I'm a married mother of 3 kids and live in Belgium. I love music, movies, my shows and writing. Once in a while I like to make some fanart if I have the right inspiration. I've been writing my own story about my favorite band and a group thing about vampires the past year, but haven't tried it yet about Klaine. (but I'm working on that right now ;D ) Anyway, I am absolutely in love with Blaine Anderson and I adore Kurt Hummel!

Play Nice ...
Blaine is Rachel's cousin visiting from San Francisco and 'overstaying' his welcome with Kurt. (I'm so bad at summaries LOL)

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Somewhere only we know ...
When Kurt Hummel is paired up with Blaine Anderson for an assignment from his English teacher, neither boy is really happy about it. Kurt isn't because Blaine is one of the less popular students, always with his nose in his books and worst of all, he's in their high schools glee club. Blaine on the other hand doesn't like it mainly because Kurt is one of the popular kids, in the cheerio's and always has an attitude towards students who he thinks are less than him not to mention his attitude towards the teachers. They've been in the same classes for about two years now, never really saying more then two words to each other. And being forced to work together, it seems they're finding out that there is more then meets the eyes with both boys ...