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  • Joined: Nov 10, 2011
    Submissions: 49
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Hey there! I'm just a fangirl taking a shot at writing who is obsessed with Glee particlularly Klaine), the Hunger Games, and much more. Please feel free to contact me at any time! I'm more than happy to fangirl with you or answer any questions or take any recommendations or ideas! Hugs! 'We you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be true.' -Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

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Matters of the Heart

Welcome to a time where the lover wears the colors of his lady, where the knight holds his sigil high, and where a sorceress cloaked in darkness sits brooding on a broken throne. It is a time to kiss masks in the dark and fight dragons in the dawn. And in this time, Prince Kurt of Eleweth and Prince Blaine of Arenor are drawn together by a curse and a famous illusion called love.Based loosely on Disney's Sleeping Beauty.

M - Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Words: 18,827 - Updated: Aug 31, 2013
605 0 1 0 3
Categories: AU, Romance, Suspense,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,

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Every Kind of Silence

Another push. Another shove. Another crash. Blaine picks himself up off the floor, wincing as a new bruise blossoms on his skin. McKinley has changed, becoming a hell on earth, one that Kurt doesn't even know exists. And soon, everyone will be caught in the crossfire.

M - Complete - Chapters: 13/13 - Words: 28,993 - Updated: Jan 11, 2013
8,172 0 1 0 15
Categories: Angst, Drama, Romance, Suspense, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,

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From Where You Are

In the early years following the war in Panem, the Hunger Games were more brutal than ever. Kurt and Blaine are struggling to live in a ravaged District 1, but when one is reaped for the Games, can their love, and life, survive? (graphic courtesy of the amazing klaine19)

M - Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Words: 43,421 - Updated: Apr 13, 2022
28,701 0 1 4 68
Categories: Angst, AU, Crossover, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: established relationship, hurt/comfort,


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