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- Joined: Mar 25, 2012 Submissions: 21 Library: 21
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Kiss with a Fist
Smutfic.Blaine is always getting on Kurt's nerves, singing his solos, taunting him... well Kurt can't quite decide whether Anderson just wants attention or he truly is just an annoying little bastard... but if attention is what Blaine wants, attention he will get.(basically an excuse for me to write hate sex)

The Familiar Stranger
Blaine is straight. Kurt is gay.Kurt and Blaine are best friends, spend as much time as possible together, climb through each other's windows, act like wingmen, go out drinking, the works.But one day they fall into a lie which portrays Blaine as Kurt's boyfriend - a lie which gets horribly out of control as Blaine begins to develop feelings for Kurt. And eventually falls hopelessly in love.

Give Me Strength
Klaine AU, angel!Blaine. Kurt is in despair; his life is falling apart and there is nowhere to run... but when a mysterious angel called Blaine offers to help him, the two enter a realm of love, hope and trust that exceeds all human boundaries and smashes their worlds together.