Wow, where to start! I'll just go with 'I talk a lot'. Well, I guess that's not entirely true. If it's a topic I enjoy, know a lot about, or can easily figure out, I'll just go off on it. But a majority of the time, I guess I can be pretty quiet. Or, quieter than I was as a young child. I love writing, and reading amazing works of novelty. I'm not much of a reader, so the material really has to be up to par for me to get into it. But writing is my area of expertise. I'm on another website, under the same penname, for the same kind of material as thsi site the link is in my profile (somewhere, I'm not sure where it would be :P) I love all things Klaine. Thay're beautiful, and perfect, and amazing and I simply can't get enough! I stopped watching Glee when they broke up, I really have no idea what's happened since! I also enjoy Twilight sometimes, but I'm not a twihard. I participate in Roleplays, and they can sometimes get in the way of my writing. I will probably be posting mostly Klaine stories here, but there might be a few one-shots of other couples in between, as well. I should probably cut this short since I can keep going forever, but don't want to bore anyone with minor, unneeded details about how I like my coffee... That's all, folks! -Ohana
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Together in darkness
Kurt; a lonely 12 year old noy, looking for a friend that could understand him for who he was, and not what he looked like, or the way he dressed. Blaine; a fearful, beaten down abuse victim strugglng to stay strong in a home where his father has no respect, or trust in him at all. This is an AU story inspired by 'Blown Away' by Carrie Underwood in which Kurt and Blaine are 11 and 12 year old kids, both looking for something the other party can offer. All they have to do is realize it.
E -
Closed -
Chapters: 2/? -
Words: 629 -
Updated: Jul 16, 2013
Categories: Angst, AU, Drama, Romance, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Cooper Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship, kidfic, hurt/comfort,