Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Feb. 14, 2013, 8:50 p.m.
Kurt Hummel had always been alone. He distanced himself from the social world because he had a secret. He had never told anyone about it, and only his father, Burt, knew. He thought it woud've been simpler to live his life alone, with the exception of his father. It was easier this way, he thought. It was easier to have no relations with anyone.
As Kurt pulled into his home's driveaway, he sat in his car a little while longer, processing his thoughts after his first day at a new school, William McKinley High. He didn't interact with anyone, only a girl with brunette hair who leaned into Kurt during their Literature class to compliment him on his outfit. The girl had went on and on bragging about how she's the main soloist for the school's show choir group, the New Directions. Kurt wasn't really listening.
Then Kurt's thoughts wandered over to the boy he had bumped into earlier. The boy with dark, curly hair gelled down for sanity. The boy with warm, kind hazel eyes. Blaine. Blaine was the epitome of Kurt's day because he had never felt so...attracted to anyone in the way Blaine had made him feel. Even though thier conversation had lasted for 2 minutes. Kurt then remembered that he saw Blaine walking hand-in-hand with a blond cheerleader in the parking lot. He sighed and got out of his car. He felt a little weak when he entered the front door, so he made his way to his bedroom without so much of a Hello to his father, who has in the living room.
Kurt slumped onto his bed and burried his face into his pillow. He shut his eyes, and his last thought was an image of Blaine's eyes, before he drifted into slumber.
"Hey kiddo. Wake up. It's dinner time." Kurt groaned when he felt his father's hands on his shoulders, gently shaking him to wake up. "You have to eat something Kurt. You know you do." Kurt groaned again before sitting up on his bed, with the aid of his father. "I wanna shower first." Kurt mumbled sleepily, while rubbing his eyes. "Okay. Don't be too long, or dinner's gonna get cold. Oh and dont forget to eat your-" Kurt cut him off, "I know, dad." Burt gave a sad smile before closing Kurt's bedroom door behind him.
Kurt dragged his legs into the shower. The cold water hit Kurt's skin like daggers and he jumped at the contact. "Shit." He adjusted the water heater before getting under the running water again, and washing himself off.
He pulled his old Dalton sweatpants & a raggy old tshirt out of his drawer and slipped into them. After he did what his dad had reminded him, he ascended the stairs and made his way into the kitchen and dropping onto one of the chairs. "Have you taken your-" Burt was cut off again, this time with a more irritated tone of Kurt's. "Yes dad! God, I know. It's a daily routine!" Burt's eyes dropped to the ground. "Sorry kiddo. Just wanted to know.." Kurt sighed and went to give his dad a comforting hug, "I'm sorry dad. I'm just tired." Burt returned his son's gesture, hugging him gently.
"So, tell me about your first day in that new school."
Kurt went on, telling his father about his classes and the teachers and the students, but for some reason he felt the need to avoid talking about the hazel eyed boy Blaine.
After dinner, Kurt joined his dad in front of the television and they bickered a little about the show they wanted to watch. Burt surrendered & granted his son his choice, but after 20 minutes into the show, Kurt had fallen asleep on his father's shoulder. Burt smiled, looking at how peaceful Kurt looked when he was asleep, but he was then reminded of the life-altering news they were given 4 months ago. Burt's smile faded, and he shed a tear at his memory.
He planted a soft kiss into Kurt's hair, and whispered, "I love you Kurt."
I'm trying... really I am... Oo... I'm asuming he's sick. =S
The first two chapters were really good. I have a feeling that Kurt is sick and could be dying but I am not sure. I can't wait to go and read the other chapters that you have posted.