My name is Sav. I go to a vocational high school in Middleton, Mass and hope to get into the art program my sophomore year. I love writing and drawing Klaine/other things. I am a double amputee and have been all my life. I kind of just love Klaine to the point of no return and anything that comes between me and my klaine dies instantly. Klaine is beautiful. Nuff said.
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Inked Luna
Blaine Anderson, the badboy-tattoo-artist, wanted nothing more than to have someone to share his huge, not to mention lonely, New York apartment with. Little did he know that a chef at a five-star hotel called Iriswould make his way into Blaine's life. Kurt Hummeljust sohappens to want a tattoo. One of a the moon under the piercing on his ankle.

You Just Saved My Life
Kurt and Blaine have been cooped up in their New York apartment for Days since there college Christmas Break began, and they're desparate for some fresh air... and Starbucks. Little do they know that they are about to be at the wrong place at the WRONG time. Their travel home for some time togther turns fatal when a speeding car gets a little out of control. Told from Blaine's POV: this is how he felt when Kurt took the hit for him, literally. WARNING: Car crash, injured Kurt, grateful Blaine