I'm a fan fiction addict, who mostly just reads, but I recently figured out I might like to write them too. I'm 24 years old university student and I just love Klaine.
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Whenever real life became too much, Kurt escaped into the world of books. Even in college, the university library is his hiding place and safe haven - until the cute photography major Blaine comes and takes a photo of him. They start a journey of photography, bucket lists and the hope for better. And of course love.
M -
Complete -
Chapters: 25/25 -
Words: 128,081 -
Updated: Apr 13, 2022
Categories: AU, Drama, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Kurt Hummel, Rachel Berry,
Tags: futurefic, hurt/comfort,
Old Souls
So many people find their soulmates young. But the world is so big that you might not chance to meet the one person destined for you. What if you never found him? What if your days were nearing their end?
T -
Words: 2,072 -
Updated: Jul 01, 2012
Categories: AU, Romance, Tragedy,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: character death,
adding you to my favs!!