- Joined: Mar 10, 2012 Submissions: 0 Library: 0
Err... not sure what they expect me to type in this little 'bio' box. I guess I could inform anyone who reads this that I have a bizzare mix of interests. I am a horse girl, my life revolves around horseshorseshorses, all the time. No, really. Right now, my car looks like a mobile tack room. It's fantastic. Actually, my penname is the name of a horse I leased for 2 years. I am no longer associated with him or his owner, but I still really like the sound of the name. I also go to art school in the city. I am an art student as in the carry-around-a-portfolio-full-of-charcoal-drawings-and-paintings-and wear-a-peacoat-and-drink-tea-and-chat-casually-about-Mark-Rothko kind of art student. I really love drawing and painting horses. I am the most hardcore Harry Potter fan alive. Well, I'm not the kind of fan who spends hundreds of dollars on the whole Noble Collection line of merchandise, and I don't dress up like the characters or do weird online roleplay, but I know the series back to front, all the way through. Ask me anything about Harry Potter, no matter how obscure or minute a detail, and I can probably tell you. Coming with the Harry Potter territory is of course, Starkid. If you don't know what Starkid is, you shouldn't be on a Kurt/Blaine appreciation site, because HONESTLY.) I can proudly say that I liked our dear friend Darren back when all he was was a silly college boy with crazy curly hair who posted low-film-quality covers of Disney songs on YouTube. Even before AVPM though I fell in love with him when I saw the musical). This little Darren rant lines us up nicely with my Glee obsession though it's honestly more of a Darren obsession). I have a lot of gay friends and adore them and I just love gay romance. Cutest thing ever. So now that I've weirded you out with my maybe-too-personal bio, happy reading!