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Die hard Klainer. HUGE sap. I give free buckets for the various creys you may need.
Blackbirds Complete Teenage Dreams
It's Kurt and Blaine's one year anniversary! So what does Blaine have in store for Kurt today?
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Login/Sign Up Learn MoreI Need To Find Blaine
What happened when Kurt DID find Blaine? What happened the next day with Kurt in the turtleneck and him hissing at the pain as he sat down? Did they do it?
Blaine Has Never Been Kissed
In which Blaine is the only gay kid at McKinley being bullied by Karofsky. What happens when he has a run in with Kurt Hummel, who happens to be the lead singer of his competition for glee at Dalton?
Of Princesses and Mommies
Did Kurt actually meet his Prince Charming on the playground in Lima?
Why Did You Have To Do This
It's Kurt and Blaine's wedding day and everyone is invited. Their friends and family are all there, but what happens when the enemy shows up?
I Have Died Everyday Waiting For You
Blaine is sent to Afghanistan for 8 months. This sends Kurt and his Daughter into slight depression.