- Joined: Aug 22, 2012 Submissions: 0 Library: 0
My shirt is SpongBob. My Converse have the Joker on the sides and the laces say HAHAHAHAHA on and on and on. I wear glasses and I've got braces. Screw me up and I'll screw you over twice as bad. I'm a book-lover. A reader. A writer. A crazy person and a lazyhead. A music-lover too. I'm a girl who's in love with her reflection. I'm me. Extra: Potterhead, Whovian, Torchwooder, Gilmore-Girlsian, Gleek, Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, Sherlockian and a full time weirdo.Motto: You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're all the same. Follow it like it's gospel.