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Joined: Jun 11, 2013
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my page and thank you for being here! This is where I try my hand in the world of fiction.Constructive criticisms would be great. Plaease fave, review and share my story / stories!Happy Klaining!

The Realization of Wanting You
We were getting married in a few weeks. "The day I told you I wanted you to be my boyfriend..." I said. "How could I forget that speech you said to me at Dalton!" Kurt quipped "But did I ever tell youhow I came to sayingthose wordsto you that day?" I asked. Kurt shook his head. "Well..." I started.
K -
Words: 1,356 -
Updated: Mar 10, 2014
Categories: AU, Romance, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tags: established relationship, futurefic,
Categories: AU, Romance, Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Tags: established relationship, futurefic,