Her breath is the crystalline ice on the trees;The water is almost as cold as her heart.A crossover poem between Hamlet and Glee, featuring MTF!Blaine.
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Fairly Magical
Kurt is a sixth year Ravenclaw student and he's been madly in love with one Blaine Anderson, Captain of the quidditch team of Gryffindor and prefect. Suddenly, Blaine starts to show interest in Kurt. But the events on Hogwarts that year make it harder for them.
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Come What May
Blaine is a poor, penniless playwright who runs into a band of eclectic artists. They drag him into their world of Spectacular, Spectacular where he is introduced to a strip club called Suspenders and a dancer named Porcelain.So yes, it is based on Moulin Rouge.
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Dreaming Through the Looking Glass
When Kurt falls through the Looking Glass he is lost without his friends and family. How will he manage to survive in Wonderland, and who will he meet along the way? (Includes a few of CP Coulters characters) AU.
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The Dalton School for Gifted Youngsters
Kurt transfers to a new school specifically for "gifted" kids like himself. But what happens when he meets Blaine? AU Everyone has mutant superpowers. Yay! Rated M for future chapters (mostly language though). First fic so please review!

Love Isn't Fantasy
A 500 Days of Summer crossover, in which Summer Finn is Blaine Anderson's step-sister, and their conversations are enlightening to both of them. Covers canon Glee from a little before Valentine's Day to New York, and the basic timeline of the movie, though vague in most of both storylines.
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Let The Games Begin
It's Quidditch season at Hogwarts, and tensions are rising between the Slytherin and Hufflepuff teams. A Klaine/Harry Potter crossover with smut, fluff, and broomsticks.