My name is Emma, I am 20 and I live in Sydney, Australia. I am in my second year at uni, I am very short, as in not even 5’ foot. I like being little…most of the time. I am in love with everything Darren Criss, Matt Bomer, Klaine, White Collar, Harry Potter and Friends. I have a weird obsession with John Green and spend way too much time watching utterly useless and incredibly entertaining VlogBrothers videos.
Kurt and Blaine both feel alone in the world. That is until they meet each other.
T -
Closed -
Chapters: 4/? -
Words: 9,982 -
Updated: Feb 24, 2013
Categories: AU, Cotton Candy Fluff, Humor, Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship, hurt/comfort,