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  • Joined: Feb 23, 2015
    Submissions: 27
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I'm a huge fangirl. I love Klaine. I'm 18 years old and English isn't my first language, so if you read any of my stories, I'm sorry for any grammar mistakes that you might find. I really love writing and mostly I write on (71 stories so far) :)

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Struck By Love

This fanfic is a Klaine AU and it takes place in Chris' movie "Struck By Lightning". Basically, it's the movie with Blaine joining the Writers Club because he has a crush on Kurt/Carson and he's a transfer student in his senior year. And this is a really bad summary because when I started this fic I didn't know what exactly should it be about. But now I know and you should read it ;) I made a picture for this. It's ( here or ( here.

M - Complete - Chapters: 25/? - Words: 42,703 - Updated: Mar 13, 2015
5,365 0 1 0 0
Categories: AU, Crossover,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,


"Blackbird singing in the dead of night," Kurt was still sitting on the floor in the restroom in Scandals, singing the song that made Blaine fall in love with him. This song might as well end their relationship forever... "Kurt?" Blaine called... Or was he wrong? - Klaine one-shot, set during and after their scene in Scandals in 6x01 Loser Like Me, so there are spoilers for this episode, AU ending :)

T - Words: 2,236 - Updated: Feb 23, 2015
1,273 1 0 1
Categories: Romance, Songfics,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: hurt/comfort,
