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  • Joined: Aug 02, 2013
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I'm just a city girl, living in a lonely world. To counter that, I write and create. There is nothing better (at least to me) then falling in love with a fictional character. From what I've seen, all the best people are ficitional. I have created my own characters inside of a universe that a friend created. The amount of amazingness I feel when writing about one of them is unmatched anywhere.I'm a huge Klaine supporter. So much so that they have become my new OTP, pushing Spuffy out of that spot, which they had held on to for YEARS. Klaine became my rock, my foundation, when I was going through a really tough time in my life (hell, who am I kidding? The entire show became the only way I could deal with shit). They'll always be endgame to me.Responsibility is not my cup of tea...but I work at a job that I don't really like and I plan on getting another that I probably won't like either. Gotta pay bills right? The dream is to get paid to create something. Writing, acting, just anything that allows for a creative process.

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