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- Joined: Aug 04, 2011 Submissions: 12 Library: 12
I'm Joanna. 19. Born and raised in sunny California. SoCal to be exact. I am a total California girl, and no that doesn't mean that I run around with cupcakes on my boobs. I'm pretty much just trying to get through life. as most of you know I am. I am so pro-gay rights it's not even funny. I firmly believe that everyone should get a chance to marry who they love. Proud Gryffindor with a hint of Ravenclaw in there.I'm a huge Gleek. and you can obviously tell that Klaine is my OTP judging by the fics I write.I'm a humongous movie buff. I will randomly quote movies depending on the situation. I'm a funny gal. I prefer to make people laugh other than mad or cry. I used to be a band geek. but alas now I am not. boo.Oh, I cannot write an about me without pointing ot the fact that I am a huge Starkid. I adore those people so much.Harry Potter nerd too.okay, well that's me. but mind you that only scratches the surface.

If You're A Bird, I'm A Bird
New Directions have their first ever Pre-Nationals slumber party to celebrate their impending win, but all Blaine is focused on is sliding down the hall in a pair of rainbow socks.
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Take A Bite Out Of Me
based off of True Blood, in which Blaine is a vampire and Kurt is his mate, the summary sucks I know, but give it a read
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Happy Birthday, Mr Anderson
Blaine sighs deeply before opening the door to his room, planning on throwing his bag angrily at the bed, but the problem is that someone's already on his bed.'
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Undisclosed Desires
In an act of desperation Kurt Hummel finds himself in the exciting world of the New York gay strip club scene, problem is Kurt doesn't like being a part of it.
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Little Secrets
Blaine and his family move right next door to the Hummel-Hudsons. Blaine didn't want to move, but after seeing a beautiful boy in the room across from his dancing around, he starts to think that living here might not be so bad.