- Joined: Nov 01, 2011 Submissions: 4 Library: 4
I'm Portuguese, but with a farily good grasp on English as my second language I actually prefer writing in English rather than Portuguese).I write some Klaine stuff every once in a while. Check it out.
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Blaine Anderson was not jealous. No, sir, he most certainly wasn't. especially because being jealous implied that he was also. And that wasn't the case. Was it? Blaine realizes he has feelings for Kurt litterally five minues too late. Happens after Sexy, in season 2 and takes off from there. So obviously, it disregards any canon from that point on.
M -
Closed -
Chapters: 3/? -
Words: 6,807 -
Updated: Nov 01, 2011
Categories: Angst, Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, David Martinez, Kurt Hummel, OC, Wes,