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- Joined: Jun 07, 2012 Submissions: 1 Library: 1
Hi everyone ! My name is Annabel and I'm 20. I live in Normandy, France. I love Klaine, of course, and I wrote some OS, in french. I mostly write 'Missing moments', because I always think that something is missing, in the episodes... Not that I blame the show's writers or anytthing, because I know they have to include everyone... But if it was for me only, there will be only Klaine. ^^ Oh, and I'm a fan of Blaine/Santana friendships. I don't know why but I'd love to see this two getting closer on the show like they are in some of the stories... :) Hope to read you soon ! :D
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I won't let you go
Missing scenes for the 5x01 episode. Because we can't get enough of these two! ^^
E -
Words: 4,530 -
Updated: Jul 02, 2014
Categories: Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,