Just another Klainer Klaining :D
Camping Adventures
Kurt and Finn visit Sam's lake house for a few days, and Kurt meets Sam's cousin Blaine, a boy full of smiles but with eyes hiding a difficult past. Can Kurt open up to this stranger? Can they fight their demons together?
It's the Little Things
Kurt and Blaine both dreamed of the little, perfect moments they wanted to share with their boyfriends someday. They could have never imagined that each boy would help the other's dreams come true.
A Valentine's Day Surprise
Kurt is driving to Blaine's house on Valentine's Day, and has to navigate a tricky turn into his driveway. When he ends up in a car accident, the offending driver is the last person he expects.
Tomorrow Was Going to Be Okay
To help ease their nerves about competing against the Warblers and evil Sebastian, Blaine is allowed to stay at the Hudmels the night before Regionals. Some lovely Klaine fluff about 3X15!
Granite Countertops
As Kurt prepares to sell the house he and Blaine have lived in all their lives, something is holding him back and preventing him from letting go. If only his husband could remember who he is and help him through this difficult choice.