As Things Collide
Kurt Hummel is a fresh-faced young chef on his way to his first job, which happens to be in one of the most famous restaurants in New York, Coraggio, run by the equally famous Chef Blaine Anderson.
Olly & Owen
After being together for thirteen years, married for five, Kurt and Blaine Hummel-Anderson decide to adopt. But instead of one child, they end up with two. Twins Oliver (Olly) and Owen turn their life upside down in the best way possible.
Tonight & Forever: Interlude - Maisie
short interlude from Tonight & Forever in which Kurt & Blaine adopt their daughter, Maisie Elizabeth.
Traveling Soldier
"I cried, never gonna hold the hand of another guy. Too young for him they told me, waiting on the love of a traveling soldier. Our love will never end, waiting for the soldier to come back again. Never more to be alone when the letter says, a soldier's coming home."[1960s!Klaine, Soldier!Blaine.Title, summary, and inspiration from "Traveling Soldier" by The Dixie Chicks]
Tonight & Forever
AU in which broken, cynical Kurt meets optimistic, romantic Blaine at a coffee shop. Can Blaine win Kurt over? Can Kurt believe in love again?
Two Voices
Two Voices will simply be a collection of drabbly songfics of different times in Kurt & Blaine's relationship where they used a song to express the emotion in their hearts. It is pretty much all my own head canon and it will be fluffy.