Remember Me
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Remember Me: Chapter 10

K - Words: 1,725 - Last Updated: Feb 14, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 34/34 - Created: Oct 22, 2012 - Updated: Feb 14, 2013
1,574 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello you guys! So I think this is my favorite chapter so far, but I do need to do some explaining at the end notes so please read that one for better understanding as to why this chapter is the way it is. For now, clear your mind baby!



They sat on the steps of Kurt's front porch. Blaine whimpering into Kurt's shoulders, while he had his arms wrapped around Blaine's neck, Kurt's lips buried into those dark curls. They sat there. wrapped in each other's embrace for what felt like eons. Kurt liked the fact that he was comforting Blaine, but every time he let out a sob, it broke Kurt's heart. The Blaine he had come to know was always flashing toothy grins, but this one, the one that he was holding tightly in his arms, was broken. And judging but each sob, he's been broken for a while.

Finally, Blaine pulled away from Kurt, wiping tears that were still streaming down his cheeks. The moment he had looked at Blaine when Kurt opened his front door, he could tell something was wrong, because Blaine's eyes were hollow, all trace of usual warmth gone. He had followed his instincts and hugged Blaine, and the boy crumbled the second they enveloped into each other. 

Blaine stared at the ground after he pulled away, lips quivering as if another whimper was threatening to escape. All Kurt could do was gape at him. He wanted to wait for Blaine to be ready to talk. He didn't want to start asking questions, considering how that had transpired earlier. So he sat there, looking at Blaine sympathetically as the boy stared at the concrete steps.

It took awhile for Blaine to gather his senses and look up. When he did, Kurt gasp at how hurt Blaine looked. His hazel eyes were darker, the red circles around his eyes puffy and swollen. He wanted nothing more than to wrap Kurt into his arms & hug his pain away. Blaine sniffled before uttering something incoherently that took Kurt a few nano seconds to apprehend.

"I-I'm sorry.." Blaine said.

Kurt looked confused. He didn't think Blaine needed to apologize, at all."Hey, it's okay. What's happened?" Kurt said.

Blaine hesitated because him & Kurt were not friends that shared personal stuff like that, but considering he had basically convulsively cried into the boy's collar bone, he owed Kurt an explanation. But before he could say anything, Kurt cut in.

"Okay how about this," Kurt said. "If you tell me what happened, I'll tell you anything about me that you wish to know. That way you won't feel completely vulnerable when you tell me what happened, because you'll know something about me too." Kurt smiled after his proposal.

Blaine considered what Kurt said for a while. Trading the events that traspired today, for a cryptic information about Kurt. Totally worth it, Blaine thought. "Okay." he said, trying to sound nonchalant, concealing how the proposal had made him feel zest.

"After I left here, I went home...." as Blaine went on, telling Kurt about what happened, Kurt's facial expression kept transitioning from sadness, to horrified, to anger, to sympathy. And for the first time, Blaine felt he has someone to talk to, someone who was listening to his cries...someone who actually gave a damn about him. 

Kurt shed a tear as Blaine's story came to a completion.

"Blaine, I-I'm so s-sorry. I wish I could do someth-" before Kurt could finish his sentence, Blaine cut him off. "Kurt, I appreciate that you're listening. I more than appreciate it actually, but please don't feel sorry for me. You listening to my rant makes me feel better already." Blaine gave a weak smile to the other boy. They stayed in silent after that, Kurt trying to process what Blaine had told him. How could Quinn do that to him..

"So..." Blaine said, "I guess it's my turn."

Kurt looked up at those still sad looking hazel eyes. "Yeah, guess it is." He smiled nervously, not really sure what he should be bracing himself for. 

"What's your favourite colour?"

Kurt was immediately taken aback by the light, wieldy question. "W-what?" Kurt asked, trying to get ratification that this was the question Blaine had chosen from the vast spectrum list of questions he could've chosen. "What's your favourite colour?" Blaine asked again, amused at Kurt's bewilderment. "Urm, it's a-uh-I don't know actually. I don't really have a specific favourite colour I just like them all." Kurt answered.

"That was a rather elaborated response to such a basic, easy question.." Blaine chuckled. Kurt felt a wave of relief when he heard the beautiful sound that came out of Blaine's lips. He was glad Blaine had laughed. It eased the awkwardness surrounding them.

"What can I say, I'm flamboyant that way." He smiled. "So, my turn." He saw Blaine tensed a little, and suddenly it was maladroit again.

"Does your parents neglect you like that a lot?" Kurt asked nervously. He could feel that Blaine was uncomfortable and he immediately regretted asking. "I'm sorry that's too person-" Blaine held his hand up, shutting Kurt up. "It's okay, Kurt. The answer is yes." Blaine said, and he could see the wave of emotion passing onto his face as his warmth that had just returned, faded again. "Your turn." Kurt said quickly, hoping it would do it's service as a distraction.

"Why do you flinch every time uh- my fingers touch your hands for example?" Blaine asked. Kurt immediately drew his gaze to the ground. He knew this question was going to come, but he dreaded it. "Self-preservation." Kurt said. "Why?" Blaine asked.

"I do believe you're only allowed one question at a time?" Kurt said. "It's my turn," hoping Blaine wouldn't follow up. "What was uh-Puck?" he asked, and Blaine nodded, "What was Puck's reaction after you punched him?" Blaine beamed at the question. "He crumbled to the ground and screamed in agony." He laughed. "Well he deserved it." Kurt said, and Blaine laughed.

"Your turn." Kurt said, silently praying Blaine wouldn't follow up on his previous question.

"Why do you always wear such loud outfits?" Blaine smirked. Kurt was so relieved Blaine didn't asked what he was expecting Blaine to ask. "Excuse me? 'loud outfits' what does that mean?" Kurt said, faking an offended expression. "Your clothes are so flashy for high school I think you dress better than half the girls in our school," Blaine chuckled. "I've been interested in fashion since I was little. I think my fashion sense evolved when I got my first ever Alexander McQueen boots when I was 14." Blaine stared at Kurt in confusion. "Alex--who?" Kurt giggled at Blaine's adorable confused look. "Alexander McQueen. He's a world renowned fashion designer. Like you would know." another giggle left Kurt's lips. Blaine's mouth turned into an 'O' shape, "What does that mean?" pretending to antagonize. "Just ask that letterman jacket you wear to school everyday." this time Kurt laughed louder.

"Okay my turn." Kurt said. "Have you ever tried to tell your parents how upset you are at their constant absence?" Kurt asked timidly as Blaine's light slowly faded away again. "No. I don't want to be that kind of child, you know? They give me so much. Provide me with the best of the best. I don't want to be a brat and demand they spend more time with me. Especially since I know they both carry heavy workloads. I guess I understand that they can't spend more time with me, but it still sucks." Blaine admitted. "That doesn't make you a brat, Blaine." Kurt tried to assure. "That only means you love your parents, and you miss them." Blaine simply shrug at Kurt, but inside he was actually processing what Kurt had said.

"Your turn," Kurt said.

"How is it like to have a dad that--urm--accepts you for--ah--who you are?" Blaine asked, stumbling at his sentence. "How's it like to have a father who accepts me being gay?" Kurt affirming. "It's the best thing in the world." Kurt stated. Blaine smiled, suppressing his slight jealousy. "Your turn," Blaine said.

Kurt took a deep breath, inhaling the night's atmosphere & shut his eyes to force the confidence out to ask the next question, "Blaine, how did you feel when you found out Quinn was cheating on you?" He saw Blaine's jaw clenched, his face grew tense at the question and his shoulders got rigid. Blaine dropped his gaze to the ground, staring at the little coarse substance of concrete. He waited for Blaine but it seemed he wasn't going to respond. He waited a while longer, hoping Blaine would say something, or look at him at least. 


His head down, staring at the gravel. "Nothing," Blaine mumbled. Kurt decided to leave it there, wondering whether he should follow up on it on the next question. "Your turn," Kurt said as Blaine relaxed an inch and looked Kurt right into his baby blue eyes. "Okay." Blaine said. "What triggered your self-preservation?" he asked. Kurt's brain was on overdrive. He couldn't. He wouldn't tell him the truth. Not now. He searched his brain for a possible, hopefully believable lie that wouldn't want to make Blaine pry. "My mother's death," though it was partially true, he kept the other half out. And then Blaine put his hand over Kurt's, "I'm sorry," Blaine said. Kurt just smiled & shrugged. "It's okay," he said trying to sound reassuring.

Kurt couldn't handle it any more. He needed to know. He needed to know because he was starting to feel something for the boy who was sitting in front of him. He has never felt this way about anyone before. He was starting to have feelings for Blaine. Feelings that compared to no other.

"Your turn," Blaine nudged.

Kurt tried to gather the proper words so the question would come off less accusatory but he couldn't. He needed to know so desperately it was starting to eat away his insides. Finally, he inhaled another sharp breath and blurted it out.

"Are you gay?"

Once again, Blaine's head dropped as he pretended to marvel at the gravel. His shoulders were more rigid now and his entire face was tenser than it was before. But then his head shot up, his hazel eyes blazing with passion and excitement. His pupils bafflingly darker. He gaped at Kurt.

"Yes," he stated. "But there's more.."

Kurt gulped when he realized Blaine was leaning into him, his eyes never leaving Kurt's. Those warm, hazel eyes gazing at him with praise, sending shivers down his spine. Their faces were inches apart now, & Kurt could feel Blaine's hot breath on the tip of his lips. He inhaled the masculine scent, getting aroused just by that itself. Their foreheads were in contact, skin-on-skin now. 

Then with one last gasp, Blaine pressed his lips onto Kurt's.     


End Notes: I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.Yes, story wise I felt that i was too fast considering they've only known each other for like a few weeks, but what made the kiss happen this fast was the things I wrote in Italics. In chapter 9, Blaine wished how he had someone to talk to, someone to listen to his cries, and someone who gave a damn about him.Well, he felt that Kurt met all those enquiries so it basically triggered the kiss, Okay?CHAPTER 11 WILL BE OUT ASAP ENJOY.LEAVE REVIEWS.


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Aww Kurt's so sweet. Normal people wouldn't have done that for Blaine when they barely knew him =P But still an awesome chapter.

I think this has been my favorite chapter so far. It was nice to see the boys getting to know each other and it was sweet how Kurt comforted Blaine when he was upset.

yes, I like :)