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- Joined: Mar 21, 2012 Submissions: 2 Library: 2
My Name is Lauren, I love in Ireland and I hope to be a succesful perfromer when I Finish school. For the Meantime I'll jst play gigs at my Aunts bar and Write Fanfics
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Kurt leaves McKinley to go to Dalton and leaves the bullying behind but that doesn't mean that his life isn't complicated, It can be quite head wrecking being in love with your best friend.
E -
Closed -
Chapters: 1/? -
Words: 928 -
Updated: Mar 21, 2012
Categories: Romance,
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson-Hummel, David Martinez, Finn Hudson, Jeff, Kurt Hummel, Mercedes Jones, Mr. Anderson (Blaine's Father), Nick, Rachel Berry, Santana Lopez, Wes,