Just a teen girl looking to practice her writing and interact with other cool people about stories and get feedback and what not... I ship klaine and I love fanfiction but I've never written any before so here goes nothing... My email is: peachcoloredshoepolish@gmail.com Feel free to shoot me an email to talk about fics or klaine or Starkid or anything cool :P
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Only Okay
All Kurt wants is for his dad to be proud of him. But it's agonizing to always come in second to the son who is clearly Burt's favorite: Finn Hudson.I wanted to join my high school glee club. I wanted to join it more than anything. But the New Directions were all about discovering yourself and sharing it with others and I just couldn't (can't) afford to be myself. It would ruin everything.Kurt (who is still in the closet) and Finn move in with Rachel and her out-and-proud roommate Blaine, who is a dance teacher. When Rachel and Finn get engaged, Kurt asks Blaine for some waltzing lessons. But what he gets in return is so much more...However, what will happen if word gets back to Burt? Kurt doesn't want to find out...homophobic!Burt(Rating may change at some point.)