- Joined: Nov 21, 2011 Submissions: 0 Library: 0
I ship Klaine and I ship it hard. I have never felt this way about another pairing before, not even Spike 'n Buffy Spuffy!) -- and believe me, that's saying something. I write little that I actually publish, but I will recommend the heck out of a good fic, review until my fingers just about fall off, and I absolutely love beta-reading being a part of what can make a story 'great' is an awesome feeling -- also, I get spoilers, and I LOVE spoilers).I love music, dancing, picnics, and weirding out strangers. Hot Yoga is disgusting and I love it. I'm kind of a push-over unless you hurt one of my friends or a member of my family. Warning: I will go Mama-Bear on your ass.Other than that, I'm like every other person. I was born, now I'm here. I eat food and I drink liquids. Inhale, exhale. Lights, camera, action.'We watch the days fly, while all the years try telling us something:'Don't waste a whole life on just a half-try -- it's all or nothing.''