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  • Joined: Oct 05, 2011
    Submissions: 9
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Hello lovelies!Linor, 16, Nor Cal.KlaineFinchelI suck at spelling and grammar so i'm sorry if there is incorrect spelling or incorrect grammar. i apologizeif you would like you can follow me on tumblr:

But the Fish Still Swim

With Kurt in LA and Blaine in New York they try the long distance relationship but it doesn't work out. 5 years later Blaine is a celebrity, and Kurt has his own clothing line. What happens when Blaine comes to LA for a new project and the two reunite? Sorry really bad at summaries!

T - Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Words: 1,455 - Updated: May 11, 2012
1,383 0 0 0 2
Categories: AU,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, OC, Rachel Berry,
Tags: friendship, futurefic,

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I Dare You To...

With Kurt and Finn as the stepsiblings, both attending Dalton. And Kurt has to seduce Blaine, the preppy goody two shoes nephew of the headmaster who's transferring in this year!

E - Closed - Chapters: 5/? - Words: 3,853 - Updated: Oct 09, 2011
843 0 0 0 3
Categories: General,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel,
Tags: friendship,
