Remember Me
Chapter 19 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Remember Me: Chapter 19

K - Words: 3,574 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,209 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: Hey! So fair warning this one might be a tear jerker, to me at least. I hope you guys liked it, thank you caffiene and cocacola!!


"So he wasn't angry at all?" Blaine asked through the phone.

"No, he wasn't- well he was, but not for the reasons I thought."

"What do you mean?" 

"I thought he'd be furious that you and I spent a night alone together in an empty house, but he wasn't. He was only upset that I left him thinking I was dead in an alley or something," Kurt explained.

"You told him we had sex?" 

"What? No of course not! But it's not rocket science, Blaine. I'm sure he pieced two and two together."

"I wonder how am I ever going to look at your dad now," Blaine joked. "Tell me about it," Kurt pulled his blanket tighter over himself, shivering at the night cold. "So, what're you doing?"

"I'm wrapped in a blanket, wishing it was you instead."

Blaine let out a soft laugh. "Wish I was too. I'd come over right now if my parents weren't home." Blaine said, his voice verging on the melancholy. "They're home? When did they get back?" Kurt asked. "Earlier today. Doesn't matter anyway, even when they're home it feels like they're far away so engrossed in their BlackBerrys."

"Hey, I don't like hearing you sad. I'm here, right? You have me." Kurt said comfortingly. "For now at least.."


"I'm sorry. I just- I'm sorry.."

They were silent for awhile, only the sound of their breathing coming through both ends of the line. "Blaine, do you think you'd want to come out to your parents? I mean, maybe you're not ready for that huge leapt, but do yo think you ever will be?" Kurt's voice was nervous, knowing full well the sensitivity of the topic he brought up.

"I don't know. Maybe? I just- I don't know, Kurt. I want to, but if feels difficult."

"I know it is, Blaine. But you can't keep it from your parents forever. Especially since the entire school already knows. Lima is a small town, word will bound to reach your parents. Don't you want to be the one to tell them? Rather than having them find out from a stranger?"

Blaine was silent for a moment, his breathing remained regular. "I do, Kurt. But, I don't- I'm not ready. I'm afraid of their reaction. I want them to accept me, like how your dad accepts you, but I have this feeling they're not going to. My dad especially."

"It's not easy for a parent to accept it, Blaine. If you ever tell them, you should give them time to properly let it sink in. Who knows maybe in time... I just don't want your parents to find out before you're ready to tell them. " The silence settled in afterwards, but Kurt knew Blaine was deep in thought. "Hey, if you're tired we can talk tomorrow. There's school anyway."

"Okay, I'll pick you up at 7.30."

"Okay. You're strong, Blaine. You came out to the school, you kissed me in front of everyone, you stood up to Puck. Your parents will just be another fear I know you'll overcome."

"I love much."

"I love you too. Goodnight Blaine."

"Goodnight Kurt."

Kurt sat at the front porch when Blaine's car pulled up in the driveway. He laughed when Blaine flashed him a huge, toothy grin when their eyes met, so in awe of how much he loved the boy. 

"Hi," Blaine said cheerfully when Kurt entered the car. "You look really good today," he said, eyeing down Kurt's outfit. He leaned over and pressed his lips against Kurt's, soft & loving. "Why are you so happy?"

"Because- I don't know my mood automatically uplifts when I see you." Blaine's goofy grin was still intact as he stepped on the gas pedal and started driving towards McKinley. "Are you okay? You look pale." Kurt had woken up feeling weak and sick, but he didn't want to stay home and not see Blaine. "I'm fine- just tired that's all."

"If you're sick maybe you should be home resting. I can rest with you," He winked at Kurt jokingly. "No I'm fine, and besides I want to be in school. Strangely I miss the normality of it." Blaine pulled into McKinley high's carpark & drove into an empty space. "Okay, if you're sure."

When they entered the two entry doors of the school, only a few students turned to glare at them. Apparently most of the students have either forgotten, or stop caring at the whole Blaine and Puck altercation. Kurt noticed Blaine getting tensed, so he grasp onto the boy's hand. "Hey, I'm right here." He smiled reassuringly.

"Hi Klaine!" a brunette girl with short bangs came skipping towards them, her books held tightly against her reindeer sweater. "What?" Blaine asked, confused at the name Rachel greeted them with. "Klaine. Kurt and Blaine. Like how me and Finn are Finchel, but nobody calls us that, just me. Kurt are you okay? You look a little sick."

"Yeah that's what I said." Blaine agreed. "I'm fine, just tired." Blaine was looking at him worryingly because he knew of Kurt's illness. "Okay, well I have to go. Glee club meeting. See you two later." She smiled sweetly and skipped off in the other direction.

"She's annoyingly cheery all the time and I worry every time she talks to me in class because she doesn't stop for a breath I don't want her to die or something," Blaine laughed as they walked towards Kurt's locker. "I wonder why everyone's not staring at us," Kurt asked, looking around to see the other students minding their own business.

"Who knows. There's always a new hot story here. Why? Do you miss the attention?" Blaine smirked. "No of course not. I've never liked attention."

"Except mine?" Blaine asked.

"Except yours."

Kurt turned the dial lock on his locker, pulled it open & started taking out his books for first period. "Hey, do you think you'd want to come over to my house after school today? I have a surprise for you."

"I think I'm still sore from yesterday's shower surprise." Blaine let out an laugh, his cheeks turning a bright shde of pink. "Not that kind of surpr- okay maybe but that too but that's not I mean."


"That's it? The last time I told you I had a surprise for you, you tried your mightiest to know what is."

"Yeah, but the surprise turned out to be something amazingly romantic, so if you have another one for me I reckon it's going to be just as good." He smiled. Blaine didn't saying anything in response, he just smiled at Kurt. "I have to get to class. I'll see you later." He flashed another grin to the boy before departing.

Blaine made his way to his English class alone, trying his best to ignore the occasional glares he felt as he walked. When he entered the classroom, the only people there were two cheerleaders he recognized as Brittany and Santana Lopez. He scurried off to his seat a few tables behind the girls and tried to busy himself with taking out his notes, but he couldn't help but to eavesdrop on the conversation between the two girls.

"Oh my god Britt, did you hear about Quinn?" Santana asked.

"That she took a walk in the forest, ate porridges and met a family of bears?" Brittany ask with a hopeful tone. "No, Britt. That she has a bun in the oven."

"Well she should take it out before it burns." The girl frowned.

"Preggers, Britt. She's preggers."

Blaine's jaw hung open at what he heard. He had the urge to ask the two girls if they knew who the father was, but deep down he knew. "What's wrong with you, one half of the gay winklevii twins?" Blaine snapped back to reality when he realized Santana was looking at him. "No-nothing." Blaine replied, ignoring the brand he'd been given.

The moment the class ended, Blaine raced out of there faster than anyone else and searched for the signature blond high pony tail. He saw it, but Quinn's was less lively, her face was somber and her frown was verging more on self-disgust than her usual intimidation.

"Hey," Blaine said as he approached Quinn's locker. The blond looked up at Blaine, furrowing her brows when she realized who it was. "What do you want?"

"How are you?" Blaine asked, ignoring her hostile tone.

"How about you skip pretending to care and just tell me why is it you're really here."

"I actually really do care about your well being, Quinn. But I'm- I just- I wanted to ask you something, because I heard a rumour earlier-"

"What?" Quinn cut him off, slamming her locker shut & crossing her arms over her chest. "Are you pregnant?" Quinn's emerald green eyes widen with a faint hint of something fearful. "Wher- where did you hear that?"

"Is it true, Quinn?" Blaine asked sympathetically.

Without a warning, Quinn threw herself onto Blaine and started sobbing. "I-I am and I do- don't know what to do." Her cries were loud in pain, but soft enough for only Blaine to hear. "Hey, it's okay. It's going to be okay. Have you told the father?" Blaine asked as he rubbed Quinn's back comfortingly.

"I haven't told him yet."

"It's Puck isn't it?"

Quinn's sobs got harder, but Blaine could feel her nod in his shoulder. "It's gonna be okay Quinn." He said, trying to reassure the broken girl. "I don't see how. I'm pregnant in my senior year of high school, I'm probably going to get kick of the Cheerios once coach Sue finds out and the father of my child is the school's tool bag."

"You'll figure it out, Quinn. You're smart, you're going to know what to do." Quinn stifled out another sob before pulling away and wiping her tears. "Why do you care anyway. I thought after everyhing that happened you'd never want to speak to me again much less comfort me when I'm near suicidal."

"I've always sort of cared for you, Quinn. Even though I basically used you to hide my sexuality, I always sort of cared. Besides, I have you to thank. If you hadn't done what you did I'd probably still be hiding in the closet and never would've gone to Kurt."

"You really love him, don't you? I shoud've figured you're gay. Most guys would jump at the chance to sleep with me, you didn't." Blaine laughed at her self-confidence, a little happy to see a glimpse of the old, familiar Quinn. "I really do love him, more than I've loved anyone."

Then suddenly Quinn's palm made contact with his cheek, slapping the life out of him. The heat rushed to his cheek when Quinn retracted her hand. "That was for using me," she smiled sweetly, still with little drops of tears on her lashes.

"Guess I deserved that," he smiled back at Quinn. "As much I wish you were straight so we can go back to being the school's power couple and be crowned prom king and queen on our final year here, I'm glad you found your place with Kurt. Everyone sees how happy you are with him."

"You're going to be okay Quinn. You'll figure it out, I know you will. And as for Puck, I don't know maybe with the issues of his father, he wouldn't want to be like that you know? Maybe he'd actually want to be around for his kid, aren't like his dad. You'll be okay Quinn, some people have it worst."

"What do you mean?" Quinn frowned. Blaine went blank for awhile as he was once again reminded of Kurt's illness. "Nothing, just know everything's going to be okay for you." His voice cracked as he tried to supress down the tears that were threatening to fall. "Blaine, are you oka-"

"Fine, just- uh- just let me know what happens when you tell Puck, okay?" He forced a smile and walked off the other direction, quickening his pace until he reached the boy's bathroom. He pushed one of the stalls open, shutting it once he was inside and allowed his tears to fall.

Kurt sat on the benches just beside the exit doors waiting for Blaine. It had been a mundane day for him, especially when he was being forced to listen to the girl Rachel rant about how she wasn't getting a solo for the school's show choir competition next week. Kurt didn't want to admit it to himself, but he sort of loved hearing Rachel's self-centred rants because it keeps him distracted & brought him some normality from the the bliss he had with Blaine, and of his cancer.

"Hey, you ready?" A familiar voice came from a distance. He looked up and saw Blaine strolling towards him.

As the boy got closer, Kurt got a clearer view of Blaine's face and he studied it closely because the face had lost the cheerfulness he had earlier today. Blaine's eyes were a dull brown, the outer parts of his pupils were a shade of red and his nose was a little red and puffy.

"Blaine, what's-"

"Come on," Blaine said as he took charge of Kurt's hand and lead him out of the school, through the car park and into the car. When Kurt was having trouble buckling his seat belt, Blaine's palm went ahead and gently rested on his right cheek. He pulled Kurt's face towards his slowly until their foreheads touched, but lips mere inches apart. Kurt felt Blaine's hot, intoxicating breath brushing on the tip of his upper lip before Blaine pulled his head forward, closing the gap between their lips.

Neither of them came up for air for awhile. The kiss was earnest, chaste but at the same time, full of passion and spark. "Wow," was all Kurt managed to say when they finally pulled away. "Where did that come from?" Blaine's eyes were still doleful, but he forced a small smile at Kurt's reaction. Blaine didn't say anything, instead he turned the ignition and began driving. They drove silently to Blaine's house, the only sound was of the stereo blasting a Katy Perry number. Kurt kept sneaking glances at Blaine in hopes that he could read the expression that was fixated on the boy's face, but he couldn't. Blaine was still sombre, his eyes losing it's usual dazzling captivation.

"Blaine? Is everything okay? Did something happen in school?"

The boy turned to look at Kurt with his dull hazel eyes. "Nothing happened, baby, don't worry about it." Blaine said, forcing a smile.

As they pulled into the driveway, Blaine turned the ignition off and got out of the car, Kurt doing the same on the passenger side, and they walked silently into the palace that is the house of the Andersons. 

"So..what's the surprise?" Kurt asked nervous as he heard Blaine shut the timber doors behind them. Then Kurt felt a pair of hands snaking around to his front, Blaine's fingers interlocked with each other at the center of Kurt's chest. "I love you," Blaine whispered into his ear. The tone of his voice concealed a mix of emotions that Kurt couldn't figure out.

"I love you too, Blaine. Is everything okay? Why do you seem so down-"

"Come on, I still have that surprise for you," Blaine said, ignoring Kurt's question. He grasp on Kurt's wrist and led him through the mazes of corridors. Every turn led to another room, until they finally came to a halt in front of two wooden doors with glass panels in the middle section. A curtain hung lazily from the other side of the door, keeping the room hidden from sight. 

Blaine turned the knob anti-clockwise and pushed the door open, revealing a square room, lightly coated with a brown shade, a huge glass window stood in solitude at the far end of the left wall, a few book shelves were pushed against the opposite wall that held a great selection of dusty old books and right in the centre of the room, standing grand with it's four legs, was a shiny black grand piano. "Your house is like you, it constantly makes me swoon."

There was a hint of an authentic smile on Blaine's lips, but it disappeared just as quickly as it appeared. "I want to play for you something. Or rather, sing for you something." Kurt's eyes immediately went to Blaine's. "Yo- you want to sing to me?"

Blaine nodded, the dullness in his eyes still intact. He walked on over to grand piano and sat on the bench, pulled up the fall and unveiled the impeccably spotless white and black keys. His fingers gently lingered on a few random keys, just the tip of his fingers in contact with the instrument. "Come here," Blaine said Kurt, his eyes not leaving the keys of the piano. Kurt walked nervously towards the bench and sat right next to Blaine.

The boy turned to look at Kurt one last time and gave a small, fearful smile, before pressing on the keys producing a beautiful melody. His fingers went by professionally, pressing on each key. He played a little tune for awhile, before stopping abruptly, and then going into a different melody completely. Then suddenly, Blaine opened his mouth and began singing along with the tune.

I always needed time on my own

I never thought I'd need you there when I cry

And the days feel like years when I'm alone

And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

Kurt was mesmerized. Blaine's voice was stunning, it soothe into his soul. He couldn't take his eyes off the boy's face. The passion that was written all over his features was captivating as he went by every word perfectly. Then Blaine turned and looked Kurt straight into his eyes.

When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now

The words were earnest, his voice was full of desperation, so full of agony. Every word felt real to Kurt, every lyric felt like Blaine was confessing it to Kurt rather than singing it to him.

When you're gone

The pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone

The face I came to know is missing too

When you're gone 

The words I need to hear to always get me through the day

and make it okay

I miss you

Blaine's fingers ran by the keys, with so much confidence. His eyes were shut with passion. Kurt watched the boy he loved press on the keys, his lips moving as he sang the lyrics to the song.

I've never felt this way before

Everything that I do reminds me of you

And the clothes you left they lie on the floor

And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take

Do you see how much I need you right now

A tear fell from Blaine's eyes, but Kurt didn't notice. 

When you're gone the pieces of my heart are missing you

When you're gone the face I came to know is missing too

And when you're gone the words I need to hear to always get me through

The day and make it okay

I miss you

Another tear fell out of Blaine's eyes, but Kurt was too mesmerized looking at Blaine's fingers as they jumped from key to key, with such precision.

We were made for each other

Out here forever

I know we were

Then Blaine's voice cracked and violent tears started streaming down his cheeks. He pressed on the keys harder as he sang.

And all I ever wanted was for you to know

Everything I'd do I'd give my heart and soul

I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me

Blaine screamed that last line with profound agony. "Blaine- Blaine stop," Kurt said, as he grasp onto Blaine's arm squeezing it. But the boy's fingers never left the keys. He kept on singing, the tears lingering down his cheeks at every word. "Blaine! Stop- Blaine," Kurt yanked Blaine's arm away from the key and hugged him.

The moment Kurt pulled him into an embrace, Blaine sobbed into Kurt's shoulder. His tears kept flowing and Kurt could feel the shoulder section of his shirt getting drenched, but he didn't care. Blaine sobbed harder, more violent as his body trembled, his hands shaking. 

"Kurt, I-I don't want to lose you." Blaine said, his voice muffled by his sobs. "I don't want to lose you, Kurt. I love you- I love you like I've never loved anyone before in my life. And- and the thought of losing you - the thought of losing you scares the life out of me. I don't want you to die, Kurt. I- I'm not ready to say goodbye to you, ever. I don't want to lose you-" Blaine whimpered, his tears flowing down his face like never before.

Kurt felt a tear stream down his own cheek, but he held on the boy tightly, his arms wrapped around Blaine's neck. Blaine's tears were uncontrollable as he sobbed harder. "You have me now Blaine. Don't think about what lies ahead, think about now. My love for you will never leave."

Blaine pulled away from the envelopment and looked at Kurt, hazel eyes to blue. He pressed his lips onto Kurt, kissing him like it was his last breath. Slipping off every piece of layer both boys had on until only their bare skin were left. Every contact was earnest, their warmth radiated against each other. Every caress felt urgent yet tender. Every kiss amorous and crucial, like Kurt's perish was tomorrow.

Every cry, every moan echoed inside their souls. Every thrust was savouring the time they had with each other. Every bit of contact felt like it was their last, and when Kurt crumbled under Blaine, he wanted nothing more than to stay under the warmth and security of the love of his life.    


End Notes: Okay so what did you think? I really hope you enjoyed it, and leave reviews please! Thank you, and P.S; Listen to the song, okay? Before or After!!


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This was really good. It was nice to see Blaine and Quinn talk and reach friendly terms. It was so sad to see Blaine break down but at the same time it was good that he showed Kurt just how sad and scared he was about losing him. I love the song that you used in this chapter and I think that it fit the situation really well. I can't wait to see what happens next.

Thank you. I wanted to have some closure between Blaine and Quinn. I'm glad you liked it

This is so sad! Gah, I hate the fact Kurt is gonna die in this fic. It's just making it so more depressing! Can he just be like magically cured or the doctors read his charts wrong and it's not terminal and he can cured...please? :'(

I don't know, maybe? Don't give your hopes up maybe a unicorn will appear and cure Kurt with a tear. Haha. Thank you for reading!!

well shit...cue the tears :''( that was amazingly emotional.