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- Joined: Feb 01, 2013 Submissions: 6 Library: 6
I came to Klaine as a refugee from Buffy and it occasionally shows. I haven't written anything in a while, but I'm pretty sure I'm not dead yet. Contrary to Christopher's opinion, while I'm a long time Kurt fan, I haven't been a teenager for a long, long time, and I'm as gay as the day is long.
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Login/Sign Up Learn MoreWhen Harry Met Kurt
In which Kurt met Harry during his internship with Vivienne Westwood (sort of). Things happen, which Kurt isn't entirely clear on just yet. But getting married suddenly seemed to be the right thing to do. That's what happens when you befriend a boy wizard at the age of five and make impulsive promises over a play tea set in your grandmother's garden in Surrey. And Blaine? Best man wasn't exactly the role he envisioned himself in, but someone's got to be sure Kurt makes it through all this in one piece. Kurt/Harry, Blaine/Draco, Kurt+Blaine friendship, Harry+Draco friendship, and Klaine and Drarry endgames. Warnings: Humor, crossovers, wizards, weddings, exes, a year, a vow, sparks, and shameless gaying up of the Harry Potter universe.