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  • Joined: Dec 18, 2011
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I guess you could say that I'm a dreamer. I knew from a very young age that I wanted to be... Out there. Out in the big, mysterious world. As a kid, the world seems so magical, so untouchable. It was something that you could look at from afar, never to be changed or destroyed. As a kid, my mind would run wild thinking how that tree looked like it was in mid-step and then continue to think about why it was mid-step, was it walking because it felt like it? Or was it on a mission, a mission to send a message to the Elder Trees of the higher court to warn them of an attack? And why was it mid-step? Is it because if seen by a human, it freezes? If so, I had better stop looking.So yes, I'm a dreamer. But do you think that that is a good enough biography? It better be because I'm not writing another one.

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