn't really know each other so that would've been awkward," he let out a small chuckle, tears were still streaming down his face.
"The night I came to your house, crying my eyes out and you hugged me and comforted me, even when we barely knew each other- I just- I immediately knew you were the one. I knew I wanted you- I knew I wanted to be with you. The first time we kissed, it was like nothing in the world mattered anymore. Nothing and no one, but you, Kurt.
"The first time we slept together- it was the epitome of my life. I am utterly and irrevocably in love with you, Kurt. Please- please don't be gone yet. Please don't leave me, not like this, not now. You don't know how much you mean to me- please, please wake up Kurt," Blaine broke into sobs, his lips kissing on the boy's finger tips.
"I'm not leaving you, I'm staying right here. I'm going to wait here, just like how I sat outside your house for 3 days. I'm going to be right here, until you wake up, Kurt."
Blaine kept his eyes on Kurt, with some sheer hope still that he would miraculously open his eye lids to reveal his blue eyes, but that never came. Kurt remained still, unconscious - and lifeless.
Thanks, I hadn't cried yet today. You fixed that splendidly with this chapter. But it was wonderful. One small factual detail. The doctors must have a parent's/ guardian's written permission to take someone into surgery, so they would have had to come out and ask Burt to sign some papers and Burt would know he was in surgery.Everything else, like I said. Wonderful.
This chapter was really good. I found it to be great that Burt and Blaine were able to comfort each other through this difficult time and that they were both invested in doing what they could to get Kurt to wake up. I thought both Blaine and Burt's speeches to the comatose Kurt were heartfelt and sweet and showed just how much they needed Kurt to be ok.
ahhhh the tears! <3